Chapter 293: In the deep rain forest! (4000 large

Chapter 293 of Science and Technology Hegemony Volume in Deep Rain Forest! Manaus is a run-down city. The air is hot and humid. It has just rained and the roads are flooded. The shops on both sides of the road are selling outdated clothing and goods. It is like returning to a county in Huaxia in the last century.
The driver is a local indigenous man with dark skin and a thin body. Brazil is the only country in the world that bans chewing gum. The driver chews a local wild fruit similar to betel nut and drives a Toyota aggressively.
When the car drove through the puddle, splashed more than a meter of water, and poured it on several big-ass women on the roadside, the driver laughed disapprovingly, and whistled at the women, then Behind him came the vicious curse of several women.
Yundi Wuchang opened his eyes wide. This excellent doctoral student of Fudan Computer Department was very sorry and embarrassed. Wei Chen's helpless Chong Diwuchang shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, welcome to Brazil."
After about forty minutes of thrilling drive, Wei Chen and Di Wuchang came to a huge manor house.
Compared with the run-down city, this place is almost as beautiful as the American manor in the movie. It passes through a large iron gate with a rifle security guard and enters the road full of flowers. Finally, the car is parked on this fourth floor. Large, large villa of several thousand square meters.
The sky was already dark, and the villa was lit with lights and looked around. The stars were a few kilometers away, and wherever there was light, it was all the private territory of the villa owner.
Wei Chen and Di Wuchang stepped out of the car and met the hundreds of Chinese representatives who were waiting here early. If they had n’t seen it with their own eyes, who would have believed it? In the barren rainforest area at the far end of the world, they lived like this Many Chinese.
"Relax, these are trusted friends." Wei Chen told Di Wuchang, "Without these overseas Chinese, there will be no branch today. The owner of this villa is Xiong, whose ancestral home is Qingtian, Fujian, and his son Xiong Ningyuan. , Just at Xingchen University, majoring in particle physics and nuclear physics. "
Chang Diwuchang nodded slightly, and then they were warmly welcomed by the local Chinese, and everyone around them showed great respect.
And their titles are very special, teacher.
Wei Chen said with a smile, "Overseas Chinese have their own schools, but unfortunately, the quality of education is poor due to the lack of foreign aid. It is nothing more than teaching children to read and write Chinese, lacking real higher education."
"So, the branch took education as the starting point. The colleagues you met in Sao Paulo all have positions in the Overseas Chinese School. Well, on the Manaus side, everyone will take turns to lecture."
"This is our Chinese, you do business with them, may not be the opponent of these savvy businessmen, you do n’t have to wink, but if you help them educate the next generation, then you are the teacher of everyone, and you will get the highest respect."
A large piece of Brazilian barbecue was brought up, and the topics everyone discussed really related to education.
晨 Wei Chen graduated from Fudan University of Commerce and belongs to the Ministry of Commerce.
的 The business courses he teaches are not only heard by the children of overseas Chinese, but even those older overseas Chinese often study in the past, so the popularity is very high, and even the old beards with gray beards call him teacher Wei.
After this trip, Wei Chen will stay in Manaus and start a two-week business course, everyone is looking forward to it.
Welcome reception to the second half, boss Xiong called Wei Chen and Di Wuchang to the side hall.
In the side hall, Di Wu often arrives tomorrow with the pilots who accompanied them to the depths of the rainforest, as well as two guides, both of whom are local indigenous people.
向导 The guide is a pair of father and son. Their cheekbones are very high, but they are very thin and sharp, and they look smart and capable at a glance.
After seeing each other, Boss Xiong let them go home and come to the villa to gather tomorrow morning.
After they left, Boss Xiong said to Di Wuchang and Wei Chen, "All arrangements have been made, you can rest assured that these people's wives and children are in my hands, and they dare not play tricks, otherwise their family has dozens of people. I'm going to see God. "
Didi Wuchang stunned suddenly and felt his heart beat faster, but Wei Chen signaled him not to care too much.
Boss Xiong said with a smile, "In such a barren place, there is no way to mix it up. My grandpa's bones are somewhere in the depths of the rainforest. They have not been found to this day. At that time, he was deceived by the indigenous tribe, saying that there was a good piece of wood. "
"So from my grandfather's generation, I have the habit of keeping everything in hand. This is a lesson in exchange for blood. If you do n’t believe it, you can ask those people outside. The Chinese people mixed in this land are almost All have their families buried in the rainforest by indigenous people. "
Yundi Wuchang said nothing and accepted the arrangement of the boss Xiong, but he was inevitably worried. Although he had made enough psychological preparations when he set out, it seems that Diwuchang still underestimated the complexity of this barren land.
之后 After getting up early the next morning, Di Wuchang was invited to the living room for breakfast, and the guide and pilot had arrived. They did not have much luggage and each brought a medium waterproof military bag.
He was very polite and asked them to have breakfast, but they were reluctant to be taken to an open-air dining table in the yard, holding a sandwich made of meat leftover from last night.
A single-engine amphibious light aircraft produced by North American Senas Company was parked on the road in the middle of the manor house. It looked shabby and many parts of the fuselage were painted.
Boss Xiong told Di Wuchang that they would take this plane and go deep into the rain forest later.
Soon after they left, Wei Chen and the driver were in the front row, and Di Wuchang was sitting next to the two guides who smelled great.
When the rickety little plane finally passed the end of the road and pulled up, Di Wu often touched his back with his hands, and they were all wet.
The wizard's son smiled and handed him two cyan wild fruits, similar to the wild fruits chewed by the driver yesterday, and pointed his head with his finger to signal that this thing could relieve tension.
"The taste is still good, but it is a bit sour." Di Wuchang took it and put it in his mouth to chew. At the same time, he asked Wei Chen, "What is this fruit? Are South American betel nuts?"
Wei Chen said, "The locals call it Guarana. The effect is similar to poppy. It will be addictive if you eat too much."
Uh ~
Di Dichang's face was iron-tinged, and he vomited on the spot. The guide's son thought he was coming, and slapped Di Wuchang's back vigorously.
Guarana really has a magical effect. Di Wuchang no longer feels pain. It seems that the whole person is floating in the clouds. For three hours, a flight of more than one thousand kilometers passed unconsciously. This single-engine Cenas aircraft finally landed at In a narrow river.
I was surrounded by a rain forest where I could not see the end, and occasionally I heard the mourn of some beast.
The Luohe River was slow, and the locals built a crude pier with wood. At this moment there was another seaplane parked on the pier. In addition, there was a cargo ship that seemed to be carrying goods to the town.
A group of indigenous people are removing barrels of petrol from the boat, sacks of corn, boxes and crates of locally made beer and whiskey.
Cenas engine roared, guided the ship into the dock, the guide son opened the hatch, stood on the plane's floating board, and threw a rope to the man on the dock.
After the man caught the rope, he dragged the aircraft near the pier with a pull, then tied it skillfully on a fixed pile, and tied a sailor knot again.
He walked up and down from the plane to the dock. The pilot gave the reaper five reais, or nine yuan. The man happily held the banknote and ran to the bar near the dock.
晨 Wei Chen understands Portuguese. He asks people on the dock.
"This plane belongs to three North American tourists. They came to see the piranhas. They came yesterday." Wei Chen said, "As for the ship, it is a local supply ship. It comes every half month and all the local supplies. , All by that ship. "
It was noon at this time, and they came to the bar by the dock.
In terms of a bar, it is better to say that it is a few dilapidated wooden houses. There is a pergola outside. There are four sets of dirty plastic tables and chairs under the pergola. The bartender is a plump black woman. His husband is wearing an apron full of soup. Responsible for cooking.
"Only black bean rice and fried chicken, eat it alive." Wei Chen said to Di Wuchang after asking the fat woman, "At least it's still hot. When you get into the rain forest, you can only tin can."
Chang Diwu often nodded gently. He felt a tingling in his calf and patted it hard. The black mosquito was shot dead and bleeding.
Wei Chen talked with the boss in Portuguese, and soon afterwards, the lady brought a few things that resembled dogtail grass, lit it around the table, drove out mosquitoes, and muttered Portuguese in her mouth. It is estimated that the Chinese people are really precious, do n’t they Anti-mosquito bite or something.
Chang Diwu often took a sip of coffee from a fat woman and found that the guide and his son each brought a black woman into the cabin behind the bar.
The woman next to the guide had a huge breast, and he shivered while walking, while the woman next to the guide's son was thinner and looked immature.
I was followed by a pilot. He didn't know where to bring the two women back. He sat at the table next to Wei Chen and Di Wuchang, ordered beer and fried chicken, plus a large bowl of red sauce, and drank beer with fried chicken and sauce.
The pilot ignited a cigarette, chic Chong Di Wuchang and Wei Chen hit a ring finger, and then the two black women stood up, shaking their elastic buttocks.
Wei Chen explained with a smile, "He will not go into the rainforest with us, but stay here to wait for us. Anyway, idle is also idle. For Brazilians, doing that is like drinking water, drinking too much will It's a little bit supportive, but it's strange to not drink. "
"The income of pilots is considered as a gold collar in Brazil. They can earn more than 10,000 reals a month, and women in the rain forest area are cheaper than mineral water, so you understand."
When Di Wuchang and Wei Chen finished eating the black bean rice, the guide and his son came out of the cabin, and the two black women kissed them goodbye, and they gave a little money, two yellow tickets, each should It's twenty reais.
I went back to the table, and the guide and his son froze the fried chicken. They didn't use tableware and just tore it. The black bean rice was scooped into a ball, exactly the size of a bite, and then stuffed into the mouth and chewed quickly.
Chandi Wuchang felt a little nauseous, because he clearly saw that when the guide and his son came out of the cabin, they didn't wash their hands.
"Look." Wei Chen pointed in the direction of the dock.
Didi Wuchang looked over and saw the three North American tourists appearing on the pier, two men with a strong body, and a blonde woman with a thin body and no chest.
A group of indigenous people hugged them and pushed a pig on a cart.
The black-haired pig screamed, and the indigenous people ignored the scream, hung the pig on a wooden pole, and then stabbed the pig's abdomen with a sharp knife.
The white intestine was exposed, and blood splattered at the same time.
The Aborigines, under the command of three North Americans, put ropes on pulleys and put screaming pigs into the river.
Before the hog was approaching the river, a flat fish jumped out, opened its sharp teeth, and darted to bite.
The Luohe water seemed to be boiling. Thousands of piranhas were gathering. They smelled and were craving for a rich meal.
The skinny blonde woman raised her camera to shoot wildly, and at this time, the pig's head was no longer in the river, and the scream of the pig immediately disappeared, replaced by the mad surge of the river. Thousands of piranhas jumped up and down, some even jumped on. At the dock, I was kicked back into the river by the indigenous people ~ ~ The pig's body quickly disappeared into the river, and it took less than a minute before and after the indigenous people pulled the pig up again, it had become Up white skeleton.
The hind legs were tied to a rope, still attached to the flesh, and the submerged part completely disappeared.
Numerous piranhas have surfaced as the pigs were pulled up, and although they have left the river on which they depend, they are still biting.
Bang ~
Someone cut the rope.
The last half of the pig and pig bone sank, and the surface of the water set off a white spray. It can be clearly seen that tens of thousands of small fish with white fangs flew up instantly.
Three North Americans roared and took photos with the cruel little fishes. One of them even made dangerous moves to jump the river, half-legged across the river, tempting the piranha to jump upwards, it seemed that they were having fun.
After watching this scene, Di Di often felt that breathing was difficult, and his heart was beating madly.
He swallowed and spit, "This is the river when we came? Why didn't you tell me in advance that this river is a piranha territory."
Wei Chen shrugged, "Is there a difference?"
Yundi Wuchang did not speak. At this time, the obese boss came over and spoke a few words with Wei Chen in Portuguese.
Subsequently, Wei Chen threw a stack of blue one hundred reais banknotes to the wife, and the wife kept a car key on the table, grabbed the banknote, and stuffed it into her bra.
"The car is ready, let's go." Wei Chen shook the car key to Di Wuchang.
The wizard and his son wiped their mouths and took the backpacks of Wei Chen and Di Wuchang, and the pilot took one hand out of the black woman's skirt, said goodbye, and then put his hand back into the woman's skirt.

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