Chapter 405: Hawthorn fight

The old-fashioned visitor to Donghua Mountain was invited by a deputy mountain chief of the Cliff College to teach and teach in the afternoon.
Chen Pingan took the money and walked around the corridor, outside the green shade of the persuasion hall, just met the lecture meeting, I saw Li Bao bottle in the sea like a small Koi flexible shuttle, all of a sudden flew out of the hospital The door, out of the yard, Li Baojian, a fist, to self-reward. He soon saw Chen Pingan and his money. Li Baobao stepped up his pace and looked at the Li Bao bottle in the college. He became more and more admired, and the bottle sister was not afraid of it.
After the three met, they went to the guest house together. Li Baobo and Chen Pingan said a lot of interesting things. For example, when the old master gave a lecture, there was a snow-white deer sitting around and it was said that the old master started a private college. Tianren induction, Bailu waits around the husband, the school built in the deep forest and old forest, can be free from wild animals and mountain spirits.
Li Baowan finally said that the white deer around Zhao Laofu, who looked as if he was not as good as the Sister, was brought to the end of the day.
Chen Pingyi thought of He Xiaoliangtou, and then thought of the future plans, it is even a headache, I only hope that in this life, I will not see the female crown of the past year.
On the side of Shiyao River on the banks of the Longxu River, Chen Pingan and the representative of the road, the gods, Zonghe Xiaoliang met for the first time, and saw the white deer with the radiant glow. Afterwards, they asked Cui Dongshan casually, only to know that. The head elk is not simple, the appearance of the snow is white, but the blind eye method of the Tao Junzheng is actually a colorful deer that is coveted by the five-day monks. Only the person who is lucky enough to be lucky has been able to support him.
In the same year, he taught Lu Shen to use the inaction method to bring him and He Xiaoliang, and set up a long bridge of gas transportation, so that after the broken and sinking of the Zhuzhu Cave, Chen Pingan could spread the blessing with He Xiaoliang. In view of the far-reaching plan of Qi’s pulse, this kind of heart-shaped tug-of-war is not dangerous, and it has been repeated twice, and it has been replaced by others. I am afraid that I am already in the certain place of the 12th floor of Baiyujing Five Cities in the world. It looks like scenery. In fact, it is awkward.
Therefore, Chen Ping’s feelings of
following the misfortunes
are extremely deep.
It’s just the peace of mind of Chen’s peace. Although he has not been pulled to Baiyujing’s land, he has invisible many
. For example, Chen Ping’s search for the secrets of the broken hole Tianfudi has been repelled until he travels with Lutai. Down, and then to the unintentional words of Zhu Xuan, Chen Ping began to seek change, and the determination to be more steadfast in the future travel of the North Zhou Luzhou.
The place where the sword is repaired like Lin and Haoran is the most chongwu place in the world, even the Confucian scholars must be annoyed to get the handcuffs and celestial beings.
Chen Pingan wants to go there to practice the sword.
A person.
The purest sword.
Chen Pingxiao asked: "How does the Master teach, how?"
Li Baohua thought for a moment and said: "There is a book advocated by Mr. Zhao Lao, who said that the master taught, if there is a lonely crane, Hengjiang Donglai, suddenly screamed, Jiang Yong Yuebai. I have listened for a long time, I feel that there are some truths, but there is no book that is so exaggerated. However, the oldest man is the most powerful. He is still thinking about the sea and seeing the sea. He admires the poetry and the sages of the ancients, and they can resonate with the millennium. Then further elaborate and introduce his knowledge of heaven. Just this lecture, the old master said finely, only selected a Confucian classic as an object of instruction, and did not come up with the power of their family. I am somewhat disappointed, if not I am anxious to find a small teacher, I want to ask the old master, when will I talk about the day."
Chen Ping thought for a moment and asked: "Is this old master, is it a Lu Shengren from the Nanhu Weizhou Goose Lake College?"
Li Baobao smiled brilliantly: "You know a lot about the little teacher! You are not, the grandfather of Zhao Laofu is the Lu Sheng who is known as the ‘thinking of the world and the heart of the sea.’

Chen Pingxiang remembered the record given to Yu Luna's "Shan Haizhi". Lu Shengren had a good relationship with the alcoholic Chen. I don't know if Liu Yuyang has a chance to meet one side.
Money has always wanted to talk and talk, but it can be heard from the beginning to the end, like a cloud, afraid to open the mouth, but to the master and the bottle sister is a fool, it is somewhat lost.
Fortunately, Chen Pingan pulled the ear of money, and learned: "If you don't see it, your treasure bottle sister knows so many schools of thought and purpose. Although you are not a college student, reading is not your business... ..."
When I saved money, I was wronged. "Master, she is a treasure bottle sister. Where can I get, change someone, such as Li Wei? He has been studying in the academy for so many years. With him, I still suffer from a deficit."
Chen Pingan no longer swears, laughs, releases his hand, pats his head, "You are smart."
Returning to the guest house, Yu Lu actually waited there early, standing side by side with Zhu Xuan, and seemed to be very close to Zhu.
With Yu Lu, Chen Pingan is relieved.
At that time, the turmoil in the academy was exactly the sound of Yu Lu’s silent voice. It was in the face of a sword repair, and the sage Li Changying gave the Donghua Mountain.
Chen Pingan had eaten the meal and continued to go to Mao Xiaodong's study to learn about the fate of the life, so that Yu Luduo helped to look at the money, Yu Lu smiled and promised.
After Chen Ping’s departure, Li Baowan said that he would go back to school to do the notes of listening to the lectures of the master today. He found an excuse to pay for it, and then went to Chen Ping’s guest house to move out of the bamboo box and take out the treasure box. She and Li Wei had a battle of the Grand Master in private, and they fought against the top of Donghua Mountain.
Yu Lu accompanied the money to climb, Zhu Chuan had left silently, in accordance with Chen Pingan’s instructions, secretly guarded Li Baowan.
At the top of Donghua Mountain, Li Wei was already sitting there in danger, and there was a beautiful yellow hibiscus in front of him.
Spend money and put the treasure box on the table.
Yu Lu is on the stone bench and looks at the two children who are facing each other. It is more interesting.
After seeing the treasure box, Li Wei is like an enemy. "Save money, you must make a move!"
The money sneaked out and opened the multi-pocket box that Yao Jinzhi gave in the past, the Jiugong grid system, there are exquisite and small wood carvings of Ganoderma lucidum, and several orphaned rare coins purchased by Yao Jinzhi, which is called a famous spring, and there is still a piece of time. The long-standing patron of the Taoist token, carved with red-faced beard, golden armored robe, and the eye-catching Taoist statue of the Taoist priest, after the identification of the master Chen Ping, in addition to the Lingguan card and the wood Lingzhi, mostly secular treasures, countless Home spirit.
Pick up the token and put it on the table. "Please pick up!"
Li Wei opened the petite scorpion, took out a clay figurine of the ranger and sword from the inside, and wrapped his arms around his chest. "I have the sword and the enemy, but I can kill the enemy. What do you do?"
The money immediately took out the fine-grained, simple-looking woodcarving Ganoderma lucidum. "After counting the swordsmanship of your generals, Ganoderma lucidum is a great medicine, and you can continue your life!"
Li Wei, who took out the second clay figurine, was a gong and drum, "Knocking and drumming, noisy you!"
Money sneered and took out the famous springs and put them on the table. "There is money to make the ghosts push, be careful of your little beggars, and then screaming at you outside the window! It's your turn!"
Li Wei put out a third clay figurine, a statue of a martial art martial artist. "This is a martial artist in the sand field. I am most loyal to me. You use money. You only have to go to the dog with a meat buns!"
Then Li Wei took out a clay figurine. "This is a lord who lives in the mountain road view. When a dust falls over, you can go to the river and you will not admit defeat?"
This time, I didn’t take out the baby from the Duobao box. Instead, I carefully took out the sachet bag from the lady’s cuff, and turned it around to pour the private money inside and the Guizhi Guiye. After that, put the sachets that give off the fresh and fragrant breath on the table. "I am a Qiankun bag. What kind of fairy tales and magic weapons can be used for sacs, what is the scent of an old priest?"
Then I saved the money and put the chopped, sweet and lovely cassia twig on the table, and began to brag. "This is a branch of the moon palace laurel tree. Once it is on the ground, it will be taller to grow a building tomorrow." Guishu!"
Li Wei quickly took out the last clay figurine, the fairy looks like a crane. "My maid's mount is a crane. You can steal your cassia twig!"
I took the money and took off the bamboo sword and the bamboo sword. I shot it on the table. "A sword cuts the claws of the crane and cuts off the head of the maid!"
Li Wei finally took out the painted puppets of the number one general, and he was half-armed high, far beyond the clay figurine given by the Fengxue Temple Wei Jin. "Catch your sword in one hand and hold your knife in one hand!"
After that, the two began to do everything.
The small smelting of the mountain sticks, the rest of the treasure box are just valuable things that do not help the practice of secular objects.
Li Wei took out the "Broken Water Cliff", and even lived in the charm of Aliang's slap in the book, and also came out and said.
But in general, it is still money to occupy the wind.
The stone table is full of dazzling, full of money and Li Wei’s family.
The intrigue of the two little guys, Yu Lu looked at it with gusto.
In the end, Li Wei sighed and screamed: "Well, I lost. The skill is not as good as people, and the chess is a trick. I am a big man, and I can't afford it!"
I used my arms to ring my chest and nodded. I looked at Li Wei with an appreciative look. "It doesn't matter, you are called a defeated glory. In the rivers and lakes, there are only a handful of heroes who can fight me so many rounds!"
Li Wei turned his head and said to Lu: "Yu Lu, you have the privilege of seeing this battle of the peak, it is your blessing."
裴钱老气横秋道: "I am not the kind of people who like the name of the river, so Yu Lu you remember the line, do not have to go everywhere to promote."
Li Wei and Qian Qian looked at each other and grinned at the same time.
I am sorry.
After thinking about money, Li Wei will travel to study, and he must let him know what a real master of the rivers and lakes is, what is the world's top swordsmanship and overbearing knives.
Li Wei thought that he would leave the college to travel in the future, and he must pull the money together to make a river and lake, and he can talk about it. He is also more comfortable.
Yu Lu Momo was on the sidelines and was amazed.
Both the two little guys have so many precious objects, and they are also impressed by the thick and stinking of their faces.
Because Li Wei came from a skipping class, there was no school student or visitor at the foot of the mountain. This caused many troubles in the province of Lu, and the two began to slowly pick up their belongings.
Yu Lu was the prince of the Lushi dynasty. At the beginning, Lushi was also known as the "rich treasure" in the north of Baojuan. A group of people, except for Chen Ping, did not say that his eyes might be better than the mountain practice. Therefore, Yu Lu knows that the two little guys' homes are almost comparable to the dragon gate monks, and even some of the wilderness Jin Dandi. If you don't say anything about this life, you may not have this rich family.
Yu Lu joked about the money: "Save money, don't be afraid of seeing money?"
Yu Lu knows very well about Li Wei's disposition. It is a big heart, so there is no such question.
The money was white and Yu Lu looked at it. Some people disliked it. I think this guy named Yu Lu seems to have a bad brain. "You are my Master's friend. Can I not believe in your character?"
Yu Lu is speechless.
On the side of the study, after the two men pushed together all the details of the refining, Mao Xiaodong took a waist-foot ruler, one piece of the heavenly treasure that used to refine the golden daring, and floated the ruler, which fell on the table. Eighteen kinds, the size is different, the price is high or low, the current lack of six, the four can quickly be sent to the Cliff College, and two more difficult, not an alternative, just more or less affecting the gold After the refining system, the final product ranks, after all, Mao Xiaodong expects this very high, I hope that Chen Pingan can refine a perfect and worthy life in the Donghua Mountain where he sits, and sit in the second gas house.
Mao Xiaodong had some words in his stomach. He did not say to Chen Pingan. First, he wanted to give Chen Pingan a surprise. The second was to worry about Chen Ping’s concern and suffering, but it was not beautiful.
Once the golden gallbladder is successfully refining, such as the prince of the royal family, the prince of the prince will open up a large raft, and the priest will be able to speed up the aura in the special time and place. , Shen, 酉. The location suitable for aura is the west and southwest of Lingshan Xiushui. In addition, Jin Yiyi, the main killing, the practice of the people if it is Ren Xiayi, strong personality, has a strong murderous atmosphere, the more it is twice the result with half the effort, it is known as "the autumn wind, the sound is like a bell, He Yuchao has no big name."
It’s just these mysteries, most of which are the potential of all the five elements of the world’s gold, and the golden daring of Chen Ping’s, with a more secretive opportunity.
Mao Xiaodong was also recorded in a very lonely book, and he was able to know the inside story. It is not clear that Cui Dongshan.
Refining a golden daring with a high rank, as a living thing, it is almost impossible to meet, but as long as it is refining and squandering, it is a person who needs to refine this thing, not only that Those who have good temperament and are good at killing the monks, and must be in harmony with the gas phase of the daring, and then refining by the method of refining, interlocking, without any flaws, and finally the golden jewels that are refined. Can achieve a mysterious and mysterious realm, "moral as the body, so not outside the object"!
Entering the land of filth and sorrow, I dare not say that it will be able to invade all evil spirits, so that all the in the world can avoid three feet, and at least can suppress and suppress those that are not regarded as orthodox by Haoran.
This effect is similar to the dragons living in the ancient rivers of the Jiangyin Lake in ancient times. They are naturally capable of driving and shocking thousands of aquariums.
Mao Xiaodong put away his thoughts. When Chen Pingan carefully looked at the treasures of Tiancai, he slowly said: "In the past few days, we have tried to avoid the crowded days and visit the temples and other places in Dagujing in the night. In the rich land, I need to get back and advance some of the things with those gods. Some of them are the equivalent of our cliff-side college... 'hosting' on their side, saying that the market is awkward, in fact, it is equivalent to making dividends, big The Gao family and the rites of the rites will also close their eyes on this. After all, it is only for me to get back to Donghua Mountain. As you said, Donghua Mountain is still a big map."
Mao Xiaodong reminded: "In the meantime, you just stand by me, you don't have to say anything. The reason why you want to take you is to try to see if you have a chance to belong to you. How do you feel awkward? Chen Ping, this is You want to be embarrassed, your controversy over the Confucian veins, in fact, only know the fur, just look at their watches do not know what to do, in short, you do not have to consider these for the time being, according to what I said to do, and not what you want to pulse Don't be nervous about your ancestors."
Chen Ping nodded, "Okay."
Mao Xiaodong bluntly said: "Now the big town of Beijing is brewing the demon wind and rain, very uneasy, this time I took you out of the college, there is still an idea, it is to help you get out of the dilemma, but it will be dangerous, and Not small, do you have any idea?"
Mao Xiaodong is posing to be a bait.
Chen Pingan worried: "Of course I am willing, but Maoshan Lord, you are leaving the academy, which is equivalent to leaving a saint world. Once the other party is prepared, the earliest target is the Maoshan Lord in the academy. So, the Maoshan Lord is not Very dangerous?"
"I want to deal with me, even if I leave Donghua Mountain, the other party must have a jade monk who is sure."
Mao Xiaodong laughed and said: "But you think that the five-day monks in Baojuan are the little things that the money and Li Wei collect, and they can be used to show them out. The only one in the world is the jade. The ancestors of Goyang Gao’s ancestors, who are not good at killing, have already gone to the Phiyun Mountain in your hometown. Nowadays, the Tongyezhou flying up the monk is dead and dead, and the glass is broken. In the Baoping Chau, the world’s thousands of old kings, such as the gods, Zong Tianjun, and the rumors, have already sneaked into the ancestors’ Jiang’s ancestors, the jade who was born in the wilderness. The monks in the shackles, these guys, are definitely busy fighting and fighting, otherwise the rest, like the Fengxue Temple Wei Jin, gathered in the Baoguanzhou side, ready to fight with the North Zhou Luzhou Tianjun Xie ""
Mao Xiaodong said with emotion: "The large and small dynasties and genus of Baojuan, as many as two hundred countries, can only be a few local five-day monks? One hands counted, and Cui Wei and Qi Jingchun came to the bottle. Before the continent, when the road was poor, it might be more shabby, one hand. So it is no wonder that the monks of the other continents can't look down on Baoliangzhou. It is really impossible to do with others. Everything is the same. Well, it should be said that in addition to the martial arts, after all, Song Changjing And Li Er’s successive appearances, and so young, it’s very shocking.

Chen Pingan said that he had oversaw the experience of the Song Chang’s skull.
Mao Xiaodong smiled and said: "Haoran is accustomed to Xiaobao Baojuan, and when you go to other continents to travel, if you say that you are from the smallest Baoguanzhou, you will often be looked down upon. It is said that the construction of the Cliff College was You know the only thing that Qi Jingchun had made in the 20th and 30th years. What is it?"
Chen Pingan shook his head. "I don't know."
Mao Xiaodong smiled and said: "That was the hard work of cultivating a reading seed for the Da Yu dynasty, but one of them sharpened his head and wanted to go to the more famous Guanhu Academy to study. For this reason, Qi Jingchun did not stop. The most ridiculous thing is that Qi Jingchun still needs to write a letter of recommendation to the young scholars and say something good for them so that they can stay in the Guanhu Academy."
Chen is safe.
Mao Xiaodong looked indifferent. "At that time, the Daxu dynasty, almost all the scholars, thought that the sages of Baoguanzhou, the sage of the Guanhu Academy, must be better than the mountain masters of the Cliff College."
Silence for a long time in the study.
Mao Xiaodong turned his head and looked out the window. He laughed at himself: "So from our husband, to Qi Jingchun, and finally to my Mao Xiaodong, there is no one who is right. What is the rumored disciple of what is right? A few people are veritable disciples, who are really close disciples, and they are unclear. Chen Pingan, you said that it’s not fun? Looking at the other big veins, it’s called a heritage, a strict rule, a good star. A gathering, a grand view."
Chen Ping did not know what to say, only to take off the sword and drink it.
Mao Xiaodong went to the window, unconsciously, it was already a rare sight of the moon.
The tall old man turned his head and saw the young man who had never been willing to admit that he was a younger brother. He was hesitating to continue drinking.
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