Chapter 764: Global Hawk

The best business in the world is the empty glove white wolf.
Obviously, Liu Haoran now had this idea. Use the information you know in exchange for a person’s goodwill and make friends. And at the beginning, it was clearly stated that if there are points in the future, you need to give him some.
In this way, you only need to pay some information that he knows, and it does not require any capital.
People like this kind of people don't have the courage to end, but through this method, they can get some points to get more information.
After all, they continue to help others, and there will always be people who dare to end.
Regardless of whether it is a failure or a success, the points of the City of Competitiveness will be obtained. The difference is more and less. This is a means, because if you know that you have failed, you will get a certain amount of points. Naturally, the heart to resist temptation is not so determined.
You need to know that these points can be used to replace funds for consumption in the mall, or for various types of consumption in the city of competition.
Without points, it is difficult for you to move, but with points, you can do whatever you want.
Lu Chuanming knew that Liu Haoran was a white wolf player of this type, but Lu Chuan still had to accept this love. For Lu Chuan, this would save himself a lot of time. As for Liu Haoran, he is not afraid that you will not give it when you know it. On the other hand, he casts a net widely.
After obtaining the information, Lu Chuan was not staying, and returned directly to the end times.
The appearance of the tyrant t-003 really made Lu Chuan feel caught off guard.
Not its type, but the location it unlocks.
Not in China, but in North America, where the U.S. Empire is located. To reach North America, it is very simple to put it in the modern age, but now is the end of the world, across the entire Pacific Ocean, thinking about it makes people feel creepy.
"It's hard to save some money."
Lu Chuan smiled bitterly.
The biochemical factory is completely a combination of zombies and technology. The existence of a shopping mall and a series of top technologies are completely ahead of the world. It is not easy to realize these technologies.
Tyrant t-003 cannot be unlocked. If you use a corpse dragon to fly over it, there will be some difficulties.
The corpse dragon is a zombie, and it does not lack endurance. But after all, it will be the result of collapse under long-term flight, especially this kind of flight across the Pacific.
The corpse dragon does not know the pain, but it will not be able to withstand the series of high-intensity consequences, and will collapse.
In the vast sea, Lu Chuan didn't know any island where the corpse dragon could rest.
Use the corpse dragon to force the crossing, this is the last way.
"Open the mall." Lu Chuan sent out the idea, the mall opened, and among the many technologies, Lu Chuan found this technology of the aerospace carrier.
Space Mothership: The most powerful aircraft before human beings entered the cosmic age. A series of technologies all represent the top technology integration of human beings, dominating the earth and sky for more than a hundred years.
It was a simple introduction, but Lu Chuan knew it was really not easy.
The integration of mankind's top technology, mankind's strongest weapon before entering the universe.
As an integrated system, Lu Chuan also knows that the price of this type of weapon will never be cheap. The price of technology in the mall is not static. For example, after you buy a certain technology, the money for this technology will be reduced or exempted in another technology that uses this technology.
Lu Chuan did not purchase any of the technologies on the space carrier, so it was so expensive that Lu Chuan was dumbfounded.
Space carrier: 1 trillion.
How much is 1 trillion? Many people have no concept, but it means 100 million billion.
Don’t think it’s very expensive. In fact, it contains countless technologies, like the carrier-based aircraft, it also contains a series of technologies, as well as engines and radars that can allow space carriers to take off. This one is really expensive. It's not expensive anymore.
"One trillion..." Lu Chuan also had a dumbfounded feeling, even if he killed himself, he couldn't afford such a sum of money. In the face of 1 trillion, Baichuan Guihai Company is nothing at all.
Therefore, Lu Chuan could only drool at this space carrier.
Besides, this thing can still be played in the end of the world. If you dare to make this thing in modern times, you need to think about the feelings of other countries.
Lu Chuan's vision was actually placed on a carrier-based aircraft of the space carrier.
Global Hawk: The integrated Airbus fighter, an overwhelming fighter in the space carrier era, but at the end of the space carrier, it has not adapted to new tactics and is in a semi-retired state.
What is an Airbus fighter?
It is to have a huge body of a passenger plane, but it has the same speed and sensitivity as a fighter plane, and its combat effectiveness is even more powerful than that of a fighter plane. It can perform combat missions against air, ground and sea. Its body gives it a global strike capability. At the same time, it can also take on the task of bombing.
Don't look at its huge physique, its lift-off height is beyond comparison with other fighters.
In addition, its combat effectiveness is very sturdy, whether it is offensive or defensive, it truly belongs to the ranks of super heavy fighters. The huge body can carry more advanced technology on it, has more ammunition capacity, and a larger fuel tank allows it to fly farther.
As long as you check its performance, you can find that its radar reflector is only at the level of a bird, and its stealth ability is so astounding.
Especially its engine technology. It’s like a heavy truck, but it has the performance of a super sports car. Everything is because of the super power provided by this engine. .
The Global Hawk has the same name as Hyundai's Global Hawk reconnaissance aircraft, but they are two completely different conceptual aircraft.
The performance of the Global Hawk in the mall, and the American Emperor's Global Hawk does not know how many streets, you must know that the Global Hawk sold in the mall can fly in orbit, and satellites are its prey.
But its price is not cheap.
Airbus fighter technology: 30 trillion.
Well, a shocking figure, at the current economic level of the planet, its price is enough to make 99% of countries surrender. This price is unbearable in any country.
Take the military expenditure of the US imperialism as an example, it is about 800 billion U.S. dollars per year, which is equivalent to 5.3760 trillion yuan in a certain currency. It takes six years for the American imperial military expenditure to be able to get this amount of money. A number that may be obtained in one go.
Similarly, Lu Chuan couldn't get it out.
The fact that technology cannot be afforded does not mean that the product cannot be afforded.
Airbus fighter jets are not bundled with technology and can be purchased separately. For example, you can buy an Airbus fighter jet.
What Lu Chuan fought was the idea of ​​an Airbus fighter.
Global Hawk price: 3 trillion.
No mistake, a 3 trillion yuan, compared with its full set of technology, is simply too expensive. This is the price of the commodity, but it is difficult to love the price of it.
3 trillion, it is possible to build a modern aircraft carrier group, almost ten can be built, but now it can only buy an Airbus fighter.
Lu Chuan knew that he could buy these awesome weapons before, but he didn't dare to buy them because they were too expensive.
Now it's different. With the appearance of the tyrant t-003, Lu Chuan had to spend this money.
Lu Chuan just hesitated for a moment, and gritted his teeth and decided to buy one.
Many times, many things are no longer measurable with money, and their existence far exceeds the meaning of money can be substituted. 3 trillion is indeed a lot, but when you understand its performance, you still think it is worth it.
In the case of not buying technology like this, the mall will definitely slaughter Lu Chuan as if he was a fool.
"Buy Global Hawk." Lu Chuan thought.
"Successful deduction of 3 trillion yuan of funds." The biochemical plant's prompt sounded, and Lu Chuan's funds instantly fell by one-third, which made Lu Chuan very painful.
There is no need to leave the biochemical factory, but Lu Chuan has already sensed that this Global Hawk has appeared in his storage space.
A prerequisite for purchasing Global Hawk is that the storage space can be stored.
In my mind, this Global Hawk Airbus fighter has emerged its size, and it is indeed a behemoth. Its body is huge, but its wings are short and fat, unlike a transport plane with huge wingspan.
This kind of design is mainly to allow it to appear on the space carrier.
Another reason is that its engine is really excellent. With the short fat wing and enough thrust, the lift it generates can completely send the Global Hawk into the sky.
"3 trillion!"
Lu Chuan was in pain, and he went outside the biochemical factory for the first time.
Around the current biochemical factory, all the zombies were cleaned up, and all were replaced by zombies from the biochemical factory. So here, Lu Chuan is absolutely safe.
Lu Chuan came to the square after passing two streets.
There is no problem with the huge square, the size of which can accommodate this global eagle like a fat duck.
In one idea, the Global Eagle was released by Lu Chuan and appeared on the square.
Standing in front of it, Lu Chuan was extremely small. It was a lap larger than the current largest Airbus passenger plane, about the size of a large transport plane.
The outlet of the mall is naturally extraordinary.
For example, it has a fully intelligent control system. It can fly perfectly without the need for human operation. In most cases, it is even better than humans.
As its current owner, this Global Hawk is already bound to Lu Chuan. Lu Chuan has the highest power and can issue any commands to this Global Hawk.
"Good guy."
What made Lu Chuan unexpected is that this Global Hawk actually has a vertical take-off and landing function. I have to say that its engine is really awesome. God knows how many tons of thrust it has? But thinking that the Mothership can fly in the sky, its horrible figure of almost one kilometer long, it is conceivable that its engine will be more abnormal.
With the vertical take-off and landing function, it becomes more flexible, and the 3 trillion yuan spent really has a feeling of value for money.
"Open the door."
The idea is sent out. This communication method that can connect to the brain's thinking is a communication technology that combines virtual technology. It is not much better than quantum communication, but the degree of magic is not comparable to quantum communication.
The door opened and Lu Chuan walked in and arrived at the crew cab.
The existence of holographic projection technology makes this place very tidy. What you want to do, you only need a thought, and the holographic projection will present the various positions of the fighter in front of you, which can make you more Get a good understanding of the condition of the fighter.
Its large body gives the driver's cab a look like a battleship command tower. In the main seat is the captain's chair, which looks very sci-fi, like a huge seat cabin.
Lu Chuan sat on it and immediately activated the Global Hawk fighter.
The indicator lights lighted up, and then gathered in front of Lu Chuan, forming a virtual screen. Through it, Lu Chuan can understand that the Global Hawk fighter is now in all normal conditions.
"take off."
With curiosity, Lu Chuan issued instructions with his mind.
Under Lu Chuan's instructions, the fuselage shook violently. With the rumbling sound, the powerful thrust appeared, and the fat global eagle left the ground, and then quickly raised its height like a catapult.
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