Chapter 602: Long-range projectile

? The sky outside Nakasu City.
A huge group of bloodthirsty claws flew by, the center of which was a corpse dragon.
After dozens of bloodthirsty claws were soaked in venom, they failed to reach Nakasu City after flying, and when there were dozens of kilometers away, they were corroded and pierced their fleshy wings and lost their ability to fly.
The large fleshy wings were almost corroded, and naturally they could not fly.
There was no way, Lu Chuan could only let the other intact bloodthirsty claws grab these bloodthirsty claws that had lost the ability to fly and bring them back to Zhongzhou City.
Now Lu Chuan finally realized how powerful the Poison Camel was, and it was the corrosive ability carried by its venom.
As long as it is stained, it will stick to you until it corrodes you.
Even if you want to get rid of it, it is unlikely.
The only way is to see where it touches. For example, if it is a hand, cut off the hand and naturally don't worry about it anymore. But if it's on the body... you can only peel off the skin at the initial stage.
With this particularity, the terror level of the Poisoned Camel had to be raised by one level.
"In less than twenty minutes, the corrosion rate is very fast."
Lu Chuan looked at the time, but smiled. These corroding bloodthirsty claws don't need too much money to repair. The reason why I laugh is because I have mastered this product and can start manufacturing.
The stronger the poisoned camel is, the more help he will be.
Finally returned to the biochemical factory, the number of bloodthirsty claws that could not fly has increased to dozens.
Lu Chuan immediately chose to repair it, and if it continued to corrode like this, some of the bloodthirsty claws' heads would be corroded through, which would threaten the life of the bloodthirsty claws.
"Ding, deduct 132 million yuan."
Under Lu Chuan's instructions, the biochemical plant was immediately implemented and the funds were directly deducted.
Lu Chuan exhaled, only feeling his liver aches.
Just repairing the epidermis in this way cost me 132 million, which is simply a robbery. You know that it takes only 800,000 to make a bloodthirsty claw, and one hundred is only 80 million, but now I just repaired more than 70 bloodthirsty claws, and it cost 132 million, which shows that the enhancement The bloodthirsty claws after that were indeed different.
"It's really dark, I've caught up with the after-sales service of 4S stores."
Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, repairing the enhanced bloodthirsty claws, no matter how much money he needs to repair. Strengthening one is 8 million, plus the cost, it is 8.8 million, we can't let it just be scrapped.
The poison of the poisonous camel made Lu Chuan realize that it was not that simple.
Its lethality to zombies is equally strong, but this process will be slower. It takes at least half an hour to make the zombies lose their combat effectiveness, and within forty minutes, the zombies are lethal.
This is true for dealing with zombies, but if dealing with humans, it is overbearing, almost the rhythm of death.
The biochemical factory is very powerful. Under its repair, the poison of the poisonous camel is directly solved, and at the same time, the wounded position of the bloodthirsty claw is repaired and restored as before.
Lu Chuan was worried about whether it would be difficult to repair the venom and wounds. Seeing this scene, Lu Chuan was relieved.
After giving the instruction to repair the bloodthirsty claws, Lu Chuan opened the product panel for the first time. In the fifth-level product, he found the icon of the poisonous camel. After unlocking it successfully, it was already lit.
The illuminated icon is more vivid, and it feels like the poisonous camel leaped on the paper.
Poisoned Camel: Level 5 zombies. After being infected, when it evolves to level 4, there is a small probability that when it evolves again, it will be a kind of zombie due to environmental influences. Its venom is hidden in the back. Because the amount of venom is too large, a huge venom sac is formed. When it is used, it will be squeezed by the muscles, and the venom will be ejected at the moment the venom sac opens. The venom produced by the venomous camel is highly adhesive and highly corrosive. Manufacturing price: 900,000 yuan.
This section of the description of the poisoned camel is more slender than other zombies, which shows that the poisoned camel is not a simple character.
"The one who made a hundred poisonous camels."
Without hesitation, Lu Chuan made a hundred of them and tried the water first.
The poisonous camel is about two meters and five meters tall, like a little giant, not too big in the group of zombies, but not too small. A hundred poisonous camels are also very powerful.
A hundred poisonous camels can be manufactured in ten minutes, which is not fast.
Lu Chuan came to the warehouse for the first time, only to see that the one hundred manufactured had been divided into two rows and stood in the warehouse. They are only slightly shorter than the tyrant T-002, but they are not inferior to the tyrant.
In terms of deterrence, Lu Chuan felt that the poisonous camel was better than the tyrant.
How should I put it, the look of the poisonous camel gives people a creepy feeling, just like a wizard in a Warcraft, as long as you see it, a gloomy feeling will rise in your heart, and your whole body will feel cold.
The face of the poisonous camel was like an old tree bark, with pits and pockmarks on it.
The deep wrinkles look hideous, coupled with its powerful poison sac, makes people shudder. It only takes a glance, and you will never forget it.
Standing in front of them, Lu Chuan felt that he was a little uncomfortable, especially Lu Chuan's height of about 1.75 meters, compared with it, only slightly above their abdomen.
To see the face of the poisoned camel, you need to look up, and then the head bent down because of the hunch back covers the light, and under the pits, there are as many people as possible.
"Squat down."
Lu Chuan thought around, selected all the poisoned camels, and issued instructions.
No matter how tough it is, it was finally made by a biochemical factory. The boss Lu Chuan has absolute power. Naturally, they must be executed.
A hundred poisonous camels squatted down neatly.
Immediately, Lu Chuan felt comfortable.
After they squatted down, Lu Chuan stood up taller than them, so it looked like it was naturally much better, and the degree of their penetration decreased.
"EB1, get out."
Lu Chuan didn't need to distinguish who was and what identity. He issued an order, only to see the first poisoned camel who was created among the poisoned camels stood up and walked in front of Lu Chuan.
According to experience, the first zombie to be created has a great chance of possessing primitive instincts, and this instinct may even be two to three.
Just a glance, Lu Chuan showed a faint smile, as he thought, EB1 carries three instincts.
Intuitive, precise and strong.
One instinct, each one is the top instinct. This kind of primitive instinct, their level is not low, precisely because it is too deep, so that even after death, they have not forgotten, as if carved in the bone and soul.
Lu Chuan glanced at the fragments in the storage space. After the fifth-level fragments strengthened the bloodthirsty claws on a large scale, only a few dozen pieces were left.
After sending EB1 to the strengthening workshop, Lu Chuan immediately strengthened EB1.
Only seeing the light flashing in the strengthening workshop, after a while, the EB1 that had been strengthened ten times stood in front of Lu Chuan. After the enhancement, the poisonous camel is not very different in appearance, but the poison sac has become bigger. In terms of details, Lu Chuan discovered that the strengthened Poison Camel had more compact muscles and obviously stronger defenses.
Don't look at muscles or muscles, but if you study it, you will find that zombies have different muscle densities, and their density is hundreds of times that of humans.
The density is so high, which means its defense is amazing.
"EB1 renamed: Poison Lord."
"Ding, the naming is successful."
Lu Chuan issued an order, and B1 was renamed Poison Lord by Lu Chuan. Lu Chuan felt that this name was more in line with its positioning. Of course, the name Poisoned Camel is actually very good.
After the naming, Lu Chuan took Poison Lord outside the biochemical factory.
The zombies wandering here have all been replaced by zombies made in the biochemical factory. Like ordinary zombies, Lu Chuan has produced more than 30,000, and they are scattered around, disguised as zombies in the city.
Anyone who broke into here, under the disguise of these zombies, would be curious about this place, but would not think too much.
Aside from ordinary zombies, such as swifts and ragers, they also account for a large proportion here.
And in the buildings here, a large number of lickers and tyrant series are hidden inside. As long as there is any sudden situation, they will rush out. Thousands of them are the strongest combat power.
On the top floors of the tall buildings, Lu Chuan deployed bloodthirsty claws on them. They only need a command to dive down.
The number of zombies and hellhounds reached thousands, they were scattered in every corner of the city, monitoring every move of this city for Lu Chuan.
It can be said that the current biochemical plant has become a reality.
Lu Chuan set foot on this dirty and messy construction site before. Lu Chuan did not deliberately take care of it, leaving it as it was as possible.
As long as you look carefully, you can still see the difference here, after all, the position was built before. On each street, there are still too many products left over from the original defensive war, such as cement fences, broken shops, and diesel engine hinges that have not been removed.
"Poison Lord, Venom has the maximum range."
The biochemical factory will not give out the specific data of the zombies. Everything needs to be explored by yourself, such as the farthest range of the poisoned camel, which needs to be tested by Lu Chuan.
Upon receiving Lu Chuan's instruction, EB1 Poison Lord immediately executed it.
It only saw it bend down slightly, causing the poison sac to hunch even more. Under its power, the muscles were moving, making this poison sac bigger. Poison Lord is trembling all over, Lu Chuan's command is the maximum range, which is to let it do its best.
This kind of tremor is actually produced by the muscles under a strong load.
It was like the feeling of a torn muscle, which made the teeth chill.
Lu Chuan had been staring at Poison Lord. At this moment, he saw Poison Lord’s poison sac cracking. This is a tear that tears the muscles alive and reveals the internal tissue of the scarlet muscle, which makes people feel frightened.
The terrifying squeezing force can tear even Poison Lord's muscles, showing how big it will be.
Under this squeezing force, the venom in the poison sac was ejected like a cannonball. It first shot into the sky and then showed a parabolic trajectory. The venom turned into an irregular circle in the sky, and under the strong squeezing force, it quickly turned into a warhead-like shape.
I saw the green venom turned into a thick green smoke in the sky. It was thrown out, past the high-rise buildings in front of the biochemical factory, across the street, and shot into the distance.
This group of green smoke became bigger and bigger, and the venom was constantly being vaporized in the air. The smoke that was formed carried a poisonous thread like spider silk, and then fell like a continuous drizzle.
Lu Chuan stared, staring at the venom that finally disappeared into the sky. God knew where it flew, but from visual observation, its range was already more than three kilometers.
"So hanging?"
Lu Chuan was dumbfounded. This was still fired by the squeezing force generated by muscle movement, but it exceeded three kilometers, far beyond Lu Chuan's imagination.
After the launch of Poison Lord, the muscles at the poison sac were also moving, but they slowly closed up, and finally recovered in less than a minute.
This healing power is the same abnormality.
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