Chapter 66: Salmon (revised)

Host: Fang Yun
Role: Gray-grained python (variant)
State: Adult
Life cycle: ten years (can be extended by improving blood vessels)
World: Blue Star (Earth-like planet)
Reputation: 1125400/10000000 (exchange evolution template)
Host property list: not expanded
After bringing up the information panel, Fang Yun's attention fell on the prestige value column, and while he was observing, his prestige value was also "sweeping".
"This time the reputation value has increased by 7 points."
Fang Yun's heart moved. Previously, his points were still 4 points, and now he added another 7 points, and the value of the points reached 11 points.
But now he has no skills to add points.
"I wonder if this new skill will be refreshed after this breakthrough?"
Fang Yun pondered, after this breakthrough, he can get 13 points, the total points will reach 24 points.
This number of points has never been reached before, Fang Yun guessed that this time should be able to refresh new skills.
Of course, it does not rule out that no other skills will be refreshed.
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but eagerly show up, want to quickly promote success, see if there are any new skills.
The mind was converged, Fang Yun swept his eyes around, and then creeped his head down, and continued to move forward.
If his appearance was seen by someone at the moment, I am afraid that he might be scared!
11 meters long body, smooth scale armor, and greasy pupil, makes him look terrible.
This is a real beast, a horrible existence that can compete with those ancient behemoths.
However, he has appeared in today's jungle. There is no doubt that he will become the top predator of this jungle, and no animals dare to provoke him.
Three days passed.
Fang Yun has been looking for a place where he can stay, but he has never found a suitable place.
啰 啰.
Fang Yun's huge body crawled over the ground, now in front of him, a thick tree root blocked his way.
His head lifted slightly, crawling past the top of this root.
Opposite the tree roots, there was a slope. On the slope, there was a pheasant pecking. Suddenly I saw Fang Yun crawling out from behind the root of the tree. I screamed and flared my wings Flew out into the distance.
Suddenly, Fang Yun's body stopped while he was moving, and his head was raised high, making a side ear listening action.
"Oh, uh, uh."
In front of him, there was a sound of water flowing, and his heart could not help moving, at the same time, his snake letter also rolled in the air.
As expected, he felt the humid moisture in the air.
"There is a river in front."
Fang Yun reached a conclusion.
I just do n’t know what the size of the river in front is. If there is enough food there, he will stay in this area for a while.
Crawled straight ahead, and after about two miles, Fang Yun saw the river.
This river did not disappoint him, it was 30 meters wide.
But the river is relatively shallow, it is estimated to be only 40-50 cm deep.
He could n’t hide in the water and attack his prey at the same time. Similarly, he did n’t see any crocodiles.
But the first moment Fang Yun saw this river, he decided to stay here for a while.
Because in this river, there are hundreds of fishes swimming vigorously upward.
In this river, there is a group of salmon that is migrating.
Salmon is a migratory fish species. When they grow up, they will enter the sea and live. When their bodies are mature, they will migrate to the place of birth to lay eggs.
The migration season usually starts in March and April, and arrives at the spawning site in August, September, or September and October.
Did not expect that Fang Yun came here and happened to encounter a group of salmon, it seems that they are passing this mountain forest, and then headed towards their spawning place.
"This group of salmon is still missing, but I don't know if they are the vanguard troops or the last batch of salmon."
Fang Yun thought for a while, and thought that this group of salmon is likely to be a vanguard.
It should be in June now, it's still early.
Of course, it is also possible that he made a mistake.
But anyway, Fang Yun decided to wait here.
After making a decision, Fang Yun looked again at the salmon swimming in the river. These salmon are particularly large, and some even weigh more than ten kilograms. The appetite of a big python.
When Fang Yun's body invaded into the water, those salmon didn't dodge, or retreated back under the river, just swimming forward struggling forward.
This is their mission, no matter what they will encounter along the way, they will only move forward.
Fang Yun's eyes looked at the water, and finally, he fell on a salmon with at least ten pounds.
"Target lock, salmon, bony fish, salmon-shaped head, can provide 100 points of biological energy."
After hearing the system's prompt tone, Fang Yun's Snake Seeds swallowed and made a licking movement.
This time, he no longer hesitated. With a "soo" sound, Fang Yun rushed towards a salmon, and the blood basin slammed into the other person's body.
Fang Yun bit the salmon and raised his head, the latter struggled hard in his mouth.
It swims here, after thousands of risks, it is enough to prove its strength, but this strength is not enough to see in front of Fang Yun.
Pierced his teeth like a nail into the body of the salmon, and swallowed it into his belly with two bites.
One hundred points of bioenergy is at hand.
Fang Yun's gaze, UU reading continued to glance in the river.
There are many salmon in the river water, and because of the counter current, the speed is relatively low, so it is very easy to catch.
Devoured 13 more salmon, and Fang Yun stopped hunting, because those salmon had already run upstream.
He didn't keep up, because there is a in this place. If there are really large groups of salmon swimming in the future, this will be an excellent hunting place.
Looked at the sky, and at this moment the sky would be dark, and he was ready to find a place to rest.
Is preferably an old tree.
After reaching the other side of the river, his head glanced around, dense old trees stood between the jungle,
But mostly tall.
The kind of tree is not the target chosen by Fang Yun.
After a while, he found an ancient tree suitable for his rest.
This ancient tree is extremely huge. It has a huge canopy. Although it is quite tall, the branch of the trunk is relatively low. Fang Yun can climb up.
Climbed up the trunk and Fang Yun hung his body on the branch of the tree.
At this time, the night was already very rich, and the forest was dark.
With this dark light, there is also a very quiet atmosphere, but occasionally a cry of a tired bird or a roar of a beast comes from a distance.
This actually makes the jungle look deeper and quieter.
If it is an ordinary person who stays alone in such an environment, it may be scared to cry, but Fang Yun is staying on the tree branch at the moment, there is no feeling of fear.
He forgot a few eyes towards the distance, and then began to prepare for sleep, but at this moment, he suddenly thought of something he had ignored.
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