Chapter 67: Legion

What does 180hz mean?
In simple terms, it means that the display refreshes 180 times per second.
How fast is this refresh rate useful?
Is certainly useful, especially when the picture is moving at high speed.
When we watch the video at station B, we will find that some of the video pictures are very stuck, and the movements are completely incoherent because of the lack of frames.
I ca n’t help it, who makes us have fussy eyes, everyone likes bright colors and smooth pictures.
Those top e-sports players, the display they use is usually a 144hz refresh rate. A high refresh rate can help them see every action of the enemy on the fierce battlefield.
And after seven years of launching the IPAD series, Apple Inc. finally increased the refresh frequency from 60hz to 120hz.
IPADPRO series tablet computer, the screen used is 120hz refresh rate, according to market feedback, consumers generally believe that the display quality of IPADPRO is better than ordinary IPAD.
The market will not lie. Since the market likes the smooth experience brought by high refresh rates, Luo Jia must pull this data to an unprecedented level.
The screen reaches an amazing 4K resolution and has a crazy 180hz refresh rate. No one in this world has ever done it before.
As for color, depth of field, rendering, grayscale, contrast, brightness, and all other technical indicators, they are also the highest in the world.
总裁 Enron, the president of hardware, introduced the performance parameters of these screens, as well as the improvements and optimizations behind them, to Gong Xiangdong.
Ji Gong Xiangdong was completely stunned. He had never thought that the industry had used decades of old technology, and there was still such great potential.
After the technological innovation of Xingchen Technology, this ancient LCD is completely reborn!
"How about energy consumption?" Gong Xiangdong asked eagerly: "Samsung and Apple have recently suffered on the screen. Due to the serious energy consumption, their new products need to be charged twice or even three times a day."
"Our 2K screen reduces power consumption by 30%."
"Because the 4K screen is too high in parameter design, it can only be achieved at present, and the power consumption of the same quality 1080P screen is basically the same." Enron said.
Oh my god...
Gong Gong didn't say anything to the east. At the same time that the quality has risen sharply, the power consumption has dropped! ?
It's heavenly night!
Listening to An Ran's tone, he is not even very satisfied with the power consumption of the 4K screen?
Hell, what company is Xingchen Technology?
Their technical requirements are as simple as metamorphosis!
"What about the price?"
Wu Gong Xiangdong finally asked the most critical question. Samsung's 2K-level screen was never sold to the Big Four, and the price he sold to partner Apple was $ 165.
As for Samsung's 4K-level screen, it is as high as $ 390.
Luo Jia ’s 2K and 4K screens have caught up with and even surpassed Samsung ’s. Should the price be more expensive?
Luo Luojia said faintly: "A 2K screen costs 200 yuan, a 4K screen is a bit more expensive, 500 yuan."
Uh ~
Ji Gong sipped the tea to the east without spraying it.
"It's so cheap !?" he said excitedly, "If it's really this price, we buy it! We have all how much you have!"
Luo Luojia shrugged, the cost of LCD has always been very low. In the mobile phone city, changing a deputy factory screen costs tens of dollars, the original factory screen is one or two hundred yuan, mainly due to high channel costs, not how valuable the screen itself is.
"This can't be done." Luo Jia reluctantly said, "You are not unaware that our company currently only has an 8: 5 generation line."
Ji Gong Xiangdong felt that his mood quickly sank to the bottom. Of course he knew Luo Jia had only one production line.
Even if the production line starts at full horsepower, it cannot meet Huawei's supply requirements.
After all, the current annual sales volume of Huawei mobile phones has rushed to the 300 million mark.
Luo Jia paused. "There is only one way."
"Hurry up."
Luo Jia's eyes turned to the window. "In China, we are just small players in the display field. However, China still has BOE ranked second in the world, Pegasus sixth in the world, Longteng seventh in the world, Huaxing 13th in the world, and global The fourteenth is Hehui, the fifteenth largest panda in the world. "
Ji Gong snapped eastward, "Long Teng climbed to seventh? I remember they should be out of the fifteenth place."
Luo Luojia laughed, her eyes suddenly brightened. "A few months ago, when I was doing a small speech in Fudan, I said the same thing. At that time, Long Teng was not in the top fifteen."
但这 "But this is the technology industry. According to the latest statistics from IDC last week, Longteng's sales volume soared by 150% in the third quarter, and it is now the seventh largest player in the world."
"From this month, China has occupied six seats among the top 15 display manufacturers in the world."
Luo Luojia's words were very contagious, Gong Xiangdong shook his fist vigorously, "It's beautiful!"
"You're right, the rapid changes in the technology industry can never be imagined in other industries. A few months ago, your star technology has not yet opened, you climb faster than Longteng!"
Luo Luojia smiled. "Do you know how many production lines are under construction in China?"
Ji Gong shook his head to the east.
"A total of 38 lines have been invested for almost one trillion yuan, all of which will be completed within two years."
"By then, coupled with the original production line, China's display panel output will reach 57% of the world."
"Even if you force me to death, I can't make so many screens for you."
"If all domestic manufacturers of display panels are united, I will provide them with driver ICs, filters, substrates, backlights, mixed materials, and production line improvements."
那样 "In that way, we will become the strongest legion in the global display industry, UU Kanshu! Let alone supply your mobile phone giants, and even have the ability to sweep the world and let the display industry completely clear the market!"
"In the TV industry, China also has the world's third TCL, the world's fourth Hisense, the world's sixth TPV, the world's seventh Skyworth, the world's tenth Xiaomi, the world's eleventh Konka, and the world's tenth Haier No. 2 and Changhong No. 14 in the world. "
"If the upstream display panel army is established, your four mobile phone giants and China's eight television giants will benefit from this."
Tong Gong turned east again, and then he was surprised and said, "Xiaomi TV has climbed to the tenth in the world?"
不错 "Yes, as a colleague, do you seem surprised?" Luo Jia teased.
Tong Gong shrugged to the east. "I was a bit surprised. I didn't expect Xiaomi's TV to be sneaky. The change is really too fast. This is probably the charm of the technology industry."
PS: This chapter has been deleted. After reading it, there are 3,500 words. Only 2,000 are left.
The writing is too deep, almost becoming a research report of the display panel industry, which seriously affects the sense of reading.
Wu Jiuer knows that there are experts who really know technology, and even some people think that Jiuer is in the supply chain.
But Jiu'er thinks that non-professional readers are the majority, and technical matters are good until the point is reached, and we must take care of the reading experience of most readers.
The deleted contents are: OLED burn-in principle, analysis of whether PWM dimming is harmful to the eyes, and the pros and cons of pixel P arrangement and RGB arrangement. Analysis of domestic display industry production and output under construction
If readers are interested, please Baidu yourself.
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