Chapter 819: 13. Injury to each other

Destroying the planet is not a simple matter.
The planet that can give birth to life is absolutely stable inside, and this stable system will also allow it to withstand most of the damage from the outside world. Unless it is irreversibly devastated, a planet will always recover. Possible.
Life, this is the most interesting existence among the stars, it will never appear easily, but after it appears, it is basically impossible to die completely.
Of course, such tenacity and stability are for mortal life.
In this group of stars, there is never a lack of power. The swallowing star, one of the five great gods of the universe, regards the life planets and the life inside as the most delicious food, and under him, the existence of any multiverse, A planet can be easily erased, and even a single cosmic level, it takes only a little effort to destroy a world with its own power.
But to be honest, the stronger the power you hold, the thicker the understanding of life itself, the less likely it is to destroy the world easily. Once more advanced attention is drawn, it is very bad and very troublesome.
"Go! Leave here!"
Sergey didn't hesitate for even a second. Although he didn't see those powerful people crushing the planet, his knowledge and reason told him that no matter who came, it was not a right choice to stay in this starry sky. .
The next second, under Sergey's order, the ship immediately jumped into the open space wormhole and disappeared in place instantly.
This is nothing to hide from the dark Dakside who was still sitting in the halo of destruction, but he didn't care about the fish that escaped the net, and as a tyrant, he had his pride, he was Disdain to use his unmatched strength to hunt down these weak insects, such hunt is more like a humiliation to him.
However, he will not allow them to escape like this... On the other side of the stars, he has prepared a "surprise" for them.
"Bring their heads back... Scrub this disgusting failure with their dirty blood!"
Dakside's eyes closed slightly, and the dark red light flashed away in the darkness. The next moment, his figure also disappeared into the stars, just like a ruined black dragon. He stretched his head out of the nest and easily destroyed the offender before falling asleep again in the dangerous nest.
The warship responsible for transporting the huge number of Phoenix crystals jumped out of the space node tens of thousands of light years away from the Moubis business station, but it had not waited for the battleship to recover from the vertigo of the space jump, navigator, that smart weapon The soldiers issued the highest level of warning.
"There are huge battleships ahead! There are also a large number of dangerous individuals of unknown race!"
"Energy shield power increased to 100%! Ready for shock!"
As soon as the voice fell, dozens of dazzling and full of ruined main guns traversed the stars that were already covered with blood and death. At the moment when the warship of the galaxy civilization appeared, it would be enough to destroy a ambush. The attack of a planet hit its heavy shield hard.
The entire battleship tried hard to avoid in this frantic scorching glow, but between the upper and lower left and right, it was all filled with high-energy impact, and even the surrounding space was staged, which made the battleship lose its last chance to escape.
"It's apocalypse..."
Sergey rubbed his banged head with a head, and climbed up from the ground. He saw those wandering among the stars in a gray projection in front of him, like a golden metal falcon with open wings. Very flexible and extremely lethal Apocalypse battleship.
They are like cruel hunters who have prepared their prey in advance, completely surrounding the battleship in front of them from all directions. Their volume is very small compared to this battleship, but they are like wild animals that prey on elephants. Like dogs, with sharp teeth, in each attack, take away a piece of flesh.
What's more terrible is that as the first wave of attacks slowed down, the shielded information collection system resumed work, and several desperate pictures appeared above the dead command hall.
It was the turbid current of darkness, the Moubis business station that was almost besieged by the almost endless army of demons, and in all the pictures, although the intelligent weapon warriors and demons guarding the business station were desperately fighting, but the whole One third of the business station was already in a run-down battle. The charred corpses and burnt buildings rendered the area like hell, and in the farther away, the merchant station guard fleet was completely destroyed. The wreckage looked so bleak in the cold space.
As if to show some kind of bleak future...
"Shield generator overload! 33% damage rate!"
The intelligent mechanical navigator wearing the uniform of the Human Survival Alliance was somewhat desperate. He looked at the surveillance picture that was resurrected in front of him. With the unique agility and cold thinking of the robot, he quickly judged the current contrast between the enemy and the enemy. Came to a desperate conclusion.
"General! Under their precise firepower, we insist on at most 10-15 minutes!"
The navigator turned back, and even with the intelligent weapon soldiers who manipulated other systems, in their gaze full of machinery, a flash of decisiveness flashed through:
"We will stay here and sink with this ship! We will buy you time!"
This is a warship used to transport crystal fragments. Due to the significance of the fragments, most of the members of this ship are smart weapons who are calm enough to ensure the maximum preservation of secrets.
In the face of the requirements of the intelligent weapon fighters of these applications, Sergey did not pretend to be pretended, nor tried to show his great sentiment. He looked at the intelligent weapon navigator and other mechanical guards. He smashed his left fist in his chest. , Shen Sheng said:
"I promise! Throughout the history of human civilization and intellectual machinery civilization, your name will survive...I promise, you will become a hero recognized by humanity!"
"You have not lived up to your responsibility! The hero is not dead!"
The wisdoms stood up, put their left fists in their chests, and shouted loudly:
"Human civilization is forever!"
The two sides were like the last ritual parting. After saying goodbye to each other with the motto of the Australian Wisdom Machine Kingdom, Sergey grabbed Elt's arm beside him and slammed him into the dying starship. Core.
"Are we going to run away?"
The first time he experienced such a tragic space battle, Mr. Elt was filled with a heroic conviction in his heart, especially witnessing the farewell of Sergey and the Zhijian soldiers, which made Elt, a mortal, have An urge to live and die with those warriors.
In the face of some polite rhetorical questions, the silent Sergey twitched his left hand outward.
Like a beast, he pressed Elt's body into the dark corridor. The dangerous eyes made Elt cold, and Sergey said in a hoarse voice:
"The people who died in battle are lucky. They will remain in the civilization as heroes, but the terrible task and revenge still need successors to inherit!"
"You asked me if I wanted to escape? No! In the face of any challenge, our civilization will never escape!"
"We just retreated..."
"Is there any difference between the two?!"
In the mad grief of the destruction of his own world and the ensuing self-blame, Elt shouted in the unskilled universal language of earth civilization: "Today! You and I have all become deserters! We have all become coward!"
Sergey threw Elt on the cold ground. He stretched out his left hand, which had become extremely weak compared to before, clenched into a fist, and punched the black button in front of him, accompanied by a red light. After sweeping his eyes, the metal gate closed in front of him suddenly opened, and a tiny interstellar portal that only allowed a small number of people to pass appeared in front of him and Elt.
Sergey reached up and lifted the black metal box that appeared in the lifting system. Inside this was the cargo transported this time, more than 50 pieces of phoenix fragments. Before stepping into the colorful dazzling portal, he looked back at Elter. He He lifted his chin arrogantly, his eyes filled with the same anger and pain as Alter, his head was bloodshed and abnormally embarrassed, but it was like coming out of the nest and planning to fight a dangerous beast.
He Shen Sheng said:
"Run away and retreat, the difference is... I will come back, I will bring back enough power to drown all this, I will tear the arrogant tyrant off his throne, interrupt his legs, let He knelt on the ground and listened to the roars of these war dead!"
"Elter, as a leader, you are still incompetent! You must understand that failure is not a shame."
Sergey snorted:
"After the failure, there is no revenge, and you can only choose to ignore and go for a beggar, which is a real shame!"
In Elt's eyes, Sergey strode across the portal in front of him, his voice still echoing back and forth in the darkness, shaking his mind:
"Our revenge has never failed!"
It is a very dangerous thing to traverse the portal in a raging energy storm. As long as your luck is a little bad, it will be cut into pieces by the chaotic space, and the bones are gone.
However, Sergey had good luck. When he stumbled out of the portal, the human soldier guarding the front of the portal supported him for the first time.
"General...You are finally back!"
Sergey looked up. He looked at the base of the familiar Starry Sky Commercial Station not far away. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.
This is the nearest galaxy commercial station from the Moubis civilization circle. There is a portal directly leading to the galaxy, and at the moment when Alter struggled to rush out of the portal The person in charge of the business station, a businessman with a military background from the Australian Wisdom Civilization, stepped forward and helped Sergey's weak arm.
He Shen Sheng said:
"You are finally back, Brigadier General, the refugees from Moubis have just been contained...and the frontline commanders are waiting for you!"
Sergey's eyes widened and he heard the businessman say:
"Apocalypse knights, they escaped, but... sadly, their condition is terrible."
A moment later, in the treatment warehouse of this business station, Sergey saw the apocalyptic knights and their attendants who survived the destruction of the Moubis wasteland. They lay in eight treatment warehouses in the best condition Bruce, also lost a third of his body.
However, in the near-terrible self-healing brought about by the Destruction Day virus, their bodies are recovering bit by bit. It seems that this thing also made them survive the disaster of broken waste.
"This is what they brought out."
The person in charge of the business station handed two things to Sergey. The first one was the collected debris, and the second one was a silver-gray box blackened by flames. It looks very delicate, but I don’t know if it is used. What to do.
The door of the treatment room was pushed open at this moment, and the servants of the servant Saber Hawk walked into the treatment room in the escorts of Drax and Sim. The head of the business station and Sergey immediately straightened their bodies.
"I just looked at the scenery along the way, and then I heard about the fiasco on the front line! Not only did I bury a commercial station that was already built, and even sent a fleet to the Jedi, it was really after we set foot on the stars The shame I have had!"
"Don't you even fight without my participation?!"
This rebuke made the atmosphere on the scene more condensed, but Cyber ​​did not really grind his teeth, but it was more like a complaint of dissatisfaction. The next moment, his eyes did not fall on them, he looked at his knight Their misfortune, shook their heads with dissatisfaction, stretched out their left hand, and brought the white light of life to shine, the severely injured and dying body quickly recovered vitality.
"Stand up! Knights, I will not allow you to die here!"
"Your journey is not over yet!"
The clenched fist shattered the heavy special glass in front of him. In the heavy breath, the eight Destruction Sun Knights rolled over from the treatment cabin one by one, and they knelt in front of Saber’s eyes. A hoarse voice whispered:
"Overlord, we have failed... the dark destroyed the Moubis wasteland, we failed to bring back all the crystals under his destruction, we lost our soldiers, we failed our strength... "
The latter's gaze swept through their eyes with shame and self-blame, and then reached for the black box that Sergey handed over:
"Failure doesn't matter, I have failed, but I'm more curious that you didn't forget to take this thing away with you at the most critical moment... so I guess, are you going to use this thing to revenge? I said Right?"
"That's the mother box, overlord!"
The killing machine Shen Sheng said: "Apocalyptic stars and most of the universe they control cannot be reached through space, and the sonic boom channel opened by this mother box can allow us to enter those special star fields."
When Cyber ​​saw the light, he turned the mother box upside down and threw it to the killing machine:
"So what are you waiting for?"
"Open it!"
"Then let me see how ruthless your revenge can be!"
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