Vol 3 Chapter 1027: 1 stone 2 birds

Chapter 1028: Two Birds With One Stone
At this moment, the air seemed to freeze, and Karina, the benthic demon fish, and the abyss monsters stopped fighting. Instead, they turned their attention to the battlefield over Chen Feng. They didn't know what was going on, and the mermaids who were stubborn and swollen all widened their eyes and looked anxiously at the battles that could not participate.
Karina fled to the side struggling to the side, and her lips were overflowing with red blood. While treating the fish tail with the remaining mental power, she looked at the sudden appearing creature in front of her.
Forgive Karina for using the word biology to describe Chen Feng, because she has lived in this area for a long time and has never seen a human being like this.
Karina opened her eyes wide. She did not forget the enemies' bodies brought back from the tower. Those enemies did not have mermaid-like fish tails, but separated, ugly lower limbs. The unknown person who had just appeared in front of her, Obviously has the same characteristics as the enemy!
There are tigers in front and evil wolf in the back. For Karina, this is how she feels now. Just a benthic demon fish made her overwhelmed. Now, the appearance of Chen Feng will undoubtedly make her The tension was extreme.
It is not important whether you are friends or foes. What is important is ... how can I escape from here.
There was a gleam of chill in Karina's eyes. As a superior, she naturally knew what to choose, behind the coral castle, and surrounded by her loyal people. If she could, Karina would be able to save this. Everything, because the former is a symbol of the throne, and the latter is his sharpest blade, but unfortunately ...
I can't do anything!
At this time, it was also time to make a choice. Karina's face showed a hint of guilt, but was replaced by Hanguang in the next second.
As long as you escape by yourself, these enemies will definitely pay a price!
The mermaid here is only one-tenth of Karina's rule. She is the true king of the sea. As a half-step epic, she has absolute rights here. As long as she can escape, as long as she can gather the rest of the mermaid army, She will definitely come back again, and when that happens, no matter whether it is an ugly abyss monster or that strange-looking enemy, she will be trampled under her feet!
Karina is ready to escape, so she eagerly hopes that this sudden creature can replace herself and become the enemy of that monster.
Chen Feng mobilized the power of the storm in the damaged plane, just like there are more than a dozen meat grinders around. The abyss monsters near them were smashed into flesh at a sudden, even more terrible is the daily life of the damaged plane. Nourishment includes the power of life. Although these abyss monsters are a little messy and their blood is a little messy, they are still helpful for the restoration of the damaged plane!
It is for this reason that after tasting the sweetness of the damaged plane, the energy overflows even more, and several flesh vortexes are directly generated around it. The thousands of monsters almost have no struggling action and are directly twisted into flesh. Mo was sucked into the plane by the broken plane and began to repair the broken world.
Even Chen Feng did not expect this scene. Like before, most of Chen Feng used the damaged plane as a transport bin. After all, under the condition of engulfing energy and flesh, a lot of land was opened up in it. To transport supplies, is the first choice in the appropriate!
After devouring the idol of the divine residence, the broken face seemed to have undergone some extraordinary changes. As a summoner, Chen Feng was originally poor in hand-to-hand combat. It was precisely because he knew his weakness that Chen Feng had been deliberately deliberate. For a long time, Chen Feng's heads-up ability has improved to some extent, but there is still one thing that troubles him, that is, a large magic like the burning flame.
After seeing the frost released by the mermaid in the previous tower, Chen Feng longed for a large magic of his own, because it was decisive when confronting many enemies.
And now ...
When Chen Feng saw the strength exerted by the broken plane, he couldn't help but have some throbs in his heart. What he longed for had always been held in his hands.
Use the damaged plane to generate a storm, and then generate a huge harvesting force in the void. Not only can it effectively kill the enemy, but it can also supplement the energy in the damaged plane. This is simply killing two birds with one stone!
Knowing all this, Chen Feng now wants to go to the abyss world again. Compared with the human world, the creatures in the abyss are truly countless. If Chen Feng can swallow there for a period of time, maybe the real damage to the broken plane can happen Change, and become an independent world.
But one thing to keep in mind is that now the broken plane is like a few years old child, ignorant, like a blank piece of paper, what will be drawn on it, what will become in the future, it can indeed consume the abyss life Quickly mutated until an independent world evolved, but unfortunately, the chaotic will in the abyss is too terrible. Even holy angels who have stayed in that land for a long time will become corrupted and gloomy. , Become a flesh reaper.
If the damaged plane devours the flesh and blood in the abyss, slowly, the entire world will be eroded by chaos. At that time, what Chen Feng must face is that his damaged plane will most likely become another one. An abyss, a breath of chaos and killing.
this is not OK.
Chen Feng shook his head. In his vision, he will turn the world into a kingdom of God that belongs to the believers. Only believers with the purest faith can enter into it, and if it becomes an abyss, once the believer enters, immediately Will start to kill each other. Chen Fengxiu believes in faith instead of fostering him. He does not want to be an evil god. If there are flaws in his belief, even if Chen Feng becomes a god, he will only be an evil god, not the kind he imagined. Shendi!
Ruth walked step by step. She couldn't take shortcuts at any time, because in the end, only herself was abandoned and eliminated.
Karina and the bottom-dwelling demon fish could not imagine that when they regarded Chen Feng as the first enemy, Chen Feng even fell into some contemplation.
However, the mermaids are outside, only some mermaids are swallowed by the damaged plane, and Chen Feng is in the camp of the abyss monster. In just a few minutes, more than hundreds of abyss monsters have been twisted into flesh and then swallowed. Into the world.
Compared to Karina, who is still waiting for an escape opportunity, the benthic demon fish saw one of his men dying one after another, and immediately became furious. It has wisdom, and naturally knows the story of a lonely tree. In the battle, he was left alone, and by that time, many things would be much more troublesome.
The benthic demon fish can't stand Chen Feng's wanton killing. The opponent's provocation has touched its bottom line. At this time, the benthic devil fish roared, and then the surrounding abyssal monsters ran and killed in four directions. Poisonous The tentacles form a network of heaven and earth, and even the dragons encountered in the sensational killings must also retreat. Otherwise, it is likely that you will hate defeat!
"It's useless to stubbornly resist, and the more you struggle, the more I will abuse you after you are captured!"
Facing the assassinations around him, Chen Feng screamed for nine days. Its strength has surpassed many lives. In the face of these miscellaneous things, it is not enough to summon the beasts that he has carefully cultivated.
Chen Feng is a real strong man. How could he be afraid of such clutter? Now, it is the wind element in the broken plane that makes good use of it. Experiment, what kind of power can the wind element bring to you!
At this time, Chen Feng's identity suddenly opened a blue enchantment, and at the same time a wave of wind elements condensed on Chen Feng's arms, with the momentum of destruction, the tentacles and ice arrows that had struck were all broken. After violent energy defeated these attacks, they smashed into the body of the benthic demon fish severely!
Divine power is condensed in this storm. Because of this, it can stir the power in the abyss, and it breaks through the pressure of the seawater at once and directly hits the bottom-dwelling demon fish!
As if a burst of thunder rang from the air, the turbulent energy stirred up a violent airflow in the void, as if a shock wave visible to the naked eye, twisted the gravel, gravel, soil, seaweed in all directions into a crush!
The benthic demon fish's face changed drastically, and he spit a blood spurt suddenly, even spitting off the internal organ fragments. It was apparently struck by the hammer and suffered internal injuries. Even the pride of its body appeared a crack. ...
At this moment, the bottom-dwelling demon fish was really severely damaged for the first time. It is clear that the enemies in front of it cannot be overlooked. It immediately flew forward with the tentacles, but Chen Feng now grasped the wind element in the damaged plane, and the terrifying wind element was fast. The ground rotation is just like a robot. When those tentacles hit the high-speed rotating propeller, they are immediately blurred with flesh and blood, and they become scum in no time!
The heavy wind blades are constantly superimposed, dancing frantically, and in the deep sea, there are countless violent air explosions. The terrible wind blades, air currents, and wind arrows cut almost everything within a few tens of meters, suffocating. Oppression, whether it is a mermaid or an abyss monster, cannot resist the slightest resistance.
Like the terrible bottom-dwelling devil fish before, at this time, he couldn't even raise the slightest resistance.
"Whether the opponent is friend or foe?"
Even though Chen Feng's target was an abyss monster, there were still a lot of wind elements that broke the mermaid's body. At this time, the mermaids who fled to the side had a blue complexion, and there were fine wounds on their bodies. These are the scars left after the wind blade passes, and even the clothes on their shame are mostly destroyed, and almost white parts are almost exposed!
"call out!"
"call out!"
On the other hand, Chen Feng, now completely immersed in this killing, he never thought that the wind element in the damaged plane would be so terrible. Rank, because only epic strong can cause such terrible lethality!
The damaged plane was permeated with powerful air waves, sweeping all directions with the brutality that crushed everything, and eight small tornadoes were split in an instant ...
Those monsters from the abyss were unstoppable one by one. Ordinary professionals encountered them and didn't know how to die ... But now, they are swept up by eight small tornadoes, all over them. Flesh and blood are rolled up and down, even those monsters with high defenses are dizzy by the tornado ...
At this time, Chen Feng was like a fox and a tiger, mastering the energy in the damaged plane, and he was doing whatever he wanted. You know, those storms are not only mixed with the divinity of the divine residence, but also full of the breath of destroying a power. Ask an individual No matter how strong, can it be compared with a world?
There are also some martial arts in the peace era. Many of them are ten or one hundred enemies. But no matter how strong those martial arts are, do they dare to actually confront natural forces? Ignore tornado? Or ignore the flood?
As it is now, the benthic demon fish is experiencing such a situation. Its strength is not weak. Over a long period of time, its strength has also broken through a half-step epic and strived to advance towards the real epic. But at this time, in Facing the storm of Chen Feng, it humbled like a weak salty fish.
Chen Feng now stepped directly on the head of the benthic demon fish, hitting its wound fiercely, and the pain of the benthic devil fish made a scream of sorrow!
As long as you work harder, the head of the benthic demon fish will be completely torn!
When the benthic monster fish dies, the abyss monster is completely out of command. At that time, even if Chen Feng can't make a move, he will be killed by Huang Quan. Even if some abyss monsters escape by chance, the impact is not particularly great. After all, here is A different world, not an abyss. Even if the monsters are not weak, they are not familiar with their lives, and there are many powerful sea monsters wandering in the deep sea. It will not be long before they will be preyed, and it is impossible to rely on reproduction. Become the master of the neighborhood.
Seeing all this, Karina's long calm face was finally replaced by panic at this time, and she took a deep breath to dispel the fear in her heart.
Can't wait any longer!
If you continue to do this again and again, you will surely follow the monster's footsteps and become the target of the superpower raging!
Run away now!
Thinking of this, Karina finally glanced at the people around her, then stopped nostalgic ~ EbookFREE.me ~ Slide the fish tail towards the distance and start to escape quickly!
At this time, the mutation suddenly emerged!
Chen Feng seemed to feel something, and suddenly a cold light shot in his eyes!
At the same time, the power from the broken plane was accumulated to the bottom of the foot, and Chen Feng looked like a shadow directly over Karina's head.
Immediately after, Karina's neck was fastened by a jade hand. The strength of this hand was so great that she easily lifted Karina's entire body!
"I said, let you go?"
Karina's pupil narrowed into a needle, and she looked at the cold face in shock, never expecting that ... she could understand the other person.
other side……
Where is it sacred? !!
(End of this chapter)
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