Chapter 370: Tang Guo harvest

Tang Guo, they were very excited. After shopping here for two days, they finally opened.
The wreckage of the starship in front is very large, at least one kilometer in length. Judging from its appearance, this class of spaceship belongs to that type of large starship, and it is likely to be a star destroyer class ship.
"I hope the equipment inside is still intact."
Tang Guo stood in front of the display. In the display, the two warplanes flew over there, and soon came to the broken starship.
Then, after turning his head, the two robotic arms protruded from the two fighter jets, caught on the wreckage of the starship, the engine roared, and the two fighters dragged the broken one. 'S starship came to the cargo ship.
The hatch of the cargo ship was wide open, and a sturdy mechanical arm extended, dragging the broken starship directly into the belly.
Tang Guo turned and went outside the command room. She was going to see what installation was inside the wreckage of the starship.
"Dr. He, how is it, what is in it for us."
Tang Guo walked to the wreckage of the starship, and he saw that many people had gathered around him, all wearing a white uniform, and checking the wreckage of the starship one by one.
This group of people is a scientific researcher who came to assist Tang Guo to salvage the wreckage of the starship. Their job is to distinguish the use of the various equipment in the wreckage of the starship and to dismantle the equipment.
The material used to make the starship is a special alloy, which is not easy to damage, but under the radiation environment like space, some places have begun to damage, but the situation inside the wreckage is much better.
They began to use some cutting devices to dismantle the wreckage of the starship, and gradually split out one piece of equipment.
"Commander Tang, our luck is good this time."
Dr. He is a middle-aged man in his early forties, looking at an instrument lifted out of the wreckage of the starship. He is very excited.
"Not the other half. The wreckage alone now has 15 turbo laser guns inside, 10 of which have damage, but maybe we can try to repair it."
Dr. He said more and more excited: "With these turbo laser guns, we can dismantle the research more boldly."
The turbo laser gun is a technology that the Blue Stars have never overcome.
Like the hyperspace engine technology they conquered, it is actually because this has some connection with the wormhole space door, and they have a lot of data, and have studied on the earth star for decades. At this point, the hyperspace engine was made.
And even so, the technology in their hands cannot be compared with the super-space engine of the Tianhe Empire.
As for the turbo laser gun, they have no technical support in their hands, and the number of turbo laser guns they get is too small. They are used as treasures in their hands, and they dare not dismantle the research easily, which makes them have not overcome this item. technology.
The high-tech technology they captured in the real sense is actually only a partial shield, and it is still in a state of semi-acquisition.
Tang Guo is also very excited, even if they can't make a new turbo laser gun temporarily, but this batch of turbo laser guns can also be used directly.
"Unfortunately, the power plant of this starship has been bombarded by artillery fire, otherwise, we can study the power plant of these star-class ships."
Dr. He regretted it, but then he was excited again. "Commander Tang, above the wreckage of this starship, there is not only a turbo laser gun, but also a traction wave speed generator."
"This time we are in luck. Let's quickly go to other places to see if we can find some wreckage."
Tang Guo nodded and returned to the command room, rejoicing in his heart that the Blue Star people were too weak in the galaxy.
The only attacking weapon in their hands is the ordinary laser gun.
Other weapons, such as partial guide shields, are not yet in mass production, as are hyperspace engines.
So when she got the fifteen turbo laser guns, she was relieved.
Tang Guo's team continued to move forward, and they continuously emitted electromagnetic waves to detect the presence of wreckage of starships around. In fact, this behavior is very dangerous.
If there are other ships nearby, Tang Guo might make them the target of the other party ’s hunting, but in such space, no electromagnetic waves are used to open the way, pure luck. If you want to find the wreckage of the starship, you have to wait until the monkey year.
"It would be nice if the guy in Ulopoulos was there."
Tang Guo thought so.
If the big guy is present, their actions will be much more random, and they can use enhanced electromagnetic waves to detect a wider range.
They even said that they could go to the center of the area to find the wreckage of the starship.
As long as they don't clash with Tianhe Civilization, then with the giant python present, they have no fear of other teams.
Under their careful sneaking, another three days passed. During this period, Tang Guo and they had gained a lot.
However, most of them are wreckage of fighter planes, and many of these wreckages are scrap metal. After all, the fighter plane itself is relatively small. If it is hit, the entire fuselage may be destroyed.
However, there is also a fighter plane that is relatively intact, and can even be said to be intact. In the fighter plane, Tang Guo also found the corpse of the pilot.
According to Dr. He's guess, this fighter plane should be locked by the traction beam force on the enemy's large spacecraft. Eventually, when it broke free of this force field, the fighter system was damaged and it could not be controlled in this space. In the middle, the pilots in the cabin could not start the system of the fighter, and could not even send a distress signal ~ ~ Finally desperately died in the cabin.
This fighter is very valuable, and many of the equipment above are structurally intact, which may provide inspiration for the Blue Stars to build high-performance fighters.
After another five days, Tang Guo and they did not have any good harvests. The wreckage encountered was basically a fighter plane, and all were scrap metal. For them, the material was a bit useful.
At this time, Tang Guo also needed to make a decision, whether to close it when he was good, return to the "Red Sun" base, or go to the center to make a break.
"Dr. He, let's go back to the base now."
Tang Guo and Dr. He discussed, "At present, our military force can't get a bargain in the center."
When she said this, she shook her head, unwilling.
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