Chapter 896: unexpected surprise

   The actions of Baichuan Guihai Company cannot be kept from the outside world.
   Soon, the media heard the news.
   For a while, the entire network boiled over, and I don’t know how many people became gloating, behaved like melon-eating people and criticized wantonly.
   A small number of people have been stripped of their background, and they have attracted a lot of scolding.
   In fact, the series of sudden actions by the Baichuan Guihai Company were executed almost immediately without warning, and countless people did not even react.
   By the time they reacted, the result was already out. For this reason, I don't know how many people dropped their cups.
   Some countries have installed more than a dozen agents, but when they counted them down, they found that all the agents were arrested and the entire army was wiped out.
   is naturally shocked in his heart. You must know that many of these agents are elite, and some of them are hidden so deeply that it is almost impossible to be known.
   But, at this moment, it was uprooted by Baichuan Guihai Company.
   "How did Baichuan Guihai Company do it?"
   This counterintelligence capability shocked all countries and raised the same question.
   Xiaowei's ability is indeed very strong, completely eliminating all the people who have been planted in the Baichuan Guihai company. It is estimated that the rest, even if there are, will be people who do not even know that they are spies.
   I want to form an intelligence network like before, and God knows how much time it will take.
   With the development speed of Baichuan Guihai Company, a few years later, no one knows how much the Baichuan Guihai Company has reached.
   After clearing out these people, Baichuan Guihai Company started a series of actions.
   The first one is the Legal Department, which constantly registers new companies, and then is affiliated with subsidiaries according to different categories.
   At the same time, the current structure of Baichuan Guihai Company does not meet the requirements. The promotion to a group company has become a problem for the administrative department.
   Baichuan Guihai Company has always been under the spotlight, and every move has attracted much attention.
   For a time, news about Baichuan Guihai Company was everywhere on the Internet.
   "It is reported that Baichuan Guihai Company registered 37 companies at one time on November 1. These 37 companies involve various industries."
   "The wolf is coming, are these 37 industries ready?"
   "The king comes on stage, the disruptor of the industry."
   One by one headings, all using exaggerated techniques, trying to attract people. Regarding the news of Baichuan Guihai Company, these headlines are not exaggerated, but are considered well-deserved.
  Baichuanguihai company either does not do it. Once it enters a certain industry, it will definitely become the leader of this industry, and the changes it brings to this industry are disruptive.
   This time, Baichuan Guihai Company registered 37 companies at one time, which is really imaginative.
  Baichuan Guihai Company, which has not held a press conference for a long time, finally sent an invitation to the media. The press conference of Baichuan Guihai Company is scheduled to be held on November 15th.
   "This time, I am afraid that many people can't sleep."
  Baichuanguihai Company's press conference, every time there will be heavy news. The first AR technology, the second virtual technology... are all revolutions.
  AR technology can only lead the special effects industry, but virtual technology has subverted all industries.
   Successes and shocks have made people look forward to the press conference of Baichuan Guihai Company.
   Especially this press conference was also set up at the headquarters of Baichuan Guihai Company, a new super large conference venue. Many people have heard of it. The high-tech content in this super-large conference hall is the highest in the world.
   Being able to feel in this place is crazy to think about.
   Those who are invited are naturally excited and excited.
   The small media that was not invited can only show a sad expression. No way, small media just have no status, and it is possible that Baichuan Guihai Company does not even know that there is this number of media.
   And the fans of Baichuanguihai Company became crazy.
   For a long time, Baichuan Guihai Company has a tradition, which is the management of fans, and every press conference will reserve a place for fans.
   On the forum of Baichuan Guihai Company, it was fried.
   After all, in the eyes of many people, the press conference at the headquarters of the Baichuan Guihai Company has long been known to be fascinating, and I don't know how many people have aroused curiosity.
   With the issuance of the invitation code by Baichuan Guihai Company, an invitation code was fired to tens of thousands of yuan, no less than the price of a good front row position of a top star.
  The price is tens of thousands of yuan, but few people will sell it. It is completely hard to find.
   It is not only the media, but also fans, and countries all over the world are paying attention. They are already afraid of Baichuan Guihai Company, and every time it will have an impact on the world.
   Under the NATO sanctions headed by the U.S. Empire, Baichuan Guihai Company chose to hold a press conference on this bone, and he felt a sense of fighting back.
   But I don’t know, what will the Baichuan Guihai company do after the top technology companies have interrupted the supply of parts?
The establishment of Baichuan Guihai Company is too short. Although it has more than 200,000 scientific researchers, the team that has just been established is far from the point where it can be produced for Baichuan Guihai Company, which means that the so-called foundation is not enough. .
  The sanctions imposed by the U.S. emperor did affect the Baichuan Guihai Company to a certain extent.
   The outside world will not know that through the end of the world, Lu Chuan can also supply parts for the equipment of the Baichuan Guihai Company, but it does not have the previous convenience.
   A series of registered companies of Baichuan Guihai Company are also regarded by some people as paving the way for domestic substitution or self-sufficiency.
   November 15th.
   For the citizens of Handong City, since the rise of Baichuan Guihai Company, the number of foreigners who used to be fewer in the past has suddenly increased.
  As long as you see foreigners everywhere on the street, and experienced citizens, you can tell what press conference is definitely going to be held by Baichuan Guihai Company.
   There are not a few media outlets at the press conferences of many companies, and some are also paid for.
   But Baichuan Guihai Company is not the same. It is completely difficult to find. I don't know how many media are eager to get the invitation of Baichuan Guihai Company.
  Inviting and not being invited are completely two concepts.
   One is to be recognized, the other is not to be recognized.
   At the headquarters of Baichuan Guihai Company, countless media reporters, various Internet celebrities, and a huge fan base have gathered here early, waiting to enter the press conference venue of Baichuan Guihai Company headquarters.
   The press conference venue was not built in the headquarters, but not far from the gate, there is a building similar to a gymnasium. The entire building is the site of the press conference.
   spent more than a billion, just for a news conference building, the world is the only company in the world to do this, absolutely wealthy.
  As the gate of the venue opened, a large number of security guards stood on both sides.
   The entry and exit position is similar to the security check.
   No one checks, everyone’s Facebook has been entered, so when they pass by, once they are not blocked, they can enter directly, indicating that you are eligible.
   On the contrary, if an unqualified person appears here, an alarm will be issued, and then the indifferent security guards here will directly pick up the person and drag it out.
   The security department of Baichuan Guihai Company has been heard by the world. It is absolutely famous and almost equal to the privileged department.
   After entering the venue, everyone sat down in their seats.
  The first ones to come are fans, then media reporters, and finally Internet celebrities.
   If a large venue can hold 10,000 people, it will be full in just 20 minutes. The fans who can enter here are all people who have purchased the products of Baichuan Guihai Company, and they need to reach a certain point.
   In other words, the fans who can come here are true love.
   After sitting down one after another, there is not much time left before the time of the press conference.
   As a press conference that integrates a lot of high-tech, people found that the seats here are similar to the principle of moving rails and can move freely.
Experienced people will know that this is a mobile seat specially made for people to better experience AR light and shadow technology. When needed, people can be moved to a reasonable position to better feel the charm of AR light and shadow. , Real and immersive.
   Most of the media reporters have prepared information. They know that the press conference of Baichuan Guihai Company must be related to the two previous things.
   The first is the registration of many companies, and the second is the reorganization of the company.
   Everyone who knew each other communicated quietly, and the staff they brought were busy setting up various equipment.
   Ten o'clock.
  In the big conference hall, all the lights suddenly dimmed, making people feel like they had fallen into endless darkness. Then in the center of the venue, a little light was constantly getting brighter and bigger.
   After everyone got used to the light, they found that they were no longer in the conference hall, but to a beautiful place. When you looked up, you could see the endless sky. There were floating islands in the sky.
  Countless beautiful birds and flying dragons shuttle between the floating islands.
   Everyone who appeared here, everyone knows that this is AR light and shadow but still can't help but be fascinated, almost thinking that they have really crossed here.
   Realistic feeling, this almost immersive sense, many people think it is real.
   "Baichuan Guihai Company is powerful. The combination of virtual technology and AR technology has made it impossible to distinguish between reality and virtual."
   "Baichuan Guihai's light and shadow technology has improved again."
  The people who know the goods are all lamented by the continuous technological progress of Baichuan Guihai Company.
   After everyone adapted, they found themselves on a floating island. In front of them, a familiar but stranger appeared with a smile.
   "It's Lu Chuan."
   "Hahaha, it's Lu Chuan, this vote is worth it."
   "I didn't expect the press conference hosted by Lu Chuan."
   Countless exclamations rang out. Lu Chuan’s press conference was definitely an unexpected surprise. In their view, it should be a vice president, and the biggest expectation is Zhong Hua as the president.
   But he did not expect that at this moment, what appeared in front of them was Lu Chuan, the chairman of the famous Baichuan Guihai Company, a legendary figure to the extreme.
   Lu Chuan smiled faintly and greeted: "Hello everyone."
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