Chapter 599: Chemical town

? Zhongzhou City is three hundred kilometers northwest.
In the wilderness, a ten-member reconnaissance team is moving forward. They are not all together, but slightly scattered, showing a distance that can be taken care of by each other.
"This is the last small town. After the scouting, we will go home."
As the team leader, Ma Fei exhorted on the team communicator.
After walking three hundred kilometers from Zhongzhou City to here, everything is his cautiousness, treating every second with the most vigilant attitude. It was this kind of attitude that made his team of ten, no one suffered casualties.
"Understood, Captain."
The players below all responded quietly.
The use of squad communicators makes them more flexible and can cooperate better with each other.
Seeing everyone fulfilling his orders perfectly, Ma Fei nodded to himself and walked slowly.
This place was originally a field, but the end of the world made it deserted, and finally formed the grass with still high heads. When winter arrives, there are withered grasses everywhere, but some of them are green.
At this time, buildings in the small town far away can be seen, and zombies can be found occasionally.
There are no zombies in the wild grass, a rare fortune.
Ten people walked cautiously here, and after crossing a not-so-small drainage ditch, one by one came close to the wall of a building and stopped.
Ma Fei frowned because of the strong smell from his nose.
This stinky smell came from the drain, and some dark stinky water was flowing slowly. In this ditch, there is no grass at all, and it is bare.
"Captain, this used to be a dense chemical plant."
The explanation of a team member let Ma Fei know why this stinky water ditch is so stinky. This pungent chemical sewage is definitely not a good thing. It should be discharged from the chemical plant.
But now it's been seven years in the last days, and the chemical plant has long been empty, so how can sewage be discharged?
"Lin Guangliang, Wang Peng, you two go upstairs to guard." Ma Fei said.
Lin Guangliang and Wang Peng, who were named, did not hesitate. They took out the hook rope from their bodies, and with their arms, the hooks weighing several kilograms were thrown to the top of the fifth floor and hooked to the bricks. On the fence.
Everyone is an alienated new human, and this little arm strength and accuracy are nothing at all.
Soon, Lin Guangliang and the two people boarded the five-story residential building.
"OK, Captain, no problem."
After getting a reply, Ma Fei and the others also pulled the rope and rubbed against the wall, and quickly reached the upper floor.
The others disarmed, and Ma Fei took out the telescope and began to observe.
This town is not simple. It is a major chemical town. It is said to be a town, but its population is not much worse than that of a county. From the telescope, I passed this residential area and saw towering chimneys, with dozens of them standing there.
On the street, the zombies were wandering around. When they were not stimulated, they were naturally no different, they were completely scurrying around.
After observing for a while, Ma Fei shouted in the communication channel.
Zhou Zhiqiang, who was in charge of the drone, immediately took the drone he was carrying, let it lift off under control, and then flew towards the distance.
The high-altitude camera started to work and recorded everything here.
And these screens will be sent back to the settlement for the first time as data for storage.
After the drone flew around for a while, it was basically recorded here. But the most important thing that has not been done yet is to collect real data.
"Everyone is ready."
Ma Fei issued an order, and then he took out the artificial leaves on his back, and after shaking it, it turned into a coat. After putting it on, it looked like a tree from a distance.
Using artificial leaves to camouflage yourself has become one of the methods of scouts.
Everyone in the team pretended to be themselves, and soon turned into ten piles of green leaves. With this method, you can successfully avoid the search of flying zombies, which is very useful.
"Zhou Zhiqiang, let's start." Ma Fei nodded.
When Zhou Zhiqiang moved his hand, he saw the drone continuously lifted into the sky, about six to seventy meters high, and then a firework fell off under the belly of the plane. The moment it detached, the fuse was ignited.
At an altitude of six or seventy meters, let it fall to the roof of a house.
Only three seconds later, the firework finally set off. It scurryed around on the roof of this building. With every shot it fired, it would change a corner because of the force.
The continuous jets and explosions made the entire town boil.
It was a quiet place originally, but the sudden explosion of fireworks broke everything. Under this sound, the zombies who were strolling quietly became crazy.
Alienated zombies appeared one by one, and a large number of zombies emerged from the building.
In the sky, a large number of bloodthirsty claws appeared, and then they gathered in the sky, forming a large black mass.
The drone was flying in this city, passing by constantly, photographing the zombies on the street. And these data were sent back to Shanshi County in the first place, and then presented to Yi Zhanfei and Lu Chuan through the server of the command center.
Bloodthirsty Talon spotted the drone, and they were chasing it.
Ma Fei took advantage of this moment and shouted in a low voice: "Withdraw, we withdraw."
In just a short time, it was almost recorded. These data will be analyzed, and a dedicated person will be sorted out, and finally a file will be formed, which is about the number of zombies here, as well as the calculation data of various zombies.
Regardless of the drone, its final function is to attract the bloodthirsty claws these flying zombies.
Ten people slid down from the rope just now, and then entered the wilderness one by one. They used artificial leaves to hide them almost perfectly into the grass.
"Stop here."
At first, Lu Chuan was still a little slow and careless, but when his eyes flashed across the screen on the virtual screen, his eyes suddenly gleamed, and he immediately stopped Yi Zhanfei.
Yi Zhanfei stopped immediately. The frozen picture was of a chemical factory in the factory area, with a large number of zombies hitting the closed factory gate.
It should be that this factory was closed for work before, but when the end of the world came, they were infected and all became zombies, but they were trapped here.
Lu Chuan asked Yi Zhanfei to enlarge the picture. The abnormality of the ultra-high-definition camera is that it can make the picture very clear, allowing you to zoom in continuously without blurring the picture.
Like now, you can clearly see that the ground in the factory is full of black chemical sewage. The zombies are soaked in the sewage, and they are constantly trampling on the move, making this sewage turn black and green.
Lu Chuan's eyes did not focus on these details, but on the two familiar figures.
"It's the poisonous camel, it's them."
In his heart, Lu Chuan couldn't describe his feelings at the moment. He was so excited.
After searching for a long time, there was no news. But now, just through the reconnaissance team and them, they found two at once, why not make Lu Chuan ecstatic?
Lu Chuan stared brightly, in Lu Chuan's eyes, these were all unlocked fragments.
Without hesitation, Lu Chuan opened the smart wearable watch on his wrist. Under the operation, he quickly copied all the captured images to his watch.
"Send me a copy of the information about this small town."
Lu Chuan gave an order, before Yi Zhanfei answered, he left the headquarters in strides.
Coming here today is totally unintentional.
Lu Chuan couldn't bear the discovery of the poisoned camel. Lu Chuan knew how powerful the poisoned camel was. Once he unlocked it, it would not be a problem to double his strength.
I couldn't find it before, but I found it now. Of course, it was killed as soon as possible and turned into fragments.
Seeing that the boss seemed to have discovered something, Yi Zhanfei hurriedly left, froze for a moment, and didn't think much about it, just operating it and quickly found the information about the town and sent it to Lu Chuan.
After receiving the information, Lu Chuan looked at it for the first time.
This small town can be said to be a major chemical town.
In the early years, several chemical plant projects were launched in the town for big development. Needless to say, the huge economic benefits brought by the town have repeatedly expanded.
It may be that excessive local policies have brought about chemical plants, large and small. It seems that they have found a paradise, swarming here. In the more than 20 years of reform and opening up, there have been hundreds of chemical plants here.
As a result, the result is that there is almost no grass around the town, even if you are tens of kilometers away from the town, you can smell a touch of chemical industry.
The economic-led development will naturally result in heavy pollution in the town.
After paying a huge price, the chemical factories in the town began to close down one after another. However, there are a few large factories, not to say that they can be moved. When the end of the world comes, there are still seven or eight in the town that have not moved.
As a major chemical town, the population here does not even drop to 250,000.
In order to remedy the situation, the local government has indeed worked very hard, but this kind of land that has been polluted for two to thirty years does not mean that it can be remedied. Naturally, the effect received is very poor.
The end of the world is coming, but it has a purification effect.
The heavily polluted land got a chance to breathe. In the last seven years, it finally turned into a barren land. Using this tragic method, the whole town finally recovered to its former appearance five or six minutes ago.
Looking at the information combined with the previous pictures, Lu Chuan smiled bitterly.
It can be seen that it is still difficult for the town to recover.
It's the end of the world, but the raw materials stored in a large number of chemical factories, either finished products or semi-finished products, have leaked, and the pollution caused by them cannot be solved casually.
Green chemical raw materials are everywhere in this chemical plant. In fact, the town is still heavily polluted.
What Lu Chuan cares about is not these, but the poisonous camels he sees on the streets in the picture.
"It seems pretty good. The alienation evolution of zombies is not irregular, but I didn't find it. The poisonous camel brought a word of poison, which must be related to poison. Like the chemical factory here, it provides good It's normal for the soil that spawned them to become poisonous camels."
Lu Chuan rode on his own parked electric motorcycle and left the settlement of Shanshi County directly with this speculation.
The discovery of the poisonous camel meant that there was work to be done next.
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