Chapter 689: Fight

? Bloodthirsty Talon's reconnaissance ability needless to say, but it does not mean that Bloodthirsty Talon is omnipotent.
The combination of sky and ground is the most comprehensive reconnaissance.
In order to unlock Roshan, Lu Chuan was determined to find ten Roshan. If Central Continent is not enough, go to other provinces until you find enough.
Sending out the bloodthirsty claws, and then the power of the settlement.
More than 10,000 new human forces are divided into more than 300 teams, and they carry out reconnaissance, absolutely carpet-like. The one-hundred-and-five kilometers area centered on the settlement of Shanshi County will be cleaned up by them without missing a corner.
One is to train them, and the other is to achieve their own purpose of finding Roshan.
After the reform, the colony, the military, and the politics are separated, and new humans like Yi Zhanfei will make room for growth. They are the most elite new humans, and they will grow faster than others.
If they were allowed to stay in the settlement for management, they might be taken over by latecomers, and then stepped under their feet.
In fact, Lu Chuan had already had such an idea for this reform of settlements, but he never had time to spare. Quite simply, Lu Chuan took this opportunity to propose reforms.
There is no resistance, because this is his own settlement, and Lu Chuan's will is the command.
The entire settlement was fully operating under Lu Chuan's will.
When Lu Chuan left, he didn't know how many people watched the boss enthusiastically. For them, the impact of this day was too great. The boss actually came on a corpse dragon, and the corpse dragon was the boss's mount.
Especially when the corpse dragon was lying on the square, people were allowed to touch it, like a statue, without moving a bit.
I don’t know how many people have had this addiction to touching. After all, this kind of experience is something they have never experienced before, as long as they think that they are in contact with the fifth-level corpse dragon, the overlord in the sky, it makes them feel To excitement.
Watching the boss leave, but the survivors are still talking about it. It is certain that in the future, they will probably talk the most about Lu Chuan and the corpse dragon. Countless survivors who have big brains, they have themes, and God knows how many possibilities will come after having zombies.
Biochemical plant.
When Lu Chuan returned here, he issued several instructions.
In the warehouse of the biochemical factory, the corpse dragons awakened, and they appeared from the pallet, with exoskeleton mecha zombies hanging on their bodies. Under no accidents, they will not remove their armor.
The neat corpse dragons lined up on the construction site in front of the biochemical factory, extremely mighty.
"The identity of Roshan Meat Shield is indeed difficult."
Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, rubbing his chin, thinking. For example, after encountering Roshan, what kind of plan was adopted and what kind of weapon was compared.
In front of Roshan, whether it is the tyrant's first trial model, or the tyrant T-002, it is a joke to fight with others directly with a knife. Roshan only needs a roll, and the zombies sent by himself will be crushed. Into the flesh.
In other words, the tactics that Lu Chuan needed were actually the same as those used to deal with the suicide TNT attacks of Roshan during the previous Roshan siege.
In addition to this, another way is to use anti-tank missiles.
Roshan’s defense is strong, but it is not invincible in the face of anti-tank missiles. As long as a few more simultaneous attacks, its thick muscle tissue will also be blasted away.
Lu Chuan prepared two-handed preparations. The first was anti-tank missiles, and the second was TNT suicide attacks.
In terms of cost, the cost of using TNT seems to be lower?
A swift person, let it carry dozens of kilograms of TNT, and once it explodes, this matter what Roshan you are, it is as sour.
Is TNT expensive? If you agree to it, it depends on who you buy it. It’s not expensive if you only find the right person.
The cost of a swift and dozens of kilograms of TNT is definitely cheaper than an anti-tank missile. More importantly, anti-tank missiles cannot be bought with money, and it is more difficult than buying TNT.
"It's not easy to buy hundreds of kilograms of TNT." Lu Chuan shook his head.
This is hundreds of kilograms of TNT. As long as there is a wind leaking, the vibration caused by it is definitely to make the wind and noise of many countries fall into a state of panic.
Looking at the neat exoskeleton mecha zombie army in front of him, Lu Chuan's plan was naturally to try it first.
"Create four thousand corpse dragons."
When Lu Chuan rode on the back of Shenlong, he gave a manufacturing order.
Four thousand corpse dragons, only four billion were smashed out like this, but Lu Chuan didn't even blink his eyelids. By now, there is no way for a number like this kind of billions to cause disturbances in Lu Chuan's heart.
Raising the number of corpse dragons to five thousand, not many, the siege must be an all-out effort, not tolerating Lu Chuan's carelessness.
The four thousand corpse dragons manufactured now are only the early stage.
Next, Lu Chuan will make more corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws, and the investment will be very huge. In other words, the remaining time is the time of the rioters until the siege arrives.
"Make five thousand bloodthirsty claws."
Under Lu Chuan's instructions, the biochemical plant immediately deducted Lu Chuan 4 billion. The manufacturing price of Bloodthirsty Talon is 800,000, which is also a huge expenditure.
Lu Chuan had 13 billion in funds. Now that 8 billion has been removed, there are still more than 5 billion left.
Lu Chuan didn't use the five billion in the first time.
After giving these instructions, Lu Chuan once again rode on the Shenlong and sent out thoughts.
The huge corpse dragon exoskeleton mecha zombie army took off, and then set off to the spot where Roshan was found before. This is thanks to the previous efforts, otherwise there is no way to lock the position of the three Roshans.
Roshan's huge physique rarely wanders around, and most of them just move a little on the spot. After all, when it moves, it is really earth-shattering.
"It's definitely Jijie Corpse Spirit..."
Riding on Shenlong's back, Lu Chuan looked at a village below from high above. It was located in a valley. Eight years of plant growth made it almost covered by vegetation.
I found it because of the existence of Roshan. Otherwise, this kind of village is just a small corner exposed, and there is really no way to attract Lu Chuan's attention.
In the last days, the village is the first place to be covered by vegetation. The low houses and the environment of the village are destined to grow faster, more favorable, and easier to cover, turning the village into a part of the forest.
Lu Chuan's sigh came from the Roshan produced here.
In a small village, there were only two or three hundred zombies here, but a sixth-level zombie was produced. People have to sigh the "spiritual energy" here.
A huge corpse dragon exoskeleton mecha zombie army appeared, covering this small village.
Lu Chuan looked at the time, and his thoughts came out. A bloodthirsty claw appeared in front of Lu Chuan, directly stopping on the back of the dragon that Lu Chuan was riding.
The corpse dragon was strengthened ten times, and the weight of the bloodthirsty claws was only two adults, and it would not cause any burden on the corpse dragon.
Putting a sound bomb on the claws of the bloodthirsty claws, the bloodthirsty claws immediately flew up against the fleshy wings, tumbling a few in the sky, and the bloodthirsty claws were already above the small village.
As soon as the paw was loosened, the sound bounced down, and then the insurance was pulled away.
When this sound bomb almost fell on the village, it immediately made an extremely sharp sound, detonating the silence in this area.
For Roshan, Lu Chuan needs to study it carefully. And around this small village, there are only a small number of villages scattered, and all the zombies add up to three thousand to several thousand, which just provides a good environment.
If there are countless zombies in the city, there is no way to study Roshan.
Affected by the sound bomb, the zombies below boiled... even if there were only two or three hundred zombies, they were caught in a frenzy.
The huge Roshan is actually hidden in the tallest eight-story building. They seem to like to hide. The eight-story building was hollowed out by it doesn't know how to use it, so it happened to be hidden inside.
Of course, Lu Chuan doesn't need to care about these details.
Roshan rolled out of its hiding place, probably because it was too irritated. Under its violent movements, the building it was hiding in was hit and collapsed directly, adding to the momentum here.
Roshan didn't care about the collapsed house, but Roshan didn't care, but rolled out.
Wherever he passed, the houses here were all shattered and crushed. Even the big tree was knocked down by Roshan. It was even more fierce than a bulldozer, making it difficult for the tree to stop it.
Roshan, who rolled and crushed out a path, soon appeared in front of Lu Chuan.
A corpse dragon had already landed below under Lu Chuan's instructions. There were six chasers hung on its body, and after it got down from the corpse dragon, it was lined up.
Roshan appeared, and under the sound of this kind of voice, it did not actually notice the corpse dragon and the pursuer. They are strange, but the body of the zombie does not emit enough life breath to make Roshan crazy, so naturally it will not be attacked by Roshan.
When Roshan rushed out, the pursuers started to lock onto Roshan.
Almost two sounds rang at the same time. The former represents the explosion of propelling gunpowder, and the latter is the sound of breaking air caused by stirring the airflow.
In less than a second, this anti-tank missile accurately hit the Roshan that rushed out.
Lu Chuan was observing with his binoculars, and he could see that when Roshan hit the shot, the outer muscle tissue was torn and divided at a speed that the naked eye could not keep up with, and then a big hole was blasted out.
The thick muscle tissue can hardly withstand the attack of this kind of missile, and a blood hole has appeared.
Roshan had no so-called death under this blow. For zombies, injuries would not be considered injuries unless they affected their actions. And this blow successfully angered Roshan, causing it to roll over where the pursuers were.
The second pursuer immediately opened fire again, and a missile rushed towards Roshan.
Under Lu Chuan's instructions, the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth pursuers also launched missiles. There were five anti-tank missiles in the front and the back. At a distance of only two to three hundred meters in this type, there was almost no need to consider accuracy. Five missiles directly hit Roshan.
This Roshan was almost surrounded by a sea of ​​flames, accompanied by flesh and blood flying wild.
Lu Chuan twisted his brows, and there was no sound of obtaining Roshan fragments, which meant that there was no way to kill this Roshan with the six anti-tank missiles?
"Back to hang."
Lu Chuan issued an order. The six pursuers immediately returned to the corpse dragon, and pointed their backs at the armor of the corpse dragon. The exoskeleton mechas of the pursuers were different from other zombies and were specially designed. After that, you can hang with your back.
In this way, these pursuers can use the Vulcan Cannon in their hands.
After the six chasers finished hanging up, the corpse dragon slapped his flesh wings fiercely and began to lift off.
This undead Roshan rolled over without stopping with smoke, faster and with an unstoppable aura, ramming towards the position of the corpse dragon.
The powerful lift-off force caused the corpse dragon to fly, and the airflow blew away the smoke caused by the missile on the Roshan, exposing its huge body with pits and pits.
What imprinted in the eye was a blur of flesh and blood, dark red blood everywhere, and a large area of ​​rotten flesh appeared beside several huge blood holes, which was made black by the smoke and high temperature. The area of ​​the flesh hole was large. But I don't know how deep it is.
From launch, to mounting, to takeoff, Roshan rolled over, and the corpse dragon happened to escape.
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