Chapter 47: Wireless charging technology

Chapter 47 Wireless charging technology
Each floor of Langzhongjin Building is about 1,500 square meters. The laboratory of Xingchen Technology is on the eighth floor, occupying about two-thirds of the area.
Luo Jia took Sha Zhan and Gong Xiangdong to take the elevator down the stairs. It is a trouble to rent a commercial office building. It may not be possible to rent the entire floor. The original tenant has already signed the contract. Offices are divided into three locations.
I entered the laboratory with an iris scan. Luo Jia opened the door, Sha Zhan and Gong Xiangdong entered it curiously, and immediately saw many advanced experimental equipment.
Huawei's 2012 laboratory is ranked first in the world, and it is not bad here, but the place is a bit small.
"I'll introduce it to you." Luo Jia said with a smile.
At present, there are two groups in the laboratory. The telex group is led by Dr. Ling Feng from Tsinghua University and Dr. Ma Chuncheng from Jiaotong University.
As for the optical group, Lu Chengfeng, the former chief engineer of Phoenix Optics, a state-owned enterprise, and Zhang Yuechuan, the chief designer of the industry giant Daliguang from the Gulf Province, played the role.
The general manager of the laboratory is Dr. Enran from MIT, who is in charge of the company's hardware department, while Li Moran is in charge of the software department.
Ji Gong Xiangdong was quickly stunned by Luo Jia's super-luxury lineup. Unconsciously, Star Technology had recruited a large number of talents.
There are about fifty people working in the lab. The minimum is also a master's degree of 985, and several are returnees from Massachusetts, Cambridge, and Stanford.
"No wonder Xingchen Technology can succeed. They are really talented here." Gong Xiangdong lamented that these top talents, not to mention Xingchen Technology, can do a lot even if they are Huawei.
"The total number of employees in our company is currently close to 150, of which 60% are masters." Luo Jia said proudly.
Ji Gong Xiangdong and Sha Zhan nodded again and again. Where do they know Luo Jia's mind, these talents are easy to use, and they can cover themselves.
Without this elite team, today's news said Luo Jia has developed a mobile assistant, and tomorrow's news also said that Luo Jia has developed a super camera.
I'm ridiculous, pretending to overdo it will be dead.
现在 But now it's different. The news will only say what Xingchen Technology has developed and all the honor belongs to the team. Luo Jia is a leader and leads a large number of elite work.
Tong Gong Xiangdong and Ling Feng have known each other for a long time, and they have a good personal relationship. The two chatted enthusiastically. Gong Xiangdong was very curious about Ling Feng's willingness to come to Xingchen Technology. At that time, he invited Ling Feng to Huawei and was rejected by him.
"The reason is very simple." Ling Feng said with a smile, "Luo always asked Di Wuchang to come to me with a letter. After I read it, I decided to work here."
"A letter!"
Xiong Gong Xiangdong simply didn't believe his ears. Luo Jia could write a letter to attract Ling Feng, a well-known domestic expert in electrical engineering. How it sounds a little bit ridiculous.
Ling Feng said, "That letter is a description of the company's ongoing project. The idea is very rare and clever. It is very likely that it will create a revolution in the industry. There is such a good project. If I do n’t join, it will be one end. ass!"
什么 What do advanced intellectuals fear most?
No money?
It is impossible. At the level of Lingfeng, the patent license in hand is enough for a lifetime.
Intellectuals are most afraid of not having a good research direction, and Luo Jia stood on the shoulders of extraterrestrial civilization and pointed Ling Feng a clear road, so Ling Feng gave up his position at Tsinghua University and came to Xingchen Technology.
He did not come for money, but wanted to participate in this epoch-making project and lead a major change in the industry.
Almost everyone is holding such a goal, otherwise the weight of Xingchen Technology will not be favored by so many industry bulls.
After listening to the introduction, Gong Xiangdong was surprised that attracting high-quality employees to join the team is the responsibility of a leader. In this regard, Luo Jia undoubtedly did a very good job. He used his talent and imagination to persuade everyone Expert to join his team.
Now, Gong Xiangdong is more curious about the project Luo Jia is studying. Ling Feng's specialty is electricity. I am afraid this project is related to electricity.
Luo Luojia picked up a mobile phone power cord from the table, cut it with scissors in front of Gong Xiangdong, and then threw it into the trash.
"This is the research we are doing, get rid of the shackles of the power cord and return freedom to every mobile phone user." Luo Jia said seriously.
"Wireless charging technology? We are also doing this." Gong Xiangdong said.
Luo Luojia said lightly, "I know that there are four major schools in the field of wireless charging, namely magnetic induction, magnetic resonance, electrical induction, and energy waves."
"You, like Samsung and Apple, are all magnetically inductive. To be honest, there is no such thing as a smarter power cord. You need to stick your phone to the charging base to charge it. At best, you do n’t need to insert it. The transmission power is also relatively poor. At present, the laboratory data has reached 30 watts, and the mass production does not exceed 20 watts. "
Xiong Gong was emotionally excited. Of course, he knew that the four major schools of wireless charging, but with the current level of technology, magnetic induction is not the best choice, but the most affordable choice.
A lot of young people don't know about the long-lost PALM company. That company already made wireless charging pads for its handheld terminals more than ten years ago, using magnetic induction technology.
"Do you want to make energy waves!" Gong Xiangdong asked excitedly.
Luo Luojia nodded, "Yes, our research direction is energy waves. Unfortunately, it is still in the laboratory stage and I can't show you samples."
For a moment, Gong set off a stormy sea in Dongdong's heart.
Energy wave wireless charging technology can be simply compared to WIFI. Since WIFI in the 5GHZ frequency band can transmit data, you only need to increase the power. UU reading can theoretically be used to transmit electrical energy.
However, there are still a few problems that cannot be solved. Because energy waves are scattered around, it will inevitably generate a lot of waste during the scattering process, because the emitted energy is not all received by the mobile phone, but scattered on the The whole space.
Ji Gong felt east is breathing quickly, energy wave wireless charging technology, this Nima is absolutely black technology!
If it is really done, the power cord will always be history, and the mobile phone will be history if it has no power!
拿着 When you hold a mobile phone and lie on the sofa and watch a movie, the mobile phone is automatically charged, and when you go to the toilet, it is automatically charged. If you install a multi-user transmitter in public, you can charge the mobile phone even outdoors.
And not only mobile phones, notebooks do not need a power cord, hold the notebook in bed, in the bathtub, use as you want.
If we continue to develop it, even refrigerators, air conditioners, televisions, blenders, coffee machines, and all electric equipment will become wireless, which will bring much convenience to all mankind!
If the camera of Xingchen Optics is a technological progress, then the wireless charging technology is the real black technology and it is an industry revolution!
As for value.
An epoch-making technology that all products that use electricity require the value that no one dares to imagine!
Gong Xiangdong's throat sobbed. Luo Jia must have thought of new groundbreaking ideas. Otherwise, industry leaders like Ling Feng and Ma Chuncheng could not watch Luo Jia's design, and then joined Star Technology without hesitation. These two companies wanted to Please invite top experts who do not come.
"Please ... Excuse me." Gong Xiangdong stuttered, "How far have you done now?"
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