Vol 2 Chapter 187: :arrogant

"What does he mean?"
Emperor Yao looked at the back of Zhenyuan Daxian strangely.
"Every star house, Hongmeng Totem is recorded on the Chinese watch."
Sun Wukong, who was floating in the air, groaned slightly and replied, "Maybe the cave where the Chinese watch is located, the contents can suppress the totem."
"That's it!"
Saturn's eyes brightened.
Why didn't they think of Huabiao?
"If so, it would be simple."
Tu Xingjun said: "Daxian can use the cave's fairy stone to create a small world!"
"Simple? Can you make that cave stone?"
Sun Wukong's voice was suspicious.
"It's not difficult. After you left, we spent a long time studying them."
Saturn replied: "We have refined many immortals in that cave."
Sun Wukong was shocked and happy, but he did not expect that the technology of the Three Realms had reached this stage.
"I knew that, so I should ask Ao Ming more clearly."
Sun Wukong sighed that if he knew this in advance, the progress of the small world would definitely be faster.
Fortunately, it's not too late now.
Soon after, the chessboard over the Xiande Palace crackled, and the light above it began to dissipate.
After the light disappeared, the fire chain around Sun Wukong also disappeared.
"Rest awhile."
Sun Wukong fell from the air.
His eyes were bright, he walked beside the fairy mirror, watching the actions of the undead inside.
"Yao Emperor, when have you seen this kind of undead?"
Sun Wukong asked.
"It's been a long time, just when my fairy court was destroyed."
Emperor Yao sank his expression and said, "They have two groups of people, both uninvited guests. This woman may be sent by His Holiness."
"Should not be."
Sun Wukong looked at the undead: "She was not sent by His Holiness."
"Since it was n’t sent by His Holiness."
Saturn Jun asked immediately: "Can we be friends with them?"
Emperor Yao categorically interrupted: "The undead are the enemy of chaotic beings."
Saturn Jun was shocked and looked at Sun Wukong.
"Heaven, do you mean ..."
"Extremely difficult."
Sun Wukong also shook his head and said, "We are not the same kind of people."
"What do you mean?"
The Saturn King is puzzled. Sun Wukong always has a broad mind and will not easily treat others as enemies.
"The eyes of the undead looked at the chaotic beings."
Sun Wukong replied: "It is similar to Li Tianwang's eyes on monsters."
Saturn Jun stunned.
"No, maybe worse ..."
Then Wu Gong shook his head again and said, "They are harder to communicate than the original Li Tianwang."
Although Li Tianwang ’s metaphor is not very good, this may be the most vivid explanation that Sun Wukong found.
The undead have no other eyes, and don't even consider other lives as they exist.
At the first meeting, Sun Wukong discovered that the eyes of the undead on the chaotic beings were the eyes of the ants.
Sun Wukong didn't know where this undead mentality came from.
In the city of all souls, the undead woman walked on the colorful road, and some disgustedly avoided the dense crowd.
At this moment, the city of All Spirits has been surrounded by night, and thousands of floating lights are flying over the streets, illuminating the path of each pedestrian.
In the days when Sun Wukong left, the floating lanterns have undergone new changes. They can even actively discover the needs of pedestrians and follow the road with pedestrians.
However, all these conveniences only annoyed women.
She walks in chaos, has seen various horoscopes, and has only a handful of mastery of spells, never seen a world as popular as the Three Realms.
"Since Hongmeng's collapse, such a lantern has never been seen before in a mortal world!"
"People in this star house are blasphemy!"
The other voices in her ears were even agitated.
The woman came to a floating palace.
This palace is majestic and beautiful, only three meters high from the ground. Rather than having no place to build, it is better to float on purpose and show off its construction technology.
There was a flicker of starlight in the woman's eyes, and there was an urge to destroy it.
"Nine, calm down."
"Go look inside."
The voice in her ear appeased her.
The woman converged Xinghui and entered the palace. It was densely packed with books and crowds. There were moving pictures on the four walls, as if telling the past history.
This is Tiandao Library.
The undead knew that the secrets of heaven were hidden here, and let the women come in to investigate.
Tiandao Library has its own system, but in front of the woman, there is no privacy at all, all books are open to her and beckoning comes.
Women study in the library and understand the heaven.
In just one night, she had a general understanding of heaven.
However, the more she understood, the more prosperous Xinghui was in her eyes, and she could hardly converge.
"This heaven is too dangerous to sit idly by."
The woman said that the stars gradually boiled in her eyes.
Her companions are also angry: "The ants don't know the heights and heights, they even want to plunder the power of this world!"
The undead are angry, and all the living creatures in the chaos now are ants that were not even entitled to have names in the past.
These ants could not cast spells, but for some reason they escaped the calamity, the bird took over the dove's nest, began to plunder the power, and gave birth to fairy and demon.
That's it. Now, they even want to plunder more power.
"Can't let this heaven spread."
A voice screamed in the woman's ear: "If mortals continue to blaspheme Hongmeng's power, we can never find home again!"
"Everything in chaos comes from Huabiao and gifts from Hongmeng, but these ants don't know gratitude at all, let alone awe."
"We must destroy their heaven immediately."
Said the undead.
The woman nodded, and like her companion, she was permeated with a precious thing.
"We can't make the same mistake again!"
At the same time, the heart of the woman also developed fear.
After the destruction of Hongmeng, the immortals and demons appearing in the chaos were not actually expected by the undead.
The emergence of those supernatural powers has changed the existing trajectory of the undead, and even has an existence beyond their grasp.
His Holiness is a monster that spawns from their negligence.
If another such monster appeared, the consequences would be disastrous.
The stars in the woman's eyes boiled and glowed.
However, at this moment, a terrible explosion sounded outside, and the entire library shook.
Xinghui disappeared from the woman's eyes and looked back.
"Why so many?"
She couldn't hide her surprise.
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