Chapter 899: Combination punch

   After Lu Chuan and others decide, they will naturally not drag their feet. The development of science and technology will always be the first to win the opportunity.
  Only the next day, under Lu Chuan's instruction, he began to act and negotiate some of the details.
  The basis of negotiation is determined by who has the best technology.
   The number of experts formed this time has reached more than a thousand, and the scale is absolutely huge. Among them, Baichuanguihai and Zhonghua Youwei together account for 500 people.
   Before the negotiation, it was natural to test the system in the hands of Baichuan Guihai, as well as the system of Zhonghua Youwei.
   In fact, when Lu Chuan got the Zhonghua Youwei system, he had already asked Xiaowei to test it.
  Although I don’t want to admit it, Android and Apple’s systems are indeed unique. The system of Zhonghua Youwei Company still has a long way to go.
   But Lu Chuan believes that as long as Zhonghua is given a little more time, he can make a system comparable to these two major systems.
   The conclusion that Xiaowei came to can't be wrong.
   There are dozens of security vulnerabilities in the system, and its performance is also weaker than Android and Apple.
   "Xiao Wei, optimize for these."
   Lu Chuan's instruction was executed by Xiaowei. After three hours, the entire system was optimized and then integrated into the Pangu system.
   This efficiency and Xiao Wei's ability also surprised Lu Chuan.
  The performance of the integrated Pangu system has increased by about 7%, which is indeed a very remarkable figure. You must know that every time these systems are updated, the performance can only be improved within the range of 1-3%.
"Boss, Zhonghua Youwei's system cannot be compared with the Pangu system, but it has some advantages. Xiaowei has been optimized and integrated into the Pangu system. The performance has increased by 7%, the security has increased by 1%, and the stability has been improved. An increase of 2%."
   Lu Chuan is still very satisfied with this result.
  Pangu system is derived from the biochemical factory mall, which is already perfect, but it can also improve certain performance, which shows that the system of Zhonghua Youwei Company is still very good.
   "Give me a copy of Cobb."
   This one will not be taken out yet, it needs to wait until their test is completed.
   The entire test took one week.
   When I got the test report of the Pangu system, even if Mr. Ren didn't believe it anymore, he had to admit that the Pangu system of Baichuan Guihai Company was far more advanced and completely surpassed Android and Apple.
   Cooperating with this kind of company for joint research and development is indeed a lucky company for Zhonghua.
  It is foreseeable that when the Pangu system is launched, it will cause a sensation.
   For this reason, President Ren also made a special call to Lu Chuan: "Mr. Lu, the word "Pangu" is good. Pangu has broken the ground, and so is our system."
  With this tone, the subsequent negotiations will naturally proceed smoothly.
   Only three days, the negotiation is over.
   Pangu Company was established with Baichuan Guihai System Company accounting for 75% and Zhonghua Youwei Company accounting for 25%. It was officially announced that the system of Zhonghua Youwei Company was incorporated into the Pangu system.
   At the same time, the performance of the Pangu system was also announced.
  The operating systems of Android and Apple are pressing hard. Once they were announced, they immediately caused a sensation, and countless Chinese people were excited about it.
   At the same time, Pangu Company officially sent out invitations to all domestic manufacturers to test the Pangu system. The number of mobile phones tested in the first phase was 3 million.
   The mobile phone expenses involved in this test were directly reimbursed by Pangu.
And Baichuanguihai Communication Company, also after half a month of testing with Zhonghua Youwei, officially announced the establishment of a Baichuanguihai Communication Company with 80% capital and Zhonghua Youwei 20% of the 6G technology company. , And start 6G range test at the same time.
   In order to make everyone believe, the newly established 6G company even demonstrated a new generation of smart wearables under 6G technology at a press conference.
   The new smart wearable combines virtual technology and AR light and shadow technology. It is exactly the same as in science fiction. People can use smart wearable projection to realize the technology of mapping the virtual screen in the eyeball.
   This also means that people no longer need more electronic products, they only need a smart wearable watch, or a wrist watch, and they have everything.
"Not only that, our newly established artificial intelligence company has developed artificial intelligence, and its intelligence has been tested to reach the intellectual level of 10-year-old children. In other words, it can help you achieve everything. There are even many instructions. It doesn’t need to be ordered, and it knows what to do.

   "And this artificial intelligence will be incorporated into the new generation of smart wearables. Together with 6G technology, it will serve us humans."
   Baichuan Guihai Company never exaggerated to brag, and demonstrated the capabilities of this artificial intelligence to the world for the first time.
   The answer is fluent, knowing the color...
   If it is not known in advance, many people even suspect that this is not artificial intelligence, but a real 10-year-old child talking.
   For a while, the world was shocked.
   The artificial intelligence of companies like Google is tall and has invested heavily. However, these artificial intelligences are simply scum. The intelligence they possess is not as high as a dog, and it is not comparable to the artificial intelligence of Baichuan Guihai.
   Such a gap naturally caused a sensation in the world.
  It is formed by these companies that involve communication technology, chip technology, and artificial intelligence. They reacted fiercely in the stock market and went down.
   Affected by these high-tech companies, the global stock market lost more than $25 trillion in just one day, which is definitely a catastrophic drop.
  Like this kind of crash, anyone knows that this is just the beginning.
   When these technologies are put into commercial use, God knows how much it will fall, and where it will fall. The waist fold is almost a foregone conclusion.
   A technology company is like a bubble, and capital will continue to blow it up, forming a giant. But this kind of company is really like a bubble, and it may burst with just a light touch.
  Like Yahoo, it was already a giant company with a market value of US$200 billion before the rise of companies like Apple and Google.
   What is the final result? Sold for $4.8 billion.
   Once the advantages of these technology companies are not there, it is impossible to maintain their current share prices, and a cliff-like decline is inevitable.
   Affected, global panic, not just technology companies, in the face of this general trend, companies in other industries are also affected.
   Lu Chuan and others, who have been shorting the world's major stock markets on a large scale, are naturally making a lot of money.
   Like this kind of money check, they have no pressure inside.
   A set of combo punches can be said to be from operating systems, to chips, to artificial intelligence, and then to 6G communications. With the previous virtual technology, the light and shadow technology has already covered a terrifying ecological balance circle.
   Headed by the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, they tightly the major domestic companies to the chariot, thus launching a big counterattack against the truly cutting-edge technology.
   The extremely advanced technology, even the experts, was silent.
   The vice president of Qualcomm who jumped out before did not even dare to speak up, because the technology demonstrated by Baichuan Guihai Group Company was not possessed by them. It will take at least ten years to catch up.
   In the science and technology industry, ten years are another scene. It can be said that in this future competition, they have fallen behind, or even lost.
  On the Internet, people who don't know how many billions of netizens directly formed Lu Chuan as the of China's science and technology circles and the savior.
   "Savior? Alas, a long way to go."
   Lu Chuan looked at the news on the Internet and smiled bitterly. Don't look at the current situation, but if you look into the root cause, you will find that China has always been constrained by others on the Internet, and there is no root server.
   NATO, which controls the root services, has not really exposed their fangs, otherwise this cutting-edge technology battle will not be as simple as it is now.
   Of course, it is far from the worst.
   At this time, Lu Chuan appeared in a military base in the hinterland of China aboard the Global Hawk, and then, welcomed by several generals, entered the data center in the military base.
   The emergence of artificial intelligence will have a very large military impact.
   Needless to say, Lu Chuan obediently delivered it to the door. Sooner or later, you have to cooperate. It's better to take the initiative and increase your impression points.
   After taking a copy of artificial intelligence, after being tested by hundreds of experts and there are no problems, the rest has nothing to do with Lu Chuan.
   It is not that Lu Chuan was excluded, on the contrary, everyone here invited Lu Chuan to participate.
But Lu Chuan didn’t dare, but he didn’t ask anything and didn’t care about Anyway, artificial intelligence was handed over to them. The research experience and technical points on artificial intelligence have been handed in. Their business.
   Know more, and lose more.
   Anyway, Lu Chuan can develop technology, but he will not participate in it. This principle must be adhered to.
   "If nuclear fusion can be miniaturized and combined with artificial intelligence, direct unmanned weapons can be made. From robots to unmanned tanks to improve the performance of existing drones, etc."
   Facing the prospect of a general, Lu Chuan didn't hear it and didn't even dare to answer.
   The biochemical plant also has small-scale nuclear fusion technology, but Lu Chuan has not exchanged it, mainly because of this stuff. For the time being, it is still untouchable.
   Energy is about destiny. This difficulty is left to the country to solve.
   In this military base, Lu Chuan stayed for three days, and he did not leave until a robot implanted with artificial intelligence was tested.
  New technological changes, in the military, also brought about earth-shaking changes. This kind of change can be called rapid change, and some of it is still subversive.
   It can be said that the military revolution Lu Chuan has brought to China has already made China a military leader, with some weapons ahead of any country in the world.
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