Chapter 307: 2 monsters

Time seemed to stagnate at this moment, only to see the giant beast standing upright in front of them, the endless water flow slipped down from its dark scale armor, splashing on the surface of the sea, making a burst of "boom" sound .
The giant beast in front of him is an extremely terrifying python. Its head is more than one hundred meters wide and close to two hundred meters wide. This width can be easily swallowed even by a civil airliner.
The pair of huge vertical pupils stared coldly at the crowd on the deck, and everyone turned into a statue of stone as if they were scanned by Medusa's eyes.
Fang Yun was very satisfied with his appearance, and he was happy with his heart. He glanced at him and locked a figure, sky blue trench coat ...
"Hahaha, this guy."
He yelled in his heart, and then swooped his head toward Tang Guo on the deck, as if attacking Tang Guo.
Opposite Tang Guo, when he saw the terrifying beast "bashing" towards himself, he was frightened and screamed loudly, and the whole person was scared and stupid, and he could not even run. .
Uncle Zhou, who was not far away, reacted for the first time, his heart seemed to be pinched by a big hand, shouting: "Miss !!"
In the shouting, he was going to run over there, but the next scene was to stop him suddenly.
I saw the terrifying python with his head swooping straight down to Tang Guo's side. When he came to Tang Guo's head for about ten meters, he only saw a large blood basin open, and then a stream of water flowed from his mouth. Gush out inside.
The current was not big, but it was like a small waterfall. Tang Guo was washed down and drowned.
"Hahaha ... uh?"
Fang Yun laughed loudly in his heart, but he suddenly stopped, because he suddenly discovered that the guy who was overwhelmed by himself seemed to be a woman?
All of this is slow to describe, but it is actually a matter of a second or two.
If it is described in simple words, it is like this: Fang Yun rushed out of the water and swept his eyes, directly locking Tang Guo among the crowd, because he was thinking of the sky blue windbreaker in his mind, so he was wearing sky blue directly. Tang Guo in the windbreaker swooped down and sprayed water all over her.
It turned out that this guy turned out to be a woman.
"Female, isn't this deceiving my feelings?"
Fang Yun came back to him all at once. He used to take a bite of an old brother before, but he didn't expect that the other party was actually a woman. He was speechless. Guy.
But someone is one step ahead of him.
From the opposite side of the Conch, there was suddenly a piercing sound, and immediately above the piece of sea opposite them, the water flow suddenly arched, followed by a huge head like an island, and suddenly drilled from the water After coming out, a ten-kilometer horror whale appeared completely clear in front of them.
Someone was scared again.
The distance between the giant whale and the fleet is about two kilometers away, but this pressure is two points stronger than the python.
Compared with this giant whale, the python is still too small.
"damn it."
Uncle Zhou on the deck, glanced at the terrifying whale on the opposite side, scolded inwardly, he did not expect that today they encountered two kilometers of creatures, look like this, these two kilometers of class Creatures are not ordinary creatures.
Of course, if he knew that there was a giant tortoise five kilometers long under the deep sea at this moment, it is estimated that he would eat quick-acting rescue pills.
At this moment, he also suddenly recovered, and he looked at the next giant python, and found that this giant python was also staring at the giant whale on the opposite side.
He called softly to the opposite Tang Guo, and then came quietly to Tang Guo's side. After lifting it up, he slowly retreated to the door of the cabin.
After doing all this, Uncle Zhou exhaled lightly, but his heart is also depressed now.
Originally, they were able to ascend to high altitude before the giant whale appeared, but because of the sudden appearance of the python, their ship suddenly stopped ascending.
And at this time, there was a giant python beside him, and his head was a little dazed, and he didn't know how to issue instructions.
Wow la la.
A burst of water sounded, and I saw the horrible giant whale on the opposite side, swimming directly towards them. This scene made Uncle Zhou tremble. Pull up! "
His instructions passed into the control room through the headset, and the giant Conch rose again.
"No, that big python ..."
He was afraid that the suddenly rising Conch would attract the attention of the python. During the ascent, if the other party attacked this side, the Conch would be crippled without crashing.
Fortunately, the python seems to have no response.
Uncle Zhou looked at the giant python with some surprise, and found that the other party was always looking at the giant whale on the opposite side, as if there was no such thing in their eyes.
The Conch was completely lifted into the air. It is currently about 100 meters above the ground. This height has been leveled by the head of the python, which is a relatively safe position.
"Ji Jie, this guy actually appeared."
Fang Yun didn't find this giant whale before, because his attention was completely attracted by the Internet. Finally, when he was on the Internet, he was a little fascinated.
This can't blame him, can't Python have internet addiction?
The giant sea python vomited its scarlet snake letter and looked at the giant whale on the opposite side. Between the vertical pupils, there was an extreme desire.
"Hey, I've been looking for you for many days."
Fang Yun said this in his heart, and then his head was lowered, gliding on the sea, and rushed out to the opposite side.
"This giant python, ready to hunt that giant whale?"
In that midair, Uncle Zhou looked at the scene below ~ ~ and couldn't help but froze, how to see, this giant python also gave food to that giant whale in the past.
The size difference between the two is really too big.
The carrier aircraft that was originally about to attack the giant whale was suspended in the air according to Uncle Zhou ’s instructions at this time. All eyes in this area all fell on the one that was facing the giant whale. Moving past the python.
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