Chapter 594: RCS of Bloodthirsty Talon

The whole base...No, it should be said that it is a pirate den, surrounded by strong men disguised as zombies, they are fully armed, so there is no need to worry about who can approach here.
Lu Chuan entered the command room, where there were five big men standing upright, one by one Confucius.
It seems that these five big men are just stronger, but Lu Chuan knows that their identities are not simple, they are the tyrant T-002 in modern form.
The helpless place is actually here.
Tyrant T-002 is powerful and balanced, and should be Lu Chuan's most core main force.
But the image of the tyrant T-002 in modern times is a big man. This has something to do with their lives, after all, they are used to experiment, are sturdy big men.
The role of the pretender system is actually to restore the zombie's life.
"Boss." Five big guys shouted at the same time.
Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Keep it well."
Before the five tyrants T-002 could answer, Lu Chuan disappeared in front of them.
At the end of the world biochemical plant.
Lu Chuan appeared here, but he thought together: "Make ten bloodthirsty claws."
With the manufacturing power of the biochemical factory, ten bloodthirsty claws were just a matter of an instant. It was only in Lu Chuan that the manufacturing order was issued, and when the ten bloodthirsty claws were manufactured, it was only ten seconds.
With the upgrading of biochemical plants, the manufacturing speed will naturally also be upgraded and become faster.
In the warehouse.
Ten bloodthirsty claws came down from the product pallet. When they walked, they looked like ten clumsy penguins, as weird as they were.
Lu Chuan stood, ten of them stood side by side in front of Lu Chuan.
After checking it, they are born with instinct, only one.
It is not surprising to think about it, after all, they were humans before they were alive, and it is difficult for humans to have the flying instinct. This also leads to their instincts, which are more like other zombies.
This result was in Lu Chuan's expectation.
The previous zombie attack, coupled with the continuous hunting of bloodthirsty claws, and other level 5 zombies, Lu Chuan had accumulated a lot of level 5 fragments.
As an experimental product, Lu Chuan hopes that the bloodthirsty claws he brings to the modern world are directly the strongest.
The water ghost in the water, but in the air, Lu Chuan is still blank.
In the modern battlefield, air dominance is important, and even warships exist for this purpose. The dozens of US aircraft carrier fleets are proof.
In the air, it is unrealistic to expect the corpse dragon. Even the poisonous camel was only a fragment, and he did not even know where the second poisonous camel was. It was too far to unlock the corpse dragon.
Grasping the bloodthirsty claws is what Lu Chuan is going to do now.
Throw ten bloodthirsty claws to the strengthening workshop, and each one is strengthened ten times.
There is no need to carry instinctive grade five fragments. Lu Chuan uses blank fragments, which is nothing more than strengthening their power and flying speed.
Besides, a flying unit can never be proficient in skills such as driving instinct?
Strengthening is also very fast.
In a moment, the ten bloodthirsty claws were strengthened, and then they stood in front of Lu Chuan.
In his mind, Lu Chuan disappeared, together with these ten bloodthirsty claws.
This time bringing Bloodthirsty Talons to modern times, Lu Chuan wanted to see what the Bloodthirsty Talons look like in modern times.
In a blink of an eye, Lu Chuan appeared in the room.
The command room under construction is naturally not too small. It uses a steel frame structure, so there will be no problem with accommodating these bloodthirsty claws.
Lu Chuan's eyes were placed on the bloodthirsty claws who followed him.
I only saw ten people of different genders standing behind me. They were low and short. Looking at it coldly, they were all ten ordinary people and couldn't see much.
They look very normal, handsome and ugly, you would never think that they are bloodthirsty claws that are as brutal as demons.
"Bloodthirsty Claws should be the alienated zombies produced by ordinary men and women after infection for some reason."
The familiarity with zombies made Lu Chuan quickly find the answer.
In fact, no one knows the law of the mutation of zombies. The formation of all kinds of zombies seems to be related to human physique or pre-mortem will.
Lu Chuan didn't want to go into these issues, and now they don't make much sense.
Seeing the bloodthirsty claws, Lu Chuan finally felt relieved.
In fact, what Lu Chuan has always worried about is these bloodthirsty claws. If they are in modern times, they are in the form of monsters. It is really too difficult to hide them.
But now that they are in human form, there is no need to worry about this issue.
Like the initial tyrant, they will have a combat form.
Once in the combat form, it will return to the zombie form.
Like the swift, or the rage, they can't change the form of zombies, use them a lot, naturally they are not afraid. However, the initial tyrants are different. Once they have a fighting form, they are giant monsters over five meters high. If they are photographed, Lu Chuan will go crazy, and it will definitely cause an uproar in this world.
"follow me."
Lu Chuan did not unlock the ten of them, but instead issued an instruction to walk out of the house first.
The ten bloodthirsty claws walked out of the house with Lu Chuan, and then went down the steps, where this was originally flat, but now covered with stone.
"Start the radar."
Lu Chuan didn't need to say, but gave instructions with consciousness.
The zombies here can directly use this method to receive instructions with Lu Chuan.
The radar is what Lu Chuan said before.
In fact, the air defense missiles here already have their own radar, but the area scanned by this type of radar is too small. The air defense missiles that can fall into Lu Chuan's hands are actually weapons from the 1980s and 1990s, and the technical strength can be imagined.
But the radar now available is different. It was obtained by Yiran through special means. It was put into use in 2007. It is definitely the latest radar, and the surveillance area is enough to cover hundreds of kilometers in this area.
Following Lu Chuan's instructions, the zombie in charge of the radar immediately pressed the start button.
The radar that had not been turned on before was put into work immediately after being powered on. Inside a small radar station that has been established, the screen shows that the radar is in the scanning state.
Lu Chuan looked at the ten bloodthirsty claws and said, "Enter the combat form."
At Lu Chuan's instructions, the ten bloodthirsty claws were executed without hesitation.
Only seeing them as if being refracted by light, the pretender system was released instantly, revealing their true colors. From ordinary men and women, they transformed into beings like demons.
"Fly around in the sky." Lu Chuan continued to give instructions.
The ten bloodthirsty claws obeyed, flapping their fleshy wings and soaring into the air. After a while, they flew into the air several hundred meters high. After ten times of strengthening, their speed has doubled, and they are almost the same as the corpse dragon.
The speed of the corpse dragon is about 800 kilometers per hour, which is no longer comparable to that of ordinary birds.
Lu Chuan was holding his arm, but his consciousness was already asking.
"Boss, RCS is 0.001 square meters (-30DB)." The zombie in charge of the radar gave the answer immediately and quickly.
Lu Chuan opened his mouth, still shocked.
People who don't know radar may not know what this RCS is, but it is actually the radar reflection area. The approximate RCS of a bird is 0.01 square meters, a level of -20DB.
But now the RCS of Bloodthirsty Talon is only 0.001 square meters, -30DB, which is the RCS level of insects.
Lu Chuan would be shocked by the bloodthirsty claws. Its wingspan exceeded six meters and its height was about two meters. In this size, it is almost the same as a mini airplane.
But with such a large volume, RCS is only as big as a bug, how is this possible?
Whether Lu Chuan believes it or not, it is indeed this set of data.
"So awesome?"
The only explanation is that the bloodthirsty claws have the ability to absorb radar detection waves, just like a stealth fighter. After absorbing the radar detection waves, the RCS will be suppressed to be similar to a bird, and naturally it can avoid the radar.
The radar is equipped with a certain RCS value. If it cannot be reached, it will be automatically missed by the radar. Unless it is manually processed, the radar will not issue an alarm, or even display it.
Looking up at the ten bloodthirsty claws, they hovered in the sky, very eye-catching, but the radar defined them as a bug.
Let me ask, for a bug, it is impossible for the radar to send out any information. Even workers will not pay attention to this information, because in the setting, it basically does not exist.
If there is any fighter that can achieve RCS with only one bug, it is no different from complete stealth in the true sense, because the radars in this world today are not defended against it.
Lu Chuan went to Somalia for a test on Bloodthirsty Talons.
Lu Chuan had the idea of ​​bringing bloodthirsty claws to modern times before, but he has never had time to deal with Unlike water ghosts, water ghosts are in the water, even with sonar chains, but they are in sonar. In his eyes, it was just a small fish, as if a bug had passed by a radar. Moreover, the water ghost is invisible to the world in the water, so there is no need to expose it to the world.
But bloodthirsty claws are different, flying in the sky, even at low altitude, they will be spotted by today's radar. Moreover, when passing over land, there will always be people who will see it, and will eventually be exposed.
For this test, Lu Chuan first let Yi Ran get through its channels and bought this set of radar at a high price, and then rushed to Somalia all the way.
In modern times, there is no absolute loyalty between people, which Lu Chuan firmly believes.
I can always remain low-key, stirring up the wind and rain in this world, in fact, relying on the 100% loyalty of the zombies, and the ability to let them die at any time.
Every zombie is connected to itself, and any one of them died or any situation will be fed back to itself.
Once caught, Lu Chuan can let them die silently, just an instruction.
Use zombies to create a modern system of your own.
As for infection and the like, when they traveled through time and space, they had no virus, but they still retained the characteristics of zombies. Lu Chuan has a deep understanding of the awesomeness of the biochemical plant.
It is not an exaggeration to say that there is no need to worry about what will happen to the biochemical plant, because it has the ability to subvert two time and space at any time. If it wants to, who can stop it?
If not, it is better to make good use of the biochemical plant for your own use.
The bloodthirsty claw test was the first step for Lu Chuan to further strengthen his strength.
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