Chapter 8: 2 zombies

   Walking out of the elevator, Lu Chuan's heart was still beating.
   The elevator of the biochemical plant will not be a weakness. Even if the elevator is turned on, the zombies cannot get in. The defense mechanism of the biochemical plant will keep the zombies out.
   The soft lights in the factory made Lu Chuan realize that he is safe now.
   Lu Chuan shouted, clenched his fist in excitement, and slammed into the air several times.
   The boss's office.
   The boss's office is more than 200 square meters. Its decoration is luxurious. With Lu Chuan's vision of working in the decoration industry, all the materials used are top-notch. The cost of this office alone is not impossible.
  The decoration of an office costs tens of millions, which is jaw-dropping.
   Lu Chuan sat in the boss chair. It was so comfortable that Lu Chuan closed his eyes, relaxed himself completely, and let himself fall into it.
   deserves to be the boss’s office, it is indeed worthy of the word boss.
   Everything in the biochemical factory can be manipulated through thinking. After the digitalization of the factory, you can treat it as a game. On the R&D panel, the bottom grid of the technology tree is finally lit.
   An ordinary zombie head with a hideous face is what this icon looks like.
   Consciousness passed by, and an introduction about it appeared.
   Zombies: The first-generation zombies infected by the virus don't need to expect any fighting power. Its role is more to intimidate some weak humans.
   Looking at this explanation, a faint sadness came to my heart.
  Considering that this is only the product of a first-level biochemical plant, Lu Chuan is still learning to satisfy himself when the Wandi high-rise building is flat.
   activated the first product, and the second grid appeared gray: zombie dog.
   Zombie dog is also a product that can be manufactured by a first-level biochemical factory, but there is a precondition, that is, the zombie must be activated before it can be activated.
  Gray, it can be activated, the black question in an unknown state.
   In other words, Lu Chuan also has no way of knowing what the next zombie product that can be activated in the biochemical plant.
   Not only that, the pretender system finally appeared in the additional mall prompted by the biochemical factory.
   Pretender system: You can disguise zombies, just like humans. The price of each set is linked to the level of zombies.
   There is no price for this system, you can buy it, but the price will only pop up when you determine the target. Lu Chuan tried it and used it on the first product, Zombie. The price of the pretender system was 100,000.
   For Lu Chuan, who currently has less than 10,000 deposits, this system is temporarily hopeless.
   Another message is funding.
   The initial funding of the biochemical plant: 207665 (200,000 yuan is the activation bonus fund, and 7665 yuan is the own fund.)
   It is easy to understand that Lu Chuan's current bank card, plus the cash in his pocket, is estimated to be similar to this number. Based on the magic of the biochemical factory, the 7,665 yuan it gave it must be his real current deposit.
   The manufacturing cost of a zombie is one hundred thousand.
   "Make two zombies."
   Lu Chuan hesitated slightly, but gave the order.
   The biochemical factory immediately deducted 200,000 yuan, leaving only 7,665 yuan.
   Lu Chuan stood outside the manufacturing workshop.
   In the fully enclosed manufacturing workshop, Lu Chuan can't see what's inside, but at the mid-production exit of the manufacturing workshop, it is composed of a huge glass cylinder.
   This glass cylinder is ten meters in diameter, and underneath is a pallet.
   Lu Chuan has been here since he issued the manufacturing order.
   At this time, a gas mist was injected into the glass cylinder, and nothing was seen.
   In this mist, there is a faint electric arc interlacing, as if something terrifying is being born.
   Gradually, the outline of two black shadows appeared in the mist, their arms hanging down, their heads lowered, and one of them was still lame.
   When the mist dissipated, two zombies appeared in the glass cylinder.
   There is no difference between ordinary zombies, carrion all over, eyes hollow, standing still.
   This sound shocked Lu Chuan.
   The glass cylinder rose slowly, but it directly liberated the two zombies.
   Lu Chuan only felt a tremor in his heart, there was an urge to twist and run away.
   Fortunately, the two zombies without restraints, did not move, still standing on the pallet. They twisted their heads, seeming to look around, and when they glanced over Lu Chuan, they didn't mean to pounce on them.
   At the same time, Lu Chuan established a wonderful connection with these two zombies in his heart, and a feeling that could command them came to his mind.
   Thinking of Uncle Zombie, it's the same as now.
"Raise your hand."
   Lu Chuan tried to issue this command, and the two zombies raised their hands almost at the same time.
   To put it simply, these two zombies have no difference in appearance from the zombies outside, but after all, they were manufactured by a biochemical factory. Lu Chuan can command them, but he has some simple instructions.
   Zombies, even zombies produced by biochemical factories, they have no thoughts and consciousness.
   The biochemical plant has an underground building complex, and the first floor is the warehouse of the biochemical plant.
  The function of the warehouse is to store products.
   The two zombies were sent to the first floor in the first place. They stood in the empty warehouse, fell into a latent state, and did not move.
   "If you can equip them with armor, and then hold an AK, this picture is absolutely beautiful."
   The zombies were wearing armor and holding guns. The survivors who saw him were afraid of peeing.
   It is a pity that this idea, in a short period of time, it is difficult to realize it. However, what Lu Chuan used was a local method, using local materials.
   Outside the construction site.
   At a concealed exit, a disguised pallet was first lowered and then raised.
When    rose, two freshly baked zombies were taken to the ground of the construction site.
  The first-level biochemical plant can allow Lu Chuan to direct the zombies of the biochemical plant products within one kilometer. This kind of command force depends on the level of the product, like a first-level zombie, it is destined to have very limited instructions.
   There are a lot of various tools on the construction site. Two zombies that have just been baked appear here, and they immediately adapt to their identities.
   is very different. They picked up two rusty pointed shovels and held them in their hands.
   Lu Chuan is doing a test.
   The two zombies who slowly carried the pointed shovel, they walked in front of a construction worker zombie like this, and then picked up the pointed shovel and slammed the head of the construction worker zombie.
   The power of the zombie can be fully utilized, and the pointed shovels hit the head almost at the same time.
   The head of this construction worker shattered like a watermelon.
  Because of the excessive force, the pointed shovel even deformed a bit, which shows how powerful this blow is.
   If the survivors see this scene, they will definitely stare out. Between ordinary zombies and ordinary zombies, there is almost no possibility of mutual hands-on, except for higher and higher, or between higher and lower, there is the possibility of mutual hands.
   As the lowest zombies, they can only wander in groups and can only attack all living creatures.
   But in front of them, these two zombies obviously violated this law.
   Attracted by Lu Chuan before, more than two thousand zombies swarmed into the construction site. The movement made here attracted a large number of zombies, attracted by the sound, they pounced like a tide.
   The two zombies produced by biochemical factories are no different from ordinary zombies. The group of zombies that came forward didn't find anything interesting to them, and then gradually spread out.
   didn't even lose a single hair, two zombies carrying twisted pointed spades, walked towards the outside of the construction site one high and one low.
   Thousands of zombies are regarded as nothing.
  No, they are zombies, and there is no need to worry about zombies like humans.
   Lu Chuan, who had been sitting on the large and luxurious boss chair in the boss's office, let out a somewhat wretched laugh: "Next, it's time to get rid of poverty."
Anyone who has the ability to travel through time and space, and the ability to travel between the last days and the modern world, can’t get rid of a thought. This is the wealth everywhere in the last There are only a few thousand dollars left in Lu Chuan’s pocket. The idea of ​​making a small fortune by oneself is even stronger.
   has an advantage, no need to use it, it is a behavior.
   This boss's office, once again, Lu Chuan raised his evaluation of it, not only for the decoration, but also for the functions and technology in it.
   Sitting in the boss chair, what appeared in front of Lu Chuan was a picture similar to AR technology. It was not just as simple as lifelike, but it restored everything within one kilometer of the biochemical plant to Lu Chuan.
   Yes, this kind of technology is a holographic projection technology that is more advanced than AR technology.
   The 3D-like instant sense of sight makes Lu Chuan feel like he is on the scene.
   "It's really black technology."
   sighed, but Lu Chuan's eyes were placed on two factory zombies.
   The two zombies who staggered forward carrying pointed shovels quickly walked out of the construction site and aimed at a commercial building next to the construction site.
   This commercial building is more than sixty stories high. Lu Chuan has observed it. From the first floor to the tenth floor, it is a commercial structure. Further up, is the office floor.
   Within one kilometer, there are several high-rise buildings of dozens to hundreds of floors.
   These are all regarded by Lu Chuan as part of his wealth.
   There are two zombies that can be easily commanded. Lu Chuan's idea is very simple. Let them "pick up" some unowned wealth in the last days to enrich their economy.
   The end of the world, it must be a place where gold is everywhere and antiques are thrown away.
   (OK, the first product is finally out, should there be a recommendation ticket here?)
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