Chapter 296: Immune system trilogy!

Wen Chengfeng rubbed his head, "Eternal life should be the limit of the limit of genetic science, but if we can get the code of life, although it may not allow humans to immortalize, it is possible to prolong life."
Wei Chen nodded and felt a little disappointed. From ancient times to the ordinary people, to the emperor general, who does not desire eternal life.
However, Wen Chengfeng also makes sense. Eternal life should be the limit of life genetic science. Now human beings haven't gotten started. There is still a distance of eighteen thousand miles from eternal life.
Wen Chengling said, "We have discovered another very powerful existence through the dissection and analysis of this gene-mutated black fish. At that moment, it not only activated the super metabolism of the cells, but also activated the whole of the autoimmune system. potential."
"It is well known that behind every cold, viruses invade the human body. As long as we live in this world, we are constantly attacked by viruses. They are attached to the air, parasitized on pet dogs, hidden in water and food. in."
然而 "However, since human beings are attacked by viruses every moment, why don't they die?"
因为 "Because we have a strong immune system, when we have a fever, it means that the virus that has invaded the body has reached a life-threatening level. The immune system raises the body temperature, sends out a general mobilization of immune cells, and starts a vigorous life defense battle!"
"That ’s why sometimes I catch a cold, sweat a little, and feel refreshed. The reason why humans can live in this world and become the masters of the biological chain is not because of God ’s gift, but because we ourselves Mighty powerful! The most perfect brain and self-protection in the world! "
假设 "Assuming we can find the key to activating our immune system, we can fight most diseases without relying on drugs."
"Using the potential of the immune system to fight disease is a more realistic goal than controlling life, and it is also the direction we are working on."
Brother Wen Wen said very excitedly, while Di Wuchang and Wei Chen also felt bloody.
"I thought you were hiding here to get revenge. I didn't expect that what you were doing was a great study that could change the whole human race!" In excitement, Wei Chen blurted out.
Revenge ...
There was a deep sorrow across his face, and Wen Chengling said with a grin, "In the beginning, we did come to this place with determination to avenge our parents. Until now, we have not given up our original plan."
"But as scientists, we understand the responsibilities of our parents better. Parents have already left, but there are still tens of millions of parents in the world who are exhausting their lives for the sake of raising their children. In these considerations, we have studied these years. In fact, the focus is on genetic science. After all, compared to this goal, revenge seems trivial. "
Wen Chengfeng concluded his brother ’s words and said seriously,
Although I do n’t believe in God, it seems that my parents look at us in the sky. Perhaps he does n’t want us to spend our entire lives and devote ourselves to eliminating cannibalism. That ’s why we discovered the miracle of life. Right. "
The four said a lot of thoughts. Everything really seemed like a fate arrangement. The parents of the Wen family brothers died in this river. They wanted to get revenge, but accidentally discovered the secret of life. There seemed to be a line in the meditation. With them, towards an unpredictable end.
"So what can I help you with?" Di Wuchang asked seriously.
He is very relaxed now, because the brothers of the Wen family have not been blackened. Many years have passed. They still retain the scientist's curiosity about the unknown. It is this sense of responsibility and curiosity that pulled them back from the path of revenge. .
"The key is protein." Wen Chengfeng said, "At present, our research on life sciences is still far away, but in the immune system, we finally found the key to the problem."
"In a special way, it can indeed quickly activate the human immune system to reach full speed operation, killing various viruses, phagocytic cells, or harmful free radicals that exist in the body."
但 "But the immune system needs to consume a lot of protein. If it can't provide enough and effective protein as fuel in a short time, it will be difficult for the immune system to reach full speed."
"It's like a car, lacking fuel, naturally it can't run far, the quality of the fuel is bad, it can't run fast, and it will damage the engine."
"There are three sources of protein. The first one is supplemented by food. Protein cannot be used directly. It must first be broken down into amino acids. The human digestive system has limits. Even if you can eat a hundred eggs in one bite, you cannot quickly convert these eggs into Twenty amino acids needed. "
"The second is to break down muscles and organs. In addition to water, muscles and organs are mainly composed of proteins. It is nothing to break down a few muscles or break down a heart. It is purely nonsense, and the speed of breaking down organs to obtain protein is not fast. Speed ​​of the immune system outbreak. "
"The third is super amino acids. As we all know, there are 20 types of amino acids, of which 12 can be made by the human body, and 8 need to be supplemented by food."
"But if we can study the twenty-first type of amino acid, a universal artificial amino acid that can be easily entered into the body, and like carbohydrates, can be quickly absorbed and utilized, we can solve the problem of protein consumption caused by the full immune system. "
"Besides that, we must also pay attention to the temperature of the human body. The immune system is turned on and requires a higher body temperature. This is why humans have a fever. However, if the fever temperature is too high, the immune system will be happy and the brain will not be able to bear it. , So we need to figure out how to precisely control our temperature. "
The brothers of the Wen family talked about their research results over the years. Di Wuchang and Wei Chen listened carefully, their expressions gradually dignified.
Simply put, these two most talented brothers in the history of the Chinese University of Science and Technology Junior Class, relying on crude conditions and few materials in their hands, are pushing human life science and genetic research to a whole new level!
Nowadays, the treatment of diseases mainly depends on drugs, and their plan is to improve the efficiency of the human immune system and fight diseases to the maximum.
I also got a rain, you caught a cold, and your classmates jumped alive. This is the gap in the immune system.
Everyone knows that AIDS is a terminal illness. In March 2019, a patient in London was cured, and he was not the first miracle to recover from AIDS. As early as 2007, a comrade in Berlin also defeated AIDS.
的 Their common feature is that they have all accepted gene therapy. Through stem cell transplantation, they have transformed the CCR5 series of genes, and cooperated with their strong immunity ~ ~, which has become a miracle.
From this we can see that the life science research being undertaken by the Wen brothers definitely belongs to the future, and the future is limitless.
While Wei Chen wants to live forever, this kind of request is absurd, but after mastering the key of life, it will be enough to treat many existences that were thought to be terminally ill, and prolong human life.
At present, the Wen brothers have found the first key to life science to strengthen immunity.
开启 Turn on the full potential of the immune system through gene release, inject 21 kinds of amino acids to maintain curative effect, control body temperature, and avoid brain damage during treatment.
So immune to the trilogy, it will be able to treat most diseases in the world, including some cancers.
The only problem is that in the early exploration stage, the Wen family can rely on wisdom and simple equipment.
现在 But now, the experiment has reached the middle and late stages, and it has reached the stage where large-scale human experiments and astronomical digital funding are needed.
According to the experience of major medical groups around the world, the investment required for such a huge project is at least 10 billion US dollars.
The Wen brothers are dying and want to leave Amazon and return to continue their research. Passports have expired, and a large number of biological samples cannot pass customs investigations.
At this time, Di Wuchang came, representing China's strongest scientific research giant, Star Technology.
After listening to the introduction of the Wen family brothers, Di Diwu often felt excited, unparalleled excitement!
虽然 Although the process of this trip to Amazon was arduous, the results are indeed worth celebrating.
Chang Diwuchang thought calmly and said to the Wen brothers, "I can solve your problems, but first of all, I want to make a call."
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