Chapter 386: Start to move

A star fleet appeared in front of Fang Yun. Ninety fighters and three giant cargo ships, each of which was ten kilometers long.
Of the three cargo ships, the one in the middle is obviously the command ship. It is the largest, and its size should be about 12 kilometers.
And on these ships, there is a sharp knife as a sign.
Red Sun Corps, Sword Squadron.
Tang Guo is standing in the control room of the command ship. She greets Fang Yun not far away. In the past few days, she has planned the things in the base. Her subordinates only need to follow the things she arranged. Just do it.
This time she pulled out the Sword Squadron to go with her to do tasks. The Sword Squadron is larger than the Rock Squadron, but the Rock Squadron has a big killer.
With the efforts of the research team at the Red Sun Base, this thing finally restored some functions and could threaten a star destroyer.
So Tang Guo can safely leave the Red Sun base with the Sword Squadron.
"It looks like you are ready, then go."
Fang Yun said something to Tang Guo, and then the body curled up unfolded. At the same time, he raised his head and hissed, and a moment later, from a dark space on one side, a behemoth rocked his limbs like a swim Floating.
Big turtle.
The team started to act.
Tang Guo's goal this time was to obtain high-tech technology, high-tech fighters, and to mine source rock mines.
In the past six months, they have already planned their travel routes. After a few space jumps, they have already arrived in space near the central continent.
The current position they are in seems relatively empty, but there are waves of electromagnetic waves constantly circling around, which shows that there are star beasts not far from them.
Tang Guo they came to the beast tide area.
The nearby behemoths should have sensed their existence and began to gather towards them.
But it was at this time that Fang Yun unfolded his kind of energy field, causing the star behemoths all around him to stop here one by one.
If there is an Imperial Star Destroyer here at this time, it will definitely sense the special energy in Fang Yun's body and then treat it as a pathogen.
"They retreated."
In the command ship, Tang Guo looked at the display in front of him, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, as they thought, those starry sky monsters would be afraid of Fang Yun's energy field and thus stay away from them.
"The space we are in now is more than 4 million kilometers away from the central continent."
Tang Guo explained to the people in the control room: "Go forward for another 3 million kilometers, then let our intelligence personnel enter the central continent and check the situation for us."
This distance sounds scary, but for these fighters and cargo ships, it is nothing.
Because its own speed is already fast, fighters are faster than cargo ships, and the speed of cargo ships can reach one thousandth of the speed of light.
So at the full deployment speed of their spacecraft, they can quickly reach the central continent.
In fact, this was also the case. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the designated location, and then their intelligence personnel began to leave the ranks and move towards the central continent.
The intelligence personnel are very dangerous after leaving the team, or they will be attacked by the starry monsters, so they need to reach the central continent with the fastest speed without giving those starry monsters a chance.
The command ship and the fighter planes of those intelligence personnel are always in contact, and Fang Yun can receive all the information of the command ship, so Fang Yun also understands the current status of the intelligence personnel.
The listed intelligence personnel provided ten people and boarded five fighters, all of which were battle owl 2B, light-weight, and had partial shields.
After unleashing the speed of their fighters to the extreme, they came to the central continent with all risks.
The central continent has not been breached by the tide of beasts. Even in the area around it, there are a lot of turbulent and strong electromagnetic waves. There are even many starry monsters directly appearing in the space above the central continent, but then they will be attacked. The guard army of the central continent was bombarded.
Tang Guo and their intelligence personnel entered the central continent without much hindrance, and began to investigate the central continent.
The Central Continent is now welcoming these small fleets because it has been separated from the Tianhe Empire.
The army of beasts is violently impacting the territory of the Tianhe Empire.
According to calculations by relevant personnel, this beast tide is a small beast tide, and its duration may reach seven years.
Now only half a year has passed.
The main forces of the Tianhe Empire are all defending their central territory, such as the relatively marginal place of the grave star battlefield, they will naturally not send too much troops over.
Therefore, the imperial officials here are encouraging private forces to come to the central continent and jointly resist the tide of beasts.
"It seems that the central continent is under greater pressure."
Fang Yun and Tang Guo talked together. After thinking for a while, he saw the plight of the central continent. At present, various machines in this huge gathering area send out electromagnetic waves, blocking the offense of the starry sky monster.
However, there are still a lot of star monsters that will attack the central continent.
The situation inside the Central Continent is also not optimistic, so this gives Fang Yun the opportunity to take advantage of some of the high-tech that they can't usually buy, which may start to appear in such places.
"Under such a situation, Yuan Shi must be very tight."
There must be a source rock mine near the central continent, but it is said that the starry sky monster itself was born by engulfing the source rock mine, like a source rock mine being mined, almost all of them can perceive their existence, and thus past Eat the pattern.
So near those source rock mines ~ ~ there must be a lot of starry sky monsters, so there are some waste pits, the source rock mines have not been fully excavated, but because of the starry sky monsters Don't let it go.
And they came here this time, but brought a lot of high-energy stones, these things can buy them the high-tech technology they want-provided that there are some training methods such as spaceship materials, communication technology and so on.
Tang Guo tried to shrink the warplane fighters, and at the same time raised the means of communication above the average level of the galaxy.
It is mainly to overcome the special communication method possessed by the Tianhe Empire.
In this way, Tang Guo temporarily stayed near the central continent, because of the existence of Fang Yun, they don't have to be afraid of starry sky monsters coming over.
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