Chapter 706: Escape the golden cicada

April 1st, April Fool's Day in the West.
In China and in more than a dozen countries that have good relations with China, Baichuan Guihai Company officially announced the establishment of the virtual network. At the same time, the first virtual game of Baichuan Guihai Virtual Company was officially tested.
The opening of the virtual network has a huge influence, and it has formed a branch network that relies on the Internet.
Anyone with foresight knows that the virtual network now has to be attached to the Internet because it has not yet grown up. Once the virtual network grows up, it will inevitably replace the current Internet.
This is an inevitable trend and cannot be changed.
Knowing this, the Chinese government is naturally vigorously promoting it. On the Internet, Huaxia does not even have a root server, and there is a chance for overtaking in a curve. How could Huaxia let it go?
Countless scientists, after experiencing the virtual network, are very excited. Isn't it true that they are pursuing the strength of the motherland throughout their lives?
People who know the goods will be happy with the opening of the virtual network.
But in the eyes of players, what attracts them most is the virtual game. After all, how the world changes is really not something they can control, they can only follow the trend.
"World" is the first virtual game launched by Baichuan Guihai Virtual Company.
Lu Chuan will bring this game to the modern age. In fact, its world setting is really perfect. It is not only huge and simple. Geography, humanities, etc., are all new constructions, a completely new world, and The modern world has no connection at all.
The trailers and world structure released before, I don't know how many people are going crazy.
Countless people who have not purchased virtual devices feel crazy. Those who bought it are naturally lucky, because they can experience this "World" for the first time.
The existence of virtual technology makes virtual servers very powerful. It cannot be said that how many millions of people can be online at the same time, but it can guarantee the strength of 30 million people online at the same time, which still shocks the world.
With the opening of the game, millions of players are waiting for it.
Virtual technology has officially unveiled its mysterious veil to ordinary people. And the virtual game under the virtual technology did not disappoint, and the technology with 80% similarity to reality makes people almost think that they are in another world.
The novelty and excitement brought is the madness of the players.
On this day, any news is eclipsed, because Baichuanguihai company, virtual technology, virtual network and virtual games completely dominate any headline in this world.
Lu Chuan is talking about the opening of the China Virtual Network and virtual games. The countless technical words that have come up make the people below listen to them completely, but they must listen.
The people here didn't feel much, but the real head of the consortium couldn't sit still because they had received the data from Huaxia.
Virtual technology is unstoppable unless they want to shut down.
I thought that after two or three days of plundering Luchuan, the heads of the family who rushed over again couldn't sit still. All of them were flying to New York by special plane for the first time.
The question now is that when whoever takes the lead first, whoever has the upper hand, cannot tolerate them in a hurry.
After the banquet, Lu Chuan did not return to the hotel this time. Instead, he left Henry's manor on the grounds of seeing American technology companies.
It's impossible to stop things like this.
Considering that there are a large number of surveillance personnel following, in the United States, there is no need to worry about Lu Chuan's escape, so no one cares.
The secret of Lu Chuan is that he can shuttle.
Lu Chuan took An Tong and Yang Jingxiang with them, but only entered a hamburger restaurant, and then Lu Chuan went to the toilet and went straight to the end of the world.
And An Tong and Yang Jingxiang both got up after receiving the fluctuation of Lu Chuan's departure, and then left the burger restaurant just like that.
The people who monitored Lu Chuan had actually conducted all-round surveillance on this burger restaurant. Any exit was blocked, and Lu Chuan had no chance to leave.
But when they saw An Tong and Yang Jingxiang leave, they immediately realized something was wrong.
"He wants to get away."
A person who can be an intelligence officer is not an idiot. He knew what Lu Chuan was going to do in the first place. Lu Chuan was going to get out of his shell.
Realizing this, the person who was secretly monitoring Luchuan couldn't calm down, so he rushed into the burger restaurant.
But the burger shop is not big, and it didn't take a minute to search for it all over again, without Lu Chuan. In other words, Lu Chuan escaped under their noses?
For them, this is unacceptable, because they are the U.S. Imperial Intelligence Agency, with a reputation and pride. But on the mainland, under heavy surveillance, the other party escaped.
"Look, find him, seal this area, he will never leave too far."
"Check everyone in the entire burger shop."
"Control these two women."
The person in charge, who was extremely angry, almost ranted an order.
Lu Chuan was as if he had fallen to the sea. Everyone in this burger restaurant was innocent, or it could not be confirmed in a short time. What made them even more mad was that the two women had disappeared. In just a few minutes, they could not be seen.
In other words, they have failed to the extreme. In these short few minutes of confrontation, they think they are perfect surveillance, but there is nothing right?
This is a bit of a face. If you are known by your peers, you will not be laughed to death?
The only thing that made their faces pale is that after a few hours, they had to admit that they really lost Lu Chuan. Even if they mobilized the surveillance power of the entire New York City, there was no way to find Lu Chuan.
As if Lu Chuan disappeared out of thin air after entering the burger restaurant.
In fact, they guessed that Lu Chuan really disappeared, and he still disappeared in this time and space.
Using this method, it was too simple for Lu Chuan to avoid their surveillance.
In the end times, Lu Chuan got busy.
Lu Chuan didn't want to waste a few hours. He carried the armors he had used in the past and needed to be worn by the corpse dragons. At the same time, the bloodthirsty claw armors should be equipped for them.
Aside from this, there are more than ten thousand bloodthirsty claws that need to be processed by themselves.
In the past few hours, Lu Chuan was completely dizzy and didn't take a moment to spare.
When the alarm clock reminded Lu Chuan, Lu Chuan realized that he had stayed for more than five hours in the last days. The sky beyond the end of the world is almost dawning. After some estimates, it should be dark in the United States.
Next, Lu Chuan put on makeup and turned himself into a middle-aged person.
When Lu Chuan appeared in the toilet of the burger restaurant when he was leaving, it was also empty. Then, Lu Chuan swaggered out of the toilet. The employees here didn't even realize when Lu Chuan came in.
There is no problem with the burger shop, so people from the Intelligence Bureau cannot stay here forever.
It is precisely by using this one that Lu Chuan is so calm.
After leaving the burger restaurant, it was easy to handle. Lu Chuan called a car and pointed to a place outside of New York City. The driver didn't doubt anything at all, but got excited. This is definitely a big business tonight.
More than an hour later, Lu Chuan arrived here and gave a few dollar bills to the other party. The driver kicked the accelerator and left.
This is actually a small town outside the city, there is no desolation.
When Lu Chuan's thoughts were released, he found Yang Jingxiang and An Tong who had been here long ago. With their abilities, getting out of trouble is not a problem. Especially Yang Jingxiang, simply walked into a hidden corner and turned into a sculpture.
When they saw Lu Chuan, they were obviously relieved.
Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Let's leave here."
Without allowing Yang Jingxiang to become a corpse dragon and take him to the destination, Lu Chuan took out a commercial vehicle, ripped off the license plate, and drove straight along the wide road.
A seaside town more than 300 kilometers away from New York, it is really ordinary, with a large area and sparsely populated areas.
Since it is not a good coast, it is not suitable for building an oversized wharf, so the economy here can only rely on agriculture. The scattered houses make up this small town, which is very loose. Almost every household is a large courtyard villa.
A farm by the sea changed owners a month ago.
The farm occupies an area of ​​3,000 acres, totaling 18,000 acres.
Put it in the country, it is definitely a huge farm, but put it in the United States, it is only a medium-sized farm, and it is not even ranked.
Because of the change of owner, the new owner needs to do a lot of construction, so there are many big trucks and a large number of container trucks coming here, no one doubts.
Moreover, the owner here seems to be very mysterious. Without understanding, no one dares to enter the farm easily. In the United States, if you enter privately, the owner will have the right to shoot directly.
In this case, Lu Chuan arrived here in a low-key manner.
The busy zombies, when they saw Lu Chuan, they all saluted, and then continued their work.
Here is the concentration point of a large number of machine tools.
In the warehouse built before, these machine tools are placed inside. High-precision machine tools cannot be manufactured in China. Due to extreme export, they cannot be bought with money.
When Lu Chuan arrived here, he immediately started to work.
As long as these machine tools were touched by Lu Chuan, they were stored in the storage space. After they were full, Lu Chuan immediately shuttled to the end of the world and put them down.
It took more than two hours to go back and forth to finish all this.
"Clean up the traces." Lu Chuan issued an instruction.
Choosing here, close to the sea, is a plan to come all the time, so that Lu Chuan will be convenient when he leaves. This is the sea, and Lu Chuan is already ready. On the return journey, he can only rely on Yang Jingxiang.
After receiving Lu Chuan's instructions, the zombies here certainly knew how to do it.
"let's go."
Lu Chuan didn't plan to stay and didn't even want to see the American landscape, so he gave instructions to Yang Jingxiang.
It is night in the United States, and it is more appropriate to leave.
After receiving Lu Chuan's instructions, Yang Jingxiang revealed its zombie form in a while, a huge corpse dragon, which changed its previous beauty form and became extremely hideous.
Lu Chuan took An Tong and sat on Yang Jingxiang's back.
Yang Jingxiang slapped its huge fleshy wings, left the farm under an air current, passed over the cliff by the sea, and flew towards the direction of Huaxia, close to the sea.
Lao Mei's radar is very advanced, and Lu Chuan is still a little low-key, letting Yang Jingxiang fly a little lower.
Compared with a wet suit, I don't know how many times I have been chased by fighter jets.
.. m.
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