Chapter 224: Detroit, Abandoned City, Overture to War!

Xingchen Technology signed Cao Yuan, the world's hottest material science star.
"The latest news, Cao Yuan has joined Star Technology!"
"So strong! With Cao Yuan, isn't Xingchen's material science going to the sky?"
"Before, they had signed Ji Ming and Chao Anbang. Ji Ming was the leader of the Cambridge Materials Laboratory. Chao Anbang was the first genius of Tsinghua Materials Science. In addition to Cao Yuan and Xingchen Materials, they should Can you rank first in the world? "
"It's hard to say, but looking at the world, there are more cattle than Xingchen Material Science. There are really not many."
"Materials are the foundation of all industries. I really hope that Star Technology can make a difference in materials science."
"It's not easy. The science of materials is a typical effort that is not flattering. I am afraid that even a giant with a big goal like Xingchen Technology is willing to spend so much money on the material project. I heard that Cao Yuan's graphene experiment alone It cost more than three billion to buy equipment! "
"I'm going, burn money like this !?"
"That's not it, the small news said that the material research center of Xingchen Technology has a budget of one billion yuan a year. It is not capped and burned old money!"
"The more you say that, the more I admire Star Technology. Look at their Carmen Vortex Power Generation Array. It is said that the carbon fiber skeleton used in that array has reached the amazing T5000 level! Only Star Technology in the world can make such a high-strength Carbon fiber, even Toray has to give up. "
Science and technology workers have been talking a lot. Before that, Star Technology had been digging around the world and signed countless cattle, but none of them had this commotion.
The reason is very simple, because Cao Yuan is in the field of graphene, recognized as the world's first genius, and opened his school at the age of 20!
Moreover, Cao Yuan is too young. He is one year younger than Luo Jia. It is just twenty-one this year. What kind of achievements he will achieve in the field of materials science in the future is completely unthinkable.
Although the science and technology community is full of anticipation of the three most famous geniuses in materials science for Xingchen Science and Technology, we are eager to see the results of scientific research that will change the world.
However, Luo Jia himself has a clear understanding of the difficulty of material science research.
Anyone who has done material science knows that there are actually many top-level materials in major scientific research institutes and their performance is very good. But why not put these materials into production?
Mainly because of the cost-effectiveness. Take plastic as an example. You can buy a plastic basin for about ten dollars, and aerospace plastic with top performance costs 10,000 yuan. Such an expensive price, large-scale Production is unrealistic, that is, when aerospace equipment is needed, it is only slightly built.
It can be seen that the study of materials is not only difficult to develop, the equipment used is tens of millions, and the large-scale application of advanced materials is a huge challenge.
North America, Michigan, Detroit.
Evergreen Zhou Zuo, president of Panasonic, has never understood why the North Americans decided to set the venue of this important meeting in Detroit?
Everyone knows that Detroit is a city that is already declining, with a high crime rate. People with a little ability have already moved out of this abandoned city, leaving mostly rogues and drug dealers.
The plane stopped at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport. A special car sent by the conference organizer took Evergreen Zhou Zuo through the run-down urban area to the hotel where the conference was located.
When we saw an abandoned building outside the window and a poisonous insect crouching on the street corner, once the world's largest car factory was covered with weeds and the walls collapsed.
Evergreen Zhou Zuo finally understood that North Americans are not stupid. They really have good intentions. The reason why they chose Detroit was to let everyone see for themselves that this city that thrives because of the automobile industry has now become What a ghost.
Suppose we can't defeat the Chinese people. Today in Detroit is tomorrow for everyone.
This is a battle that can't afford to lose!
Evergreen Zhou Zuo's face changed so severely, and the president of Sony, Yoshida Kenichiro, who took the same flight, also had a gloomy face. All the meeting participants who came from all over the world felt oppressed.
That night, the organizer's welcome reception was held on the top floor of the hotel.
Through huge floor-to-ceiling windows, everyone saw the depression and rundown in the city, and the sound of gunfire from time to time in the dark night reminded everyone that once the economic support was lost, human nature would also collapse. And such a day is not far away from everyone, because the barbaric Chinese people, they have really come.
By the next day, when the meeting began, the leaders of this group of the world's most powerful giants had reached a delicate consensus.
The grievances between each other should be put down temporarily. The most important thing is the Huaxia people. They are the biggest challenger of the civilized world and the creator of all troubles.
The first speakers are from the scientific community. They are from Bell Labs, Rose Labs, German Federal Physics Laboratory, from Seoul University, Tokyo University, Stanford University, MIT, and so on.
All these scientific experts have painfully announced that efforts to crack the Carmen Vortex Power Array have all failed.
After spending countless money and energy in the scientific community, they did not find any knack for controlling Carmen's vortex effect. It is like a demon released from the cage. No one can surrender this powerful force except Star Technology.
According to the way of Xingchen Technology, scientists can release this kind of power, but they can't learn how to control it. The experimental arrays crashed down, not only the money, but also the confidence of the scientists.
Dr. Jarien from Bell Labs made the final concluding remarks.
He twitched his mouth and smiled bitterly. "Dear distinguished guests, I have to announce to you that my efforts to crack the Carmen Vortex Power Generation Technology in a short time have failed."
"Although we in the scientific community will continue to work harder in the future, we are sorry that we cannot come up with the new energy power generation technology you need under the current circumstances. As for how many years it will take to crack this technology, We cannot predict either. "
When Dr. Jerryn finished his submission, there was an uproar at the scene, and everyone grew up and stunned.
Neon people think that North Americans should have the ability to crack, after all, they are the first in the world for scientific research.
North Americans think that the Germans may have the opportunity. After all, the Germans have always been more rigorous. The fluid mechanics research at the University of Göttingen has always been the top in the world.
The Germans turned their attention to neon, and felt that neon had developed science and technology very well in the past few years. Chinese and neon people were both Orientals. Perhaps neon scientists had a chance to crack this technology.
A few months later, scientists from all over the world came together to discover that everyone's efforts in affection had all failed! No one can crack the technology of Xingchen Technology ~ ~ not even a doorman!
This is really frustrating news. The battery, energy storage, power generation, and the Trinity together constitute the future architecture of new energy.
If the power generation project cannot be completed, the most important part of the overall architecture in the future will be missing. Without electricity, building more batteries and more electric cars, I am afraid that it will be useless?
Looking out the window, the deteriorating Detroit was shocking. Each of them shouted in their hearts, can't lose! This is a battle for national luck, and no one can afford to lose!
The atmosphere of panic quickly spread at the conference scene, and just when these entrepreneurs felt frustrated and panicked, one person suddenly stood up and knocked the table.
Yoshida Kenichiro raised his head and looked at the man, only to see that he had a typical Anglo-Saxon appearance, a huge nose with an eagle hook, and two eyes twinkling sharp lights.
Kenichiro Yoshida remembered that he appeared to be a representative sent by the White House.
"Please be quiet, I have something to say." Eaglehook's nose strode to the podium and said Shen Sheng.
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