Chapter 300: Tian Fu's encounter

Tian Fu couldn't help but rejoice, if in the past, he would definitely not have this mood swing for a giant sea beast, after all, he is the boss of a company.
However, he had no gains for so many days at the moment, and he was anxious. At this time, a huge sea beast suddenly appeared, which saved him-otherwise this encounter would appear to be particularly foolish when he made the order to come to the third district.
Their sonar system found the trace of the big guy. According to the system's judgment, the giant sea beast found was a conch.
"The other party is almost five kilometers away from us."
The person who came to report to Tian Fu explained to him: "The diameter of the conch is about 500 meters, and the traveling speed is 40 nautical miles per hour, but it should be faster to run at full speed."
"This speed is not comparable to our torpedo."
Tian Fu laughed, the 500-meter-long creature was not too small, and the area where the other party was located was within the scope of the truth.
Only five kilometers.
The torpedoes mounted on their ships have a range of more than 100 kilometers, and the speed in water exceeds 100 kilometers per hour.
"Impact the attack immediately and catch the big guy as soon as possible."
With a big wave of his hand, Tian Fu made a combat command. The sailor beside him nodded and strode toward the cabin.
Tian Fu thought about it, and followed behind the sailor.
When he came to the cabin, Tian Fu walked straight to the control room, where many people were sitting in their respective positions, operating the instruments in front of them.
He came to a huge screen and saw only a dozen red dots on it. It was their fleet.
In addition, there is a red dot in front of their fleet, and there is a green box next to this red dot.
Inside the box is the shape of a conch.
"Boss, our sonar system found the conch."
The staff in front of the main control screen said Asada.
"Lao Ma, let's command a man to attack to avoid any accidents," said the staff member in front of Tian Fuchao.
The staff named Lao Ma nodded, then pressed a few times on the console, and suddenly an electronic sound came from the speaker, indicating that the torpedo was about to launch.
Tian Fu rubbed his hands and was about to say something, but at the next moment, his face suddenly changed, "Lao Ma, what's going on?"
During his interrogation, the look on Lao Ma's face also changed a bit, because they suddenly found that the red dot they chased on the screen disappeared.
"Boss, our sonar system cannot detect that conch."
The old horse frowned, "This guy has the ability to avoid sonar exploration?"
The other party knew that they were chasing in the rear, so urged this ability?
After hearing the words of the old horse, Tian Fu moved: "Is this the sea beast that could be avoided from being detected before?"
Tian Fu shook his head, "That sea beast, but killed a blue whale of 300 meters in one bite!"
While thinking about it in his heart, the old horse next to him said, "Boss, some changes have taken place in the water flow, it seems that something is swimming towards here."
This is a good advantage of the ship, not only has the sonar system, but also has some special instruments to detect the underwater situation.
Through the slight changes in the water flow, and then determine whether there are giant creatures close, the larger the creature, the easier it is to detect.
"Drop underwater robots."
Tian Fu decisively ordered the old horse beside him to do it. At the next moment, there were dozens of underwater robots put into the sea.
Immediately afterwards, these underwater robots spread rapidly around, sending scenes of the seabed back to the control room.
At the same time, these underwater robots will also monitor the water flow, so as to more accurately determine the direction from which the giant creature may appear.
At this time, Tian Fu's fleet stopped completely.
The pictures returned are not unusual, but an underwater robot in front of them is sounding an alarm.
This means that in that direction, what horrible creatures are swimming.
Several nearby robots all went in that direction, that is, the position of the previous conch.
"The situation of that conch can't cause this kind of situation."
Lao Ma gave his own conclusions.
On the screen in front of him, pictures were displayed, and Tian Fu stared at these photos with awe-inspiring expressions, and suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly.
"Old horse, look, what is that ?!"
He pointed to a photo and yelled in horror. Lao Ma noticed which photo almost at the same time, so he directly enlarged that photo.
Because the photo is enlarged, the photo is slightly blurred, but the general situation can still be seen clearly.
In a gloomy sea area, in front of it, a cluster of areas appeared extremely dark, with a slight outline visible, which seemed like a huge fin.
In the control room, there was a sound of swallowing saliva, everyone looked horrified. If it was really a fin, then how huge this creature should be.
"damn it!"
Tian Fu was the first to recover, "Hurry, hurry, hurry up and start the flight engine, shit, hurry!"
He was in a panic.
Faced with such a huge sea beast, it is not safe to stay on the water.
The engines on both sides of this suspended warship began to roar, and waves of water swept all around.
Immediately afterwards, the big ship slowly got out of the sea.
Not only did this suspended warship begin to fly, but four other suspended warships also flew into the sky at this time.
As for the other big ships, this time he started to turn around frantically, spreading around.
In the control room, the picture on the screen in front of Tian Fu is constantly refreshing, but this time they are only receiving the photos transmitted by the underwater robots in the front. UU Reading
Another unusual picture was transmitted back, this time the picture is much clearer, and the underwater robot is only a hundred meters away from that creature.
The other person's huge body couldn't be fully revealed in this photo.
There is only a small picture in the mouth.
Huge fangs like mountain peaks.
"Damn, this is the giant beast that can escape detection!"
Tian Fu was going crazy when he saw this photo: "Damn, it's so big!"
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