Chapter 406: Become famous in 1 battle

Thinking of those in his heart, Fang Yun's heart also looked forward a little. According to his understanding of the Tianhe Empire, with his current strength, he can already be fearless of any legion.
Because the other party even empire-level star destroyers were dispatched.
The empire-class star destroyer is the most top-level star destroyer of the Tianhe Empire. This type of star destroyer is more than 6 kilometers in length. Compared with cargo ships, they have stronger attack power and higher flexibility.
This weapon is a real strategic threat weapon, even if it appears in the battlefield, it will not be easily shot, but used to deter the other party.
In order to deal with Fang Yun, the Tianhe Empire dispatched three ships at a time, and the whole army was destroyed. For the entire Tianhe Empire, it was a huge loss.
This type of star destroyer is expensive and much more expensive than a cargo ship that is more than ten kilometers long. An imperial class star destroyer can destroy dozens or even hundreds of cargo ships.
Much of the power of an Imperial class star destroyer can only be shown through opponents that are weaker than it or at the same level as it.
Unfortunately, this time the opponent is Fang Yun, and many of their performances have to be demonstrated in the future, and the result is destroyed.
For example, hiding in a "folding space" like Fang Yun, Imperial-class warships can also do it, but at that time various artillery fires were bombarded in various battlefields, and they were useless in hiding in the folding space.
In addition, the response time of their hyperspace engines is very short, requiring only 10 seconds. However, like ordinary cargo ships, the energy storage time after their laser weapons are excited is more than this number.
In other words, such an empire-level star destroyer can escape from the battlefield after attacking the opponent, and then before launching the opponent's weapon.
Unfortunately, Fang Yun has some means to pull them out of the hyperspace state.
Such an important performance, the result can not be played out in Fang Yun at all, it is no wonder that the three Imperial-class star destroyers easily blew up in front of Fang Yun.
"It would be nice if there were more such battles."
Fang Yun's Snake Believe swallowed in the void and made a movement similar to licking his lips. He now has no fear of Tianhe Empire.
Now the other party will send people over, just to give him food.
He is currently in this galaxy, just to make his reputation worth ten million.
In the past, his reputation reached 40 billion, but now during this battle, his reputation suddenly soared to a horrible 60 billion.
And more importantly, his reputation is currently skyrocketing at a terrifying rate.
"It seems that someone must have spread the news."
At that time, there were a lot of fighter planes that escaped. On the fighter planes of the surviving pilots, there must be images of him. After these images were spread, his reputation immediately rose at a terrible speed.
In fact, this is indeed the case. On the Tianhe Empire's "Tianyue" forum, someone posted a video, which was the video material related to Fang Yun.
These video materials have just been uploaded, which caused an uproar.
After this operation was carried out, some people leaked it, and it didn't take long for everyone to seriously discuss whether they could actually find the python and kill the guy.
Many people have shown that having a luxury lineup of Imperial-class star destroyers and thirty victory-class star destroyers can definitely solve that guy.
However, the result is unbelievable.
Their empire-level and victory-class star destroyers, when faced with Fang Yun, the whole army was annihilated, and there was no effect at all.
A big defeat, a shocking, and completely unacceptable defeat.
Now the Tianyue Forum has been quarreled, and some people are attacking the official-built Empire-class star destroyer.
Empire-class star destroyers are rarely used for combat. Even if border crossings and neighboring galaxies clash, Empire-class star destroyers are dispatched in the past, but they are only used for strategic deterrence and not for combat.
The defeat of the Empire-class star destroyer has caused many people to wonder. Does the Empire-class star destroyer really have a strong fighting power like its surface?
After all, every time you build an empire-class star destroyer, it is expensive to build, but the money can only be paid by ordinary civil administration taxes.
At the same time, some people are lamenting the strength of the pathogen.
"That pathogen is definitely not the third form, perhaps, its level has exceeded the third form."
"Empire-level star destroyers have no effect on it, and they don't know what weapons, before they can inflict heavy damage on it."
"Have you watched the video carefully? In fact, this pathogen is not invincible. It seems that our soldiers almost killed the guy before."
"It's a little far away, don't see that guy was blown away half of his body, it turned out that it was not good, its recovery ability is really terrible, there is no weapon to kill it ~ ~ Damn it, what the empire is eating, and actually still leaving such a powerful creature in the galaxy, they should find a way to expel that guy. "
On the Tianyue Forum, there are all kinds of people, but most people are attacking the Tianhe Empire.
One was to question the empire-level star destroyer, and the other was angry at the incompetence of the Tianhe Empire.
Of course, there are some people who are questioning the authenticity of that video, how could there be such a huge and powerful creature.
Just as the netizens of various large civilizations were talking high on Tianyue, as a Blue Star civilization that has cooperation issues with Fang Yun, they are also paying attention to this deed.
"It's really terrifying, and the empire-class star destroyer is in its hands, and there is no benefit?"
Tang Guo could n’t help but sigh after reading the video material.
"He has attracted a lot of firepower and attention for us in this way, and he does not know the future ..."
Tang Guo couldn't help but hold on tightly. She looked at the report in her hand and the video on the computer in front of her. Finally she took a deep breath and then immersed herself in the work again.
For Fang Yun, she is very grateful, but she also understands that she wants to repay Fang Yun's kindness, not share the pressure with him.
The important thing is to expand the Blue Star civilization and then pass on Fang Yun's influence.
Now the Blue Star civilization is still shrinking, mainly because it is directly facing the Tianhe Empire, so now they can't open it, and they can't pass the image of Fang Yun to other civilizations.
However, they have more and more manpower. Eventually, they will definitely grow into a huge number of civilizations. At that time, it is very good to eat the dividends brought by the Blue Star civilization.
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