Chapter 378: Rivalry

These few days of hunting have kept Fang Yun away from the gathering area where Tang Guo is located. They are far away from each other, at least over one million kilometers.
Both Fang Yun and the sea turtle are very comfortable. There are a lot of food sources every day. For example, Fang Yun's biological energy has reached a horrible 4.3 billion, and the mission requirements have been completed by half.
But while he was going to continue swimming outside, he suddenly received Tang Guo's help signal.
"What? So quickly a large star beast rushed into their electromagnetic wave field?"
Fang Yun couldn't help but be surprised. This wave of beasts doesn't know when to wait until it can end. If there is a crisis in Tang Guo, what will happen next?
Despite these doubts in his heart, Fang Yun quickly rushed there with the turtle.
And in the area where Tang Guo is located, this side is still very empty, and there is no star beast running, but the atmosphere here is very tense.
Two groups of people are facing off.
A group of people is undoubtedly Tang Guo.
The other team is also a fleet, but this fleet is undoubtedly much larger than Tang Guo.
The fleet opposite them in Tang Guo came from a large consortium. The captain of the fleet was named Xu Ke, a middle-aged man with a red head.
Under his leadership, this fleet has brought a lot of profits to the consortium behind him. He is also a little famous in this area of ​​the grave star battlefield.
This time he led his men over, originally prepared to grab the ground, they came a little late, and logically only stayed at the edge of the position.
But that kind of place is too dangerous, so they have been trying to find a relatively safe place these days, and then they found Tang Guo on their side.
This position is okay, and Tang Guo, who occupied this place, belongs to the fleet with little strength at first glance, and Xu Ke is ready to come and eat.
This is not the first time he has done this kind of thing. He did it smoothly and without any psychological burden, but what he did not expect is that he actually made an unexpected discovery in this fleet.
A space fortress.
This type of weapon, even in the Tianhe civilization, is considered a terrorist weapon. After all, building such a fortress is quite troublesome.
The whole fortress is made of a metal, and there will be a variety of devices, various weapons and equipment, power devices, defense weapons, and so on.
This weapon is used to attack the opposite star destroyer, as long as the star destroyer locked by it, as long as it is smaller, basically can not get rid of its pursuit.
Because it is big enough, there are all kinds of equipment on its body.
And the number is still quite large.
For example, the gravity projector, which means that the star destroyer being stared at by it, would not like to shuttle in front of it.
When he first saw the military fortress, Xu Ke was taken aback, but soon he discovered that it was just a broken space fortress.
This broken space fortress should be the harvest of this fleet after digging for gold in space, that is to say, this fleet cannot use this fortress yet.
Suddenly, Xu Ke's greed grew.
"Friends, can you do something convenient, let's fix it here."
Xu Ke stood in the command room of the ship where he was, shouting to Tang Guo opposite them, and at the time of his shouting, his ship had become an outspoken and gave Tang Guo their fleet Surrounded in the middle.
Now Tangguo's fleet is actually quite strong. After all, Tangguo received the fleet of Jordan King.
But even so, it is impossible to compare with the fleet opposite Tang Guo.
"Commander Tang, these guys want to occupy our territory."
Beside Tang Guo, Dr. He said angrily, if they said that their site was occupied, then they would have to find another place.
But in this way, it is likely to conflict with other fleets.
Now all their fleets are considered cooperative relations, but after all, many of them are strangers, so the various fleets also maintain a certain safety distance when they cooperate.
If you rush to station near another fleet, it is likely to cause the other party to attack.
If you do n’t want to clash with other fleets, then you have to go to the edge of the gathering area. In that case, the situation is equally bad. If the Star Beast makes some impact, they will be the first to suffer.
"These guys, I am afraid their purpose is not just to drive us away."
Tang Guo gritted his teeth and said that in their fleet, there is a very important loot, Space Fortress, this loot, even if the people of the Tianhe Empire saw it, it is difficult to make it invincible. .
"Have you contacted Ulopolos?"
Now she puts her only hope on Fang Yun, after all, only Fang Yun can solve this group of opponents.
In the fleet where Xu Ke is located, there are a total of three spaceships inside, all of which are more than ten kilometers away. However, this type of private company's spaceship generally modifies itself, so even if you know which type of spaceship it is, But I don't know what its real strength is.
But it is not so simple for ordinary fighters to be modified. After all, the size of fighters is much smaller.
Fighters in the fleet led by Xu Ke are also divided into light type and heavy type.
The light ones are all lancet fighters from the Ares Group.
The heavy one is the famous big shark fighter.
These two fighters, the lancet and the bluebird are slightly higher, but the difference is not big, but the big shark is a level better than the white swan There are black-tailed swallows, bluebirds, and willow leaves. These two models of fighters basically belong to the same level.
Down are all ordinary companies, or teams of gold prospectors.
Of course, there are higher-level fighters, but that kind of fighter, even a large consortium, will not be used for gold rushing. That kind of fighters generally let them them when they need to transport some advanced cargo .
Now, the fighter planes on the opposite side are only bright. There are 70 light-weight fighters and 30 heavy-duty fighters.
Another point, the ghost knows whether there are fighter planes in the three large space cargo ships opposite.
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