Chapter 673: Blood slaughter

In fact, Lu Chuan stood there all the time, and did not feel the power of the rocket.
The Titan biological layer is indeed a metamorphosis. The biological layer formed in an instant, in an incredible way, blocked the energy generated by this explosion.
Lu Chuan, who was in the storm, seemed no different from standing normally. This wanton energy seemed to have nothing to do with Lu Chuan. Even these flying fragments hit him, Lu Chuan didn't notice it.
The reason why Lu Chuan was depressed was his carelessness, which made people succeed in a sneak attack.
Of course, in his heart, Lu Chuan knew that he could actually dodge it, but in order to test the Titan biosphere, Lu Chuan also tried it, using this explosion to test.
Lu Chuan stood well, that was the best proof.
But Lu Chuan’s inner depression is conceivable. People are not hurt, but Lu Chuan himself is starting to complain about himself: "It makes you feel bad, makes you pretend, if you don’t have a Titan biological layer, level 6 genetic enhancement, how can you eat? Don't worry?"
But having said that, if it wasn't for the Titan biological layer, would he be so arrogant?
"This is the end of the world, not everyone is afraid of power." Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, or he was too ideal, of course, thinking that such a powerful strength, no one would dare to emerge.
This is the last days, a living environment even more terrifying than troubled times. How can there be no men?
"It's good to shed some blood to make these people feel at ease, otherwise they may not be afraid of themselves in the future." Lu Chuan sighed lightly. He was cold, but it didn't mean that he wanted to cause too many killings.
Isn't it your own labor force that kills?
This is tantamount to reducing the efficiency of making money in a disguised form, and also weakening their competitiveness. Biochemical plants are also under competitive pressure.
But like now, the necessary killing is needed.
Lu Chuan gave orders, and the exoskeleton mecha zombies showed their fangs. I saw a licker leaping high, and during the fall, he had already used his sharp claws to knock a new human with an earthen gun to the ground.
The sharpness of the licker's claws, combined with its power, almost divided the new human.
Counting claw marks, grabbed him bloody, so he could not die again.
This was only the first human being. The swifts were holding their guns, and after standing still, they immediately opened fire. Their marksmanship comes from soldiers on military bases, so it goes without saying that they are no worse than those who have played guns for several years.
As for the pursuers, they picked up the Vulcan cannon, and the six barrels were spinning, and the flames of death were released in an instant. Everywhere they shot, the new humans could not resist, splashing flowers on their bodies. The rain of blood, headed down.
In front of the Vulcan Cannon, they are only one, two, and three levels of alienation, no different from paper.
The weapons of the new humans hit the zombies, but they didn't have any effect at all. These exoskeleton mecha shells were definitely not much different from real mechas. The bullets of this kind of gun were not a problem.
So when they shoot, the effect on the zombies is almost zero.
The licker who rushed into the settlement seemed to have disappeared. In this kind of terrain, they are no different from a snake that enters here, and while walking, they take away one by one human head.
The violent tyrant T-002 carried the sword wherever he went, ignoring the damage of attacking him, and rushed to the sword to rise and fall. Every new human was scum in front of it, and directly split into two. half.
As for the tyrant's first trial type, its extremely tall physique was the target of fire. Numerous guns were aimed at it, and the clinking sound of bullets hit it. This exoskeleton mecha also proved that its cost of tens of thousands of dollars is worth it, and no bullet can penetrate it.
It is completely tank-level armor, and bullets can penetrate it. This is a strange thing.
And these bullets only angered the tyrant's first test type.
The huge physique, the force that blasted out was naturally abnormal. Its alienated arms swept across, and the new human being blocked was swept away. When swept into the air, the bones of the whole body were already shattered.
Don't think that the tyrant's initial test type is only a third-level zombie, but it is stronger than a fourth-level zombie in terms of strength. The reason why it is placed in the third level is because its shortcomings are too obvious, which weakened its rating.
In Lu Chuan's view, placing the tyrant among the fourth-level zombies is still a leader and qualified.
In front of the tyrant's initial test type, there is almost no general, even the fourth-level new humans are only swept away in front of the tyrant's initial test type. The huge power shock is not as simple as knocking into the air. The power shock has passed. The new humans below level 3 either die or lose their combat effectiveness, and the new humans at level 4 will also be injured.
Encased in a heavy exoskeleton mecha, the tyrant's first trial type, it can almost ignore all attacks, stride forward, and see that there are weapons in its hands, either sweeping, or throwing it down with its alienated arm.
I don't know how many people were smashed into mashed flesh, which was extremely tragic.
Like a bulldozer, wherever the tyrant first tried, it was terrifying. It doesn't even go around the bend, and it just slams into these low houses, extremely tough.
No one can stop it, and the blood flows into a river instantly.
In the eyes of the zombies, they only recognize people with weapons in their hands, whether it is a civilian or a new human, they are all their targets. Lu Chuan had no way to control every movement of these thousands of zombies, so he could only use general methods to make the zombies execute this general instruction.
When everyone saw the power of these exoskeleton mechas, they were all cracking and chewing their teeth. At the same time, they were terrified. While angry, they felt extremely frightened.
Several bigwigs knew at this moment that their calculations were still wrong.
This huge exoskeleton mecha army will not stop because of the death of the mind, on the contrary, their reaction is more intense. They have 20,000 new humans in their hands, but they seem so weak to face these monster-like exoskeleton mechas.
You can't even hurt a single cold hair if you get hurt, and they cut you off with a single stab. How can you play this?
The battle is basically a one-sided situation, which makes people feel powerless and desperate.
What came from my ears was all explosions, the roar of the Vulcan Cannon, or the screams of people. The flames of the Vulcan Cannon swept through like rain, and as long as the person who was hit was a blood hole with the size of a fist, the result was the same regardless of whether it was a new human or an ordinary person.
Pieces of people have been harvested, and the resistance is so pale and feeble.
What was presented before my eyes was a picture like hell.
The bosses knew that this exoskeleton mecha was very strong from the beginning, but they had never thought that they would be so strong, beyond their understanding.
The slaughter couldn't describe the current situation. Looking at what they saw, they didn't even see any external bone marrow mechas destroyed. This kind of mecha armed to the teeth, no matter how hard you work, at most it will cut out a trace, with limited impact.
The corpse dragon in the sky is even more terrifying. It specifically rushes to crowded places. The moment it falls, its tail and fleshy wings swept away. When it rose into the air again, it was already full of corpses.
How terrifying is the power of a guy who can carry four or five tons?
It is not an exaggeration to say that its sweeping power with flesh wings exceeds ten tons. Who can handle this kind of attack power? Whether it's an ordinary person or a new human being, as long as they are being photographed, they are directly a mass of flesh, extremely cruel.
The bloodthirsty claws, as the most feared existence of survivors, two thousand bloodthirsty claws fell down, as long as they saw the person with the weapon in their hands, they instantly passed by dexterously.
The bloodthirsty claws passed by, but the man fell down. Their sharp claws had already cut the head into several pieces.
Some bloodthirsty claws rushed down and threw the person to the ground. The sharp claws pierced into the human body, allowing the person to scream. In the next moment, their fleshy wings will cover the person, using the The small claws entangled people to death, and then opened his mouth wide, and bit his head to pieces.
In comparison, the ragers have the weakest lethality. They are like heavy infantry, advancing unhurriedly, but in fact there are no people alive in the places they pass.
The entire settlement was trembling, and no place was not affected by the fighting.
An attack from the air, no matter whether you are on the mountain or under the mountain, in the eyes of the corpse dragon and the bloodthirsty claw, it is not a distance, it is just a distance of a fleshy wing flapping.
Some smart people finally discovered something. This is that these monsters only attack people with weapons in their hands. As long as you don't have weapons in your hands, they will not be within their attack range.
These smart and quick-acting people immediately threw away their weapons.
Many people even faced these exoskeleton mecha monsters and threw their weapons away. Then these exoskeleton mecha monsters abruptly stopped their movements, bypassed the opponent, and rushed towards the other person. .
As a result, it further confirmed their speculation.
"Throw down the weapon, drop the weapon."
"They don't kill without weapons, throw them away."
Some people with kind thoughts still exist in their screaming frantically.
Under the terrifying killings, everyone had long been heartbroken. Hearing the yelling, they subconsciously followed. A person is like receiving a hot potato, throwing away the weapon in horror.
Even people who hesitate, seeing these monsters really don't kill people without weapons, will follow them without hesitation.
One by one, the people with weapons threw them away, and then stood fearfully, welcoming the information that was not known to be true or false. In fact, they also know whether they have weapons or not. They are all the same in front of these monsters, so it is better to throw them away.
The zombies passed the people who had thrown away their weapons and rushed towards the upper level of the mountain, like the tide, unstoppable.
And people just stood so stupidly, not daring to move, allowing these hideous mechas to pass by. Now their courage is shattered, and they can no longer have the idea of ​​rebounding.
What is blood flowing into a river?
Looking at the current settlements, just because of a difference in thought, more than 20,000 to 30,000 people have died, which is extremely tragic.
There were dead bodies everywhere, almost incomplete.
Houses were destroyed everywhere, and in some places there was a raging fire. The smell of meat from the burning corpses, combined with the current scene, made people nauseous.
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