Vol 3 Chapter 1005: Fusion divinity

In the lonely and quiet soul, only the long and steady heartbeat sounded slowly.
Chen Feng fell into a certain state of silence. No one here disturbed him, because this is a world that belongs to Chen Feng alone. This is the broken plane he acquired!
The indigenous people on the island of dreams are no longer a concern. Wei Xun is now successfully promoted to the legend. The unreal monster has wisdom. In this case, it is only a matter of time to defeat the indigenous people.
And Chen Feng, as a patron of the crowd, also completely suppressed the disdain of the Naja people. With such a background, human beings can naturally survive in this land without any worries.
As for the order of the human world, Chen Feng believes in Xu Hongzhuang's ability, coupled with a group of experts such as the Fallen Angels to assist each other, the problem seems to be small.
It was precisely because the forces were all working, that it was not a big problem whether Chen Feng went back or not, so he decided to settle his strength on the island of dreams.
The broken plane incorporates the deity of [God], and some abnormal changes occur in the entire environment. Under this abnormal change, the opponent absorbs the surrounding energy more quickly, and among these energies, a thin is also carried. The breath of sex, practiced here, is twice or even several times faster than outside.
Chen Feng saw the power of the epic, and he is no longer satisfied with the strength of the half-step epic. In addition, he is now full of flesh and blood, and can absorb the energy of the void every day to increase his strength.
Chen Feng's sensitivity to the energy between the surrounding heaven and earth became more acute. He can feel the horrible and rich energy in the broken plane. Devouring energy in such a place will undoubtedly achieve more significant results than others.
The soul became more peaceful, and suddenly, there was a low-pitched sound sounding. Immediately, a cluster of seemingly invisible, but with strange fluctuations of energy, appeared without warning near the heart of Chen Feng. Warm and hot slowly radiated out, calling Chen Feng like a god.
This is the energy of the divinity, the energy of millions of millions of faiths.
If it was changed elsewhere, Chen Feng would not be able to absorb divinity so easily. Chen Feng's inner knowledge is still too low. Now, the storm has shattered the divinity, making it more convenient for Chen Feng to devour.
Secretly sighed in his heart, Chen Feng stared at the energy in his chest. He has been here for two days, and after two days of absorption, this energy seems more vigorous.
Strengthening is a long process. Although the energy in the damaged plane has a certain divine character, because of the special nature of the environment, there are also many storms that destroy the breath. Therefore, after being absorbed into the body, the body also suffers some damage.
But this kind of damage is not without its benefits. The meridians, bones, muscles, and even cells in the body slowly grow and evolve in burning pain, which is a very important part.
Gritting his teeth to the burning sensation in the receptor, the energy on the chest rose more joyfully.袅袅 The high temperature infiltrates from it, and it seems like a tornado is formed in the human body. All organs and even meridians in the human body. They all undergo refining in this tornado, and in the process of refining, they continue to strengthen!
Although the burning pain caused by the storm caused Chen Feng's internal meridians to twitch occasionally, it was okay, but not unbearable.
What is amazing is that under the sweep of this tornado, the energy melts, breaks, and then converges together. The energy in Chen Feng's body is like the divinity integrated into the broken plane, torn, and then converged in together.
It may be really unbearable to change to ordinary people, but Chen Feng experienced the transformation of demons. Before long, he gathered the fire elements into his body and experienced the feeling of being grilled by flames. This pain is not intolerable.
After persisting for so many hours in such pain, the energy of Chen Feng's chest suddenly exuded a slight faint light, and then a force of overwhelming force flowed like a floodgate.
These energies radiate the inherent breath of flames of the Burning Demon. In addition, there is a touch of divine energy. Divinity is the energy that God can possess, just like Longwei, and it can defeat enemies with less power than its own. Causes psychic shock.
As the chest energy slowly gathered, Chen Feng clearly felt that he was in control of the energy of the flames. At this moment, it suddenly became much hotter, just like boiling water, and there was something constantly being expelled and stripped away at high temperatures.
This boiling did not last long, and the energy of the chest penetrated the skin, got out of it, and then suspended in front of Chen Feng.
This is the force of the flame after quenching. The energy contained in it is strong and compact, but it is far from comparable. Obviously, this flame force has undergone divine tempering, whether it is temperature or destructive force. All have a qualitative improvement.
Looking at this change in the flame, Chen Feng suddenly felt a rush of joy in his heart. His ultimate purpose was exactly this, condensing his own power, and once again making the energy of the Burning Demon change.
The energy in the chest occupies only a small part of the body. What Chen Feng has to do is to condense all the energy in the body. Until then, his strength will also change, such as the steel under the high temperature of Chen Feng, even If you can't persist for a few seconds, it will become iron.
This was originally an attempt. After all, the divine energy is too terrible. In addition, there are too many trace elements involved in the storm. A little carelessness will seriously affect the body.
And now, with the success of the first tempering, Chen Feng finally let go of the last worry in his heart. In the broken plane, UW readings wwwww.uukanshu.com a continuous stream of energy pulled from the body. , Then turn along the meridian, merge the energy of God, and finally reintroduce into the body!
Perfect cycle, perfect tempering. Under this kind of cyclic practice, Chen Feng can feel the power of the flames surging. At this speed, I am afraid that it won't take long for him to filter all his strength. !!
There is no exact concept of time in the damaged plane, and Chen Feng is completely immersed in it.
Chen Feng is suspended in the mid-air of the plane. The body surface is wrapped in a layer of invisible waves. The slight white mist rises from the top of the head, and then gradually fades, until it finally turns into nothingness. Disappear.
Occasionally, intangible fluctuations on the surface of his body will tremble violently, and with these tremors, a faint red light will appear on his face. If you sense it at this time, you will find that he The breath is much more powerful than before. Obviously, Chen Feng's energy slowly gathers, which is a powerful performance!
This time is like flowing water, passing quietly along the fingers. I don't know how long it has been in the past, Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes, and for a while, because of the rising strength, he was slightly out of control, and it suddenly permeated.
Eyes suddenly opened, a faint light flashed. Chen Feng spit out the stale air that had been on his chest for a long time. He twisted his neck and heard the crisp sound of the bones colliding.
The palm of your hand flickered, and a hot flame appeared in your hand. The magic thing is that the flame became abnormally smooth like the water surface, and Chen Feng looked at herself with this situation. Her appearance did not change much, but her eyes looked abnormally bright. , Like two clusters of flames, people dare not look straight!
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