Chapter 586: Domain master

After completing the corresponding tasks, the students in the Baiyin group were recalled by Fang Yun. They have completed their tasks. Now all they need to do is return to the safe area, and then relive their gains and feelings in the past few days.
"Go, Nebula."
Fang Yun said to Nebula next to him, and then, he took the lead in galloping forward. He was heading in the direction of the fleet of the Gama Empire.
Now he is ready to lead the team to formally attack the fleet.
The big turtle wandered in front of Fang Yun, and now he was only 10 meters in size, and Fang Yun was coiled up and then sat on his back.
"Master Ulopolos, all the students in the silver group have now been evacuated to a safe area."
Nebula began to report the situation of the students in the silver group to Fang Yun. This was Fang Yun's request. After hearing Nebula's report, Fang Yun also asked, "How is that kid named Luo Feng?"
Hearing this, Nebula laughed and said, "Although this guy has suffered a little injury, the injury is not serious, and now it is almost recovered."
"Well." Fang Yun nodded. He was more concerned about this man named Luo Feng, because the other party performed very well in this sniper battle. Every time he chose to attack the Gama Empire The weakest part of the fleet.
In addition, sometimes, through some strategies, such as using the terrain and nearby star beasts to complete the interception of the fleet, he led such a group of students in the silver group to do this step has been considered quite good.
About ten days later, Nebula came over to inform Fang Yun that the students in the silver group had returned to the team, and Fang Yun immediately received the group of students in the silver group.
When I saw these students, Fang Yun found that their expressions were very low, which is normal. After all, they just encountered such a tragic thing just now, and their companions almost fell into the previous sniper. During the war.
"Silver group student XX, have met Master Ulopoulos."
In front of Fang Yun, a group of figures stood awe-inspiringly. At the beginning, their expressions were relatively low, but now, when standing in front of Fang Yun, the spirit of this group of people became firm.
"Yes, you did a good job this time." Fang Yun encouraged these students, "I know that this sniper battle is very cruel to you, and you also have many companions who get along with you every day. During the battle, there was no bone. "
"But there is no way, this is what you have to experience."
"Everything is for our Metaverse Alliance."
After Fang Yun's voice fell, the students in front of him immediately said, "For the alliance, for the alliance!"
"Okay, you must be tired now, let's go to rest and rest, adjust your spirit as soon as possible, and then digest this harvest."
"Yes." All the students shouted in unison, and then one by one drove out into the distance.
Those students did not follow Fang Yun and they went to sniper the fleet of the Gama Empire, but chose to return to the base. Now they have to digest the gains of the past few days.
About three days later, Fang Yun appeared to have a huge fleet. Fang Yun did not engage in any tactics or anything this time, and directly fought against each other.
Nalan Kang, one of the ten marshals of the Gama Empire, was the commander of this fleet. This time he came to command this fleet, but was ordered by the head of the Gama Empire.
The reason for this is that Nalan Kang does not feel that this wild universe needs him to take his own horse. He should fight for the glory of the empire on the front line of the battle between the Gama Empire and the Fission Empire.
"Huh, a bunch of waste, it is no wonder that in recent years, the Fission Empire has dared to provoke wars frequently. These guys are simply a group of stupid pigs, which is actually so embarrassed by a group of indigenous people in the wild universe."
Nalankang was standing inside the control center of the command ship, and his heart was still indignant. Before that, they suffered a wave of raids, which made him feel particularly lack of face.
He noticed that the opponent was only a warrior with more than 2,000 stars, so at the beginning, he did not send too many troops to meet the enemy. In the end, he did not expect that such a thing would happen.
He found that under the same force, they could not compare with this group of wild natives. This conclusion made him feel extremely angry.
"Marshal, a large number of indigenous troops are found ahead."
At this time, beside Nalankang, there was a voice resounding, and suddenly, Nalankang frowned, saying, "Is it a vanguard force to lure the enemy?"
"Not like." The soldiers who came over shook their heads and said, "I think it's a bit like their main force."
"The main force?" Nalan Kang couldn't help but be surprised. "You mean that these indigenous people, after knowing that our army is under pressure, don't want to fight against us with tricks, but actually chose such a stupid move?"
After hearing this sentence, the soldier standing in front of Nalan Kang was silent and dared not answer.
"Huh, these wild natives, it's just too arrogant." Nalan Kang screamed angrily, and then ordered: "Give me the most violent attack, let these wild natives, take a good look at our empire Army firepower. "
"Let these guys regret this decision."
"Yes." The soldiers led away, and the next moment, from this fleet, there were countless lasers rushing forward and galloping straight to Fang Yun opposite them.
Fang Yun, who was rushing to the front, faced these lasers first, but said that he didn't care at all, and all the lasers, when they came in front of him, were all ejected automatically, toward The other direction lased in the past, and even some, after turning the direction, returned directly.
After launching an attack on the opposite side, Fang Yun suddenly burst into a roar, and his figure suddenly soared numerous times, turning into an extremely huge beast.
At this time, the python showed its real body, and at once, the people on both sides were caught in a huge shock.
"This ... what kind of star beast?" Nalan Kang, who was in the opposite command ship, was shocked when he saw Fang Yun.
He has never seen such a huge beast.
Regardless of the others, this type of body alone gave him a strong sense of oppression and made him feel a double-struggle battle.
As soon as Fang Yunfang manifested his true body, he immediately rushed towards the front of the batch of ships. It was just a trick to turn hundreds of ships into nothingness.
After Fang Yun launched the attack, they followed up with Nebula. At this time, they also launched an attack. Various attacks, unreservedly poured out to the opposite fleet.
The fleet brought over this time is the most elite fleet in the alliance. Each ship can be described as a battle-hardened battle. During this time, they were constantly working with the star beasts in space. struggle.
So when the battle started, they instinctively chose their position, and then began a fierce attack on the opposite side.
At this time, the firepower of the two sides directly blasted, because now only the ship launched an attack, so it is said that no one has the upper hand.
But at the next moment, among the Gama Empire fleet, a strong breath suddenly broke out, and the masters of these breaths were awesome masters with a star rating or above.
Thousands of streamers, at this time, Qi Fangyun rushed to the past and wanted to join forces to win this terrifying beast, but Fang Yun did not care about such an attack. The huge body was immediately after a roll. It drove towards the opposite side.
The attack of these military stars with constant star rating fell on Fang Yun's body, and large pits appeared on his body. However, these big pits are not fatal to the huge Fang Yun.
And Fang Yun's recovery ability is particularly powerful now. These big pits have been restored soon after they appeared.
After resisting two attacks, Fang Yun immediately launched his own attacks, and each powerful skill was directly thrown out. The number of enemies on the opposite side was decreasing at a very fast rate.
"Damn, this animal is really powerful." Among the command ship, Nalan Kang said with a ugly face after seeing this scene.
In the past, he heard that there is a powerful star beast in this universe. This powerful star beast is the most powerful existence in this wild universe.
If you want to break through this wild universe, the most important thing is to solve this star beast.
At the beginning, he thought about how powerful this star beast could be, but now he was shocked immediately after seeing Fang Yun's performance.
The batch of star stars he had sent earlier and the star masters could not win this python at all.
At the next moment, Nalan Kang dispatched all the cosmic-class warriors from the team.
Fang Yun saw that a warrior with a cosmic level appeared, and he was immediately excited again. After a loud roar, the huge figure crushed over and the huge mouth opened frequently. I do n’t know how many people were swallowed by it. Belly.
The cosmic warrior also fought with Fang Yun, but there was no way to block Fang Yun.
Fang Yun's strength has improved very fast in the past few years, just like the rockets, "struggling" upward, these universe-level feelings, there is no way to stop him.
According to Fang Yun's idea, even if there is a terrifying existence of the domain master, he can easily beheaded.
Fang Yun's huge mouth sucked violently. Under this suction, there were countless people immediately sucked into his mouth, and then swallowed it with a sip.
Nalan Kang among the command ships was dumbfounded at this time, because he suddenly discovered that even if they dispatched a cosmic-level strongman, they could not block Fang Yun's footsteps.
The nebula and others in the rear are also dumbfounded at this time, but they are masters of the universe. As a result, in front of Fang Yun, there is no way to lift a little spray, and then he was swallowed into his belly.
"What level of existence does this beast?" Nalan Kang suddenly panicked, because he felt that he couldn't be like this giant python, so he could easily give so many cosmic masters Defeated, and it seems that this group of cosmic masters has no power to resist when facing Fang Yun.
"what should I do now?"
Nalankang's heart suddenly jumped up and down, his emotions suddenly became a lot of panic, because he suddenly felt that maybe they were not good to attack this universe. Things.
"In this wild universe, there is such a powerful existence, but now, we still give such a master to offend."
Nalankang's mouth twitched, and even gave his adjutant instructions, "Now let our fleet shrink, and then prepare to retreat."
"Also, tell Old Zhang that they will take action with me to try out the true strength of the beast." Nalan Kang said solemnly at this time.
They tried this time, maybe they were in danger of life, but there was no way to do it. They had to do it because he suddenly discovered that this wild universe is not fat to the mouth for them. It is possible that the beasts of floods, or that they are the fat.
"Song Lian, listen, I will try to test the strength of the giant python with Lao Zhang later. If we lose, you will immediately order the fleet and retreat quickly."
"I'm afraid this wild universe is not as simple as we thought ~ ~ When Nalankang said this, six people came from behind.
Headed by an old man, the soldiers in the control center, after seeing the person in front, greeted each other and said, "Old Zhang."
After saying hello to this person, he greeted several others.
"Brother Nalan, it seems that things are very different from what we thought." After walking to Nalan Kang, Zhang Zicheng said solemnly.
"Yeah." Nalan Kang nodded. These six people are like him, but they are super powers at the domain master level.
The domain masters, in their Gama empire, also belong to the top combat power. This time they even sent out seven statues. From this, it can also be seen how much they care about this wildness. universe.
But judging from the current situation, this wild universe seems not to be the coveted existence of them.
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