Chapter 881: Dead still

   This rebellious settlement is just an episode, and it cannot stop the advancement of the zombie army.
   The combination of humans and zombies actually gives very little reaction time to human settlements.
   More settlements, in the face of this kind of power, they chose to surrender, and they couldn't fight at all. If it is purely a zombie, humans will resist, but with humans in it, it will not be too difficult for people to surrender.
   After conquering three settlements one after another, Lu Chuan let Yi Zhanfei stop this kind of expansion.
   The population of the three settlements, Lu Chuan did not move to the Xintian settlement, but re-established a new settlement in the northwestern part of China.
   It is located in the Gobi, there are no people nearby, and the threat of natural zombies is much smaller.
   Establishing a new settlement here is conducive to the management of the area, and the other is to reduce the risk of being annihilated by the top zombies.
   In Lu Chuan's plan, China needs to set up a settlement at a certain position apart to facilitate the rule and management of this area.
   The entire recovery of Huaxia is proceeding in an orderly manner.
   Three settlements, it takes a while to digest.
   And time, it is getting closer and closer to the beginning of the siege, and Lu Chuan also needs to start shrinking all the zombie army forces. As a result, the expansion operation had to stop.
   Today, one-third of China's area is in the hands of Lu Chuan.
   The total number of survivors in the three settlements has reached more than 8 million.
   Because of the integration of new settlements, the logistics pressure is undoubtedly huge. Lu Chuan took another time and carried out a large supply of supplies.
   Five days before the countdown, the settlements in Shanshi County began to mobilize.
   "Listen to everyone, now pack your luggage, and then follow the instructions to go to the Nakasu Underground City. You need to live there for a week..."
   The broadcasting system in the settlement area transmits the mobilization order to everyone’s ears.
   is not just broadcasting, there are busy workers everywhere on the streets, they need to communicate the mobilization order to everyone.
   This time the mobilization order was issued by the boss himself, and there was no room for negotiation at all, let alone that he didn’t want to wait. This is the end of the world, and the boss's orders are the same as military orders, and Rong has to implement them.
   No matter what complaint, no one dared to say a word, but began to pack their own luggage.
   Live for a week, just a few sets of clothes.
  Dungeons are all familiar to them. I don't know how many people have worked in it, so naturally they will not be afraid. The huge logistical support prevents them from worrying about food and drink.
   On the contrary, no one opposed the mobilization this time. This is equivalent to a week off. Who wouldn’t?
   On the fourth day, personnel transfer began.
   Tens of thousands of corpse dragons, they appeared here hanging huge pods, and then the person in charge of each area commanded teams of people to board these pods.
After    is full, the corpse dragon will flap its huge fleshy wings and take off, taking these people off the ground and heading towards Zhongzhou City.
   This scene is truly spectacular.
   On the ground, a large number of electric vehicles, also full of people, proceed along the expressway towards Nakasu City.
   The transfer of 3.7 million people is a huge project. If you want to complete it in four days, even with the corpse dragon and the vehicle, the time is very urgent.
   The administrative staff of the entire settlement mobilized to maintain order here.
   Hundreds of thousands of zombies are wearing exoskeleton armor, standing like pacesetters in the streets and alleys of the colony, and along the highway.
   Hundreds of thousands of bloodthirsty claws in the sky fly in the sky to the entire transfer.
   The first person didn't have any other ideas, but according to the arrangement, either boarded the pod or entered the bus.
  Many people have already tried the taste of the pod. It seems to be a little bit cool, but it is not as comfortable as the bus. The pod will shake when the corpse dragon is flying, and people who are not used to it will even vomit dimly.
   Fortunately, it is only 30 kilometers away, and the speed of the corpse dragon is 10 minutes before and after it. Many people can bear it.
   Of course, many people are surprised.
   Like this kind of opportunity, there are really not many, except for being sent here before, there are some experiences, and then there will be no chance again. Speaking of it, the corpse dragon is a military unit, so how could it be easily accessible to them?
   The people who were arranged were taken away, and those who were not arranged were waiting.
  Many people are a little uneasy, and many people become anticipating.
   There are hundreds of thousands of people involved in the construction of the dungeon. Everyone knows everything in it, so there is no fear.
   The only thing they don’t understand is why the boss has to spend such a huge amount of character power, so that they can hide in the underground city for a while?
   The first thing people think of is the enemy.
   But in this world, who else is worthy of being an enemy of the boss?
  Of course, it may not be impossible to make the boss act like this. After all, they really don't know much about this world.
   In the last days, it is not the Internet age, and you can know everything thousands of miles away.
   The communications in the current settlements are limited to military communications. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to know the news from far away. Countless zombies are blocking this world, it is extremely difficult to take a step.
   The settlement in Shanshi County is a hundred kilometers in diameter and is safe. It is also one of the few areas where people can move around freely.
   For example, it is possible to go outing in the suburbs.
  Farther, it won't work.
   There are countless zombies, all kinds of zombies, even new humans are difficult to break through, let alone ordinary people.
   In the last days, being alive is already a kind of survival.
   This transfer had several rehearsals, so everyone did it without being muddled. In this troubled world, they didn't have any possessions, so they just brought clothes.
   Points are stored in the personal information database and can be paid with a face or fingerprint.
   Because of this, Lu Chuan is confident that they can complete the transfer in three to four days.
   At this time, Lu Chuan was being carried in the sky by a blue-winged angel. He was sitting on a comfortable chair, which was hung up by two ropes, then held by the blue-winged angel and lifted into the sky.
   This feeling is very refreshing.
   Lu Chuan leaned on the chair and looked down at the survivors like ants. This kind of scene involving millions of people is really grand.
   And the director of all this is actually Lu Chuan himself.
   Thinking of three years ago, I had nothing, but today, three years later, I control the life and death of nearly tens of millions of people. Baichuan Guihai Company is the world's number one company and one of the most powerful people in the world.
   There are space-based weapons in the sky, and it adds a different kind of power to this kind of power.
   There are four days left, and Lu Chuan actually has nothing to do.
   The fence has been prepared for a long time, countless weapons are automated, and the few that cannot be modified will be replaced by zombies. Humans are not allowed to participate in this battle.
  Don't underestimate the zombies. Under the command of the commander zombies, each zombies are accurate, so that they can operate weapons without any problem.
  Plenty of ammunition, not to mention one or two days, even one week is not a problem.
  Many people will sneer, how many military ammunition can be used in the previous year, or even a few years, and only a week, dare to be complacent?
   It also depends on what level of enemy these troops are facing. They may only face a division or a regiment.
   And where is Lu Chuan now?
  If the opponent is strong enough, the number of zombies that may be faced will exceed millions.
   And zombies can be killed without wanting to kill, and it costs ten times the ammunition.
   The opponent will not fight a protracted battle, because the offense only has 24 hours, so from the beginning, it will go all out to make the battle into a fever.
   During these 24 hours, there will be no one minute rest, except for offense or offense.
  How terrible is the ammunition consumed with such strength?
   Lu Chuan is now able to support a week, and he has done his best. Somalia's arsenal, as well as the armament factory in the apocalypse, manufactures it 24 hours a day, exhausting all the production capacity to achieve this.
   "I don't know what the opponent is like this time?"
   After making sufficient preparations, Lu Chuan was actually calm inside.
   Not why, just because of his performance in the arena, because he still has the blue-winged angel in his hand.
   In the arena, how many people he defeated, ten victories in ten terrible battles, and ranks within 100 million as the seventh-level soldiers of the eighth-level biochemical plant.
   As long as there is a heart, you will definitely notice this brutal war debt of Lu Chuan.
   Lu Chuan recalled that there were no loopholes, and then stretched out on this chair.
   On the penultimate day, one million people entered the dungeon.
   On the penultimate day, one million people entered the dungeon, and then under resettlement, there was no chaos. In the dungeons, everything was normal.
   On the last day, the last 700,000 people entered the dungeon.
   So far, at the afternoon of the last day, the entire transfer plan was completed. 3.7 million people were resettled into the underground city.
   "Search me carefully, no one can miss it."
   "Search every neighborhood."
   The captains of the new human forces yelled, they quickly checked these places to prevent someone from hiding and not leaving. Although the number has been ordered, it is hard to guarantee that someone will stay behind.
   Millions of transfers can't be perfect.
Among these rookies, there are a few zombie dogs. They look hideous, but after getting acquainted with them, people still accept They are undoubtedly one of the best in this sense of life. Where they pass, as long as there are people, they cannot escape their induction.
   Zombie dogs are equipped with armor, which is also the most important basis for people to distinguish their identities. It is also to prevent the possibility of being mixed in by real zombie dogs and accidents caused by carelessness.
   One by one zombie dogs, they enter each community, and then look for them one by one.
   Actually, this is just a precaution. Everyone knows that most of them follow orders.
Not to mention, under the efforts of the zombie dogs, the entire settlement still hides dozens of people who refuse to leave. According to them, they stay here and do not go anywhere. Going to the dungeon is a conspiracy of the boss. They are raised in captivity.
   For these people, there is no explanation, so they fainted and dragged them away.
   After dark, the last search was over, and after confirming that there were no more people, the settlement's electricity, water supply and other systems were all shut down, making it plunge into a dead silence.
   The new human units responsible for the search were mounted on the body of the corpse dragon and left the settlement.
   As night fell, the earth was pitch black, and there was no sound from the noisy settlement before.
   Countless zombies, except for a few zombies lurking as eyes, the other zombies have retreated behind the tall wall of Zhongzhou City, merged into the night, and disappeared.
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