Chapter 737: Three births fourteen

Nanyue Chujun picked Zhishan Mountain. Li Er took a deep breath and looked far into the south. He gave a fistful of respect to the sculptor in the blue shirt.
In addition, the battlefield is too far away, even if Li Er is a martial arts warrior, after all, he hasn't watched the magical powers of mountains and rivers, and the battlefield in the old site of the old dragon city, the weather has become chaotic.
In his hometown of Lizhudongtian, Li Er had drunk with Mr. Qi. At that time, Li Er didn't expect that Mr. Qi would come to the door. There were only a few bowls of inferior wine at home. Fortunately, Mr. Qi didn't mind.
Although the scholar in front of him was actually no longer Mr. Qi, he did not delay Li Er's fist salute.
Li Er suddenly got together and said to Pei Qian: "To trust your Master, he and Mr. Qi are both true scholars. It is not just to complain with virtue. Moreover, your Master ’s line, the grudges of the previous generation, did not let The habit of the next generation. "
Wen Sheng is the most reasonable.
Wen Sheng's vein is also the shortest.
Mr. Wen Shenglao protects his short disciples, and even the first apprentice Cui Ying who deceived the master to destroy his ancestors has escaped the context.
Mr. Qi protects shorts, Mr. Zuo protects shorts, and Mr. Qi also protects shorts on behalf of the teachers. The third generation of disciples will also protect younger younger generations.
If this were not the case, Li Er had seen the Zhengyang Mountain Moving Mountain Ape before, and punched a long time ago. At that time, the old beast chased Chen Ping'an and Ning Yao, rampant, and stepped on Li Er's ancestral house. Li Er squatted at the door at that time, worried that he would give bad punishment to Master, and also give Qi and Ruan The master added trouble, and this endured. So the woman scolded the world and scolded him the most. In the end, the family of Li Er was affected. She went to stay at the house of the woman ’s mother for a while and suffered a lot of frustration. A dining table was near Li Er ’s. The dishes are full of vegetarian dishes. Li Huai wants to stand on the bench and hold a chopstick "far away from the sky" meat dishes. They have to be uttered a few words without tutoring. It ’s no wonder I heard that your Huaizi ’s homework At the bottom, what kind of books are you reading here? Your mind is with your father and your mother. At first glance, it is not a good thing to read. It is better to go to work earlier. In the future, I will strive to be a long-time job for a high-ranking household in Taoye Lane ...
Watching his son silently withdraw his chopsticks and put his on the bench, Han Han's heart broke. But after all, they are relatives of their own family. The family of four is still under the fence. They can't beat them, they can't scold and scold, but they really have to fight arguingly. In the end, it is not their daughter-in-law who is difficult to be a man. Li Er can only suffer. Fortunately, the daughter-in-law Li Liu ignored it and went straight to take an empty bowl and walked to their uncle's table, holding a large bowl of meat dishes next to his younger brother, which made Li Er feel much better.
Pei Qian nodded gently, and finally suppressed the murderous intention in his heart.
If the maid is the sky and moon in Master's mind.
Then Pei Qian knew very well what Mr. Qi meant to Master, that Master never wanted to talk to people.
Pei Qian has seen Master's two moods one after another, but Pei Qian never mentioned this matter to anyone. Master actually knew everything about it, and never said that she even gave a chestnut.
The state of mind returned by Pei Qian on this trip is similar to that of Master after returning home from Shujian Lake. Master needs to go to the north-eastern Luzhou, where the folk customs are strong, to suppress the dragon of Xinjing, so Pei Qian Only after falling back to Soul Mountain, I would have to travel to Nanyue battlefield again. On the battlefield, I do n’t have to worry about right and wrong when punching. There is nothing important about life and death. The heavier the better, the enemy will survive and die. It is pure and simple.
On the battlefield of Jinjiazhou, Pei Qian became more and more clear about the phrase "no one in front of him". In fact, there are two situations. One is to learn boxing, and you must be courageous. They all dare to punch, so they are invincible in front of them. This is what the martial arts fighter should have. The other is to learn martial arts, to be extremely pragmatic, to endure hardships, and finally handed out a fist to count hundreds of fists, the enemies in front of him, all dead, no one in front of them.
Pei Qian gathered sounds into a line, and asked curiously: "This Zhengyang Mountain is protected by a mountain, the realm is very high, and the fist is very hard?"
It doesn't look like it. Previously in Luobei Mountain, Pei Qian knew from the various landscapes and newspapers and some mountain trails that he only knew that this old ape was notoriously reckless and unpretentious, and there was no one in his eyes. It seems that you have always wanted to be the first five realm monsters in the history of Aquarius? In this case, it hasn't been to the five realms, how can it be like a big throne? Stealing the arrogant walk of my own millet grain?
It's just that when Master and Mother-in-Law need to work together to deal with this old beast when they are teenagers, Pei Qian is actually inevitable. Although the fist is unambiguous and does not hinder the peak of the boxing intention, it can be a bit guilty.
Li Erxiao replied: "By chance, at that time, we can still rely on the physical superiority to learn a few punches with the Naval King Song Changjing. An ordinary heart, the integration of the three is boxing. But this is what Zheng Dafeng said, Uncle Li can't tell the truth. "
Pei Qian nodded and said: "Uncle Li's fist is all in the boxing. Zheng Dafeng does have more truth in his mouth, but he is not as good as Uncle Li. Master once told me in private that although Uncle Li has never read a book, But the truth outside the book is great, and Uncle Li's vision is better, because then Uncle Li was the first person to see that my master is qualified for martial arts, and he also wanted to give me a dragon king basket and a golden carp. It ’s a pity that I was unlucky at the time and I did n’t receive the gift, but Master has always been grateful for this.

When Pei Qian talks about his master, his expression will naturally be a little softer, and his mood will tend to be calm and calm.
Li Erhan grinned broadly and could not talk about the lack of vision. At that time, he was the most pleasing to see the straw sandals. After all, he grew up watching the other party. When Chen Ping'an was a child, he had many dealings with the Yang family medicine shop , Li Er actually looks at it. Sometimes Old Man Yang will let Li Er help to watch some children going up the mountain to collect medicine. Like Pei Qian said, Li Er was the first person who valued Chen Ping'an in Li Zhudongtian. In fact, Li Er had a good impression of Pei Qian, Chen Ping's big disciple, and the little girl respected her teacher and learned The fist can bear hardships and learn martial arts. The higher the fist, the less likely it is to punch, like who? Like him Li Er.
Wang went stunned and complained: "What are you two whispering? Zheng girl, when I am an outsider?"
Pei Qian smiled.
Wang Zun asked: "Maid Zheng, I really don't think about it anymore, change the door court, and practice with me? As a disciple of the door, you will be the definitive Beiju Luzhou woman martial arts."
Pei Qian shook his head, and once again rejected the old Wufu's kindness, "My generation of Wufu, learning boxing all the way, the enemy is in his own hands, not seeking fame."
Wang went stunned for a while, and laughed angrily: "Your master taught you shit?"
If it was a young Pei Qian, just by saying this bastard, at this time, even the eighteen generations of Wang Zun's ancestors had turned her back in her heart. Now Pei Qian, just calmly said: "Senior Wang, Master said However, today I am better than yesterday, tomorrow I am better than today, it is the real practice of boxing, I have this in my heart first, then I am qualified to compete with outsiders and the world. "
Wang went stunned, nodded, and laughed: "It sounds so reasonable. Is your master a scholar? Otherwise, how can you say such a rhetoric."
Pei Qian nodded: "Of course my master is a scholar."
Wang Zunxun has some regrets. These days, he has abducted Zheng Qian as his disciple, but the little girl is always unmoved.
This girl named Zheng Qian is amazing, not to mention the origin of her boxing skills, but she is a female martial arts who seems to be caught in the magic. She is practicing boxing all the time. After meeting Li Er, she took the initiative to follow this Shizifeng stopped the warrior, and asked for four eccentric fairy trappers, and looked at the light and flirty one, but the weight was actually very heavy. They were posted on the wrist and ankle by Pei Qian, respectively, to suppress their own boxing intentions and improve their physique. So, at first glance, Pei Qian looked like a martial arts warrior who had n’t met the Master and had gone so far, so Wang Zunwan was very interested in the fulu, but Li Er was not very tempered. Okay, I ca n’t afford to buy it, but I can give it away for free, provided that he has won Li Li ’s fist and won, let alone four, forty is okay.
Wang Zunxuan thought of the unruly questioning fist in the Lion Peaks realm, he had a big head for a while, let ’s forget it. The fist was afraid of being weak, a young guy punched the teacher in a fist, what is his skill, the old man is big-hearted Tolerant of juniors, do n’t worry about you, Li Er, a young man whose body and soul are at the peak, otherwise if the old man is a young one or two hundred years old, he will hit you more than a dozen punches.
Wang Zhan asked: "How old is your master?"
Pei Qian treats people with sincerity, "I am older than me and younger than Uncle Li and Senior Wang."
Wang Zunming was so surprised that he couldn't help but asked again: "Is he good at feeding the fist?"
Pei Qian nodded hard, "Of course!"
Wang Zunming and Li Er asked, "Are there really such a young martial arts masters in Baopingzhou? Why is there no news at all? Even the Aizhouzhou has a sister Xiang Xiang, whose reputation has reached my ears, Aquarius is so close to Luju of Beiju, it should have been right to move on the two continents. "
Li Er said politely: "Unfamiliar with you, ask someone to go."
Wang went to the famous old man, immediately tempered, rubbed his hands and said: "Li Er, looking for a fight?"
Li Er said: "Then three or five punches lie on the ground, humming and pretending to die?"
Li Er really does not know how to chat, and demolishing the ancestral hall is a good hand.
Wang Zunming didn't mind asking Li Er for a fight, but now that there is a Zheng Qian around, he will let Li Eryi out for a while.
Pei Qian glanced at the white-eyed old ape in the corner of his eye, and it looked like he was in a bad mood? Very good, then I am in a good mood. Sword Fairy Cloudy Zhengyang Mountain, right, and wait.
Wang went stunned and said with regret: "Unfortunately, our Jianxian wine buddy is not here, otherwise the vision of the old dragon city can be seen more clearly. Wufu is not good at this, without those messy techniques.
On the side of Chujun ’s Mountain, Wufu could see clearly, only the vision of the battlefield in front of Nanyue was rampant.
In the pavilion, Chunqing quickly took out a pot of Qingshen Mountain wine brewing, drank his wine, and was shocked. The Dali Dynasty, or the embroidered tiger, Cui Ying, how in the end can he refining a continent of martial arts and martial arts so completely, and finally become himself use?
The mortal body, after all, is difficult to match the true deity. After this campaign, it is probably no longer the conclusion of the horror of the world.
The former tall armor of the Golden Armor appeared from the companion, holding an iron mace, and another armored man of the armor, holding a large leap-style war sword, standing without warning on the world, one left and one right, two The armored generals, like the door gods of a family, appeared in the center of the battlefield one after another, blocking the fierce collision of the broken demon clan like the transiting locust swarm.
In fact, these two gods of martial arts who enjoy countless incense on the earth are the ancestors of Yuan and Cao, who are surnamed Yuan, Cao, Dazhou, the land of a continent, the mountains and rivers, and the two faces that everyone is most familiar with.
The two martial gods who were equal to the ascending realm spoke loudly at the same time: "Those who offend our country will cut them."
"Practice my mountains and rivers, blame it."
But what is even more incredible than this is the blue shirt scribe who slaps the ancient gods into the sea.
He stepped on it again and set off a tremendous wave, stepping on the foot of the ancient who seemed to be unmatched.
The high-ranking who was a guest from the outside of the world and wanted to struggle to stand up, all over a thousand miles, were all broken and scattered glazed glaze, showing the terrifying and powerful power of this god, and the foot was stepped on by the blue shirt scribe. Deeper under the sea.
The two armored gods of martial arts were smashed on the body by countless magical abilities of the demon clan monks, and the magic weapon of attack. Although they still stand, they will still be damaged by some divinities.
Only the tactics of the blue shirt scribe in the Old Dragon City completely ignored those offensives. Because he was in the hinterland of the battlefield assembled by the demon army, thousands of brilliant spells and all the heavy weapons on the mountain were attacked. Falling short, in simple terms, the sergeant in the blue shirt can suppress the remnants of the ancient gods, and even turn the fragments of the glaze of the long time into attacking things, such as the continuous destruction of sword boats, countless flying swords, Wanton splashing to kill the monster clan within a thousand miles, but the monster clan in the wild world seems to be confronting an opponent who does not exist at all.
This scene makes the pure youth far away from the battlefield look thrilling, higher than the flying ascend? Isn't it Fourteen Realms? It stands to reason that even the soaring Cui Ying will not be able to bear it. Wu Yun is fortunate to say that the Da Li Song Dynasty's Wu Yun is prosperous, Yuan Cao and two door gods can be seen everywhere, all over the world, but Wen Yun Yi Thing, but it ’s not something that can be filled in a basket. It ’s too high for the realm of the English spirit before life, it ’s too high, and even all the sages except the four sages in the Chinese Temple of Literature ca n’t do it. The four people in Wen Sheng, apart from the most holy predecessor, do n’t say, Li Sheng, Ya Sheng and Lao Xiucai, three of them all have this
, but each of them has a road to travel, which is equivalent to cutting off this road, otherwise Confucianism These methods have long been used against the enemy. The Confucian Temple has two principals and three priests who are willing to act like this. At that time, there will be a fourteen realm in Tongyezhou, another one in Fuyaozhou, and another one in Nanposuzhou.
Chunqing took out another pot of wine and asked Cui Dongshan, "Would you like to drink?"
Cui Dongshan stood on the railing and laughed: "What wine to drink, I'm drinking now, and I'm drunk and drunk!"
Cui Dongshan raised his arms high, bouncing his arms up and down shouting again and again, Shi Bo Niu, Shi Bo Qiang, Shi Bo Meng, Shi Bo is really invincible ...
Chun Qing knew it, and it was Mr. Qi. In the vein of Wen Sheng, in addition to Liu Xie, who is the most unobtrusive, the two brothers of Qi Jingchun are actually more famous, and Cui Ying, who has three splendid things, practiced the sword very late but the swordsmanship crowned the world, but instead Qi Jingchun, the old favorite, is more often heard from mountains that have little to do with the depth of learning and cultivation. For example, Zheng Juzhong, the owner of Baidi City, is willing to take the initiative to leave the city and invite an outsider to talk to Caiyun. .
Suddenly, Cui Dongshan turned silent and said to Chun Qing, "Give the jug of wine."
Chunqing threw him a pot of wine, and Cui Dongshan uncovered the mud seal, pouring his head up and pouring wine, so that his face was full of wine.
That one hit the green shirt, one foot stepped on the land of the old site of the old dragon city of Aquarius, and one foot imprisoned the ancient high to the bottom of the seabed. The latter would get caught every time he struggled to get up, The large figure will only sag deeper. In the southernmost waters of Aquarius, the wind and the clouds are surging, and the waves are violent, making the wild world originally connected to the orderly battlefield situation, he was cut off by himself.
In this scene, the white-eyed old ape at the top of Zhishan Mountain saw his eyelids trembling straight, his fists clenched tightly, and he almost showed his true body. It seemed that he could feel a little more at ease.
The sergeant in the blue shirt became more and more misty, as if the Yin God of a mountaintop monk traveled far and far. One of the dharma phases first condenses the treasure bottle seal, and then concludes the statement, the fearless seal, the wish, the demon and the five seals of meditation. In a flash, three hundred and eighty-six seals were produced.
T-shirt scribes, like the Confucian sage population with celestial constitution, but said the Buddha's language: "Lion singing."
Baoguang circulates between the world and shines in all directions.
Another scribe with a blue shirt, pinched Daomen's tactics, a total of 356 seals, all of which were symbolic, and eventually condensed into a thunder.
The scribe raised his hand and said the word "Lei Chi". The sage spoke out the law, but he used the Taoist decree to move the heavens. A huge golden Lei Chi manifested in the sky.
This person is as if the saint sage of Buddhism is appearing in the world, and it seems that Fu Yuxuan and Longhu Mountain Great Master are here to perform magical powers.
Lei Ju crashed into the sea. In the previous pattern of interdependence between mountains and rivers, the ancient gods trapped in the sea were detained, and then they were refined by a sky-striking thunder pond.
In addition, there are nearly four hundred Buddhist seals, and half of them have taken root one by one, making the dense army of demon clan on the earth disappearing out of thin air and falling into small worlds.
The remaining half was nearly two hundred seals, all of which fell on the vast sea between the two continents. The vortex was continuous, and the sea bed was visible, making the wild monsters in the wild world exhausted. They either took refuge in madness or tried to fill the vortex that broke the sea road.
On Nanyue Mountain, the old monk of chicken soup shook his sleeves, and then the old monk suddenly twisted his shoulders, staggering, as if the sleeves were a little heavy.
At the southern end of Tongyezhou, Yugui Zongzu Mountain, a young Taoist smiled heartily and said with emotion: "It turns out that Mr. Qi was very attained by me to the Dragon and Tiger Mountain and the Five Thunders. The only way is to detain the Liuli Pavilion Master. Reversing the evolution to this point, Mr. Qi can be described as a scholastic man. "
Chunqing started drinking again. Master Shan was right. There are mountains outside and mountains outside.
Pure youth Ji Xiao, but attributed to the incense and fire of Qingshen Mountain, and his own talents, he has learned a lot, and has the reputation of pure skill, but now I have seen the blue shirt scribes with my own eyes. Chunqing is embarrassed, no matter how humble this young girl who walked out of the bamboo sea for the first time, how early she knew the sky is thick, but the magnificent scrolls she sees in her eyes still make Chunqing sway and feel ashamed. To the old dragon city.
Cui Dongshan laughed: "Pure young girl, don't be discouraged, after all, it is my husband's brother. The technique is higher, it is normal!"
Chun Qing murmured: "That's too high, I can't learn."
Cui Dongshan carried a hip flask with few mouthfuls of wine, and moved sideways all the way. He didn't start to stand silent until his shoulder leaned against the pavilion's pillar.
Qi Jingchun's mother is already in the 14th realm.
Together, what is the right way, the right place at the right time and harmonious? Qi Jingchun directly joined together and taught three roots!
In the war of the year, it was impossible to fight back, and only used the word of life to resist the sky-tribulation and eliminate the cause and effect.
Why did the bastard go to Lizhudongtian by himself, just in case, really annoyed Qi Jingchun, aroused the spirit of some long-lost teenagers, set off the chessboard, and started directly outside the chessboard. The dead ca n’t be avoided, but suffering is inevitable. It turns out that indeed, countless sufferings, big and small, all fell on him and Cui Dongshan alone ... on the head, first in the Yuan ’s old house in Lizhudongtian, fell Environment, and finally left the Lizhudongtian, and had to face the old talented board, and then stood at the bottom of the well to cool down, and finally climbed up the wellhead, and stamped the small bottle on the head, and went to the Great Sui Academy, was Mao Xiaodong Even if he swears at every turn, he must be bullied by a grandson named Cai Shenjing, pile by pile, and bitter tears can be used as ink to write a few long tragic gifts.
However, at that time, the pharaoh and the were not able to determine the real state of Jingchun. The fairyland? Ascension?
Until Cui Dongshan and Cui Ying re-examined the photos of Yin Changhe, they accidentally found a scene when Qi Jingchun stood under the old locust tree with straw sandals.
After contacting again, Qi Jingchun arranged all the "follow-ups", such as traveling far away in the lotus small cave sky, sitting with the Taoist ancestors, and finally fetching a lotus for the old sword to cover up the heaven.
If a soaring state is dead, and only the remaining soul is left, how can it soar to the world of Qingming?
How can Qi Jingchun use a finger as a sword to cut the dragon platform?
Qi Jingchun is not Jianxiu, and even without the weapon in his hand, he cut off the dragon platform with one finger, and let Ruan Qiong, the sage of the soldiers who is also sitting in the world, give it a try?
Cui Dongshan sat down, his head leaning against the pavilion column, holding a hip flask, a snow-white color, still, like a snowman on the mountain.
The sages of Yasheng in the Middle-earth Confucian Temple may be worried, and they need to worry about the final trend of the context, whether they will be confused. In the end, there is a word of harm to the original source, so in the end, it is not surprising to choose to stand by.
What about the Supreme Holy Master? And the sacrament that was very appreciated by Jingchun very early? Why didn't you try to stop?
Why did someone hope that Qi Jingchun could go to the Western Buddhist country?
The reason can't be simpler. As long as Qi Jingchun wants to live, he doesn't need the Temple of Literature to save him.
It is not that "escape the Zen" can live, nor is it the hairpin who took refuge in the old talents, but Qi Jingchun can live and win if he is willing to really shoot.
However, in this way, Qi Jingchun's efforts to fight the enemy, in addition to inevitably affecting the luck of a continent, rivers and rivers, Lizhudong accumulated 3,000 years of heavenly counterattacks, causal robbery, and even landing.
This is the fundamental difference between the embroidered tiger and Qi Jingchun's avenue. According to Cui Ying's doctrine of continuous improvement through a hundred years of time, Qi Jingchun seems to have absolutely no choice for himself for himself and for the world.
But Qi Jingchun was reluctant to do so, what can outsiders do?
At that time, Cui Dongshan did not believe in evil spirits, but instead fell outside and was not a human. In that Yuan's ancestral house, he had to contend with Qi Jingchun to plan. The result was endless, bleak ending, and a complete mess.
After the death of Qi Jingchun, all the young people and children in Lizhudongtian, how about the martial arts of Aquarius? What about Wen Yun?
There is no need to talk about Wen Yun, only to say Wu Yun, the prince Song Changjing ranks in the ten realm, Li Er ranks in the ten realm, almost the elder of the bamboo house in the eleventh realm, Zheng Dafeng in the old dragon city, and then Chen Ping'an, Pei Qian, Zhu Li ...
This is Qi Jingchun's account.
With me alone, my shoulders are as good as the gods in the world, and my heart lights turn on ten million in turn.
The world is good, it is good to be alone, study with scholars, the world is not so good, and it can save the world, letting the life forget the death, and doing the right thing.
Suddenly, Cui Dongshan sat on the railing, sad, and murmured with his heart: "Qi Jingchun to the end, still cultivated the Fourteen Realms, and left it to the pharaoh and the bastard, or when Cui Ying was a brother. Cui Yun this Thousands of swords, it ’s all the same. I still need to set up a book of lakes to ask my heart, and I also need to write that landscape tour. The pharaoh and the never even told me this, deliberately kept me in the dark, nothing. know."
Cui Ying did conceal many things.
For example, the excavation of Qidu and the few copybooks, Cui Dongshan was only a follower of Qi Jingchun. For example, let the king Zhu Zhu succeed in success, the first real dragon reappeared in the world, plus Dadu, making treasure The soaring water transportation in Pingzhou, plus one continent and five Yues, is actually a hidden mountain and water formation method. Cui Ying actually secretly refined a watermark and a mountainmark. The entire Dadu is a watermark, and one point Nanyue, a big mountain built by a little accumulation of land, is a side seal, or in a strict sense, a side seal, where is the final seal? It is the old site of the old dragon city! The vast land boundary including the old site of the old dragon city, that is, the southernmost mountain and river in the entire Aquarius, will be smashed, and it will never allow the wilderness to infiltrate an inch of land in Aquarius!
Who dares to do such a frenzied act? Who can do it? Noble world, only embroidered tiger dare to do. When it's done, the goddess can make the mountains up and down, but it feels very popular, afraid? Cui Dongshan was afraid of himself.
These Cui Dongshan are clear, because these far-reaching plans are Cui Ying and Cui Dongshan stripped of their souls. They play against themselves and have calculated the established strategy early.
Therefore, all these years of hard work, willingly and desperately.
Only Qi Qichun in the Qidu Shrine contains a "Qi Jingchun" who is like a person without borders, but also with 14 realms. Cui Ying did not mention Cui Dongshan in half a word.
Qi Jingchun, who was a younger brother and then an uncle, cheated even his brother and his nephew, and that's all. Cui Ying, the king of bastards, even cheated himself.
Cui Dongshan originally thought that Emperor Song and Zhao told the world to build a temple of Taoism. Cui Ye still worked the people's hearts. He did not think about everything. In the final analysis, it was all for today, all for today ’s
Qing Jingchun
The golden lotus with the flowerpot of Aquarius as a flower pot, plus his thick-faced Cui Dongshan to invite the old monk of chicken soup, before earlier, as a key chess piece to the south of the big leap iron ride, why is the North Club Luzhou Heavenly King Xie Shi, from him south to Zhu Ying Dynasty? Why is there that book Jianhu asked the heart? Cui Ying is so shameless, even the old gentleman who is not in the context of Confucianism, the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, plus Shenzongzong, He Xiaoliang, Fan's Laozhouzi, and Cao Rong of the Taoist monastery, In fact, it has been calculated for Cui Ying.
But Cui Dongshan can be sure of one thing, Qi Jingchun is destined not to say a word with Cui Ying.
In the past, Wensheng had two brothers and brothers who had always had the same bad temper. Don't look at the left and right tempers, it's not easy to talk. In fact, in the biography of Wen Sheng, the left and right are the best speakers. In fact, it is much better than his brother Qi Jingchun, much better.
Qi Jingchun just dropped one of his own on the chessboard. After Cui Ying took over the chessboard, he played against the whole wild world. Since then, how to drop more chess pieces in a continent depends on the skill of the embroidered tiger. Even with Qi Jingchun's death, Mao Xiaodong was only the deputy chief of the Sui Mountain Cliff Academy, and eventually Cui Ying took over as the mountain leader, and then returned to the 72nd with the academy. .
Cui Dongshan sat staring on the railing and had already lost his empty jug, but there was always a drink on his face.
Got it, it's that spring seal.
Qi Jingchun gave the seal to his disciple Zhao Yao at that time, and was intercepted by Cui Dongshan midway, easily "crushing" it, so that the spring breeze of the party's seal was scattered across the world.
And that year the whole world was vast,
I should have been counted together by Qi Jingchun and Cui Ying, the old bastard.
Cui Ying, Qi Jingchun, two brothers who have already turned their backs and no longer speak half a word. Over the years, it seems like they have fallen into each other, but they are in the same camp and have a game of chess. Chess. In the end, the two faced the enemy with two worlds.
Cui Dongshan said to himself: "There was a year when spring went very late and summer came very late."
He suddenly turned his head and asked, "Pure youth, do you know a spring character, how many strokes?"
Pure youth is confused, "Isn't it Jiubi?"
Cui Dongshan asked again: "How many continents are there in the world?"
Pure Youth said helplessly: "Ask for some reason, there are Jiuzhou."
Cui Dongshan nodded and muttered: "Who said no."
On the top of Nanyue Mountain, the two military ancestors whom Cui Yingjing called Mr. Jiang and Mr. Wei immediately glanced at each other after seeing the vision of the old site of the old dragon city.
Cui Ying had asked for a large stack of papers before. At this time, he was looking down one by one. They were all the answer papers of the Tujia ancestors in China last year. The test question is very simple. If you are Cui Ying, the master of the Li State, how does Aquarius respond to the demon attack from Tongyezhou. Cui Ying seems to be the seat of the examiner of an imperial examination. Whenever he sees a well-phrased sentence, he moves his mind slightly, annotating a line or two of text next to it. Cui Ying reads and annotates very quickly, and quickly draws three copies. , And then returned the rest of the large stack of examination papers to Jiang Laozu, Cui Ying smiled and said: "These three people, as long as they are willing to come to Dali to play, I will let people protect themselves a bit. But hope they come here, don't Bad rules, follow the custom in the village, step by step, and ultimately go to where you are, relying on your own ability, as for anyone who is young and vigorous, it is not meaningful to talk to me about what the mountain is. I said to Mr. Jiang and Mr. Wei that we are eating sugar cane. "
The old man with the surname Wei smiled and said, "Is this done?"
Cui Ying asked with a smile: "Does Mr. Wei compile another military book?"
The implication is that if it was just the previous one, he had already read through it, and there would be no need to turn pages on the battlefield of Aquarius.
Jiang Laozu sighed: "On the basis of the details on paper, Tong Yezhou is actually not bad."
The old man with the surname Wei said with a smile: "I'm missing an embroidered tiger."
I never thought that Cui Ying shook his head. "When the manpower is exhausted, there are two Cui Yings in Tongyezhou that won't help."
The realm of the Taoist priests in the prosperous world of Taiping will be very interesting, but not necessarily meaningful. It will be very meaningful when we are in troubled times, but not necessarily more interesting.
Jiang Laozu asked: "I know very well that the literary movements on this" Qi Jingchun "are just your blind eyes. How did he do that?"
Cui Ying remained silent for a long time, stood with his hands behind the fence, looked to the south, and suddenly laughed, and replied: "I also want to ask Spring Breeze, which has no words."
The old man named Wei surnamed solemnly, "If you go on like this, Jia Sheng, who has been hiding his head for a long time, finally wants to take his first shot."
Cui Ying dissipated and traveled far away from the Yin God. He was about to return to the capital and left a smile for the two military ancestors. "The flag streamer in Baidi City, Fengrao, the world's first, should have been removed long ago. "
Cui Yingyin returned to the sky with his companion and became one with the real body.
Today, without preaching and lectures, there is no one in the sky above the sea of ​​clouds. Cui Ying raised his hand and hung up a seal that was once broken and re-condensed by Cui Ying. The original seal script was
welcome the world to spring
Only after being smashed by Cui Dongshan, there was only a solitary "chun" left on the seal.
Lin Shouyi came from the Dadu Temple Temple outside the capital city. He may be the only exception to the Dali Dynasty. Outsiders dare not approach the sea of ​​clouds at this time. As soon as Lin Shou was able to serve as the Qidu Temple Temporary, he was already able to explain everything.
Lin Shou made a salute and then sat on the sea of ​​clouds not far from the Chinese teacher Cui Ying and the teacher Xiuhu, and asked softly, "Sir, sir?"
Cui Ying said a Buddhist saying, "Although the Ming is gone, the lamp furnace still exists."
Although Qi Jingchun died, there was absolutely no suspense, but the avenue was unabated. He used a Confucian saint's life word "Jing", and then used the Buddhist meditation method, and in the posture of a borderless man, only saved a little aura Among the seals of "Spring", which survived to this day, it was finally put into the "Qi" Duci Temple.
Lin Shouyi burst into tears, "Sir has three natal words?"
Cui Ying nodded and said: "There are no ancients before, and no one comes after."
Cui Ying pushed the side seal lightly, and it was a bit sentimental, and said softly, "Go."
Haoran Jiuzhou, the mountains, the water, the books, in the hearts of people, there are spring breezes everywhere.
Nine Daoran spring breezes, first appeared from a school in Nao Ping Chau, and the other Hao Ran Bazhous flew one by one, silently gathered in nine places, and finally the eight Dao Ba Dao spring breezes came together to Baoping Cao T-shirt scribes beside the sleeves.
Finally condensed into a natal word, spring.
Haoran complacent.
Bai Yeshi is invincible.
Spring breeze Qi Jingchun.
Faintly disappeared, a middle-aged Confucian scholar with double temples and frost appeared, looking somewhere in Tongyezhou.
Fa Xiang condenses into a static word.
Fei Fei smashed at the tiny reader with a record of not being weaker than the flooding magical power of the old Dragon City.
The scribes pinched their fingers together, chopped down with the word "Qi", shattered the throne of a throne monster, and then waved their sleeves to disperse the water of the sea divided into two.
Three natal characters, a fourteen realm.
This legendary son of Wen Sheng who never made a name for his magical skills, realm cultivation, fighting and killing the world, ignored the concubine, the scholar's two-sleeved spring breeze, and asked with a smile: "Where is Jia Sheng?"
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