Chapter 694: Remedy

Lu Chuan found that it was very interesting to deal with official duties in a settlement, as long as he could calm down.
As the boss, Lu Chuan rarely interferes in these matters.
In the last days, strength is king, and Lu Chuan feels at ease with such so-called management. Because the settlement is so big, and this world is wide, but for the survivors, it is very small, so small that only Shanshi County is a place to shelter.
As long as you are not an idiot, you know how to do it. This means being loyal to your boss and doing things cleanly.
In fact, there are not many official duties in the settlement, after all, there is a large group of people managing it. In the case of the company system, everything in the settlement is functioning well.
Lu Chuan handles some of these official duties, and more often through these official duties, he understands the settlements.
It took Xia Min a week to prepare for TNT, so this week, even if Lu Chuan knew Roshan's information, he couldn't act. What can be done is actually to understand the development of the settlement, and then supplement the materials.
The other is to prepare the existing management for the next migration.
Knowing the news that the boss was going to move two settlements here, many people were stunned. They couldn't imagine that Lu Chuan still had two settlements in his hands.
After knowing this news, apart from being excited, everyone was even more afraid of Lu Chuan.
Many people are even full of expectations for the future. What kind of scene will the merger of the three settlements look like? The population at that time will be hundreds of thousands.
The more people there are, the greater their chances.
As long as there is a little bit of ambition, everyone realizes that their opportunity is here. As long as they perform well, they will likely get a more important position in this migration.
For their own bosses, they know the most about rewards and penalties. As long as you pay, don’t worry about no return.
"My own boss, we don't know too many things."
Everyone felt Lu Chuan's unpredictability.
Lu Chuan is more mysterious, and for everyone, the more he is in awe, no other thoughts can be born. Lu Chuan doesn't live in the colony, but the power Lu Chuan controls is the guarantee of power.
Everyone's careful thinking, Lu Chuan was naturally clear, but he didn't break.
If they don't have the motivation to move up, they will not be vigorous when they do things, but will be lifeless, which Lu Chuan does not want to see.
Only after spending three days in the settlement did Lu Chuan leave. Undoubtedly, during these three days, the square in front of the door was definitely the focus, allowing them to observe the zombies for three days, which overwhelmed their curiosity about zombies.
Biochemical plant.
Let the exoskeleton mecha zombie army enter the warehouse of the biochemical factory, while Lu Chuan spent time in the warehouse.
With the Superbrain commander, there are actually very few things that can make Lu Chuan worry about. For example, like now, almost everything is arranged in an orderly manner. What Lu Chuan can do is actually redefine what is truly valuable.
"These antiques need to be sent back for identification."
There are tens of thousands of various types of ceramics, and even hundreds of thousands of paintings and calligraphy. Lu Chuan can't appraise these at all. After all, Lu Chuan is not an expert in this field. In other words, the value here is still unknown.
Lu Chuan didn't plan to move gold or the like. The gold here is only 500 million or 600 million yuan, and it is of limited help to him.
Don't look at the piles here. In fact, they add up to about two tons, which is really not much.
Another point is that most of the gold here is jewelry, don't think it is really pure, some can be half of real gold, Lu Chuan laughed. Don’t you see how rich and powerful the gold jewelry stores are? Reinstall once a quarter, spend tens of millions, really when their business is so good?
The doorway in the gold industry is really beyond ordinary people's imagination.
In other words, tens of thousands of ordinary zombies have worked hard for so long, but the wealth that Lu Chuan has brought to Lu Chuan is actually a number of billions.
These wealth were collected by them one by one.
With the command and control of a super brain commander, these ordinary zombies seem to have souls. If they encounter a house that cannot be entered, they will break in with violence, and then turn the inside to earth-shaking to find all valuable items , And then sent back to the warehouse.
Since Lu Chuan had the Superbrain Commander, he didn't care about the zombie's collection.
It now appears that the Ultrain Commander is still worthy of trust.
The cost of manufacturing these zombies, depending on the current situation, is earned back.
Using the next time, Lu Chuan adjusted the zombie army. There have been 8,000 corpse dragons, and 10,000 bloodthirsty claws. This force is already very huge.
Lu Chuan let them lift off once, almost covering the sky of this city.
It is not an exaggeration that the corpse dragon spreads its wings at more than fifty meters, which exceeds the size of a passenger plane. They are flying in the sky and 8,000 spread out. What kind of concept would it be?
The wings of Bloodthirsty Talons were not so exaggerated, but they were also more than ten meters away, with tens of thousands hovering in the sky, completely dimming the city and blocking the sun.
Xia Min moved quickly. Within a week, he obtained three tons of TNT through various channels.
This amount exceeded Lu Chuan's expectations.
Three tons of TNT, Lu Chuan is sure, enough to shake the outside world. In any case, its threatening power is beyond imagination. In the case of a suicide bomb, only half a kilogram of TNT is sufficient.
"Boss, I have tried my best."
Xia Min was a little dissatisfied. Its previous plan was to buy five tons. Unfortunately, TNT is not an ordinary explosive. Since its appearance, it has been dominating the war. It is a military strategic material and it is difficult to appear on the market.
Today, various more powerful weapons have begun to appear, and the status of TNT has begun to decline.
In fact, TNT is not difficult to manufacture, but no one has the guts to play this one. The few who dared to play, all disappeared silently. Some military enterprises circulate in the market, and some are produced in small quantities by private workshops.
Three tons of TNT were piled up in the manor.
Lu Chuan put it into the storage space the first time, and he didn't dare to be careless. The explosion of three tons of TNT was enough to turn the manor into a huge pit. Even with the tank biosphere, he might not be able to retreat.
"Thank you," Lu Chuan said, then leaned comfortably on the chair.
This trip to Somalia was a complete success.
With this batch of explosives, Lu Chuan can unlock Roshan in just a few days. Three tons of TNT, like a mine at home, can be used for a while.
Through this incident, Lu Chuan realized that he still had insufficient layout or was too conservative.
With its own financial resources and strength, it is entirely possible to build an arsenal in Somalia. There is no need to manufacture any cutting-edge equipment, just the production of TNT.
"It really needs to be changed. If the current speed is used, even if the orbital gun is exchanged in the future, it will be difficult to launch it into the air in a short time and put it in the orbit of the earth."
Railgun, said to be a gun, is actually just a launcher, but its power is so powerful that beyond imagination, the launched tungsten rod, after acceleration, hits the target, the power is beautiful, the nuclear bomb is equivalent to two, A nuclear bomb with the equivalent of three million tons.
If Lu Chuan wants to act without interference, it is inevitable to have a railgun.
But for this thing to be made, the current strength in Lu Chuan's hands really couldn't do it.
Like now, simple TNT needs to be purchased through channels, which is completely controlled by others.
Lu Chuan was meditating. He has always been advancing with zombies, but in the modern layout, he is small, and always has too many scruples.
The appearance of the big background made Lu Chuan know that no matter how careful he acted, he would eventually become the same as the previous one. After the failure, the earth would become the end of the world.
Thinking of today's earth becoming the end of the world, God knows what kind of parallel world people will be selected to build a biochemical factory here. And myself, I will go back to the old path of my last post.
"No, this kind of thing is never allowed to happen."
Suddenly, Lu Chuan was shocked to the same level, his whole expression became a little crazy, and his eyes were even more hideous. People do nothing, the heavens die...In the face of survival, all the obstacles, Lu Chuan doesn't mind kicking away.
Like this time, if you have an arsenal and need TNT, you only need a phone call. In this way, I can free up a week to make myself stronger.
However, because of his own missteps, he let himself fall into the passive.
In a siege, the more prepared you are, the greater the number of victories will naturally be.
After the horror, Lu Chuan felt a cold sweat on his back.
"Xia Min, began to increase its influence on Somalia. Let go of the pace. I need to build several arsenals here." Lu Chuan's eyes became clear and he said in a deep voice, "I need to speed up the establishment of various factories."
Xia Min nodded: "Understand the boss."
"The arsenal is built underground, and it can be concealed for as long as possible. If it is discovered, there is nothing to kill whoever approaches. Even if there is a fighter coming, I will kill it." Lu Chuan's voice was indifferent.
The horror just made Lu Chuan realize that this is a game where either you die or I die. If you want to live, you need to step forward big enough to surpass others. Be careful, only to be selected by death.
With the decision, Lu Chuan returned to the end times.
This time, Lu Chuan brought two thousand ordinary zombies. This batch of zombies will become the same as construction workers, and then dig out underground arsenals.
As long as the space is dug out, Lu Chuan intends to bring the needed machinery into the underground space from the apocalypse instead of modern times.
Using this method, it is entirely possible to build and complete the arsenal without knowing it.
In a certain kind of valley, where humans are rare and no roads are connected, who would have thought that there would be a large arsenal in the valley? Because no matter whether it is transportation or personnel activities, there will be traces, but Lu Chuan is sure that there will be no traces in his arsenal.
All materials are completed by themselves using storage space, and even the import and export only need to accommodate one person to pass through.
The workers inside will be zombies and will not worry about the possibility of leaks.
At the moment when two thousand ordinary zombies were brought to the modern era by Lu Chuan, under the pretender system, they turned into all kinds of human beings, mostly males between the ages of 20 and 40. This was deliberately made by Lu Chuan. For it.
Xia Min's execution is absolutely fast. Using the light projector, he immediately chose the northwest direction of the manor, a cliff mountain range that is more than 30 kilometers away from the manor near the sea.
People in this area are rare ~ ~ There is not even a single household within a range of dozens of kilometers around it, and it is a passing road that bypasses this area far.
The desolate mountains, almost all bare rocks, are simply barren land.
The manor was too small, so as soon as these zombies arrived, after dark, Xia Min immediately arranged for them to walk toward the chosen place.
In the darkness, no one would notice that this team of two thousand people left the manor in a mighty manner, and left in the direction of the northwest. After all, the manor was originally a desolate place.
The tools they use will be provided by Lu Chuan.
Of course it will not be modern. Somalia is a country without basic industries and cannot even produce iron. Naturally, it is impossible to have these tools. Now it is brought back to China, but it is not fulfilled. The task of making tools is simply provided by the end times. This is really not difficult.
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