Chapter 653: Welcome to Plant Civilization

The voyage to Azure Star County was not smooth. The travel time before was short. Luo Jia didn't feel much. However, after a long time, the problem began to emerge one after another. The reason is that it is not. Colin has a wonderful physique, which is too great Strange events are easy to trigger.
Shortly after leaving the Shadow Civilization Base, they encountered a deep-sky distress signal. Colin, an enthusiastic companion, had to check it out, but unexpectedly fell into a trap and was besieged by a group of local indigenous pirates.
Fortunately, the Storm Goddess is a powerful ancient elite warship, fighting all the way and retreating, coupled with the mechanical legion's loyalty to the duty, and finally escaped this robbery in a panic.
Afterwards, Aunt Duoer and Colin almost quarreled. The situation is very obvious. In the deep air away from civilization, the distress signal is most likely a bait set by pirates or fallen people. It is impossible to turn a blind eye. At least you must first investigate. Fan?
But Colin did not hesitate to jump into the pits dug by the enemy. The jumping was chic and the meaning of jumping made Luo Jia have to wonder whether there is a pit in the program setting of this advanced artificial intelligence.
All in all, Colin is the kind of habit of helping others without thinking. It is not that this kindness is bad. The reason behind Luo Jia ’s meeting with Colin is the opportunity brought by Colin to save Ola ’s father.
It ’s just that Luo Jia felt that Colin was too reckless in his actions. History has warned us again and again that blindness to goodness may not necessarily yield good returns. Pride and prejudice are persistent diseases that accompany human society from beginning to end. The enemy's kindness is cruelty to himself.
"Sorry." Luo Jia shrugged and said to Colin: "I have to release your command authority. From now on, the mechanical legion will obey my orders. Assuming that I am not on the boat, just listen to Auntie Xiao, you Has been downgraded to the third commander. "
Dragon suit robot armor: \ (o) / yes!
Dragon Set Robot B: ~ \ (▽) / ~ La La La!
Dragon set robot C: o (n_n) o ah! awesome!
When Luo Jia announced the order, the mechanical legion immediately boiled. They unanimously supported Luo Jia's lifting of Colin's command. It seems that the robots are also suffering from this reckless and bad luck commander, not a day or two. .
It is worth mentioning that this mechanical army that has survived since ancient times is very rare. Except for Colin, an advanced artificial intelligence with a name and wisdom, the rest are all junior robots. They cannot speak and are not good at independent thinking. It is a group of stupid and kind people.
Colin was dismissed from his post, allowing the silly robots to cheer and celebrate. It can be seen that this dude has a good reputation, and Luo Jia seems to gradually understand why all the mechanical tribes are on the battlefield, but the only reason for leaving Colin Now ...
"The reason why advanced artificial intelligence was created is to help humans share the pressure. We are responsible for controlling warships and commanding not complicated battles, so that humans can devote their energy to undertake more creative work.
"After all, humans are not machines and have limited energy. If you take too many responsibilities, you will have no time to do research and creation. Being a captain and helping humans is the duty of our advanced artificial intelligence. Do you really need my help? Colin shouted in frustration.
Luo Jia took the time and patiently comforted Colin. After Luo Jia's enlightenment, Colin began to feel that as the third commander was his destiny, then he accepted the demotion arrangement.
The subsequent travel was calm and slightly tedious. The Storm Goddess smoothly entered the Blue Star County. If no accident, Hercules will arrive in half a month. As a super-large mobile space station, the speed is Hercules. Inherent defects.
The reason why the navigation is so smooth depends on the magical star chart in Luo Jia's head.
Although the Shadow family also has a star map, they are not a pioneering civilization. The star map is not complete. Except for the star zones they know, the rest of the star zones are blank.
Only the star charts carried by Luo Jia and Hercules are the precious wealth accumulated by the mechanical tribes during the years of the Southern and Northern Wars. The universe is unpredictable. It is far from enough to rely on radar array surveys.
In the mighty war between the mechanical family and the entire universe, the fleet of the mechanical family almost traverses every corner of the stars, so it has the most complete and accurate star map in the universe. It is no exaggeration to say that this star map is a mechanical civilization. In exchange for the life of the whole family, it is precious and unusual.
"Report! Found the starship in the front, the elite class of mechanical tribes, chasing Yu from all directions. It should be your friend." Colin said sitting under Luo Jia, who was strictly performing his duties as deputy at the moment.
Luo Jia stunned and immediately ordered Colin to use an electronic transponder to confirm the identity of Lan Yu.
Although he was very determined in his heart, the person opposite was Lan Yu, but the rules were the rules, the identity was confirmed first, and the next step was the necessary step before the tactical response.
Somehow, Luo Jia had a rare tension and excitement, stood up, and paced back and forth in the command center.
Luo Jia couldn't help thinking of the scene when he first met a female netizen when he was still in junior high school many years ago.
It was also at that time that Luo Jia deeply realized the powerful magic of retouching the magic, and since then gave up the idea of ​​online dating to be a single dog down to earth until now.
Thinking wildly, Colin told Luo Jia that his identity had been confirmed, and he responded with the shipboard password. The person opposite was Luo Jia's friend named Lan Yu.
"Mr. Pilot!"
When the screen lit up, Luo Jia heard his familiar voice, but I saw that Lan Yu was far more excited than Luo Jia.
"Mr. Pilot, I didn't expect ... to have a chance to see you!"
"I ... I am already here, waiting for you for two days!"
Hahahaha ~
Luo Jia laughed happily. "I miss you too much. I don't want to hide it. This time I came to the Blue Star County by chance. There is a very complicated story behind it. I can't tell you in a few words."
"By the way, let me introduce to you, this is Duoer, we all call her little aunt, and this is Colin, they are all my good friends."
Luo Jia introduced to Lan Yu that Colin nodded slightly, but the little aunt waved her arms carelessly, and the giant in front of her chest was enchanting, making her pure blue feathers blush.
There is no mechanical legion in the command center, Luo Jia is still considering whether to reveal the secret of the robot to Lan Yu. There are not many robots on the Storm Goddess, only 128 people, to maintain the most basic The tactical configuration, the big troops are in the Hercules.
As long as the Hercules is not exposed, UU reading Luo Jia can claim that these robots were accidentally picked up by themselves. The illegal use of ancient robots is not completely extinct in the stars.
"This is not a place to talk. Please follow my starship. This time, it's my turn to navigate for Mr. Pilot." Lan Yu said excitedly.
Entering the territory of botanical civilization, it is necessary to pass through a lot of prohibitions, and there will be a lot of trouble for the insiders to lead the way.
As a result, two elite warships, one large and one small, traveled along the winding star road. The continuous alarm on the control panel reminded the surrounding dark and deep starry sky that there was strong spatial disturbance.
These space disturbances are the meaning of the existence of the star road. If there is no guidance, it is difficult for foreign ships to penetrate the star zone where the plant family is located. Although it is not as extreme as the shadow family hiding in the space interlayer, it is also a kind of arrangement in the stars. Quite a good territory defense mechanism.
Before long, after crossing several disguised galaxies, Luo Jia and others finally entered the abandoned base of the plant family, and all the heartbeats that made everyone uncontrollably accelerate in front of them, admiring the magical work of this great civilization.
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