Chapter 222: The determination has been made, raising 2 trillion!

In July, more and more news spread to the ears of European and American powers, which made them feel incomparable shock.
After much exploration, the powers finally understood that the group of Chinese in the East were not playing around this time. They really made up their minds to fight backwater.
At a high-level meeting unknown to outsiders, an old man used his hoarse and trembling voice to make a final decision on this plan.
"Keep history in mind, keep going, though ten million people, let me go!"
The bankruptcy of tens of thousands of enterprises, the layoffs of tens of millions of employees, no matter how high the cost, cannot prevent China from moving forward in the future.
If you fall behind, you will be beaten. The Chinese people understand this sentence far more deeply than any other nation on earth, because that is the truth exchanged for hundreds of years of humiliation and countless lives and blood.
Huaxia's army suffers from severe phobia of insufficient firepower. The artillery fire of the great powers once washed the land, blasted our mountains and rivers, and plundered the lives of countless people.
Therefore, in the current batch of Chinese people, they have eaten enough firepower, and what kind of firepower is enough, in the eyes of the Chinese people, it is simply a fart.
How can firepower be used?
Never enough!
As a result, the military took the lead to start a crazy electromagnetic cannon program, as if it had beaten chicken blood.
There is no end to this plan, and the military does not have the most demand for electromagnetic guns, only more.
Until the Huaxia army's firepower is sufficient to cover the whole world, until the Huaxia border is filled with the base of electromagnetic guns, and until the naval gunboat can sink Greenland, the firepower will always be insufficient.
The military's goal is to shape electromagnetic weapons in the shortest time, including mobile field types, large-caliber land-based types, and various caliber electromagnetic turrets used by the navy.
The battleship, as the last glory of the artillery era, has already stepped off the stage of history long after World War II.
However, as electromagnetic rail guns were put on the agenda, battleships equipped with new electromagnetic weapons appeared again in the military's ship design center and were redesigned and experimented as the most important strategic weapon of the next century.
It is believed that it will not take long for Huaxia to become the first country on the planet to restart the battleship and bring the world back to the era of battleship artillery.
For the time being, the military ’s actions are under strict confidentiality. Until the first battleship launches, the people may not know the specific plans of the army.
On July 3, according to the top-level design, the first two steps of the new energy plan were put into operation.
The first is a large-scale coastal exploration, looking for an address suitable for the construction of the Carmen Vortex Power Plant, mapping the sea floor and ocean currents, and estimating the wind force along the coast in each season.
Those who undertake this work include major ocean research institutes, ocean universities, and ocean engineering companies.
They will invest countless manpower and material resources, and strive to explore all the coastal locations suitable for the construction of the Carmen Vortex Street Power Plant in the shortest possible time.
At the same time, the People's Bank of China officially announced that it will issue new energy bonds with a total value of 2 trillion yuan. The bonds will have a ten-year term and a coupon rate of 3.25%. The proceeds from future new energy power generation will be used as collateral.
In this era, there is no way without money, so many companies are waiting in line to fail, tens of millions of workers are about to lose their jobs, thousands of power generation arrays, and supporting energy storage centers, substations, and high-voltage lines are waiting to be built. Huaxia has experienced unprecedented pressure on funding.
The future is beautiful, and the reality is very skinny. What can I do without money?
Had to borrow from everyone.
In this regard, the financial community is in a state of anxiety, because the total size of the national debt issuance in 2018 was only 340 billion yuan. This time, it is necessary to issue up to two trillion new energy bonds to the whole society. The financial community is really uncertain.
However, it is not possible to not issue bonds. The military needs money, new energy construction requires money, and countless companies converting and integrating production still need to spend a lot of money.
In desperation, the financial community had to bite the bullet and took on the important task of issuing bonds for the country. They planned to learn from the British and American experience in issuing war bonds during World War II, hoping to persuade everyone to buy actively with a lot of publicity activities.
And historical experience has already proven that when faced with a critical juncture, issuing bonds is the only option for the authorities.
On December 19, 2006, with the last two electronic checks being transferred to the creditor's account, Britain finally paid off all war loans during World War II.
Then in March 2015, Britain also repaid its last World War I loan.
At this point, the British Empire finally breathed a sigh of relief. The heavy debt burden caused by the two world wars paid them back for a century.
However, it was precisely because the people of the British Empire at that time ran ill with their enemies, almost lost their homes, and bought war bonds in a frenzy, so they finally withstood the heads-up bombardment and stayed on the stage of world history as winners. One of the five permanent members of the United Nations.
Behind all victories comes a price.
Although today's British Empire has entered the twilight of the Empire, it is no longer glorious.
Yet no one in this world dares to despise them.
Because when the entire European line fell, it was the British who stood up and defended the isolated island in the North Sea of ​​Europe, leaving Normandy to land in the future, leaving a critical frontier position.
In today's world, there are always some ignorant people who ridicule Britain for being old and unworthy of staying in the five permanent positions.
However, if they were familiar with history, they would never say such a frivolous tone, because history has already proven that the Britons are worthy of their current position and qualified to stand up.
And such as India, delusional desire to be ranked among the top five by virtue of their own demographic advantage, they may have forgotten that the five permanent members are not judged by economic and demographics, but by the blood flowing like rivers and rivers in the war and the mountains Tombstone full of gardenia.
A nation that has not shed blood for survival is not qualified to stand on the world stage.
African overlord France, because it failed to resist low during World War II, became the object of ridicule in the five permanents.
Even France was ridiculed, UU reading www.uukanshu. Not to mention com. India.
All in all, history teaches us that if we want to live with pride, we have to give up our capital.
On July 5th, the date for the issuance of new energy bonds finally arrived. The managers of major commercial banks opened the door in the morning with anxiety, and the scene in front of them stunned them.
Many elderly uncles waited early outside the door, holding passbooks and asking how to apply for new energy bonds.
From the early morning until the evening, all commercial banks across the country worked overtime, and people's enthusiasm for purchasing new energy bonds far exceeded expectations.
Although the leaders of the business community usually call it a lively one, their views on this matter are surprisingly consistent. Business is their job, but the construction of new energy is more important than business.
As of July 10, in just five days, the two trillion yuan of new energy bonds were fully subscribed and sold out.
Remember the first domain name in this book:. Emperor Jiutian
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