Chapter 735: Array first

Aquarius. On the top of Nanyue, outside the Shanjun Temple, a rough building similar to a military account palace was temporarily constructed. The large Li Wenwu secretary Lang, the generals of the military vassals of various countries, in this stream, the footsteps hurriedly, everyone admired there The jade pendant for customs clearance is the style of the old dragon cloth rain jade pendant of the old Dragon City Fu family. In a relatively secluded area, there are four people, young and old, looking at the southern battlefield from the fence, all from Middle-earth Shenzhou. One of the old men, holding two soldiers and armor pill, gently rotates like a small country warrior playing iron , Grabbed Bu Yupei in one hand and smiled: "Good embroidering tiger, making money, saving money and spending money are all good hands. Jiang Laoer, save money, have you learned? Inside and outside the battlefield of Dali, it was roughly calculated before you and me In the past, there were about 3,600 big and small things, most of them were earning and spending money, but saving money was only 273 things. The little things like this jade pendant were actually the key to truly embroidering tiger skills. If you preach and teach in Zushan, you can focus on this matter. "
Another old man called "Jiang Laoer", coarse linen, waist small fish basket, nodded, and then looked at the dense layered layout on the far battlefield, feeling with emotion: "Attacks stand, guards Sitting in town, criss-crossed, scattered, all of them are in accordance with military principles. In addition, there are still two national reserve talents in the military arts outside the military book, and the vertical and horizontal. Both of them can see some familiar traces and clear veins. The younger brother really admired it. No wonder they said that they repeatedly ruined three books on the way to study at the time of the embroidered tiger young, and that one of them was the old soldier's book. "
The old man with the surname Wei smiled, "The remaining two books are slightly superfluous. It is estimated that they are only added, that is, two dishes with wine dishes. My soldier's book is the real wine."
It is not that the old Middle-Eastern monk can't stand the praise. In fact, the old man with the surname Wei has enough praise in his life and outside the book.
The old man sincerely added a few words, "I used to think that Cui Ying was too clever, deep in the city, and really kung fu. He was only studying and pursuing his studies. He was more than enough to be a vice-master of the Confucian Temple. In actual combat, it is most likely to be a talk on the paper. Now, it seems that the old man underestimated the country of embroidering tigers. The original embroidered tigers are indeed means, and they are very good. "
The two old men, both from the military ancestors' court of Middle-earth Shenzhou, are in accordance with the rules of the Fengxue Temple and the ancestors of Zhenwu Mountain. The ancestral mountain, which has a great relationship with the martial arts and has far-reaching roots, is the authentic location of the military corps in the world . An old man surnamed Jiang and one surnamed Wei is, of course, the well-deserved ancestor of the military. Only Jiang and Wei can only be regarded as the ZTE ancestors of the two military strategists. After all, the old almanac of the military strategist has a lot of blank pages.
And beside the two old men, a young man and a woman, one is Xu Bai. Because he is good at chess, he has the reputation of "Jiang Jiang Taigong" and "Xu Xian".
A girl's posture named Chunqing, wearing a blue robe woven with fine bamboo silk, she wore a ponytail, wrapped around her shoulders, hung in front of her, and wore a bamboo sword and bamboo sword around her waist. Dongtian is the only heir to Mrs. Qingshenshan, both an open disciple and a closed disciple.
Xu Bai asked softly: "Above the mountain of Aquarius, it is not a mess at all. Is it really popular for us? We traveled from north to south all the way. During the trip, we traveled along the coast specially for thousands of miles. Is n’t it strange that there are no monks escaping from Aquarius? Not to mention the Tong Yezhou, only the Fuyao Chau and Jinjia Chau, who are already dare to fight, are not able to do this kind of exaggeration. The monks wandering in groups and secretly leaving a continent. "
The old man named Jiang smiled and said: "The reason is very simple. The monks in Aquarius can't help but want to. It's because of the harsh laws of the Great Li and the existence of the major coastal fronts is a terrifying, fairy head on the mountain. It ’s no more than an ordinary Confucius, leaving his post without permission, and killing without asking. This is the big rule today. No, it ’s because of the vassal courts, landscape gods, as well as their home ancestral halls and the field repairs of the local people, They all stare at each other, and no one wants to be connected. No, because the battle in Aquarius is destined to be more fierce than the battlefield of Sanzhou, but it can still be fought. Even the Mengxue children in that rural area are idle and rogue. There are not many people who feel that this battle will be big, or that Aquarius will definitely lose. "
Xu Baiwang went to a battlefield above the earth and found a warrior in iron armor. He asked softly, "They are already the highest-ranking generals of the Lili generals, and they still have to die? Was this person willing, or did the embroidered tiger have to die?" , So as to be an example of a large frontier army to appease the hearts of the vassals after the war? "
The old man named Jiang smiled and said, "Which military commander of the big Li Frontier is not a living person standing up in the heap of dead people. It is the same from Song Changjing to Su Gaoshan and Cao Pi. If the official hat is large, he can't bear to die. If it ’s valuable, it ’s not going to die, then Dali Tieqi will not be as strong as it is. Xu Bai, have you ever thought about it, Dali can be hereditary to the country, and will continue to become a civil servant in the future, then As a patrolling ambassador of the first rank of the military commander? Emperor Dali has never spoken about this, of course, because the national teacher Cui Ying never mentioned it, why? Of course, there are patrol servants, or Su Gaoshan, or It was Cao Xiong, the Eastern Commander, who died in a fierce battle. Xiuhu will talk about this matter again, and then he will be justified. Presumably, General Su Gaoshan knows well ... "
Xu Bai couldn't help but say: "But Su Gaoshan is only now in his fifties, and he will have to die on the battlefield. Even if he takes the grace of his descendants and generations of glory, how can he ensure that the patrol servant Wu Xun will inherit generations in the future Human beings have to worry about ... "
Speaking of which, Xu Bai nodded and said: "Understood, after the death of the war, he was promoted to the hero of the Wu Temple. Like Yuan Cao's two pillars, he had the high inheritance and Zhong Kui's supernatural powers. Continue to control the Yin soldiers, even if the battle is over, you can still look after the Zhaofu family. "
Chun Qing said: "Mr. Cui, a brilliant man, has insight into people's hearts."
The young Confucian Cui Ying actually had some "grievances" with Zhuhai Dongtian, but Chunqing's master, that is, Mrs. Qingshan, the goddess of Zhuhai Dongtian, actually had a good impression of Cui Ying. Therefore, although the pure youth is too young and has never dealt with that embroidered tiger, but he has a good impression of Cui Ying, so he will sincerely call him "Mr. Cui". According to her mountain master, a swordsman's character is extremely poor, but someone who is regarded as a friend by the swordsman can certainly make friends. The of the mountains does not miss those pots of wine.
Xu Bai's eyes widened suddenly.
A young man in white came from far away, seemed to be laid-back, but in fact, he was at full speed. The heavily guarded Nanyue Mountain seemed to be strange. He deliberately turned a blind eye to this person. Xu Bai immediately remembered the identity of the other party. The existence of this guy bears a series of titles. Not only is the leader of the Dali Southern Spies, but also the accompaniment of the central Lili and a dadu behind-the-scenes superintendent, there is no official body of Dali on any countertop, But he is an extremely critical and detached character.
The teenager continued to wander around beside a group of four people, with a look of sincerity in his face, shouting, "Hey, hey, this is not our old Jiang Jianger, who is really invincible in drama, like this. Wearing plain clothes, fishing is coming, what a problem, what a problem, such a freshwater pond, there is no fish or shrimp, there is an aunt named Fei Fei, a big fish, and Wei Laozu helps help net, Isn't a Feifei in hand? I'm afraid that the little fish basket in the waist of Lao Jiang's waist won't fit ... "
An old Confucian with white temples suddenly appeared and pressed one hand on Cui Dongshan's head to prevent the latter from continuing. The young boy in white slammed to the ground and pretended to yell, but a carp didn't get up and jumped. After a few hits, he fell back to the ground several times, as if the most inferior Jianghu martial arts style was tricked into a clumsy. Finally, Cui Dongshan had to scramble to get up, seeing Xu Bai, who had always been respectful and polite, somewhat puzzled and embarrassed It seems that there is no magical prohibition, how could the teenager be so embarrassed?
As a Confucian, Cui Ying saluted the two military ancestors.
The two old men who had spoken and laughed lightly also resolutely embraced their fists.
Respect this thing, I can't ask for it, but I can't stop it.
Cui Ying smiled and said: "Jiang Laozu, Mr. Wei, just walk with me, a few words?"
The two military ancestors followed Cui Yao away, leaving only three seemingly young people of similar age. Cui Dongshan ’s
age, if stripped from the soul and entering the Lizhu Cave from the sky, is indeed similar to that of Chunqing and Xu Bai. .
Cui Dongshan lies on the railing, about Mo Wanli, at the junction of the southernmost tip of Aquarius and the sea.
Now the entire Nanyue land boundary, except for an old dragon city, has become the second battlefield of Baopingzhou following the old dragon city to defend the battle.
The vast battlefield south of Nanyue, the peaks of the mountains have been transported and migrated away, the great Li and the vassals are elite, and the army has gathered here. The big Lihe is an iron ride of 300,000, of which 25 is light, 50,000 is heavy, and the light rider Like the horse, he wore a water cloud armor, and each pair of armor was engraved with the water flower cloud pattern on the monk Fu Lu, and he did not deliberately pursue the refinement of these details in the Fu Lu seal script.
Da Li's 300,000 Tieqi, Su Gaoshan.
Born from the Han people of the Dali Dynasty, he had previously successfully used the illustrious military merits to successfully rank among the first patrol envoys established in the history of the Dali. The rank of the official rank was the same as the title of the old state of Dali.
The 800,000 foot soldiers are divided into five large squares. The large squares seem to be separated by tens of miles. In fact, for this kind of war and this battlefield, this distance is completely negligible.
A total of 800,000 heavy armoured pawns, drawn from the major vassal states in southern Aquarius, including the old hoarfrost dynasty, all the heavy armored pawns, according to the different positions of the different phalanxes, the pawns have different hangings The five-coloured mountain of Wuyue in color is the same as the five-coloured earth of Shanhesheji in the vast world. All the five-coloured earth comes from the mountains and Chujun hills of the major vassals. Under the supervision of the army, thousands of moving mountains belonged to the spirits of Yamazawa. The Mojia organizing puppets and the Fulu Rex teamed up to dig large and small mountains. All of them were handed over to Dali and the major departments of the Ministry of Industry. Labor, led by a monk on the mountain, casts a mountain monastery around the clock.
The 300,000 cavalry is divided into five cavalry, lighter than triple, located within the distance between the pawns, and forms a battlefield structure with the five heavy pawns.
Among the generals, Su Gaoshan, was holding an iron gun.
In the thirty years of his career as a horse, he has risen from an unnamed border guard to the highest military attache in a continent or a country.
Su Gaoshan sat back on his horse and looked back. Unfortunately, Nanyue Mountain obstructed his sight. Otherwise, he would look northward all the way. Inside and outside of our eyesight, all are the territory of the mountains and rivers under our jurisdiction. After a lifetime, life is here, it can be said that life is at its best, and death is at its best.
Su Gaoshan patted the knife handle with one hand and lifted the helmet to the remake with the other. The only patrol servant from the cold army of the big Li Bianjun had a firm look, and he murmured quietly, "Let Su someone All the descendants of the Han people came out of a Yangguan Avenue. "
Before the two armies of riding and walking, in addition to the front of the battlefield, there was a line of rejecting horses lined up. They were all assembled by strong and strong frontier troops in the vassal state. The number was as many as 80,000, and the second front was behind With a huge sword-cutting sword, the two sides signed military warrants with the courts of various countries and acted as deceased soldiers.
Located between the riding step and the knife array, it is a large array of mountain monks in Aquarius, there are 120,000 crossbowmen, 12,000 catapults, arranged roughly in the shape of an arc moon, in addition to the bed crossbow Three thousand, the crossbow arrows are as big as iron guns, cast off like a thunder, and the momentum is not weaker than the Sword of the Five Realms outside the Dixian.
On this front, Zhenwu Mountain and Fengxue Temple, two military monks of the Aquarius garrison of Aquarius, served as the main generals. Zhenwu Mountain monks were most familiar with battlefield battlefields. Most of them are from middle and high-ranking generals. Among them, in addition to fighting and fighting, they also need to be transferred to condemn the soldiers. The fighting style of the priests of the Xuexue Temple is more similar to that of a ranger. Among them, Ma Kuxuan, one of the ten young candidates, was on the battlefield here, and ordered dozens of Zhenwu Mountain ancestral gods standing side by side.
The Patriarch Sect Master, Chu Chi Immortal Master Zhu Quan, Sabre Seal Seal is "Hehe Tianwei, Shock and Kill All Ghosts".
She stood side by side with a bone-bone sword repairer and a swordsman Pu Tie in the Skeleton Valley of Skeleton Beach. The latter was slender, wearing a black robe, and exhibited a blind-eye method of white bone raw meat. An ambitious young woman.
Zhu Quan said with a smile: "Pu Tiao, you were born so beautiful, beauty, great beauty, the bald donkey in Dayuanyue Temple is not a blind man, if I can survive and return home, I will fight for you, you can't bear to scold him, I Anyway, an outsider, just find a few words to curse him from the beginning, so as to teach him that a bald man is even more puzzled. "
As soon as Zhu Quan's words were settled, there was a monk with a first-class Taiping card hanging from the big punishment department, and they came together to guard against the wind, and fell on the left and right sides of Zhu Quan and Pu Ting respectively.
It was a real man in the view of Xiaoxuan Capital, and the monk who was inseparable from Dayuanyue Temple and could not become a Buddha.
The monk stood on the side of Pu 禳. Pu 禳 actually removed the blind eye method and reappeared as a bone.
The monk just turned his head to look at her and said softly: "The Buddha becomes a Buddha, and the Qingqing is the Qingqing. If there is no way to become a Buddha, there must be a mistake, so I have to mistake me as a Buddha."
Pu 禳 just turned his head and then turned back, turned his back to the monk, and didn't seem to dare to see him.
Zhu Quan stomped and said: "Hey mother, it's sour."
The real man smiled and said: "Sect Master Zhu is also awful."
Zhu Quan held the knife handle in one hand, looked up to the south, and sneered: "Fuck you fart, my old lady, Li Cai, plus Pu 禳, we are the beauties of Luzhou, whether they are swords or not Cultivation is a man and a ghost, it is a landscape in itself! "
A large group of monks, stationed on several mountain ranges in Nanyue, the relatively low level of Qi practitioners, most of them are in Nanyue Zu Mountain, spreading all the way from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, the heaven and earth are full of energy and are directly condensed into the vast water. Fog, let some of the five realms practice morale like "drunk".
Further up, there are sword boats hanging in the air.
Song Mu, a prince in a robes robe, personally sat in the military account outside Nanyue Mountain Peak Shrine.
In the battle of the Old Dragon City, Song Mu retreated very late.
The prince guarded the country.
On the mountainside of Nanyue, the heroic spirit of Jingguan City is high, and the ghost of Zhong Kui, a gentleman from Tongyezhou Academy, stands beside an old monk who is touching his bald head with both hands.
There is a child behind Gao Cheng, looking at Gao Cheng's back, shouting brother, and then telling Gao Cheng, the owner Cui Dongshan arrived in Nanyue.
Gao Cheng ignored this.
Nanyue Chujun Mountain, two ten-martial warriors, Li Er and Wang went to stand side by side. In addition, there was also Zhou Mi, the head of Yumao Academy, also from Beiju Luzhou, who had the same name and name as the throne big demon Tuoshan Wenhai. Zhou Shanchang put down his mother ’s anger in the academy, and took a large group of academy Confucian and scholars to join the south to Aquarium, but Zhou Mi let the academy disciples stay in the central part of the capital and went down alone, now with friends Li Er and Lao Mang. Husband Wang went to stunned and took charge of the Nanyue Chujun Mountain together.
In this mountain of Nanyue Chujun, the Xianjia mansion is second only to the mountain top shrine. Several surname forces in the old dragon city currently live here temporarily, in addition to the old dragon city Fu family, Sun family fan family, in addition There are several great sword immortals and old sword immortals in Zhengyang Mountain, as well as Xu Hun, the lord of Qingfeng City, who are currently settled in different Yajing courtyards. Fu Nanhua, the lord of the old city of Longcheng, is reminiscing with Cai Jin, the ancestor of Yuanxia Mountain.
Several families with surnames in Old Dragon City have moved out of the city. But the loss is still immeasurable. Fortunately, before the war, several trade routes had accumulated a lot of money. Even if you hurt your muscles, but it will not break down, as long as Aquarius can hold it, all is well to say, this is itself a big bet that either bets big wins or loses its fines. City does not agree.
What's more, as the leader of the old Dragon City Fu family, they showed the most effort. The major surnames of vassals can only shoot down their teeth and swallow their blood, and they usually have to squeeze out their smiles and pose a calm posture. A little bit resentful. After all, if you really want to win this battle, you will need a lot of money.
As for the several intercontinental ferries in the Old Dragon City, the Osmanthus Island and the mountain turtles have all migrated to the northern area of ​​Aquarius.
The Xus and their husbands, as well as their son-in-law Xu Binxian, discussed secretly together with the Taoist ancestor of the Zhengyang Mountain, Hushan Worship and the woman Tao Zi.
The city lord Xu Hun is now a monk of the Yupu realm, and he is wearing a mutton armor.
The sister-in-law Xu Binxian. In his early years, there was a magnificent Taoist, traveling in Qingfeng City, who personally gave Xu Hun's sister-in-law a name, meaning "Wen Wushuang Shuangquan Shanren".
The relationship between Zhengyang Mountain and Qingfeng City is not only as simple as an ally, but a few study rooms are present, but it is also a close relationship of glory and loss.
Xu Hun looked blank and looked at the woman who came to ask for guilt uncomfortably. The tone did not seem to be blunt. "Fox is not a city. Close the door and open the moat formation to isolate all news. Such a large site occupies thousands of miles of land. It is impossible that after the disappearance of nothing, no news will come out. Those pieces arranged earlier, no news will go back to Qingfeng City? "
The Xu woman shook her head, "I don't know why, there has never been any news."
Xu Hun frowned slightly, "Is that the foreigner named Yan Fang, after all, is the remnant of Zhu Ying Dynasty's Du Gu Family?"
The woman of the Xu cautiously said: "The Zhu Ying dynasty has been annihilated for many years, and the situation is too chaotic. The dynasty with sword repairs was like a cloud, and in the early years it was once again famous for the intertwining of mountains and hills. The guy with a disguised face is acting too sneaky, and there are many clues of the Zhu Ying dynasty, intermittent and fragmented, and no truth can be pieced together, so far it is difficult to determine whether he belongs to orphans. "
This is not a woman's sophistry. For example, the old Baishuang dynasty mountain river, the downhill Taoist named Cao Rong, appeared in the battlefield of the old dragon city. After that, he exhibited many mysterious magical powers, which surprised the monk of Aquarius. . Actually, there are so many magical real people with such supernatural powers. Although the specific realm is still unpredictable, the mystery of the means and the high skill can be regarded as a fairy.
It is actually a Taoist law, which is not weaker than the newly-introduced Great Heavenly King of Aquarius, Zhenzong Qizhen.
What shocked Aquarius was more of a kind of pride and honour. I, Aquarius, really hid the dragon and the tiger, the mountain was unattainable, and the water depth was unpredictable.
Therefore, even if the old dragon city was reduced to the ruins of the battlefield, it temporarily fell into the hands of the wild beasts, the people who built the road on the Aquarius Mountain, and the border soldiers of the iron cavalry under the mountain. The morale of the people will not decrease but increase.
This kind of battle, even if there are too many dead people, can't hold back at all, so some fights can be played!
As for the Tongyezhou, it ’s really a mess that breaks with a poke. Thanks to our early view of our treasure bottle island as a small family, we always feel that the neighbors of the big family in the south are too much. As for many landscapes and newspapers, there is often a circulation of words, saying that the Jindan of Tongyezhou can kill the infants of Aquarius, there are really many moralists who believe it, and believe it. It turned out that it was originally from the Jiashan River, which was the thick bottom and the atmosphere.
However, for Qingfeng City today, half of its wealth has been cut off inexplicably, and even a relatively accurate context cannot be found. Naturally, there is no good mood.
"Even if Zhengyang Mountain helps, let some local Yuexiu local sword repairers look for clues, it is still difficult to dig the root of that Yan Fang."
The woman sobbed, picked up a kerchief, and wiped the corners of her eyes.
Xu Hun waved his hand, "Then discuss again."
For some real insiders, it is better to close the door and discuss with your family.
The Taoist ancestor smiled and said: "So far, no one has appeared on the battlefield in Luobi Mountain,"
"It may be, but it doesn't earn any fame."
Xu Binxian smiled and said: "It seems to have given the Dali military a dragon boat ferry, and it also counts? It's a good way to deal with people's hearts if they have done business for a long time. With a Niujiaoshan ferry, the thighs of the fairy families such as Beiju Luzhou Pimazong and Chunlupu were embraced. Now it has become the largest landlord of the old Lizhu land, and the number of feudal hills has exceeded the Longquan Jianzong. . "
The old ape in Zhengyang Mountain, dressed in white, has a burly figure, arms around his chest, and sneered: "It's a good time to run, so that the vertical son is famous."
Xu Binxian couldn't help but say: "Beiyue Piyun Mountain is really terrible with deep details. It's just that Wei Biao made it clear that he was abandoned by Dali. The previous was only a prince of Qidun Mountain, which was too strange to rise, this cold stove, Who can burn it. Luobaoshan good luck. "
Xu's woman said timidly: "I just don't know why the young mountain owner, after so many years, why there has been no news."
The old ape in white shoved his lips, "A lowly seed of clay bottle lane, in less than thirty years, how big waves can be tossed, I begged him to avenge his revenge. I used to be in Zhengyangshan before, he would not dare to come, Now that he is out of Zhengyang Mountain, he is still hiding in Tibet. This kind of timid thing is not worthy of Mrs. Xu mentioning the name, and the ears are dirty if they are accidentally mentioned. "
Xu ’s woman probably thought she was wearing a guilt, so today ’s deliberation was not too loud, soft and timid. "We still have to be careful and there are many accidents on the mountain. If the young man did not get involved in practice Well, now I have accumulated a large amount of family business, not to be underestimated, especially leaning on a big tree to take a cool ride, and have a lot of incense with other hills, I am afraid that the guy has been secretly planning all these years, maybe even that The disappearance of the Fox Kingdom is a first move of Luobei Mountain. With the excellent luck of Liu Xianyang, Luobei Mountain and Longquan Jianzong both have a relationship. It ’s very troublesome. At least pay attention to the attitude of the Dali Temple. After all, let ’s not talk about Luobei Mountain. We just say that Wei Shanjun and Ruan Shengren are both very important in the eyes of our emperor.

The old ape laughed, his palms overlapped, and gently twisted: "I ’m really annoying those trivial things that are winding around, it is better to simply, Zhengyang Mountain and Qingfeng City will give me some battlefield military merits and break it with a punch. Halfway down the mountain, I saw that the kid was reluctant to continue to be a tortoise. "
A handsome sword immortal who does not know whether it is Yupu Realm or Immortal Realm. His middle-aged face is extremely handsome. This man was born and claimed to be from Luju, Beiju. It's fierce, the skill of swordsmanship is unbelievable, it's amazing, it has great fighting skills, killing monsters is as good as chopping melons and vegetables, and likes to target the Xixian sword repairs in the wild world.
After worshipping the sword platform Cui Wei, after walking through the ascending platform, it was Jinying who repaired Jindan's bottleneck. Temporarily proclaimed to be a guest of the mountain of Chu Yun, Piyun Mountain. He rushed to the coast of Dongyue's jurisdiction and was in charge of a battlefield. The sword came out very fast and killed many monsters. Yunlin Jiang's hope to recruit it for the family to worship, but Cui Wei was pseudonymously rejected.
Wufu, the peak of the far-reaching environment, is planted in autumn, and as the Luzhou Wufu in the north, he has been in the territory of Xiyue in Aquarius for several years. He has been the guest of the ancestor of the Fengxue Temple.
Still in the battlefield of the Old Dragon City, it is said that there is a genealogy genre master of the Jianhu Lake Realm, a woman named Jin Dan Jianxiu with the surname Sui. Sword killing and decisive decision, ruthlessly hostile to the enemy. The key is this woman, she is very handsome, and she is all over the country. It is said that even Li Cai and Zhu Quan, the two Northern Luzhou women's patriarchs, were all impressed by her.
These are not the characters of Nozawa Yamazawa, or those from Luju, Beiju, and they really seem to have nothing to do with Luobi Mountain.
A female warrior named Zheng Qian has just arrived at the Nanyue Chujun Mountain and found Li Er, a predecessor who once helped feed the fist.
In fact, she is very close to the heads of Qingfeng City and Zhengyang Mountain.
Then outside this Xianjia mansion, a sneaky young man in white squatting at the root of the wall with his ears close to the wall rubbed the wall with his face, and sighed in a low voice: "Don't talk about the fist, just say something bold The throne Yuan Shoujia is not as big as you, and should recognize you as the well-deserved ancestor of the mountain! Yes, there are a few strong people in the world. It is worthwhile for my husband and the maid to fight together against the enemy. "
Cui Dongshan was still squatting beside the girl in a green robe. She thought deeply, remembering her master's evaluation of the young hermit and Ning Yao in the flying city, nodded and said, "I admire and admire, it is very powerful."
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