Chapter 591: Withdrawal

Luo Feng and they stayed in the Burning Legion of the Gama Empire. This war did indeed give them a lot of rewards. With these rewards, their strength is improved.
The following days will be a little more methodical, and the Burning Legion will not face the impact of the Fission Empire army every day, except that occasionally, it will receive orders from above to snipe some Fission Empire troops who want to break their defenses. .
But in this case, there will not be any war between the two sides, just some minor troubles, Luo Feng and they are rarely sent out under this situation.
After all, the senior members of the Burning Legion are now paying attention to Luo Feng. They must think that they must not only temper Luo Feng, but also protect them.
When Luo Feng was mixed into the Gama Empire Corps for training, on the Yuan Universe side, under the direction of Fang Yun, various talent training programs were also carried out in an orderly manner.
At the same time, they are constantly sending masters into the Gama Empire and mixing into their legions.
On the one hand, it is to help the Gama empire, on the one hand, to sharpen itself, and then to collect information, it is a triumph.
The growth of young people such as Yuan Universe in the various legions of the Gama Empire is also relatively eye-catching, but the loss rate is also very high, which makes Fang Yun a bit painful.
After all, these people belong to true genius children. As a result, now the white guest died, but now there is no other better way.
Meta universe urgently needs rapid development.
While paying attention to the development of the meta universe, Fang Yun has not forgotten his own evolution. Up to now, his strength is already equivalent to that of the ninth-ranked master of the world.
Immediately after the landlord.
However, Fang Yun almost meant to achieve immortality, but it would not take too long to reach this level. According to his guess, another half year or so is enough.
Fang Yun ’s level is now relatively slow. The bioenergy required for promotion is simply an astronomical number, and sometimes it will be haunted by some trivial things, so the level is relatively slow.
Time is speechless, and in a blink of an eye, ten years have passed.
Fang Yun has already become a master of the immortal level, and now belongs to the immortal level of the princehood. Anyway, with his presence, he can already sweep the entire Gama Empire.
Even in the face of the fierce fission empire, the Yuan universe has no sense of fear. After all, Fang Yun ’s level is too high.
In addition, by virtue of the immortal level of cultivation practice they obtained in that secret realm, the inner universe of the higher-order exercises is probably more than the Gama Empire.
Fang Yun has now entered the immortal level, he guessed that the master of the secret space they found was probably to reach the peak of Feng King, or even the existence of the limit of Feng Wang.
Masters of this level belong to the real masters in the outer universe.
After Immortality is the Lord of the Universe, and then the Lord of the Universe is the Lord of the Universe. Fang Yun speculates that maybe when the Lord of the Universe is in the universe, he can try to find the side of the universe where his hometown is located.
During the past ten years, the war between the Gama Empire and the Fission Empire was still continuing.
The original strength of the Gama empire has a tendency to decline more and more, but with the injection of the new power of the meta universe, they have revived some vitality.
It is precisely because of this that the Gama Empire can now compete with the Fission Empire.
Of course, the Gama Empire also noticed something wrong, but now, they have no way to refuse to join this new force.
And they are also looking for opportunities to see if they can find opportunities, and through this new force to turn the crisis into safety, and hit the other side.
According to the information remembered by Fang Yun's spiritual seal, Luo Feng has now reached the peak of the universe level. It seems that he is about to reach the domain master level.
Of course, this is just a little distance, and it is not so easy to cross. Some people are poor, and there is no way to cross this distance.
Anyway, it depends on Luo Feng's personal character.
As for other people, many of them have entered the stage of cosmic level, and they are still hovering on the star level. It seems that such a bottleneck that breaks through a big realm is not so good to cross over in the past. Many times need you Exhausted a lifetime to cross.
And there is no way for others to help them, and the help of others will not work at all.
In addition, there is no way to use special items or the like to promote them, which requires them to perceive and break through themselves.
Those who went to the Gama empire had a greater overall probability of breakthrough than those who stayed in the Yuan universe, so inside the Yuan universe, they do n’t need Fang Yun now. They have to force them to go to the Gama empire. Many people with lofty ideals It was a spontaneous petition saying that I wanted to go to the Gama Empire.
Of course, there are also a lot of people who are not willing to go to the Gama Empire. They think that those places are really dangerous. After all, the mortality rate when going out is very high.
Because there are enough people now, Fang Yun is no longer mandatory for them to do something.
It's just that, for places like the first training camp, as long as you join here, then some more dangerous missions will be released, and these missions are mandatory.
The generous treatment of the first training camp will continue to attract young and handsome young men from the Metaverse Alliance, so in this regard, there is no need to worry about not having the kind of people who follow the order.
"Nebula, I think we can now try to reach the world outside on a large scale."
On this day, Fang Yun found Nebula and said to him.
What he meant was that it could invade the outside world, and their primary target was naturally the Gama Empire closest to them.
"Luo Feng also reported before, now the Gama Empire should know that they are from our Metaverse Alliance, although there is no deliberate suppression."
"However, the Gama Empire often protects its young masters intentionally or unintentionally, like a particularly dangerous situation, and more often they are sent to solve them."
"Now the death rate of those students on the front line of the Gama Empire has begun to increase. This Gama Empire consumes the excellent students we sent out through this consumption. At the same time, they are also developing themselves in secret."
"If one day, it is not a good thing for us to restore this Gama empire."
Fortunately in front of Fang Yun, he nodded slightly after hearing Fang Yun's words at the moment. In fact, they thought the same way, and now he heard Fang Yun's meaning, which was exactly what he wanted.
"Adult, do we need to break that line of defense now?" Nebula asked.
"Well ... Let Luo Feng find them almost withdraw first. We sent a lot of students out and died a lot outside. For the families of these people, there must be a proper arrangement. In addition, for Luo Feng, they Those who survived should also be given certain preferential treatment. "
Fang Yun began to tell Nebula about the matters needing attention, "When they withdraw, they must have a perfect solution. Now maybe the Gama Empire has watched their every move."
"All of them may be under the supervision of the top of the Gama Empire, so when they get out, it is best to plan for each other and then retreat at the same time."
"In addition, we must also send manpower to respond to help the Gama Empire resist the enemy forces for so long. When Luo Feng returns, they will receive some compensation."
"Yes, sir." Nebula led away and began to make corresponding plans for Luo Feng.
This kind of plan must be particularly thoughtful and perfect, otherwise, Luo Feng and them might all be damaged inside, and the group of students of Luo Feng is the true elite of Yuan Universe, not to mention Fang Yun, Nebula I don't want to damage this group of people.
Under the difficult conditions there, this group of students have survived stubbornly. It is conceivable how high their talent is, and their future achievements will not be low.
These are the mainstays of the future of their meta universe alliance. As for people like Luo Feng, they are even more fancy by Nebula. This belongs to the facade of their meta universe alliance.
In the future, if Fang Yun leaves, this is the cornerstone character who will lead them to continue to establish themselves in the ancient universe outside.
Anyway, Nebula now regards Luo Feng as the future helm of the Metaverse Alliance.
After about three months, Nebula has formulated a comprehensive plan. After reading this plan, Fang Yun also felt feasible, and in order to ensure that this plan is foolproof, Fang Yun has included himself in the plan. , Not only him, but also the big turtle.
The strength of the sea turtle is also much more advanced than before. For example, now he can build a space channel that leads directly to the Gama Empire. According to this space channel, Fang Yun can instantly enter the Gama Empire to deal with the situation.
In fact, Fang Yun now also has the ability to span space, but it is said that if it is in the space channel constructed by the sea turtle, he can achieve the ability to reach the scene of the accident instantly.
Moreover, the turtle's construction of the space channel is only an instant matter, as long as he gets the signal transmitted from there, he can immediately build a space channel leading there.
After careful planning, Nebulas began to transmit to Nebulas, and then prepared to implement the plan.
"In a blink of an eye, it has been ten years."
Luo Feng is standing in a space, looking at the stars in the sky, his heart can't help but feel some emotions, this ten years, let him grow a lot, this growth is not a growth above the level, but above the mind Growth.
And Luo Feng feels that the growth on the top of the mind is more rare than the growth on the cultivation level.
In the past, the life and death of a companion would greatly affect his heart, but now his heart has become a lot firmer. Of course, this is not to say that he has become cold.
At this moment when Luo Feng was feeling emotion, suddenly, a message passed.
"What, the above is ready to let us retreat, and it also made a plan for us."
After reading this message, Luo Feng couldn't help but be surprised. He thought he would let them continue to stay on the front line of the Gama Empire and the Fission Empire. Unexpectedly, let them retreat now.
However, he didn't feel anything else. Since he was prepared to let them retreat, then they just did it, and he had a feeling that they were ready to start the Gama Empire.
Although he has lived in the Gama Empire for ten years, he has no feelings for the Gama Empire, because he is very clear that he is a member of the Metaverse Alliance.
In addition, the Gama empire treated them very problematic.
Many times, they are sent into a particularly critical situation to deal with the problem. Many times, his companions are killed indirectly by the Gama Empire.
"Alright, it's time for our meta universe alliance to enter this ancient universe."
Even though Luo Feng's heart burst out with excitement, he did not know how the meta universe alliance would develop in the end.
While Luo Feng was thinking about this, other members of the Metaverse Alliance also received the retreat report sent to them by Nebula.
At this time, they began to gather towards Luo Feng according to the information formulated in the plan.
The information received by each student is different, because Nebula is based on the current situation of each student to develop a series of plans for them, and then let them take action according to the actual situation at that time.
When carrying out an operation, be sure to confirm the safety of the operation.
In addition, when they gathered, they first gathered in a fake location, and then waited until they arrived at that fake location, and then Luo Feng conducted a summons to them.
The action started, Luo Feng also began to retreat as planned, and when retreating, he must not be able to attract the attention of others ~ ~ At the same time, also pay attention to whether there is anyone behind him .
In short, things are very difficult to deal with, just like an ordinary person walking on a tightrope, if one is not careful, that is no longer possible.
Fortunately, Luo Feng and they are not ordinary people. Although the process is a bit difficult, but fortunately, they have successfully gathered together.
"Is there only so little manpower left?"
Luo Feng looked at the companion in front of him, and he couldn't help but stunned. In front of him, there were only more than 700 people. However, in the past ten years, tens of thousands of people have been dispatched from the Yuan universe. .
Of the more than 700 people, more than half of them have entered the cosmic level, but most of them are in the mid-cosmic level, and there are also 40-50 people in the late cosmic level.
Like Luo Feng, it has not reached the peak of the universe.
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