Chapter 806: Come prepared

   Tyrant T-003 received such severe trauma, but it still rushed towards Luchuan.
   After Lu Chuan dodged, it hit the wall head-on.
   The walls here are entirely composed of rocks, and its impact still makes the rocks shatter. The location of the impact showed signs of crushing.
   Tyrant T-003 turned around and greeted it with a fire-gathering bullet.
   The power of the heavy sniper rifle, of course, needless to say, armored vehicles will be penetrated. They are not at the level of anti-tank guns, but they are also extremely cruel.
  Only saw the tyrant T-003's head, another cloud of blood exploded, and then the skull finally couldn't bear it, and it broke.
   In the next second, Lu Chuan, who was evading, replaced a sniper rifle in his hand.
   Without hesitation, Lu Chuan shot.
   Level 7 gene enhancement has been around for almost half a year, and Lu Chuan has adapted to these power changes long ago. So this gun, like the gunman's marksmanship, can't go wrong at all.
   Bullets shot in from the broken skull of Tyrant T-003, directly mixing its head into a ball of pulp.
   The tyrant T-003's actions directly stopped, like a machine without electricity.
   Tyrant T-003 fell down and hit the floor.
   In the communicator, a crowd of people exhaled. God knows what kind of helplessness and powerlessness this short moment of fighting brought them.
   It took so long for so many people to gather fire before killing a tyrant T-003.
   Moreover, this is still based on the fact that this tyrant T-003 is chasing the boss.
   If this tyrant T-003 did not target the boss to death, but attacked whoever attacked, I am afraid that among them, there must be some price.
   Tyrant T-003's impact, they have no way to stop it.
   The fierce exchange of fire successfully attracted more zombies.
   Such a huge biochemical laboratory has more than a thousand staff. So many people can still not be known by the outside world, and the security measures here are indeed in place.
   "Are there any casualties?" Lu Chuan asked.
   "Boss, no."
   Lu Chuan nodded. In fact, the tyrant T-003 has always been chasing Lu Chuan and ignored Li Tiancheng and the others. Naturally, there will be no casualties.
   This is also something Lu Chuan can't figure out. Why would Tyrant T-003 only chase himself?
   Maybe because I was the first person it saw, or because I was different?
   is just a tyrant T-003, there is no way to figure out the reason for the time being.
   "Be careful all." Lu Chuan reminded that Tyrant T-003 is a seven-level zombie. Just look at the destructive power it brought and you know how terrifying it is.
   Dozens of heavy sniper rifles bombarded it at this kind of distance, hitting hundreds of rounds before and after, and carrying more than a dozen anti-tank missiles, and they were all dead.
   If it is in a more open place, it will be more difficult to deal with at its speed.
   deserves to be the ultimate existence of the tyrant system. Its power, speed, and physicality have already taken a qualitative leap.
   Fortunately, they have no thinking, and they can't get through the protective doors here before they rush out of the outside world. And their evolution under virus infection should be limited to this one place.
  The only place to unlock is here, which means that there are more than ten Tyrant T-003s.
   more than ten, this will make Lu Chuan cheer up.
  Under everyone's lights, I can still see clearly here. The creatures in the glass cylinders make people feel creepy. Many things have not even been heard.
   is not a ghost or an alien species, but some animals have a genetic mutation and become strange.
   What they want is to study this kind of genetic mutation.
   "Let's build a lighting area here, and then build a sniper position, and then I will attract the tyrant T-003 here."
   This was planned for a long time, and it was not a temporary intention.
   When he knew it was an underground biochemical laboratory, Lu Chuan had already realized that for such a long time, there had been problems with electricity.
   If it were not for the loss of electricity, the defense system of this place would never come in so easily.
   Lu Chuan moved out the battery pack. Li Tiancheng and the others are not curious. The boss can even put it in a warship, let alone these battery packs?
   Dozens of people are busy. In a moment, they are assembled, and when the switch is turned on, it becomes like daylight.
   Not only that, Lu Chuan also took out a fence made of steel and added it to this hall. Like a multi-treasure bag, Lu Chuan's hands kept moving, taking out a large number of anti-tank missiles and placing them in front of the guardrail.
   At the same time, more than a dozen anti-tank guns appeared and mounted on the guardrail.
   These anti-tank guns are the products of the underground arsenal in Somalia. With the strength of this arsenal, it is not difficult to manufacture these equipment.
   In fact, the current anti-tank missiles have completely replaced this type of anti-tank gun, mainly because of its penetrating power and range strength, far inferior to anti-tank missiles.
   But the anti-tank guns in Lu Chuan's hands are improved, and they are several times more powerful than the current heavy anti-material sniper rifles.
   Li Tiancheng and the others saw these dozen anti-tank guns, their eyes gleamed.
   Compared with a sniper rifle, this anti-tank gun has a longer barrel and a larger volume. The shells alone have thick arms. This is a 30MM anti-tank gun.
   "For high-level use, its backlash is great." Lu Chuan gave a command and walked forward.
   Li Tiancheng took over the command, and first confirmed who used the anti-tank gun, so that everyone was ready: "All of them are refreshed, this time the tyrant T-003 we are facing is not easy to get along with."
   "Wait for the boss to attract it, immediately set its head on fire, and fight for one round to smash its head."
   With anti-tank guns, Li Tiancheng is full of confidence.
   The anti-tank missile is more powerful, but it can only lock the tyrant T-003, but there is no way to just hit the head, but blast to the body, which is not deadly enough for the tyrant T-003.
   But the anti-tank gun is different. In fact, it is a large sniper rifle, which can be aimed at the head of the tyrant T-003 for concentrated strikes.
   Another point, the anti-tank missile is here, and I am worried that it will collapse this place.
   Li Tiancheng and the others were able to choose, they were definitely the best, and in a moment, they were all ready. A mounted anti-tank gun and heavy sniper rifle were all aimed at the distant exit.
   Lu Chuan simply carried a battery on his back. The power stored in it was enough to drive several lights, turning Lu Chuan into a whole day in front of him, so he could see clearly.
   Holding the saber in his hand, Lu Chuan strode forward.
  Since the tyrant T-003 has appeared, there must be a lot of tyrant T-003 here, along with other zombies.
   Wherever the light beam goes, it is like daylight.
   The fierce firefight just now attracted a large number of zombies. They moved here, and when they saw the light, they immediately rushed to Luchuan.
   It's just that they are just ordinary zombies, and when the knife is up and down, they beheaded and killed.
   Step by step, Lu Chuan focused himself.
   Although there is a Titan biological layer, Lu Chuan still dare not care. God knows if there will be accidents?
  The running in this channel, it is very harsh.
   In the sound of running, there are still a lot of fragmentary footsteps.
   Lu Chuan shone the light beam over, and a tyrant T-003 could be seen rushing out from the corner, followed by several lickers, rushing towards Lu Chuan quickly.
   Tyrant T-003 saw the light source and suddenly began to accelerate.
   Lu Chuan can run to a hundred meters in three or four seconds, and the speed of Tyrant T-003 is no less than that of Lu Chuan. He ran wildly here, and came over with a black shadow.
   "It's Tyrant T-003."
   Lu Chuan yelled in the communication channel, turned around and rushed.
   It is necessary to lead it to the hall, and use the fire of the thermal weapon to solve it. In heads-up, Lu Chuan was afraid that he would be used as a sandbag and be beaten badly.
   "Prepare everything."
   Lu Chuan ran while giving orders.
   "Received, boss."
   "Boss, be careful."
   There is no need to say more about Lu Chuan, Li Tiancheng and the others are already standing by, staring at the passage. At their location, the lights appearing in the distance can already be seen, quickly approaching them.
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