Chapter 407: Too far from God and too close to China

At this moment, people did not realize that many years later, in the evening after the rain, this huge stadium with a capacity of 80,000 people, a crowd of cheering crowds in the stadium, and the afterglow of the white mist under the setting sun, Both will become one of the most moving scrolls in the history of the empire, and will be permanently recorded in history.
It was from that day that the largest technology carrier on the planet officially set sail. Only the first phase of the company joining this crazy plan reached a staggering 11,000.
In the setting sun, all the spotlights in the stadium were turned on, lighting up the night.
Luo Jia's five-hour introduction and speech finally came to an end. The applause thundered and the cheers burst into excitement. People were so excited that many people even screamed because of excessive roaring.
Luo Jia waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet. At the same time, he quickly grabbed the mineral water bottle around him, grunted and inflated. Long-term speech made Luo Jia a little tired, but his mental state at this moment was extremely excited.
Shaking the empty plastic bottle in his hand, Luo Jia said with a smile: "Wahaha brand, it is rare to still be able to buy a dollar of pure water, I know you must be thinking that a star-like enterprise like Star Technology is actually Entertaining everyone to drink a dollar of water is too stingy. "
Hahaha ~
There was a big laugh at the scene. Nowadays, drinking Wahaha is indeed a bit low, not to mention that it is the entertainment water of the world's most profitable company. When entering the venue, I saw two bottles of Wahaha on everyone's seat. Everyone felt that Star Technology was somewhat Gouging.
Luo Jiadun continued and said, "But you know, how pure is this one-dollar bottle of water? Assuming that the distilled water in Xingchen Chemical Lab runs out, I will directly send a few boxes of Wahaha, our super Molecular chemistry laboratory tests have found that this gadget has reached chromatographic purity and can be used to replace ultrapure water with a resistance value of less than 15. "
After listening to Luo Jia's words, there was a sudden uproar at the scene. Everyone was shocked by the purity of Wahaha. Who would have thought that the purity of this stuff even reached the laboratory level.
Luo Jia shrugged lightly: "My mother in my family is a little older and likes to buy a lot of cosmetics to go home. I had nothing to do with the research that day, and I was wondering, what about the Avene spray, is it pure water and nitrogen? How can it be worth a few hundred dollars? It's just robbery! "
"So I took a bottle of Wahaha to my mother and told her a few hundred yuan of Avene spray. The effect is actually about one dollar. Hahaha. Don't give the old diplomatic IQ tax in the future. Whoever thinks that I am kind and turned out to be old Mom was very angry. At dinner, she cancelled my favorite cumin lamb chop. So far I haven't figured out what is wrong with me. From a scientific perspective, Avene is not as pure as Wahaha. "
Hahahaha ~
After listening to Luo Jia's words, the audience laughed crazy.
"It's too upright! I never expected that a big man like General Luo would eat at home."
"It's true. How many times have I told my mother that soup is not nutritious, and eating meat is the right way. After urging my mother, she was mad at not cooking and punished me and my dad for instant noodles."
"It seems that no matter how big the character is, I have to listen to my mother when I go home."
"No, President Luo is still living with his parents?"
"You're nonsense. President Luo is only 24 years old this year, and he is not married. It is normal to live with my parents."
"Let me go! Let's forget Mr. Luo's real age. It will take another two months before he turns 25."
"People are more deadly than popularity, but Luo is really young."
"That is, they are the only Super Diamond King Lao Wu on earth, and the girls who chase him can line up from People's Square in Shanghai to Tiananmen in Beijing."
People talked about it, and Luo Jia, a world-renowned figure, was also educated by his mother, which made everyone feel very interesting.
This is also the unique style of Luo Jia. He is not a rich second generation, but a wealthy 800-year-old. He has a strong sense of civilians. He likes to wear jeans and a hooded sweater. His acting style and speech are very grounded. He feels very close.
Luo Jia smiled and lowered the empty plastic bottle in his hand, and said lightly: "In fact, the quality of Wahaha's pure water is very similar to our science and engineering men. Products are pure and upright. "
"Although we know very well that the launch of a new semiconductor architecture will be very troublesome. It will take tens of thousands of companies across the country to devote time and energy to cooperate with our actions. It will also require hundreds of millions of consumers. Adapt to this new platform. "
"But we always believe that there is truth in this world, right is right, wrong is wrong, a few hundred yuan Avene, purity is not as good as a dollar Wahaha, you may be in various reasons, spend Buying Evian in France at a high price, but we won't do it, we, straight men of science and engineering, only believe in the results of scientific testing. "
"Factuality is our lifelong pursuit and norms of Xingchen Technology. It is our belief that we have always adhered to. Today, we always firmly believe that if we continue to develop in the western-led semiconductor architecture, Huaxia will never be able to complete the ultimate transcendence. We can only start another stove, endure trouble and risk, and spend a lot of energy to complete the overall replacement of the architecture. "
"Although it is really complicated and troublesome, but this is the analgesia that we must go through in the pursuit of independence. The West hopes that we will not engage in R & D and always follow them behind, but we all understand that it is impossible. That is not the national rejuvenation we want! "
"So, I implore everyone, and I implore all the country's compatriots to grit their teeth and push this level through!"
Luo Jia began to make his final concluding remarks. After all, reality is not a novel. There are so many choices that have the best of both worlds. The West or the East. The entrepreneurs present must make their own decisions as soon as possible.
Luo Jia analyzes the advantages and disadvantages for everyone. The advantages of the star-led architecture are obvious. The technology is one generation ahead. The computing power is unprecedentedly strong, but the weakness is also obvious. Everything is brand new. If you join this plan, you must be ruthless. Leave everything in the past.
There has never been a regret medicine in the world. Once a contract is signed with Xingchen Technology, it will be a glory and a loss. Whatever the future of the Western semiconductor will become, whether it is strong or dead, it will no longer have anything to do with the Huaxia camp. Oriental Semiconductor and Western Semiconductor officially separated from today.
In order to reassure partners, Xingchen Technology has launched a large-scale subsidy program. Some small and medium-sized enterprises have limited strength. Suddenly, the overall structure is changed, and funding may be stretched.
Luo Jia promised that they could apply for non-interest-bearing loans from banks and that Star Technology would guarantee them funds. If they were bankrupt in a few years, the loan funds would not be available, and Star Technology would pay them back.
This kind of crazy subsidy policy dispelled everyone's last worry.
No matter the East or the West, everyone is shocked. Even if people across the Pacific Ocean scratch their heads, they really don't understand. Everyone is a businessman, seeking fortune and justice. How can Chinese businessmen be so united?
The reason is actually very simple. From the beginning to the end, the Eye of the Sky is not an entertainment platform, but a set of all-weather monitoring system. Not everyone is eligible to cooperate with Xingchen Technology. Those people with bad character have already been cleaned up in advance. After dropping, after all, there is an old saying in Huaxia that you must settle down first.
"Long live! Xingchen Technology is great!"
"Go to his mother's x86 system! Develop our own architecture and replace it. This is simply a paycheck!"
"In the past, it was always the duty of the West for us to steal technology. Now we are good, we will not take you to play!"
"I thought that Xingchen Technology was going to hit the Western face today. As a result, they wanted the Western life!"
"Happy! I'm drunk tonight, I treat you!"
When Luo Jia left the scene, people were still cheering loudly. They rushed out of the stadium like chicken blood, the temperament people held up wine glasses in the tavern, and the delicate people checked the technical information sent by Xingchen Technology overnight.
In short, the role of Xingchen Technology is as a technology developer and project leader. Instead of hiding scientific research results, they share them with everyone, let everyone use them as much as possible, and give play to their respective creativity.
At the beginning, Xingchen Technology developed the temperature-resistant silicone material for purely scientific issues. However, just two years later, the following partners have expanded the use of temperature-resistant silicone, making Xingchen Technology the world's largest supplier of adult products. This is definitely the unexpected result of the straight steel men.
Semiconductors are the same. No matter how whimsical the partners are, Xingchen Technology will help them to manufacture them, and even the military ’s satellite remote sensing chips. As long as they can come up with a solution, Luo Jia can help them produce them.
This industry is too big, even if Xingchen Technology is even better, it is unrealistic to make thousands of chips on the market.
Semiconductor technology is like a lethal weapon. Instead of holding the lethal weapon in hand, it is better to mass-produce the weapon and send it to the selected Huaxia enterprises to let them take the weapon to do things. In the end, these guys can What's happening is not the issue that Luo Jia is concerned about.
Judging from the current situation, this group of wolf tactics is very successful. The mobile phone giants have already dominated the world. The three major automobile groups swept Europa to fight the incomparable Volkswagen and Mercedes.
In most industry wars, Xingchen Technology did not participate in it, but handed it to its partners who were able to fight. The only difference is that the semiconductor industry has a larger war.
This rainy May is doomed to be calm. Luo Jia publicly disclosed the semiconductor roadmap, awarded 11,000 Huaxia companies with lethal weapons, let them go out to do things, and then patted their butts and exited. Regardless of this moment, the whole world The fact that it has been messed up.
Seoul, South Korea, which is 1140 kilometers away from the capital of Shanghai, is full of loneliness and misery in the president's office. Everyone is somber and silent.
It seems that Huaxia and North America are fighting, but now it is South Korea is dying. Some people think that it is the rise of Star Technology that has accelerated the decline of South Korea. This is not true, because from the statistics of the past years, South Korea is unemployed. The rate has risen since 2014, and since then, South Korea's economy has spiraled downward, slipping step by step toward the unknown abyss.
"The Chinese next door are planning to do something against Samsung?" The president asked, his chest trembling slightly.
"It seems like this ..." the staffer with glasses answered with a frown.
"The auto industry is over. Under the circumstances that both Volkswagen and BMW can't compete with China's three major factories, our Hyundai and Kia are unable to return to the sky, and the shipbuilding industry is over. Huaxia's self-generating array giant ship has destroyed our shipyard. Having lost our ocean routes, the panel industry has lost to BOE and Huaxing Optoelectronics. Now we have only a single seedling in semiconductors. If we lose again, what else can our Korean nation do? Export kimchi? "
At this time, a young staff member muttered absently, "The raw Chinese cabbage used for kimchi seems to be imported from the Jiaodong Peninsula."
Suddenly, the faces in the office were all green. People who are familiar with the vegetable planting industry know that the history of the ghost place in South Korea is very barren. Even Chinese cabbage was passed from Shandong. Before that, they could only pick some radish.
"Do those Chinese people have the ability to take our semiconductor industry?" The president asked nervously.
Staff member Shen said: "Semiconductor is a big industry, which is controlled by our country, mainly memory. You may not know it ~ ~ Hua Xia has invested hundreds of billions of yuan funds and was established. Southern Fujian Jinhua, Tsinghua Ziguang, Yangtze River Storage, Wan Gaoguanxin, the four major memory chip groups. "
"It's just that due to technological backwardness, the four major Huaxia storage factories have not been the competitors of the four major international manufacturers, Samsung, Hyundai, Toshiba, and Micron. Their output is very low and their losses are very serious."
"However, Xingchen Technology has made up the biggest shortcoming of technology. I am afraid that it will not be too long before they join forces with the four major storage factories in China to impact the international market. We should ... we should make plans early. "
The air is almost frozen. Fools know that Star Technology can redesign the CPU architecture, and the memory is even more important, but there must be a sequence of things. Once the Star CPU is successfully put into production, it is the turn of the Koreans. .
Huh ~
The president gave a long sigh, the whole person was weak and slumped on the sofa, and the dark black wind outside the window seemed to foretell the future destiny of the Korean nation.
Who is to blame?
Probably can only blame them too far from God, too close to China.
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