Chapter 487: Scared joke

"Doron, how did you finally escape from the giant python?"
Inside the dormitory, several alumni came to Doron and Drummond's bedrooms, and now Drummond has died, and this bedroom has become Doron's exclusive dormitory.
At this time, several alumni who were relatively familiar with Doron came to his dormitory and asked him about the war.
The forward troops dispatched by the domain on the eighth day intercepted the python, and then waited for the assembled large troops to kill the python.
But the result of the incident shocked everyone, because the giant python actually slaughtered the entire forward force.
There was also a survey team that felt in time, but this team was more miserable than the forward team. The forward team had some people escaped anyway, but the investigation team was completely annihilated in that one. In space, no one escaped.
Doron was also one of the survivors of the forward forces.
Under the eyes of a few alumni questions, he swallowed a spit, and then picked up the teacup set aside to drink, but his hands were trembling, as if he couldn't even hold that teacup.
"Doron, what did you see?"
Beside Doron, an older alumnus asked him. They sat at the long table in the dormitory. Doron sat in the middle of the left side of the entrance door. Two alumni were On both sides of him, there are three alumni opposite him.
The slightly older alumni who spoke to him at the moment was the man sitting in the middle of the three opposite him.
After this man's question fell, Duolong's eyes appeared a reminiscence, and then his body shivered.
When others saw this scene, they couldn't help showing a trembling emotion.
"That big python has scared Doron's courage."
In their minds, such an idea emerged one after another.
After returning, the forward troops did not publish the details of the incident. To be precise, the content of the announcement is still under discussion.
The outside world is waiting for the announcement of the eighth day domain.
Not only the people in the eighth heaven, but also the seventh heaven, the sixth heaven, and the fifth heaven, are also paying attention to this incident.
Most of this dispatched investigation team is from the 7th Tianyu. The leading Captain University is a senior leader of the 7th Tianyu.
In addition, the Sixth Heaven domain was also killed.
As for the Fifth Tianyu, it is because this incident is considered to be a relatively large event in these days, so the Fifth Tianyu also paid attention to this incident.
There are also many news channels that broadcast this incident. Of course, for the fifth day, this incident is not a very big thing.
"Doron, Doron."
Seeing Doron begin to distract, the older alumnus couldn't help but wave his hand in front of his eyes.
Doron recovered suddenly, and he breathed a sigh of relief, then said slowly: "That giant python, at that time, was absolutely capable enough to kill all of us."
"But it put us back."
"Perhaps it is kind, but there is also a possibility that it is using our group of survivors, letting our group of survivors, bringing more people to it."
As he said this, Doron raised his head and looked at the three people across from him, trembling and said, "You must never try to participate in this incident."
"Even if the rewards given by the government are rich, this incident is not something we can participate in anymore. People like us, if we go more, it is just cannon fodder, and it is still the kind of cannon fodder that can't bring out its value. "
Doron's teeth gnawed and his hands were clenched into fists. In his heart, there seemed to be an angry mood brewing.
He was really angry.
Anger your own inner cowardice, anger your own weakness.
As he said, people like them who went to the battlefield of that level couldn't even count cannon fodder.
Thinking about their group of forward troops, if it is not for the investigation team to come back later, I am afraid that they will be defeated earlier.
And it was the python who used his real skills.
"I heard that the python at that time used only one move to wipe out all the ships of the investigation team?"
The older alumni on the opposite side hesitated at the moment, but hesitantly asked.
Dulong glanced at him, then nodded and said, "It is indeed so, so, let me tell you not to participate in this thing."
"Fortunately, I was very far away from that python, otherwise, it would be affected."
Doron paused and continued to tell, "At that time, the instruments on my spacecraft showed that there was a huge gravitational field around the python, and the quality of the guy was increasing."
"And this kind of quality, surprisingly high, is almost equivalent to a black hole of" star "."
"Under the influence of such a huge gravitational field, all the spaceships close to it are torn to pieces, and the partial shield is like a weak egg shell in front of it."
A look of fear appeared on Doron's face, and he recalled the scene he saw at the time, which made him feel terrified every time he recalled it.
Several alumni beside Dulong glanced at each other, all frowning.
Suddenly, they will change their quality and make themselves into a black hole. This attack skill is something they did not expect before ~ ​​ ~ because in their previous cognition, the attack of pollutants Most of the ways are various energy attack methods, such as super powerful laser, antimatter, gamma ray burst and so on.
It is even equivalent to the energy bomb of a supernova explosion.
If it is a higher-level pollutant, they will also have some strange and weird attack methods, making people completely unable to defend. They can only collect all kinds of material resources, that is, human and material resources, and then capture them Then seal.
This kind of battle is not at all possible for these heavens. Only the top heavens can do these things.
But now, this giant python also shows this strange way of attacking.
"This guy……"
A few of Dulong ’s alumni glanced at each other, and they all found the fear in their eyes.
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