Chapter 116: Shirahone Plain

锋 For a whole month, Chen Feng was recuperating. Although the ordinary blood honey was given to the soil elements to restore her physical strength, she could better cover the city walls, and the better bee honey was supplied to Chen Feng.
This is the benefit of power.
If you are yourself, you not only need to take care of those bloodthirsty bees, but also need to find food and shelter for them. Even if the honey of the queen bee is in the end, she will be exhausted and lose more.
But now ...
When Chen Feng thought about it, the whole force began to work for him. Some people hunted monsters, some cleaned the room, and some people were responsible for collecting blood honey. Chen Feng only needed to rest in the room, and the best honey of the queen bee was delivered to his mouth. .
peace in the heart.
Because of this, Chen Feng took the queen honey during the day to repair the loss of mental strength, and fell asleep early in the night to restore his vitality, and all day spent conditioning his body!
Today, his mental strength has returned to normal, and even the trauma left by the previous battle is completely restored by the nourishment of the queen honey.
In this case, Chen Feng's thoughts are extremely accessible, just like the same crystal, clear and clear, only one step away from the peak of silver.
Uh ...............
On the playground runway, under the scorching sun, Chen Feng stood on the ground, while the evil devil crouched beside him like a guard, with big eyes, and looked around from time to time.
During this time, there were even more professionals devoured by the evil demons than camp-owned professionals. The ordinary arms on the body had long since disappeared, but they had completely become awakening arms, each of them was extremely rosy, even some bloodshot. Are all clearly visible.
手臂 These arms are like tentacles on a worm. When chasing enemies, they can burst into super speed. Regardless of endurance, they are even stronger than Fu La's explosive power!
Unconsciously, this creature, which is only the bottommost in the abyss, has grown to such a degree. Of course, except for speed, its most terrifying ability is still hand-to-hand. More than a dozen arms are waving. Tier is invincible!
I may be aware of Chen Feng's gaze. This is extremely scary in anyone's eyes. It counts as a demon's existence, but now seems a little nervous.
He wanted to raise his head to say hello to the host, but Chen Feng had previously ordered it to stand still, and the bad devil didn't dare to neglect. In this way, he wanted to look up but not to make the host angry, so he could only pout From time to time, I glanced at Yu Guang, but quickly turned my head and looked around.
锋 Chen Feng turned a blind eye to the bad demon's performance. At this point, even he couldn't predict what the other party would evolve into, so he had to let it go.
Eliminating the evil spirits, Fura and the Dark Elves were also summoned. Fura raised his furry ears and was used to the life of the abyss. His spirit was always tense.
The dark elves ten meters away seemed a little excited. Compared to Fula's tense attitude, she still had beautiful eyes and springs, doing some irritating movements even though she was far away.
This point was seen by the evil demon. In the head that had just given birth to wisdom, although he did not understand what the other party bent over and burst out from time to time, it could feel that the dark elves tried to the master with it. .
The bad devil lowered his head, staring at each other with a pair of big eyes, with a cold tone, more piercing than the snowy frost of the moon: "The bad devil hates ... I eat you ... I want you ..."
Everything is ready.
The mental strength is restored and all three beasts are gathered together. The purpose of Chen Feng is to surrender the undead mage, and let the other party be loyal to him completely today!
A scarlet crack slowly opened in front of Chen Feng, and suddenly a sulphur breath permeated the surrounding area. Even more, some roars and screams were heard from time to time. It was like some strong men found this crack and tried to drill from it. Out.
Chen Feng has felt several powerful thoughts, each of which is similar to or even more powerful than the Burning Demon summoned before.
Also myth!
If these strong men appear, don't say the economic development zone, even the entire city will be destroyed instantly, but the summons are protected by the power of the rules. Although these monsters are strong, they can't break the dimension and can only peep.
After a moment, a decaying breath slowly began to leak out of the crack, like countless dead air gathered together, these energy escaped, the flowers and grass on the ground even died, and even the soil became dark. , It is also full of some strong rotten smell.
Bone Plain!
This is where the undead mage lives. All the surroundings are shrouded in death. All living creatures on this floor are undead.
There are all kinds of undead creatures here.
In addition to the commonly seen skeleton warriors, skeleton archers, and zombies and ghouls ~ ~, there are also some powerful existences, dark knights, undead banshees, and even bone dragons hidden under a certain mountain peak. Or a Lich studying the experiment.
没有 There is no life here.
Any living creature set foot here will become a chaotic undead without thinking in a short time.
Even in the abyss, this is a forbidden area. If it was not for battles, even the legendary burner would not dare to get involved easily!
In this way, after a period of time, a blue gas flame slowly emerged from the cracks, these flames gradually condensed until a familiar figure came to Chen Feng.
Undead Mage.
He is the same as before, without flesh and blood, his body is permanently fixed in the appearance of bones.
"Who? Disturbed the great Saruman!" The obscure voice appeared in Chen Feng's mind.
This is the name of the undead mage.
I was summoned inexplicably, which made the undead mage a little annoyed. It looked at Chen Feng, and the blue light in his eyes flashed: "It's you, a small human, you disturbed Saruman's sleep."
As soon as the chanting voice fell, the fire of the soul in its eyes suddenly skyrocketed, and an invisible wind oscillated, making Chen Feng's clothes hunt and hunt.
Soul Storm.
The mage of the dead spirit was so rampant. When he appeared, he gave Chen Feng power and tried to kill the master!
Feeling the pressure on her body, Chen Feng smiled angrily, exposing Bai Sensen's teeth: "You are not the first such a arrogant summoning beast, but do you know what the end of those poor worms is?"
"Don't accept it? I'll hit you!"
动 "Hands on! The dark elf shot me its head, I'd like to see if you have any skill, dare to disobey my orders!"
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