Chapter 340: Life and death unknown, brothers Wen family

Dr. Nasri's attitude was very rude. After mocking Luo Jia, he turned to Ye Wuchen's mother and said, "Mrs. Ye, for your daughter's health and life safety, I strongly recommend that you terminate your daughter immediately. Cooperation with Xingchen Technology to avoid accidents. "
Dr. Nasri said, while running his eyes against Luo Jia, it seemed to warn Ye Wuchen's mother that these guys are not professional, what really happened, and you must take responsibility for the consequences yourself.
Ye Wuchen's mother was a bit ecstatic. She went to Switzerland for blood maintenance every year and went to Ukraine for stem cell therapy. The IQ tax was paid over and over again. Not only was she not ashamed, she was proud of her. She firmly believed in foreign technology and medical treatment. It's better than Huaxia.
"Now that we have spent a lot of money, we have invited Dr. Nasri and his professional team. You will return us dustlessly." Ye Wuchen's mother leaned her waist to Luo Jia VIP.
Luo Jia wanted to explain, but could n’t explain at all. What immune system is activated and what metabolism is accelerated, Ye Wuchen's mother can't hear it at all. The only thing she believes now is Dr. Nasri. I believe that only heart replacement surgery can save Ye Wu. Dust's life.
Dr. Nasri agitated and said that the team is ready in India. The sooner the heart replacement surgery is performed, the better the effect, and then dragged on. Ye Wuchen may meet God at any time.
In this way, Ye Wuchen's mother was even more anxious, as if her daughter had been abducted by Luo Jia, a stinky hooligan, and demanded that she be surrendered.
"Forget it, after all, they are parents, we can't stop it." Enron said.
Luo Jia sighed. He didn't like to learn in his life, and occasionally wanted to do something good. Even uninterested people jumped out to block it, but it was really a kind of donkey liver and lungs. Now he is not human at both ends.
Luo Jia shrugged his shoulders and looked out the window with a bitter smile and said, "This is not only for your daughter, but also for our youth. If you leave today, you will soon regret it."
The words were a bit verbose, Ye Wuchen's parents and Dr. Nasri were all aggressive.
An Ran patted Luo Jia's shoulder and said with a smile, "Know how to understand nature, you take a break. I will take them to Ye Wuchen. As an adult, let them discuss it with their family."
Luo Jia nodded gently, and then she took Ye Wuchen's parents to the laboratory. Although Ye Wuchen's mother was suspected of a vixen, her father was good. When she left, she bowed to Luo Jia and said a lot. Kind words, trouble Luo Jia, let Luo Jia worry, really embarrassed and so on, Luo Jia did not care, waved his hands and let them follow Enron.
Luo Jia made his fortune by searching for the Wushuang incident and accumulated the first bucket of gold in his life. Since then, he has no way out of control. Therefore, Ye Wuchen and Ye Wushuang's sisters are of special significance to Luo Jia.
This time, he wanted to save Ye Wuchen's life for no reason, but he just wanted to remember the past.
"Uncle and aunt, listen to me." Outside the ward, Nie Xiaodou reached out and stopped. "Luo Jia and his team are very powerful. Maybe dust-free with their help can really do wonders."
Ye Wuchen's mother naturally knew Nie Xiaodou, and she looked sad and explained: "Xiaodou, you are the one who we grew up watching. Of course, my uncle and aunt are willing to believe in you and Luo Jia and Xingchen Technology. The key is that there is no time . "
"Dr. Nasri's team is already on standby in India. We will now fly over to perform a heart replacement operation. As long as the operation is successful, it will be dust-free and can increase the life span of many years. Then, let Star Technology help and what to do. Gene activation is. "
That said, Nie Xiaodou rolled his eyes and really regarded Luo Jia as a silly kid. Come and talk, go and talk?
Ye Wuchen's father also said, "We are willing to believe in Star Technology. Mr. Luo and Tough Guy Sky Group are our pride, but in the field of cardiac medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital and Dr. Nasri are more authoritative. Expert. "
Nie Xiaodou understood it. The two of them did not believe that Luo Jia's immune system was activated. He had a heart to do Ye Wuchen's heart replacement surgery.
As for why they do n’t believe it?
The reason must be found in Dr. Nasri. As a traditional medical expert, Dr. Nasri does not believe that human beings can make life science breakthroughs in this century. It is impossible!
Indiscriminately, Dr. Nasri and Ye Wuchen's parents took away the drowsy Ye Wuchen. After being injected with the gene drug, Ye Wuchen's body was undergoing drastic and profound changes, so she was very weak now.
No one can stop this kind of thing, after all, they are Ye Wuchen's guardians, and Nie Xiaodou and Luo Jia are just Ye Wuchen's friends.
An hour after Ye Wuchen was taken away, the Wen brothers appeared in Luo Jia's office and voluntarily acknowledged their mistakes. At the last moment, they injected all the medications into Ye Wuchen's veins and did not get Luo. Best permission.
According to the plan, the remaining medicine should be divided into twelve times and injected separately over the next twelve hours.
After listening to Enron with his arms in his arms, he did not blame the Wen brothers, but asked with curiosity: "You are experts in this regard. There should be a reason for doing so in violation of orders."
The brothers Wen looked at each other, and finally his brother Wen Chengling stood up and explained, "Yes, we violated the order based on rational considerations."
"Going to India for heart replacement surgery is obviously an illegal operation in the medical field. If Ye Wuchen dies due to a medical accident, Dr. Nasri will definitely blame us because we Gene therapy is halfway through, so it's not clear who's the cause. "
Enran said: "So you did not tell Mr. Luo, and directly increased the dose, wouldn't it be dangerous to Ye Dust?"
Wen Chengling nodded: "There will be some dangers, but it is not so terrible. General Luo's estimates were too conservative."
After reporting the incident, the Wen brothers left Luo Jia's office.
An Ran grabbed his head and said, "I'm really hit by you. Brother Wen is not only an outstanding scientist, but also two ruthless people. This is the first time in the company's history that the project leader dare to openly violate your order. . "
Luo Jia said faintly: "The man who can give up everything and get into the rainforest where the birds don't shit, and revenge his parents wholeheartedly, must say that the Wen brothers are not cruel enough, and the fools will not believe it."
"Look, this is just the beginning. From now on, the Life Science Department chaired by the Wen brothers will become the most ferocious force in the company."
"Under your leadership, the hardware department is fiercely popular and passionate. The software department is under the leadership of Li Moran. The style is calm and calm. This all shows that the personality of the department leader will affect his employees. In the future, we will An extra life science department is not necessarily bad. "
Enron nodded, "The more you think about it, the more interesting it becomes. The mission of the Life Science Department is to break the taboos of life. This is not only scientific, but also ethical."
"For example, we are now experimenting with criminals. If they are known by moral defenders, we must not scold us. At this time, we need the calm and fierce character of the Wen brothers. From the beginning of the experiment to the present, the experimental body has been Several died and did not see any emotional fluctuations in the Wen family brothers, just as they suddenly increased the dose of medicine to Ye Wuchen, which may cause Ye Wuchen to die. They came to you to report without any emotional fluctuations, it seems They feel they are doing it right. "
Luo Jiafu's forehead, Shen said: "Yeah, the character is a double-edged sword. They can be used in scientific development. They can advance through the dead bodies and dripping blood, and finally achieve what others cannot. Great cause. "
"On the other hand, the brothers of the Wen family will certainly not obey my orders completely, but will obey the ideals in their hearts. When my orders conflict with the ideals of the brothers, they will not hesitate to choose the latter."
Enron shrugged: "It will be troublesome. The power of life science is too great, and the cure and rescue of people are still second. Its ultimate goal is human eternal life."
There was a moment of silence in the office, eternal life, the eternal pursuit of human beings, and the dream-seeking goal. No one could resist the temptation of eternal life, even if it paid the world's price for it.
Enron thought for a moment, then suddenly shook his head strongly, "No, no, let the two ruthless brothers, Wen Family, control the Department of Life Science. I can rest assured that we must put people around them, and we can completely control the hands."
After speaking, An Ran frowned. This candidate was very difficult, because the Wen family brothers have been conducting research on life sciences for many years, and there is no way for others to step in.
"Since you can't get involved in the research of the Wen brothers, learn from them," Luo Jia said.
Enron saw Luo Jia come up with a list of thirteen names on the list, all of whom were freshmen from Star University who entered last year.
Enron has excellent memory, and he can glance backwards with only one glance. Gu Beiyin, Chen Qingyue, Bai Yutian, Li Jiechang, Zhu Xinhong, Liao Dong, Zheng Qiukai, Du Zhilin, Ge Quan, Ying Hui, Wang Junheng, Zhang Qidou, plus Luo Jia Shen Lang, a disciple of Kaishan, thirteen in total.
In the one year since enrollment, these thirteen little guys have already shocked the college and company time and time again with their outstanding talents.
Luo Jia frowned, and finally circled a name on the thirteen list, and then said to Enron, "The brothers Wen should like this student."
Enran smiled and nodded, "It's true that this kid is not only talented, but also acting."
Uh ~
A Gulfstream private jet left Pudong Airport, and after flying an arc in the air, quickly flew to the west.
"One of Xingchen Technology is a bastard!" Dr. Nasri rolled up Ye Wuchen's sleeves and said to her parents: "Come on, what did those guys do to your daughter? It ’s so cruel, they are just a flock of beasts! Take your daughter ~ ~ for human experiments! "
Ye Wuchen's parents were dumbfounded, with a frightened expression on his face, because Ye Wuchen's weak and white arms were covered with needles, not only the needles left by the injection of drugs, but also the blood tests.
The snow-white skin had already turned blue, and the cyan color showed a bleak purple. Anyway, it was very horrible. It seemed that Ye Wuchen had suffered some kind of abuse.
Ye Wuchen's mother immediately hugged her daughter and left tears. Ye Wuchen was drowsy at the moment because he was injected with a large dose of drugs by the Wen family brothers. He had no response to his mother's hug, and his body became cold for a while, and became hot for a while. It seems extremely abnormal, which has increased Ye's parents' hatred of Luo Jia and trust in Dr. Nasri.
"Fortunately, we arrived in time to stop the lunatics." Dr. Nasri said firmly: "Facts will eventually prove that only traditional medicine can save Miss Ye, Xingchen Technology and their immune activation therapy, should all go to ! "
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