Chapter 740: Fighting space

Chapter 740 of the text volume of Super Zombie Factory disappeared and appeared.
Lu Chuan has long been accustomed to this feeling, is it true that time and space travel?
When his eyes were able to see, Lu Chuan found himself in a huge arena, which resembled a stadium, and sat on a certain chair.
Lu Chuan already knew the knowledge he had instilled before, but he still felt very novel.
Sitting here, the abilities you actually possess are like God. The super high-tech integrated here allows you to just sit here, but you can know all the information of the entire arena, all controlled by mind.
Not only that, if you want to leave, you only need a thought and you will be teleported back to the city of competition.
Yes, you can treat this as a game, online and offline are the same.
Lu Chuan looked around, all the people here were sitting on chairs, mostly with their eyes closed. You don't need to look, you know they are watching the competition.
No one who comes here will end easily, because no one can afford to lose.
Of course, winning is another matter.
They have suffered heavy losses in the competition, but once they have won, the funds they obtained will allow them to replenish them in a short period of time, and even have more zombie forces.
In the arena, if you win, you are a hero, and if you lose, you are a bear.
It will take a long time for the loser to slow down. After all, if their companies make money again, they have destroyed hundreds of billions, or even more than one trillion, of troops. How can it be so easy to make money?
Take Lu Chuan as an example. Baichuan has returned to the sea for so long, and it has only brought him 500 billion in income, and it can't stand a battle.
If you lose, your company will be deducted 30% of its assets, which will make the situation worse.
Lu Chuan also understands how the so-called removal of assets is calculated. It does not mean erasing your company, but adding a debt reduction to your biochemical plant capital account. Like Lu Chuan’s previous siege war, the loser , Will increase a debt of 78 trillion yuan.
This debt will deduct the funds you have in the first place, and how much is left is your true debt.
For example, if you have 500 billion in capital, that is, 78 trillion minus 500 billion, and there is still a debt of 730 billion.
And this debt requires your company to continue to make money and form funds to pay back slowly. Until the 730 billion is paid off, the funds that are generated are the funds you can control.
Lu Chuan was also dumbfounded when he understood.
If you let yourself be burdened with more than seven trillion debts, it will be a rhythm that you can't sleep. Even if the company in hand makes money again, it will not be possible to achieve this figure in a short time, and there are many difficulties.
The only way is to sell the company’s shares, or simply to actually sell a company.
Only in this way can the money be returned in the short term.
If you don't use this method, life will definitely be difficult for such a long time. The zombies in his hands were polished, and there was no money to make them, and the biochemical plant was almost at a standstill. This day is very sad.
Of course, this method, compared to erasing or taking away the 780 million equivalent enterprises, is already considered good, and at least it still leaves you with the cornerstone of your rise.
Lu Chuan guessed that if it is really erased or taken away, the impact may be great. No matter how strong the power behind this biochemical plant is, it will not spend such a huge capacity to wash the brains of people around the world and make them If you forget the existence of these companies, you don't have to spend great effort to erase the traces of these companies.
Therefore, using this kind of debt method can indeed perfectly solve this problem of deducting funds.
In this way, it also gave many people the opportunity to make a comeback, making this kind of competition become fierce. Everyone knows that even if it is lost, it is a big deal to wait for a while, and it can make a comeback.
In the arena, there are more than 37,000 competitions currently underway alone, that is to say, there are seventy-four people fighting.
It is foreseeable how hot this arena is.
Lu Chuan came here just to get a taste of it, so what he paid attention to was of course the most popular competition. There is no need for anyone to explain, Lu Chuan is leading the mind. After making these requests, this space will immediately transfer this competition to Lu Chuan.
"Enter the spectator mode."
Locked in this competitive game, Lu Chuan sent out an idea.
In an instant, Lu Chuan only felt that his soul had appeared in a certain space. This was the fighting space. It was just that Lu Chuan, as a god, appeared in the sky and could look down on this land.
In the arena, Lu Chuan closed his eyes, as if he was asleep, leaning on the chair, no different from the others.
Here, no one can hurt other people. It seems to be just a seat, but in fact it is a small independent space where no one can approach and touch.
Lu Chuan is in this battle space, like an omnipotent god, he can constantly use his mind to appear in any position in the battle space, allowing people to watch the battle infinitely.
Yes, any location.
You only need one idea, you can appear in the army of zombies, you can also appear on a zombie, or stand in the middle of the two sides, use this kind of perspective to watch the whole battle.
In the battle space, Lu Chuan and the spectators were in a state of soul, and the opponent would not be aware of the existence of Lu Chuan and the others, and Lu Chuan and the others could not stop anything below.
How should I put it, Lu Chuan at this moment, and this battle space, seem to be separated by a dimension, not in the same dimension, what you see is naturally different.
Lu Chuan can see them, but they will not see Lu Chuan. Apart from seeing them, there is no other communication between the two sides. This is the manifestation of different dimensions.
For Lu Chuan, all of this is really too novel, as if he has discovered something remarkable, Lu Chuan keeps appearing in various places as his thoughts keep coming out.
Sometimes it was in front of a certain zombie, sometimes it was the body of a certain zombie, sometimes standing in the middle of two zombies army, sometimes beside two players, watching each other curiously.
"The battles ranked 37th and 36th have almost no difference in strength. They are only slightly different. But their battles, after all, are in the top 100, which are extremely rare."
Having instilled too much knowledge, Lu Chuan also understood that, as long as the cattle who can enter ten thousand people, they rarely have the opportunity to fight with others, because they all cherish each other.
Because of this, the 37th and 36th place battles are really rare. No wonder the number of people who watched the battle today reached tens of millions.
Lu Chuan looked around, don't look at the empty place. In fact, there are tens of millions of people watching the battle like himself. Unfortunately, they can't see anything.
"That's right, I can really see it. It's all people here, and I'm watching a fart fight."
Lu Chuan didn't know who was thirty-seventh and who was thirty-sixth, but both sides were very young, about thirty years old, but the vicissitudes of life on their faces were definitely not as young as they were.
"After the genes are strengthened at the fifth level, it can be said that they will stay young forever. After reaching the seventh level, one cannot say that they are immortal, but it is not a problem to live two or three hundred years old. These two people must be very old."
The strength of the two sides is equal, and they didn't choose any strategy, but they used a real sword and gun formation.
The army of zombies lined up, almost out of sight.
Lu Chuan appeared in the sky, and he could see the number of zombies in their hands. He didn't know how many there were. It was calculated in 100 million units. On the first floor of the sky, one underground, divided into two camps facing each other.
There are countless zombies that Lu Chuan is familiar with, and there are also some zombies that Lu Chuan can't recognize at all.
The zombies of the berserkers are just the role of small soldiers here.
The corpse dragon and bloodthirsty claws in the sky are just supporting roles. The real protagonist is the crocodile dragon zombie. Its huge body is here, which is too huge. It was already a huge corpse dragon before. In front of the crocodile dragon zombies, Not proportional.
Aside from the crocodile dragon zombies, there is also a zombie that floats in the air like a fat fish. It is somewhat round, like a pufferfish, but Lu Chuan doesn't know its name.
This kind of pufferfish-like zombie can float in the sky without knowing the principle. Its lips are very thick, occupying a lot of space on the entire face. It's huge, even more than several times that of crocodile dragon zombies.
"This is too big, right?"
Lu Chuan opened his mouth wide, and the corpse dragon was weak in front of the puffer fish zombie, like a small sampan on the side of an aircraft carrier, and a fly flying by the ear of an elephant.
This size makes people feel shocked.
Lu Chuan’s idea was to appear next to this pufferfish zombie. Only when you get here, you will find yourself insignificant, because Lu Chuan is facing a wall, and you will find it farther away. A piece of scale armor of a pufferfish zombie.
Like this kind of pufferfish zombies, it should be expensive to manufacture. Among the billions of zombies, Lu Chuan only found about a hundred.
Both sides have this kind of pufferfish zombies, and Lu Chuan is not sure what level it is.
This kind of zombie is still unheard of in the last days by Lu Chuan. Of course, looking at the shocking effect they bring to people now, Lu Chuan has reason to believe that once he sees it, it may turn out to be unpleasant. After all, you should suffer It's me.
In addition to this kind of pufferfish zombies, there are several huge zombies in the sky that Lu Chuan can't recognize. Lu Chuan is sure that they should be higher than the fifth-level corpse dragon.
What surprised Lu Chuan most was a kind of zombie smaller than bloodthirsty claws. It had extremely sharp claws and was a wing-shaped zombie on the back. It moved so fast that it almost disappeared in the blink of an eye.
"This kind of zombie is a real human killer."
At this speed can still fly. It is a flash kill. If a low-level new human is in front of it, it may not even see the shadow, and it will be bombarded and killed.
Aside from the army of zombies in the sky and on the ground, the types are also extremely rich. A dozen kinds of zombies that Lu Chuan has never seen before have formed a huge array of zombies here.
One of them is not smaller than Roshan, but it is like a reptile. It has four huge legs that support its body as big as a mountain. Its head is almost occupied by its mouth, with a slightly open mouth. The mouth is full of sharp teeth.
In front of this kind of beast-shaped zombie, Roshan might be torn to pieces by several bites.
Only at this point can Lu Chuan know what the biochemical plant system is like. Like the shadow blades he wants to unlock now, Lu Chuan naturally found out. They showed a faint outline in the sun. How to say it, it's like the artist's character paintings, which have been hurriedly outlined.
These shadow blades are hidden in the zombie army. I don't know how many there are. It is certain that when fighting together, they will definitely bring a storm of death.
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