Vol 4 Chapter 1380: Werewolf

"Only dead people keep secrets."
Chen Feng's answer to Geya's answer was really unexpected. If the other party did not say so, he might be surprised.
Where does the devil have mercy?
For them, the so-called subordinates are only stronger or weaker tools. When needed, open them for use. Even if they are damaged, they will be abandoned in the corner when they are not needed. There is no guilt at all.
Chen Feng nodded his head, and in the next second, his consciousness was as if he had fallen asleep, and there was endless pressure around him. He suddenly stood on the street again.
It has been a long time in the consciousness of consciousness, but it is only ten seconds in the real world. Even the devil who fell to the ground have just stood up.
"what happened?"
"Master, are you okay?"
"Kill this troublemaker!"
The devil on the side saw Gaya waking up and inquired immediately. At the same time, some people gathered his eyes on Chen Feng. To them, Chen Feng was just a trouble star. Now it should be The thing to do is to kill each other directly!
格雅 stood in place and said, "Go ahead."
Many devil heard that they rushed forward directly. They were fearless warriors. Naturally, they would ignore their lives because of Gaya's order, but these warriors did not notice. The moment they rushed up, Chen Feng standing in front of them suddenly Nodded.
Shadow shuttle.
The figure of Chen Feng suddenly disappeared into the place, and when it appeared again, he had reached a devil's chest. He took a step forward and bumped it gently. The scary scene appeared. The fierce devil was torn apart and became a pile of meat directly.
"This ... how is this possible?"
Seeing all this, the devil has unbelievable eyes, they can't think of it at all. Chen Feng's strength is so horrible. Just a collision can directly knock a gold-level master into a piece of meat. It Why is it so scary?
There was a sound of howling wolf howling, and in the chaotic attack, a wolf man suddenly emerged.
In the cold moonlight, a tall and burly figure was approaching Chen Feng quickly.
It has the appearance of being a wolf man, but if you look closely, he is not a wolf man at all, he is a dark creature.
This is a werewolf.
In the abyss, werewolves are often associated with vampires as their rivals, but they are different from vampires' unfathomable image. They are often cruel, bloodthirsty butchers and loyal, brave warriors. Combination.
In addition to having wolf heads and growing hair, wolves are much taller than the average person. Because werewolves are obsessed with the flesh of humans and other animals, and especially like to find humans, they are more terrible monsters than vampires. Werewolves are basically divided into two types: one is natural, that is, the werewolf is born. This werewolf is very fierce and powerful, and has the ability to transform into an adult. They usually use this transformation ability to deceive-after being transformed into an adult form, most people cannot recognize it. In this way, I don't know how many innocent people died under the werewolf's mask.
Gnolls are inherently brutal and are very difficult enemies, because their extremely fast attack speed, coupled with their sensitive sense of smell, make them more dangerous. The other is the day after tomorrow, mostly because of being cursed and will lose their reason to become a hungry butcher on the moonlit night, and return to humanity during the day. This type of werewolf will be unable to return to human form for a lifetime due to the curse of the curse. Unless someone lifts the curse, he will bathe in blood like a natural werewolf for life.
A small number of lucky people still have a weak human nature, but usually cannot stop the killing. They are not as powerful as natural werewolves, but they are also a competent butcher-the acquired werewolf can also kill people with a single blow.
As far as other races are concerned, the werewolves generally have no sense and feelings, only knowing destruction and killing, and are full of bloodthirsty desire. In fact, this view is wrong. Werewolves are only to those who threaten their survival and their enemies.
The werewolf in front of him is an extremely rare werewolf with silver hair. Chen Feng's knowledge of the abyss is clear. This is a werewolf with royal blood. This means that from birth, they will become rulers. Become the patriarch of a family!
One more thing to explain is that only when they transform, werewolves become completely monsters, and in ordinary life, they maintain human form most of the time.
Jackals are generally living in the forest, and some of them are daring to live beside humans. Werewolves are irrational after being transformed. Individual werewolves can control themselves without harming others after transformation, but most of them will cause killings. They will not know what they have done after turning back into human form.
But one thing, they know that they are transformed, they know the pain of transformation. Werewolves are very painful when they transform, because the changes in the structure of the body are very uncomfortable. [Everyone who knows the muscles] knows that most of the werewolves ’senses disappear a little when they transform, just like syncope, the brain ’s The outer brain is closed, and only the inner brain, the part that controls hormone secretion and primitive instinct, is functional, so it loses its sense.
Looking at the werewolf in front of him, even though his hair had exploded and he lost his sense of reason, his eyes were still very clear. This is not only a werewolf with royal blood, but also has unimaginable potential.
If enough time is given to the other party, the other party may not break through the myth or even a higher level!
Don't ignore any life in the abyss, this is an ancient fable, and everyone needs to abide by it all.
Even a worm, in the continuous evolution, it will become a terrible and horrible monster like the mother of worms, not to mention a talented werewolf?
It stepped forward, ignoring Chen Feng's horror, like a hunter who had been hunting for a long time, immediately rushed at Chen Feng. Its speed was so quick that even Chen Feng could not see what the other party was doing at this time. what.
This is the terrible thing of the higher werewolf.
Can't judge the direction, Chen Feng can only breathe out. Then, a blazing flame burns on his body. The flame-backed Chen Feng drives the werewolf to a distance of more than ten meters directly ~ EbookFREE.me ~ 嗷! "
The werewolf could not help but make a sound of intimidation.
"Okay, Lange! It's our ally.
"Allies?" As the werewolf took a closer step, Geya's voice suddenly came from behind the opponent.
The werewolf tilted his head and looked at Chen Feng, his eyes full of fear: "The other party killed Lilia, and the other party even caused some damage to you. Now is a good time to start."
A werewolf was discouraging the devil, and Chen Feng looked at the other with a slight interest. Chen Feng now even appreciates the other person. When an ordinary werewolf is angry, most of them are mentally retarded and will only kill by their own instincts. The enemy, look at the werewolf in front of you. The opponent not only has terrible strength, but also has some insight.
It is hard to imagine. Is this werewolf so jealous of the Creator's care?
"I know it's a good time to start, Lange, don't blame me," Geya said softly.
The werewolf on the sidelines had not yet responded, and suddenly felt a pain in his back, and then he turned around, but saw that Geya penetrated a dagger into its body.
"Why ..."
There was no sorrow in Geya's eyes, but he said lightly: "Forgive me, Lange, the green dragon's toxin is quenched on it. Any light touch of an epic creature will violently die. I admit you are strong, so Before I have to kill you. "
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