Vol 3 Chapter 987: For order!

At a certain stronghold in the order, the ranked professionals gathered here.
"Master Xu Cheng."
Wang Xudong frowned and looked at the other leaders present, Shen said, "Why did you call us here?"
There was more than one strong man present.
In addition to Wang Xudong, there are Xu Zhe, Lu Wei, and so on. Basically, except Wei Xun, most of the characters in the order have come to the order. Others don't seem to understand her meaning. Staring at her in doubt.
"Please come here this time, there is something I want to discuss with you."
Acting leader Xu Hongzhuang took a look at the leaders present and said intently, "His Excellency Chen Feng has been away from here for a while, and I think you have heard of the winter plan. As His Excellency Chen Feng said, the cold wave really hit and cannot be ignored. One thing is, our neighbor, Silver City! "
"Silver City again proposed to the order this time that people exchange food. This matter was left to Xu Zhe to negotiate with the other party, and what I want to say is that I want to start a battle."
Many people have talked. They come from different camps, but they are loyal to the same leader. That is Chen Feng. As the leader of the city, they naturally know some of Chen Feng's plans. Among them, Wang Xudong, led by Wei Xun, said again: "You Do you want to take advantage of the cold current to attack Silver City? "
Wang Xudong awakened everyone here. You should know that after the discovery of Silver City, the order formed two camps, one is the Yanhe faction led by Xu Hongzhuang, and the other is the aggression advocated by Wang Xudong!
Since its establishment, the Blood War Department has risen in the killings. If Xu Zhe is the brain of order, then Wei Xun is the blade of order.
This blade waved up and slashed all the enemies in front of it. In this case, the soldiers of the Blood War Department were naturally close to Mo Zhe, and they were all associated with the killing. Wang Xudong, as Wei Xun's confidant, was naturally one of them. Outstanding.
As early as the beginning of contact with the other party, Wang Xudong advocated a war of aggression, and even said that he would end the battle with a blitzkrieg.
But at that time, Chen Feng had his own plan. The cold winter was approaching, and the power of nature would disintegrate Silver City for the order. After all, compared to Silver City, Chen Feng's most important thing was the population.
In the end, Chen Feng used Xu Hongzhuang's proposal to make peace with the other party. Wang Xudong did not dare to disagree with Chen Feng's decision, but was quite dissatisfied with Xu Hongzhuang. Since then, the two sides have faint signs of a break. But just now, what is Xu Hongzhuang talking about? Is she going to fight?
It's not just Wang Xudong, the surrounding bosses all thought of attacking Silver City at the same time!
Xu Hongzhuang did not answer Wang Xudong's question, but marked several symbols on the table, one instead of order and the other instead of Silver City, but she focused on drawing a circle in the middle, facing the other leaders: "Here is order At the junction with Silver City, there is an island here. "
"If the two sides really start a war, starting from here, it will only take an hour to reach the territory of Silver City!"
Speaking of which, she turned and glanced at the others.
Chen Feng was able to be promoted to the level of the boss all the way. Few people present were simple. Someone quickly guessed her idea.
"But there are many dimensions living on that island!"
Xu Hongzhuang's expression was calm and she said with a resolute voice: "It ’s tacky to say that dogs will jump off the wall when they are in a hurry. After two transactions, Silver City naturally knows that we have enough stocks, and our interests will blind people's eyes. When we are running out of food and insane, we must take the lead in curbing each other's throats! "
Wang Xudong has been listening quietly, speaking to his heart, he was shocked by the change of Xu Hongzhuang's makeup. The other party was clearly speaking before, but now, he actively put the blade on the neck of Silver City. In line with Wang Xudong's taste.
Although I don't know why Xu Hongzhuang changed over all of a sudden, Wang Xudong's tone was obviously milder, not as aggressive as before, and slowly said: "You mean to occupy the island in the middle, but you should be clear, that A group of real monsters lives on this island!
The monster in Wang Xudong's mouth is a kind of monster, about three meters tall, with terrible claws at the front end, followed by another arm, also with thick black hair attached, and the front ends of the two arms are split into two short forearms.
These monsters, called barbaric giants, are residents of that island. They used to capture the beasts on the island and hunt and fish for food.
The whistle-blowing giant's alert head was as large as a wooden barrel, and two pink eyes glowed. Its eyes protruded two inches from each side, obscured by thick hairy bone protrusions. What's even more terrifying is its head, with its huge yellow sharp teeth, grinning vertically rather than horizontally from the top to the bottom of the head.
This is an extremely savage creature, who has observed each other in order for a while ~ EbookFREE.me ~ Even the weakest savage giant has a strength comparable to that of human silver, plus it is far away from order, so there is no Planning on the annihilation list.
"Those monsters are not weak. According to the spies, two of them are comparable to yours!" What does this mean? There are at least two legendary monsters on that island!
Xu Hongzhuang turned around and stared at him slowly. "This is not a problem. Before the adults leave, let the fallen angels obey my orders. We will work together to clear up the monster leader. On the equipment, there is no enemy. On the combat effectiveness. All your subordinates are elites growing up in the killings! "
"If the monsters can be severed or even destroyed, we can occupy the island, and from then on, Silver City will be completely contained by us."
The other leaders present were heard musing.
"My lord has appointed me to act in full power. Of course, it also includes some military strikes. Silver City has conducted two population trades. Although we have gained population, we have also exposed wealth. In order to avoid being remembered, we should take the initiative to master all Initiative, I think even adults are here to accept this suggestion! "
"What do you think?"
Hearing Xu Hongzhuang's words, the other leaders at the scene couldn't help but be lost in thought, many of them had bright eyes.
Many of them advocated aggression. When they heard Xu Hongzhuang's suggestion, they naturally looked like hunting dogs, and many of them turned their eyes on Wei Xun.
Wang Xudong was lost in thought, and a few seconds passed, the man who temporarily led the blood war department grinned, Shen said, "For order!"
The four words represent the other's choice.
The crowd paused for a moment, and then they also showed a knowing smile, and everyone, including Xu Hongzhuang, said, "For order!"
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