Vol 4 Chapter 1376: the truth

Now that Geya has completely lost his backbone, in his consciousness, he cannot live out of consciousness at all.
After all, it will be strangled by Chen Feng and become an unwise person. Then, its body will be frustrated and disappeared into this abyss.
Chen Feng gazed down at Geya, suddenly smiled, and then he split open a small space, and then a long sword filled with infinite energy projected into its hands.
sword of eternity!
次 artifact!
Although this kind of weapon is generally overlooked by gods, it makes mythology and eternal masters extremely eager. If it is a conventional weapon, it cannot naturally be projected into consciousness, but this weapon is an artifact and has infinite energy.
The sub-artifact possesses a part of divinity, and it is for this reason that it can be put into consciousness.
锋 Chen Feng was only for condensing his own strength. Because of this, he realized the edge of the myth. If he really wanted to come to the final conclusion, he would even like to thank Geya for giving him this opportunity.
Lian Geya did not take it seriously at first, but Chen Feng used his great tricks to send himself the last trip.
Suddenly, his eyes widened, his eyes startled in astonishment, and his mouth said, "This is ... this is an artifact?"
格雅 is full of inquiries, just like when ordinary people suddenly die when they see the of death, they are full of questions.
"What do you say?" Chen Feng still hovered in the air quietly, said lightly.
"What kind of person are you?" Geya now has no backbone. In the abyss, there are only a handful of people with secondary artifacts, but without exception, those owners are one of the strongest in the world. After all, strength The weaker ones have been killed long ago and their weapons have been taken away!
At the beginning, Geya only regarded Chen Feng as an ordinary human. It is because of this that it despised the other person so much. However, after constant contact, after experiencing the other person to kill Lilia and defeat himself, Geya The stunned head finally started to wake up.
到底 Who is the other person?
Exactly, is the other person human?
Looking at Geya's questioning eyes, Chen Feng lifted his demon wings and landed on the ground. He slowly walked towards Geya with an endless sword, but with each step Chen Feng took, Geya flinched. step.
哪里 Where does it look like before? It turned out to be a coward, and couldn't look directly at Chen Feng. In addition to the pressure that Chen Feng had, the Endless Sword also had a lot of credit.
Compared to being killed by common spells and weapons, the soul will even be reborn and return to Hades, even if it is a small worm, you can start again, but the secondary artifact is different. This was originally above ordinary weapons. The sub-artifact has some divinity. Once penetrated by it, the soul will be swallowed up all at once, which means that without the soul, it is impossible to reincarnate.
It can be said that if it is killed by a sub-artifact, its own soul will be sealed up, and the soul in the sub-artifact will be slowly strengthened. The other party is like a baby. It is not yet strong. The final transformation, become a true soldier!
The reason why Ge Ge Ya is now afraid is that it has not yet broken Chen Feng's true purpose at this time.
"Who do you say I am? Haven't I shown you already?"
At a distance of three meters, when Geya even felt the burning temperature on the other side, Chen Feng said suddenly.
"Show me?" Geya thought for a moment, and looked at Chen Feng again. At this moment, her pupils tightened, and she looked like she was suddenly realized.
"I said that the Pleasure Devil has never been stupid. Compared to those brainless viper devil, you are well-deserved intelligent creatures."
Chen Feng spoke highly of the other party.
"You are the Burning Demon!" Geya said word by word.
"This is the obvious thing." Chen Feng said with a smirk.
"What are you going to do? Torture me little by little, and then kill me? Is this your realm? Unexpectedly, I have been planning for so many years, but you still found it. You know, I used to I'm so stupid to believe that there is no level master here! "
Gageya seems to be desperate. After clarifying Chen Feng's identity, he actually regarded it as the master of the level here, as well as Rose's existence.
The abyss theoretically has a 666 level, but the real level is endless. No one can tell at all. After all, even the shuttle level of the divine hall can cause disasters and die in the joint hands of some evil people. .
Chen Feng found a few key words from the words of the other party. This is the land without the owner. It is for this reason that Geya began to plan here. After all, there is no pillar like Rose, and the nest nest dove is occupied. On one level, it is undoubtedly much easier.
But now, with the blindly prevention of Chen Feng, it even identifies itself as the master of the level, or the spokesperson of the master of the level. Some of Geya's plans are as transparent as they are exposed to the level of the master. And this is what happened at the critical moment when Chen Feng came out to make trouble.
If it is not the party, Chen Feng may have to believe in Ge Ya's speculation, but unfortunately, Chen Feng is really just a passerby.
However, he was not going to break through the other party ’s thoughts, because he was totally terrible to seduce the other party ’s thoughts, expanding the other party ’s thoughts a little bit, and leading them to another direction.
Thinking of this, Chen Feng said calmly, "I can give you a chance."
"Opportunity?" Geya also smiled. "What do you want to say? Do you want me to be loyal to you? I advise you to save it. Few devil will be loyal to the devil, aren't you? , But that doesn't mean you will get respect from me! "
The devil will choose to ally with the lawful evil deities, but will not submit to the latter. Of course, they don't need to worship a god, because the existence of these inhabitants directly depends on the divine energy extracted from the fallen souls. Their divine magic comes from the same source, and the divine energy is transmitted to each devil through Asmodeus, or the granddaughter of its level.
According to the prevailing view in Bartol Hell, the gods are fleeting, and the devil will last forever. The devil has always believed in the myths that describe how Asmodeus created the nine levels of by coaxing the first gods of order—even the law-abiding evil gods are only the heirs to hell. In general, the devil believes that the gods can sometimes come in handy, but it is always a threat.They will eventually be crushed by the devil's ambitions and suffer the same fate as other sentient entities in the known universe.
Devil wants to destroy the world; the devil wants to conquer it.
Demons act instinctively. Even those demons with long-term ambitions are vulnerable to interference, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com has left its goals behind. The devil likes to think, plan, and then think repeatedly, and finally take action when the external environment can give it the greatest advantage.
Puppet demons fight frantically to death. As for the devil, although they also enjoy the beauty of violence, they will measure the gains and losses of the battle in a more utilitarian manner. When the risks outweigh the returns, they will withdraw from any conflict without hesitation.
Out of hatred, the devil chooses to fight with good forces. As for the devil, the only reason they oppose the enemies of the good camp is that when goodness falls into weakness, the soul becomes easier to reap. Most demons maintain a ridiculous contempt for the good camp creatures, but once blocked by the latter, they will become thunderous and vengeful.
腐 When corrupting mortals, the devil will provide a contract with detailed clauses to persuade the other to fall. The devil chooses to directly squeeze the desire and passion of mortals.
In general, for the devil, even loyalty to a good faction is more practical than loyalty to a demon, because demons are really difficult to treat in a conventional way. They are crazy and violent, allegiance The opponent's end, often before the fight, will be executed by the crazy demon master!
恶魔 In the devil's consciousness, the devil is a group of uncivilized guys. The other party does not even have complete thoughts, like a group of powerful but worms!
It is no longer a day or two that the devil despises the devil. This is an everyday situation that will happen to each other for countless centuries.
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