Chapter 366: Central continent

Another laser cannon exploded, but this time it fell on a fighter not far from the Warhammer, and directly blasted that fighter.
Fang Yun and Great Will's violent attacks on each other have formed this piece of space into a doomsday zone.
After a while, the thunder exploded, while the laser burst.
At the same time, various electromagnetic wave attacks are also ongoing.
Fang Yun is also using cell distortion to deal with this giant beast, but for the time being, there is no effect, this guy's life is really high.
During various attacks and bombardments, the people on the spacecraft also collapsed, and some of them could not hide and directly smashed them on the spacecraft.
Just a moment later, seven spaceships burst and opened.
This innocent disaster made those intelligent creatures who were already nervous to the extreme, began to collapse, and then they controlled their spaceships and began firing at Fang Yun and the great will.
The two giant beasts in the war stopped attacking each other, and then turned their heads together to look at the spaceship where the intelligent creatures are located.
Fang Yun's huge scarlet tongue spit out a few times in the triangular hole between his upper and lower jaws. At the next moment, he slammed into the spaceship that had attacked him before.
"Do not!"
In that spaceship, the crew were all screaming in horror. From their perspective, it was a ten-kilometer-long terror python that rushed towards them.
Fang Yun's attack target was a spaceship named "Happy", which belongs to a large company. In the past, this spaceship bombarded him with two laser cannons.
"Fire, fire! Shoot me hard!"
In the wisdom room, the captain shouted like a collapse, and the spaceship's shield had been closed, and firepower was poured into the giant python that had stormed them.
Fang Yun's body is constantly experiencing explosions, but the wounds after each explosion will quickly recover, which is particularly magical.
At this time, Fang Yun also came to the side of the spaceship, and the huge body was wrapped up. In the sound of "click", this spaceship was directly twisted into twists.
And this "twist" came into his stomach.
Fang Yun roared silently. At the next moment, he looked at another place.
Both Fang Yun and Jin Great Will are encountering indiscriminate attacks, but these attacks cannot be fatal. Fang Yun and Great Will, who have carried these attacks, are also madly revengeing those intelligent creatures.
One spaceship after another is being destroyed. The attack of the great will is extremely powerful. Similarly, it is also devouring those spaceships.
Fang Yun found that this guy seems to have a "double" ability.
For example, before, he saw that the head of Great Will slammed forward, its head suddenly became very huge, he bit a spaceship in one bite, and after chewing a few times, he swallowed it In the stomach.
"Too ... too scary ..."
Looking at the human purgatory on the opposite side, in the command room of the Warhammer, Redick was almost scared to pee.
They have a total of twenty-one fleets, and the number of spaceships is more than fifty, but at least thirty ships are destroyed in the hands of these two monsters.
And most of them were eaten by them.
"Is it so scary?"
On the one side, Kevir gathered his nerves. He saw the expression on Redick's face and shook his head. "The war between the two empires is a hundred times more terrifying than the present.
He experienced a battle, although he was only on the edge of the battlefield, but he was also taken aback.
All kinds of fighters are flying in the sky, like dragonflies forming a torrent. Unfortunately, after encountering each other, these fighters exploded rapidly.
Among these fighters, there are also star destroyers, but the star destroyers also explode from time to time.
That kind of battlefield is the real meat grinder.
"The hyperspace engine is ready to charge."
Redick took over the Warhammer and began to order his teeth, "Let the spacecraft exit this area first."
The engine of the spacecraft's horizontal position began to reverse direction, and even if the spin was sensational, it flew towards the rear.
"Damn, this, is this too cruel?"
At the farthest, one-eyed Roger stayed in the command room of his spaceship. He saw a burst of red light in front of him, and the muscles in the corners of his mouth were shaking.
It's terrifying, there are few enemies.
This level of creatures, they even thought to come over and kill.
"Go, go!"
He shouted, "Let's leave quickly!"
The engine of this spaceship urged him to start blasting out quickly, because he was far enough away, otherwise he would be affected now, and he would not be able to escape at all.
Fang Yun then landed a laser gun on a spaceship, broke through the other party's shield, and then went straight into the long drive, as if he had swallowed this spaceship as usual.
The brutal attack continued, and the Warhammer was already fully charged, and the hyperspace engine was turned on again.
"Give me back."
Fang Yun was about to prepare to launch an "anti-gravity field", and as a result, another laser gun bombarded him, preventing him from launching his skills.
Just in this breath, the Warhammer has gone far.
On the other side, the one-eyed Rogers also left some distance away, but the hearts of the people on the spacecraft were still horrified.
"Twenty-one fleets, finally ... finally ..."
Roger swallowed a spit, he hadn't experienced this miserable scene.
Twenty-one fleets, the last complete fleet, are only theirs. The rest, except the Warhammer, are all destroyed.
"What kind of star beast is that? How can it be so powerful?"
The Warhammer in the state of traversing the window in hyperspace, this time not being pulled out by the gravitational well, let Xavier breathe a sigh of relief.
He looked at the scene on the display, a scene of a giant python and a golden monster bombarding their spaceships.
"After going back, I must immediately report it to the chief and let him send a team of star destroyers to sweep around here. I must solve these two animals."
As the Warhammer and One-eyed Roger fled frantically, Fang Yun and the Golden Claw Behemoth had already destroyed all nearby Fei Yufei.
At this time, the two terrifying beasts were fighting together again.
The aftermath of the terrible battle swept away, and the surrounding space was distorted.
Eventually, the Golden Claw Behemoth escaped again.
But this time ~ ~ it left a giant claw.
Fang Yun swam past, picked up the giant claw, and then headed towards a dark space.
"I can evolve."
Next, Fang Yun was looking for a place to start his own evolution, and while he was wandering in space, the one-eyed Roger they also began to spread the message.
In an instant, this area was boiling again.
There are not two catastrophe-level ancient beasts here, but also a pathogen in the third form.
This news was not only spread among this area, but also spread to the center of the grave star battlefield-the central continent.
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