Chapter 637: Luo Jia on the road alone

Yinlun Xingjun, the star technology and the main base of the earth fleet, the unknown ice planet.
Zhang Qidou curiously looked at his friend Shen Lang in a daze. After a few minutes, Shen Lang stared at the screen of the phone, and no one was standing outside his office.
"What's wrong with you?" Zhang Qidou no longer waited, strode across to Shen Lang and sat down.
Shen Lang looked up and looked at Zhang Qidou, then shrugged helplessly, "The teacher is gone, he has left Yinlun Xingjun."
Zhang Qidou stunned suddenly, revealing an incredible look, "Leave? He left us still in the Xinghuan Trading Group and drove away with the Lightning Horn himself, and told us not to worry, I thought he was just turning around nearby, after all He has only one person, even without a helper. "
Shen Lang nodded gently, "It's normal, because of the existence of the mechanical legion, the teacher can easily control the Blitz without relying on anyone. Moreover, the Blitz is different from the starships. It is equipped with primary artificial intelligence. In short this time The teacher is not kidding, he really has left. "
"Where is the principal going?" Zhang Qidou asked puzzled.
Shen Lang smiled, "Although I don't know where the teacher is going, you should not show such a doomsday expression."
"Isn't it?" Zhang Qidou said solemnly: "The principal is gone, you can still laugh? No matter the Earth Fleet or Star Technology, the principal is the backbone of all of us, it is the giant pillar of the sky, yes Dinghai Shenzhen! Without the principal, what should we do in the future !? "
Shen Lang fully understands Zhang Qidou ’s despair. After all, in the eyes of all the people of the earth, Luo Jia is the one who has brought everyone into the existence of the era of stars and seas. A considerable number of people have almost crazy beliefs in Luo Jia.
However, Shen Lang had long guessed that this day would come, starting with the establishment of Luo Jia to vigorously train young people. All actions were to prepare for his future departure.
Now Luo Jia has really left, will the company and the Earth Fleet get into chaos?
Not really.
On the stars side, Shen Lang's power is second only to Luo Jia, and he even has the large-scale mobilization power of the mechanical legion.
In the galaxy next door, there are Enran and Li Moran sitting together. They are the veterans of the company. The prestige does not dare to say that it is unprecedented, at least enough to deter various big scenes.
Besides, even though Luo Jia left, he could still keep in touch with the headquarters through ultra-long-distance communication. Unfortunately, due to the decline of civilization, these communication terminals are very rudimentary in information transmission. The function is like telegraphing, conveying some simple There is no problem with characters, but HD video and audio cannot be transmitted.
"In short, we have to believe that the teacher will never leave for no reason. The reason why he did this must have been a major change, so that he had no choice." Shen Lang said very calmly: "The most important thing now is to stay calm , The control company operates stably according to the original plan. "
Zhang Qidou nodded his head slightly, as a super genius personally selected by Luo Jia to serve as deputy to Shen Lang. Zhang Qidou's head was smart enough, he actually understood everything, but suddenly Luo Jia left, making him emotionally excited.
Shen Lang and Zhang Qidou soon made plans to keep secret from the news of Luo Jia ’s departure, and at the same time created the illusion that the company had a major scientific research plan, which made everyone think that Luo Jia did not show up because of work needs.
In addition, Zhang Qidou had to return to the earth in person to tell Luo Ran's news.
Uh ~
With a slight tremor, Lightning once again drilled a wormhole. The star chart shows that Luo Jia has now left the Silver Star County and entered the quiet Star County.
"Tranquil Star County is actually not quiet at all." While waiting for the jump engine to cool down, Luo Jia lifted Erlang's legs very relaxed and muttered: "This ghost place is simply the largest gunpowder barrel on the outer edge of the stars, densely packed on the star map. The tearing of space is all traces of past wars. "
"Can you imagine? The fighting is so intense that the space frame is damaged, how amazing is the general battle, and in the history of tranquil Star County, there have been at least thousands of such large-scale battles."
"Tranquil Star County, I think it's quite suitable to change the name of the Holocaust Star County. The Holocaust Star County in the middle of the stars. Although the name is terrible, but the wars and deaths experienced have not even reached one third of the tranquil Star County. . "
Squeak ~
I do n’t know if I understand it. No.7 and several robots working in the cockpit, they nodded again and again.
Hey ~
Luo Jia sighed. In the past, he always imagined interstellar navigation as very interesting. When he really embarked on this road of stars, he discovered that interstellar travel is actually boring. The windows are always dark and dark colors. At first, he thought that those colorful Nebula is very magical. It's been a long time and it's a bit boring.
What's more, Luo Jia still walks alone. Both the robot and the No. 7 can't speak. The only thing that can speak is gold, and this mysterious initial element is completely forced to help Luo Jia. If there are choices, gold may hope to put more Luo Jia died.
In the past, in the company, so many brothers who had been in love, talented students, and now suddenly a little bit of loneliness, Luo Jia felt not used to it.
"Fortunately, you have a star chart, which can help us escape better." Golden said.
Escape ...
What does this say ...
It seems that gold is also quite straightforward. He doesn't know how to turn around and talk about it. Thinking about staying with this guy for a long time, Luo Jia feels that his head is big, the robot, the number seven, and gold. They are not interesting.
After the engine cooling time was passed in silence, the Lightning began the next jump. The technology currently mastered by Luo Jia can move up to five light years per hour.
"Turbulent, secret words, aurora, stinger, these four star counties are all bordering on the quiet star counties. I don't know which one is our destination?" Golden asked Luo Jia curiously.
I have to admit that the golden learning is fast, Luo Jia put the simple picture of the stars on the whiteboard, and after reading the golden, he will soon remember it.
Luo Jia didn't care about it, no matter whether the golden predecessor was evil or not, now after forming a contract of life, he only had the road to live and die with Luo Jia. A few days ago, he killed and devoured others. Elemental strength is enough to prove that you are trustworthy.
"Nowhere, we will stay in the quiet Star County." Luo Jia said.
"Why?" Gold stunned, UU reading said in an incomprehensible tone: "My kind will not let you go, once you stop moving, the elements in all directions will come together immediately. Surround you, kill. "
Luo Jia shrugged. "It is precisely because the elemental forces will continue to kill me, so I have to stay. Euler introduces the place where you can get elite-class starships. I ’m going to try my luck on the edge of it, if I could build a starship of better quality, I would be more certain to escape.

After speaking, Luo Jia observed that gold frowned and thought like a human. He could not help shaking his head slightly and felt very magical. Initially the elemental intelligence level was obviously very high, at least he knew to sleep more than the whole day, and the foolish and loyal Star Beast VII Be smarter.
"I have a feeling that you are like a biological version of advanced artificial intelligence." Luo Jia said to Golden: "The only difference is that artificial intelligence is some digital code, and you are some elements."
Golden was not indifferent to this, but he accepted Luo Jia's idea of ​​changing to a high-end starship, and did not raise any objections.
After more than sixty hours of uninterrupted sailing, the Lightning Bolt finally reached its destination, the edge of tranquil Star County and Miyu Star County.
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