Chapter 957: fast

Super Zombie Factory 949 Author Rainwater Full text number 4019 words
The dragon recovered, but the nuclear power plant disappointed Lu Chuan, and there was no Ghost Guard. The expected result. There are many nuclear power plants in Siberia, so Lu Chuan immediately flew toward another nuclear power plant. The next one did not disappoint Lu Chuan, and the fourth unlock fragment was obtained. The arrival of the fourth fragment made Lu Chuan feel good, as he was getting closer and closer to unlocking. However, the nuclear power plant in Siberia had leaked and almost disappeared. After turning around, Lu Chuan found nothing. As a last resort, Lu Chuan's vision could only be aimed at the polar bears in Eastern Europe. If not, Lu Chuan will enter Europe and travel from Portugal to North America. North America will be Lu Chuan's last stop. According to Lu Chuan's understanding of the world's nuclear power plants, especially where nuclear waste is stored, North America has many sites and a huge amount of storage. China has the technology to protect and process nuclear waste, but North America does not. It is completely extensive. Lu Chuan believes that North America will give himself a satisfactory answer. The location of the polar bear is also ok in Asia. However, in terms of division, the polar bear has been allocated to Europe, mainly because half of its territory extends to Europe. The other is the face of the polar bear man, which is also close to the face of the European. This is the reason for being accepted as a member of Europe. In the torrent of steel during World War II, some people say that North America gave the polar bear resources to make the polar bear a winner. These are just some factors, but not all. The polar bear's sturdy fighting style and the flash of inspiration for war have created a torrent of steel that shocked the world, sweeping everything, and becoming the world's number one military force after World War II until the 1990s. Super strong background, God knows how many things are hidden? Lu Chuan set up his navigation and his location was Moscow. "Go!" The dolphins and dragons carried out Lu Chuan's instructions without any hesitation. The dolphins and dragons floated toward the west in a floating way. …………The middle part of the polar bear. Lu Chuan passed through here, but was attracted by a burst of fierce gunfire. "There are survivors." It is not surprising that the polar bears are sparsely populated, which is conducive to the survival of the survivors. Along the way, Lu Chuan did not pay attention to the survivors of the polar bear, but drove all the way. But here, there was the sound of guns, which naturally caused Lu Chuan to stop naturally. Looking at the map, before he knew it, Lu Chuan had come from Siberia to the central area of ​​the polar bear. Where the gunfire came, the map showed Surgut of the polar bear. Lu Chuan has no knowledge of the city of polar bears. The only thing he knows is Moscow. On the way, there is some fun, which can at least relieve Lu Chuan's boredom. The dolphins, all under Lu Chuan's instructions, landed in the mountains tens of kilometers away from Surgut. Otherwise, if they appear, will these survivors be scared to death? "Blue-winged angel." Lu Chuan called, and the blue-winged angel flew behind Lu Chuan and hugged Lu Chuan. "Wow!" The blue-winged angel's flying movement was also unreasonable, and the flashing room had already appeared in the distance. It should move instantaneously, because Lu Chuan could feel the space twisted slightly. For dozens of kilometers, under this kind of mysterious movement of the blue-winged angel, it was almost time to breathe. The gunfire came from the city below. Lu Chuan's idea was executed by the blue-winged angel. For a moment, Lu Chuan was already taken by the blue-winged angel to the bottom of the city and appeared in a tall building. The following battle, as Lu Chuan thought, was the battle between survivors and zombies. Survivors and survivors, if it is not because of materials or living space, generally do not conflict. In this city, there was only one who made them shoot, and they were in trouble and got entangled in zombies. On the top of this building, Lu Chuan can see clearly without using a telescope. On the streets below, zombies surged, enclosing several streets, and the number was at least one hundred thousand. As for the survivors, they couldn't see many people, they were trapped in a building, and they were fighting back at the zombies. The zombies climbed, rushing in from the windows on the first and second floors, constantly rushing upwards. Like lickers, they climbed on the wall and appeared directly on the floor where these survivors were. However, as long as it sticks out its head, it will be ruthlessly shattered its head. Among these survivors, there should be sharpshooter-level people. There are no few zombies in this city with levels. Some zombies like the tyrant's first trial type appeared on the street and stepped closer. Their height, no zombies can stop them. And the tyrant T-002 also has them, not to mention the swift. Hellhounds and zombie dogs were still running around on the street. This scene is absolutely chaotic. The attacks of the zombies originally had no rules, and this was the most terrifying, because everything could happen. In the sky, several corpse dragons and dozens of bloodthirsty claws hovered around, and then pounced and grabbed them towards the window with their claws. In the flames of the gun, these bloodthirsty claws were beaten to a splash of blood. But the Bloodthirsty Talons didn't care about this at all. Their claws had caught them, and the anti-theft nets of these windows were broken, and some windows were destroyed. The huge body of the corpse dragon directly slammed into it, and in the splash of debris, it directly smashed the wall to pieces. The survivors inside seemed to be in a mess. But the next moment, the huge body of the corpse dragon was kicked into the air. It turned out to fly tens of meters away and slammed into another building, almost knocking through this building. No matter how strong the corpse dragon is, but with this blow, its bones are all shattered and it can no longer move. Lu Chuan's eyes narrowed: "Among these survivors, there are strong ones." From the collapsed wall, you can see several tall polar bear men, fully armed, somewhat similar to exoskeleton soldiers in science fiction. Lu Chuan didn't know what they were calling. With a gap, dozens of bloodthirsty claws swarmed up and rushed in. However, these survivors had already moved to a higher level, and these bloodthirsty claws rushed in to meet their dense bullets. On the spot, several bloodthirsty claws were hit in the head, rolled down and could no longer move. The floors here allow survivors to retreat while fighting. A large number of lickers appeared, and they kept getting in through windows and other locations. In the fierce battle, Lu Chuan heard some screams, and he could see that among the survivors and soldiers, all new humans were good, but their ranks varied. Mere lickers are not the most terrifying. More and more zombies gathered here, and gradually some stronger zombies began to appear, such as the berserker, which carried a huge telephone pole and smashed fiercely, and the whole street was trembling. "There are poisonous camels here?" Lu Chuan was a little surprised when he saw two poisonous camels on the street. The emergence of the poisonous camel users requires special conditions, and the poisonous camel users cannot be produced everywhere. But here, there are two. Seeing the poisonous camel cultivator means that in this city, there will be an extremely polluted place, and only this kind of special place can produce the poisonous camel cultivator. Now that the poisoned camel is here, Lu Chuan wants to see, how will these survivors play next? The metamorphosis of the poisonous camels lies in their corrosive power. After approaching, the huge hump behind the two poisonous camels suddenly split, and then under the contraction of the muscles, a huge mass of venom was sprayed out and hit the window in the counterattack. The survivors above did not notice the appearance of the two poisonous camels, so they were not prepared to face the liquid coming over. To the effect, at least five or six people were hit by the liquid. The venom worked and began to corrode. Whether it was metal or concrete on the window, it started to react, corroding with a disgusting smell. Lu Chuan faintly heard the shouts of the survivors, and he should have reacted. This liquid was really not easy to deal with. Lu Chuan discovered that there were a lot of domineering zombies among the zombies. The poisonous camel is just the most domineering zombie at the first level, and then to the spore shooter, this is also a powerful existence, as long as it gets on, it will be finished in all likelihood. In addition to these two, there are porpoises. It's completely overbearing and unreasonable, and when you encounter them, you absolutely have to fight for twelve points. Obviously, the current survivors have been hacked by the poisoned camel. The liquid they ejected was like heavy rain splashing on the building, and large areas were touched and began to corrode. The survivors inside, fully armed, saved their lives, and when they quickly took off their equipment, there was no harm. But watching the houses here are corroded, this scene is absolutely shocking and shocking. "What to do?" The question sounded. Facing the siege, they knew that they were in a difficult position now, and it was impossible to leave in safety. The distance is far, and Lu Chuan is not proficient in Russian at all, so naturally he doesn't know what they are talking about. "Little poems, start translation synchronization." Times are changing, and there is no distance in front of technology like this kind of speech barrier. After the translation is synchronized, Xiaoshi will synchronize what they said to Lu and Lu Chuan can speak in Chinese as long as he wants, and then translate it into Russian and play it back. After synchronizing the translation, Lu Chuan found... that his eighth-level gene-enhanced hearing is very strong, but the microphone on his body can't receive the sound so far. If he can't hear it, how can he change it? "Sister." Lu Chuan patted his forehead, his own IQ was also drunk. The poisonous camel’s venom did not last for a short period of time. In the frenzied decay, this house was built like ice cream, and it was continuously melted and gradually exposed. Through the dilapidated house, Lu Chuan saw that this was a team of more than 20 people. They were fully armed, but now there are five people who have taken off their equipment and are wearing vests and holding guns. Countless zombies, they ignored this venom and crawled up. The zombies that have been exposed to this venom are constantly being corroded, but they ignore it and allow the venom to damage their bodies. They don't have painful nerves and don't care about it at all. A large number of zombies swarmed into the floor, making a sound of "hooo". "Bang!" Just as Lu Chuan was sweating for them, the zombies that swarmed in were instantly hit by a surging force, knocked into the air, and blasted out of the street. Dozens of zombies flew out, and I don't know how many building walls on the street were shattered. Under this kind of collision, the bones of these zombies shattered, and some even shattered and fell to the street below. Lu Chuan opened his mouth and looked at the person making the bombardment below. The other party took a sudden step forward, but turned into countless figures, using moves that were almost incredible, constantly kicking and throwing these zombies. Time seemed to stand still, or the zombies were put in slow motion. In just over a second, dozens of zombies were blasted out abruptly. It can be seen that if the speed is more perverted, there will be more perverted, and it has reached the point where people can't see clearly.
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