Vol 4 Chapter 1304: Grand event

Chapter 1305 The Gala
"Have you heard?"
In the noisy square, some professionals stood side by side, muttering something softly.
"Do you mean that?"
"So you know?"
"Joke, even guys like you who have been away all year long know that my brother is a member of the ace army of the Blood War Department, and this kind of news is naturally known faster."
"But ... your strength is only a bronze level, right? This selection requires the silver level as the minimum, you don't seem to be qualified?"
"What do you know? I intentionally stopped at this level. My Li Changze didn't sing, but it was a blockbuster. This time I will be the top one, and I will break through the realm when I register, which will only attract more attention! "
While the crowd was still discussing, there was a sound of alarm bells in the square, and then a beautiful figure appeared in front of everyone.
Everyone who was still noisy became very quiet immediately after seeing the figure, not only attracted by the beauty of the other person, but also deeply convinced by the strength of the other person!
Xu Hongzhuang!
The name has long been known to millions of people. When Chen Feng was out of order, the other party did not know how many times he had acted as the acting leader for Chen Feng.
The opponent's golden sword destroyed the world. Many professionals and soldiers followed the opponent to fight the North and South. They saw with their own eyes that a dragon flying in the air was beheaded by its sword, and the dragon's blood directly splashed around. It rains like endless rain!
The name of the Valkyrie is not stigmatized.
Although the order has not been established for a long time, the terrible nature of this catastrophe is unprecedented. Heroes are needed everywhere, especially in this world shrouded in despair, and the appearance of Xu Hongzhuang undoubtedly makes people see a ray of darkness. The torch felt calm and peaceful in his heart.
With the gradual improvement of the order, some rankings have also begun, and the most famous strong man is His Majesty's Residence, known as the existence of eight heroes.
These heroes are undoubtedly the first to follow the divine residence to create order. It is because of their existence that order can have the prosperity of today, and residents can bid farewell to the misery of being attacked by monsters in the past, unclothed and full of food. day.
And Xu Hongzhuang, not only one of the eight heroes, but also the acting city owner, was also known as the Valkyrie a long time ago. The emergence of these strong men naturally made countless professionals no longer noisy, but became extremely solemn. .
If you look closely, some people may be surprised, because there are thousands of people who are standing straight on the bar above the square, all of them are professionals.
Order is about equality for everyone, but there is no equality in places where people are rich. After all, the rich are different from the poor. Beautiful women are always more popular than ugly people. How well shouting is an indisputable fact.
Compared with ordinary people, these professionals are undoubtedly the darlings of doomsday. They have the powers unimaginable by others, or they can control fierce beasts, they can turn the clouds and the sea, and even they can control the weather, creating a hurricane no less than Category 10. Humanoid disaster.
This is a professional!
A new human being that has surpassed ordinary people!
Of course, although professionals are exceptional people, after all, here is order. No matter how many ordinary people are sought after in their backs, in this land, they dare not overdo it.
Because above the order, there is a divine residence that is always examining them!
Ten churches in Chen Feng have been built in order. Every day, there is a constant stream of people there. Not only ordinary people, but also professionals who choose busy days for worship.
The more powerful you are, the more dangerous you will be in contact. The professionals will know that Chen Feng is a so-called existence.
The danger outside is beyond imagination. It is possible to create order in such a dangerous area, and also repelled countless strong men, and even some other gods. Professionals have many achievements for Chen Feng. Instinctively, they gradually forget that Chen Feng is still Alone, but treat it completely as a divine residence! An omnipotent divine residence!
At this time, there were many professionals who had worked abroad for more than a year, and there were many elites in the Blood War Department and the Search Department. Among them, there were some true emperors, although not as heroic as Xu Hongzhuang Template, but compared to ordinary professionals, it is like the gap between Jiutian Xuanfeng and Jiaque.
Thousands of professionals gathered together, I don't know how many amazing and decisive generations, among them there are even some other rankings, compared to the unsurpassable eight heroes, 12 Tiancha, 36 roses and other rankings.
Looking around, thousands of professionals are in different colors, just like male lions with bright claws, and even compare each other. It can be described as dazzling for a while.
An animal trainer stood aside, and there was a full ten-meter area around it. That was because he was lying, standing, or lying with a few fierce beasts. Among them, there were even two alien, supported animal trainers. The momentum of the division is also extremely horrible.
On the other side, there is a young man with more than a dozen long swords. If they were replaced by ordinary people, they couldn't carry so many long swords. However, you can see that those long swords are not put on the back by the other party. They all hovered behind him, like elves, even floating up and down.
There are a group of people who look similar to humans only in outline. They have eagle wings, giant elephant noses, or beast horns and hoofs. They look like a group of half-orcs, but they are Really human.
Because of the special nature of awakening, while gaining strength, they have lost the appearance of human beings. Some professionals even say that the other party is a blood creature ~ EbookFREE.me ~ cannot be attributed to humans, these professionals suffer from exclusion. With the neglect, and just when these half-orcs had a slump in their will, a young boy appeared in the air.
The other party awakened the blood of the dragon family. The dragon head and dragon tail immediately hit the silver peak immediately after awakening, and after one month, he was promoted to the golden rank. It was because of his unique talents that he was accepted by Lu Wei as his confidant, which was considered in the dark. Popular characters.
The appearance of the other party undoubtedly made the other half-orcs extremely envious, and this boy was also quite cool. He helped the bully half-orcs to succeed in revenge. Over time, they became the idols of all half-orcs. !!
These strong men have their own chances and powerful strengths in the last days, and their eyes are opposite each other, as if the edge of a blade is colliding, and some fireworks have been inspired, and the reason for them to give up their previous work is to trust the relationship. The reason for coming back is that ...
Chen Feng advocated the opening of the Erosion Abyss Program.
These people come here for one purpose only, that is to prove themselves and defeat others, so as to get into the abyss, go to the demon fortress to fight and fight with the demons there!
(End of this chapter)
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