Chapter 350: Space cargo ship

"I just went around."
Fang Yunchao Tang Guo explained: "It's very quiet here, even if I traveled tens of billions of kilometers away, but I didn't feel any special electromagnetic fluctuations."
"The Blue Star people should be able to recuperate here."
Hearing this, Tang Guo couldn't help but be surprised, "Did you go to check the surroundings before, and have you traveled tens of billions of kilometers away?"
The corner of her mouth could not help but twitched.
She knew that Fang Yun's speed was very fast, but she didn't expect that she would soon reach such a place.
Shaking his head, Tang Guo felt that his heart had settled down again. The stronger Fang Yun was, the safer they were.
Where did she know that after raising the speed, Fang Yun thought that if she encountered troubles that she could not cope with later, the faster the speed, the safer she would be.
In short, he has made up his mind, and then he must vigorously add the skill of "speed of light" to get the horror ability of "space control".
Convenient to escape.
"Ulopoulos, now we are ready to live here, do you think it is appropriate?"
Tang Guo asked Fang Yun.
Now Tang Guo is not treating Fang Yun as an outsider, but actually seeing it as one of their partners.
It even says that Fang Yun is regarded as one of his own members. After all, what they advertise to ordinary people is that way. Fang Yun is the totem of their race.
And Fang Yun's intelligence has also been recognized by them. In some ways, Fang Yun is more powerful than them.
"It's too remote here. If you plan to stay here for a dozen or twenty years, it's not impossible. If you want to stay here for a long time, you can't do it."
Fang Yun explained his views to Tang Guo, "Now your resource requirements are not so high, but if your resource requirements are raised, you must go and plunder other planets."
"You'd better first calculate the source energy in your hands in advance to see when it can support you, and then set off in advance, like other planets attacking, plundering their resources."
Tang Guo listened to Fang Yun ’s suggestion, and all of them were in his heart, and he could n’t help but look forward to it. Perhaps in the near future, their blue star people will also fly their spacecraft to other planets.
Fang Yun ’s return gave the people on Earth Star and Earth Guardian 3 a peace of mind. Some people came to the courtyard every evening, just to see for themselves, Fang Yun was flying around the earth star in space Look.
In the past year after year, the Blue Stars have made every effort to develop the space armament force according to the previous plan. Now their army can be renewed once a year.
When they developed a new type of spaceship, they captured pieces of meteorite in the nearby starry sky, and then built one fortress-like structure on top of these meteorite.
In these buildings, there are relatively heavy weapons, such as laser guns.
The Blue Stars also produced a laser cannon. This weapon is much stronger than attacks such as laser rays, and is almost the same as the laser cannon of Tianhe Civilization.
But the turbo laser cannon was never made.
Fang Yun's sense of existence in the Blue Star people gets older and stronger. For many large-scale events, Tang Guo needs to ask Yun Yixia's opinion.
He is a bit like the seventh elder of Blue Star now.
The Blue Stars are constantly planning orbits in this space, and their various space military fortresses built from meteorite are now flying in their established orbits.
If there is a need, these military fortresses will accelerate and then get out of the established orbit and come into space to start combat missions.
Of course, they do not have operational requirements now, and they generally conduct military exercises.
About ten years later, the technological level of the Blue Star people went further, the arsenal was expanded, and many shocking scientific and technological achievements were produced.
And now, they have also developed a new spacecraft power plant, called "Teng Yue" No. 1, this new power plant can increase the speed of the spacecraft to one thousandth of the beam.
Now, the Blue Stars have also assembled a top space army. This team has a total of 58 people, and it is taking a streamlined route.
And this space army, named "War Owl", the equipment inside the personnel are all the most advanced things of the current Blue Star people.
Their spaceship is also named Warlord, and is currently the first generation of Warlord.
Installed above is the latest leaping engine, the speed of which can reach one ten thousandth of the speed of light. This speed is already quite scary. After all, the speed of light is close to 300 million meters per second.
If the Blue Stars get a detailed information about the Tianhe Empire, they will find that in the Tianhe Empire, this class of spaceships account for the majority. After all, not all spaceships are of the Star Destroyer class.
Especially in the civil field.
Like some cargo ships used to transport goods, the speed is about the same, but it is said that those cargo ships usually have the ability to jump in space, which is not available in the "war owl" developed by the Blue Stars themselves.
After these ten years of hard work ~ ~ The Blue Star people finally reduced the size of the laser cannon. The miniaturized laser cannon was first placed on the "Warlord" I spacecraft.
The Blue Stars can finally breathe a sigh of relief.
They still have some knowledge about the civilization of the entire galaxy. The Tianhe civilization belongs to the existence of the hegemonic level, and the accumulated scientific and technological power is needless to say, and it hangs all other civilizations.
Like other civilizations, the power of science and technology will be much weaker. Otherwise, the Tianhe Empire cannot complete the rule of the Milky Way.
According to what the Blue Star people learned from the Star Tree, the Tianhe civilization is at least seven or eight grades stronger in science and technology than other civilizations.
Like the current Bluestar people, their scientific and technological strength, in addition to the Tianhe civilization in the Milky Way, can also be regarded as the upper middle level.
They can develop to this level in just a few decades. Although it is a bit tricky, this achievement is also enough to be proud.
Now the Blue Stars regard the army of "War Owl" as a baby lump, and often let them practice in space-using space meteorite as their imaginary enemy.
Each exercise consumes a lot of source stones.
Whether it is a power plant or a laser gun, you need to consume the source stone.
The inventory of the Blue Stars is now starting to stretch, they need this source stone, so that they can expand the team of warlords.
However, their place is too remote, and they want to go to other planets to find the source rock, which is quite troublesome.
What they do not know is that there is a space cargo ship currently in the space jumping on their route. If they spend more time, they will encounter them.
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