Vol 4 Chapter 1402: Ancient evil

There was silence all around.
It ’s like the withering of all things. There is no sound. For the devil, no, exactly, it is Myske.
An ordinary person, if one day suddenly tells you that the world is going to be destroyed, a huge meteor is hitting the earth. Anyone who hears these words will laugh irresistibly, and only think that the other party is exaggerated, without any basis at all. .
But, what if this person is replaced by a doctor who specializes in detecting the planet?
Will 对待 treat him differently?
Nairo showed amazing attention to Mysk's report. He stared at each other and said, "Before telling this disaster, I just want to know, how did you die?"
The divine house is extremely powerful. This is a matter that no one doubts. Among the divine houses, Mesque is not the strongest, but it is definitely not the weakest one.
Xun Ke is such a powerful and powerful divine residence that he actually appeared in front of Naluo in this way, but in the form of a corpse, this situation is quite doubtful.
"How did I die?" Mesque shook his head: "I have lost most of my memory, and the half I lost includes how I died."
"Do you remember that a disaster will happen?" Naluo was full of doubts.
Mesk said: "Although I forgot everything, I applied a spell to myself before death. I rely on the spell to seal up a part of my soul. The world destruction seems to be innate. I did not deceive you. I Think of us joining forces to fight this natural disaster together. "
"Is that so?" Nero held his chin, as if thinking something.
"What are you still hesitating, even if I don't deserve to be your ally?" Mysk's voice was a little urgent.
Nai Nao shook his head: "Can't say that, if it was you before, of course I would agree without hesitation, but now you know what your situation is like, even if you become an ally, it is just a drag on me."
Mysk's eyes flashed with a deadly redness, and Sen Han said, "What are you trying to say, Naraku?"
Nao Lao smiled: "If you change your mind, I may promise you that instead of being an alliance, you might as well want to take refuge in me and seek my asylum. Do you think so?"
Mask was irritable and instantly reprimanded: "What are you kidding, and you are talking such nonsense to me, do you want to see how powerful I am?"
Nai Nao waved his hand: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to anger you, but I want you to know that you belong to my Majesty in the manner of a death knight compared to your allies, and I will like some more."
Saying that, before Mysk erupted, Naluo suddenly raised his hands and shouted, "Come on, Wormwalker!"
沃 Among many known taboos, Keworth is the only real name that is Wormwalker's most famous, most detestable, and most frightening.
The maggot wormwalker is imbued with the spirit mark of a demigod named Kavos (exists as its flesh), which is a mixture of maggots and worms. After being killed and sealed in a distant age, the wormwalker is eager to return, grabbing the entire world with its twisted and creeping grapples, guiding all things to the end.
The creeping wormwalker is extremely ugly and appalling. It's made entirely of a 30-foot-tight twisted creeping puppet and worms, assembled into the silhouette of a tall giant under the aggregation of pure evil hatred. Each worm is formed from a fragment in Kaworth's personality, and when the wormwalkers gather together, Kaworth is also reborn.
Even the Wormwalker himself has a trace of aversion to his appearance. It hides its horrible appearance under a dark cloak made of peeled human skin, which is all owned by Kaiwo. Spears his victims before the transformation. Under the hood, two shining blood-red eyes pierced the front.
It seemed that Mesker had already anticipated Naraku's response. Seeing that the other party had been prepared for a long time, he had stopped making useless disputes!
This is the divine residence!
Compared with the anger flames of mortals when they are betrayed, they can adjust their mood more quickly.
Memsk stared at the wormwalker named Keworth in front of him and said, "Ancient evil!"
In the known knowledge, the ancient evil is an existence that can be compared with the evil of the gods. Their existence is a mistake in itself, and the ancient evil named Kaiworth now has its own evil legend.
When the ancient worms of the wormwalker appeared, there would be a lot of unreasonable and contradictory things. It is generally acknowledged that the appearance of Kaibos is certain when a large number of shameful male creatures produce offspring that contaminate the world. Not only because many of the recorded atrocities originated from this name, but because of everything that serves it, the name implies the coming of destruction. It has a huge number of minions, ranging from weird undead to ugly and terrible distortions. Mortals cursed these abominable servants, and continued their aversion to Wormwalkers because Kevos brought them to this world.
Scholars of the Forgotten Legends believe that Keworth traveled on the earth in an ancient age, much earlier than the oldest kingdom of our time. It was one of the most evil times in history. Humans were immersed in blasphemy art and served the dark gods. At the time, Keworth was a mortal necromancer with considerable talent, or a high-level priest with an evil deity.
The most popular theory claims that Keworth was so evil that his fallen kingdom exiled him because he was immersed in taboo technology and made unknown predictions that the end was approaching. However, he did not weaken like an exile, he became a prophet, and even attracted a group of followers shouting to listen to his ferocious words. They regarded him as a servant of God. If he was not the true God (t), he believed that he was favored by him, and he would be sheltered in the horror era that he had predicted.
Kevos found the ruins of a perishing civilization. The remaining structures are engraved with many strange words, describing the living sacrifices of the six-armed tyrants. He claimed the place as his own and ordered his followers to rebuild the city from the ruins.
Although he ruled like a and a king, those annoying images, and his own ambitions urged him to seek greater power, to seek a way beyond the flesh and blood of a mortal person, to become a true God. When his followers discovered the ancient metal plate, his thinking became clear. The metal plate recorded the terrible secrets, which confirmed each of his predictions.
这些 In these inscriptions, he finds mantras that can transcend ordinary fetuses, and the terrible price is the lives of his followers. For this prophecy, however, there is no price that is too high. So on a night he ordered his priests to surround the followers and slaughter them all, and then, Keworth himself killed all the killers. The blood of thousands of people had stained his hands, and he turned to face a large obelisk made of earth by his servants, chanting a spell to begin his transformation. After the end, he melted his body with the filthy stones, and for a moment he gained divinity and lost. He became an existence that was neither mortal nor divine, far worse than imagined.
凯 In the long life of Keworth, he was more than once exposed to the knowledge about the age he dominated. He was the lord and ruler of everything. He coveted this doomsday, because he knew that reaching it would greatly enhance his power and would enable him to obtain the divinity he had been seeking.
For Keworth, he spent his entire life trying to become a god, but often fell into the abyss when he grasped the key. There is no doubt that if it was not the strength of the opponent, this time would have become a real corpse. Already.
I just didn't expect that such a proud existence would have been loyal to Nero!
What a shocking news!
Memsk stared at Naraku: "Do you have to do this? Do you really disobey my plan? Although I am dead now, I can still exert 20% of the power of the body, and I am absorbing energy!"
"Living energy!"
Mysk murmured to himself: "As long as more energy is devoured, I will one day be able to reach the previous state, as long as you give me some time."
Nairuo smiled and waved the sickle in his hand: "Why should I give you time, do you forget what god's residence I am? You need a lot of death, and that happens to be what I need, right?"
Mysk is still struggling: "Don't you really believe what I said before? The abyss will be destroyed, and we will be destroyed eventually."
Nair nodded and nodded: "I never doubted everything you said, but I also showed my attitude before, even if there is a natural disaster, you ca n’t stop it, and you are in despair. If you die again, you might as well dedicate your body to me, and let me use this body to avenge you. I promise you that if I have a chance, I will find the culprit who killed you, and then kill him with my own hands! "
Why is He?
Because only the divine house was killed!
Mysk's eyes seemed dead, and he stared at Naraku, quietly saying, "Is that so? It seems we really don't need to talk about the problem, then ..."
Max Sklar grew his voice, suddenly it became long, like rain, and fell directly into every corner of the Colosseum: "Then let the ancient evil fight the ancient evil!"
"My most trusted partner, show up, I will reward you with the only part of my soul, and ask you to kill all the enemies in front of you!"
Indifferent voice sounded in Mesk's mouth, and then, an inexplicably large python appeared above all.
Born out of the primitive and pure chaos of the creation period, Leviathan, the monster that entangled the world slept deeply under the waves. Countless monsters and calamities are born from its dreams and horrors, and come to the world. Few creatures on the ground knew of Leviathan, the enemy of this world. However, in the depths of the ocean, an indescribably evil creature is seeking to use this devastating monster to achieve its evil purpose.
Leviathan has only one goal. If you must say that it has goals, follow its chaotic nature. Leviathan represents the most violently destructive form of pure chaos given its existence. As it approaches awakening, Leviathan's unconscious disturbances become frequent and irritable. Destroyed natural disasters and deadly creations emerged. When it woke up, the ocean was rage and rolled, the continents slipped into the abyss, and the whole world fell apart. Once Leviathan is fully awake, the world will be completely destroyed unless the gods join in.
Leviathan has no consciousness at all, and its catastrophic destruction is only one step in its complete awakening process. The ancient dragons mentioned that Leviathan approached several times to wake up a long way in the long river of history, without exception, causing huge disasters and profoundly changing the continent and the ocean. The reason why the world is still intact is that the beast finally returned to its dormancy.
Extremely evil individuals may attempt to risk the dedication of destroying the entire world, awaken the sleeping Leviathan, and use it to achieve its devil-like purpose: the destruction of hostile kingdoms, the collapse of the entire continent for resources, or the whole Remodeling.
Leviathan slept deep in the ocean. It's huge enough to surround the world. Even deep in sleep, its chaotic energy still infiltrates our world, producing monsters on the ground and aliens in the sea. Its occasional disturbances have brought hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions to the world. Over time, Leviathan may return to nothingness due to the loss of its chaotic energy, but it will take a long time far beyond the ages of the worlds.
The legend of the ancient Long tribe predicted the awakening of Leviathan. Once this huge beast was awakened, only a little awareness was needed, and the foundation of the world would be shaken and recast. If Leviathan is fully awakened, it will destroy the entire world, including itself ~ EbookFREE.me ~ This is its nature, as one of the oldest sons of chaos.
Of course, the huge snake in front of it, even more than tens of meters long, is far from the real Leviathan's strength!
只有 There is only one giant snake in this world that can be called Leviathan. It is the king of all the sea creatures and aliens that are feared from the bottom of their hearts.
As for this one, it is just a descendant level.
All the ancient evils are all goods, they are born with the purpose of destruction, whether these are the existences called out by Nero or Mesque.
Regarding Mesker's approach, Nairus no longer seemed to have confidence, but was rather gloomy in spirit: "Sure enough, there is an old saying in the human world that a starved camel is larger than a horse. By the way, this is a saying in the human world. "
"Have you been to the human world? It's a strange country. Most people live very comfortably. They don't have to worry about the world killed by their companions or allies. There I learned a lot."
For the memories of Naraku at this time, Mesker didn't take his heart at all: "I may have this knowledge in my lost memory, but now, I can only listen to it as a story."
"Is that so?" Nai Lao nodded: "It's a bit sorry."
"Go, Leviathan!"
"Fight, Keworth!"
Each other looks like a chilly friend, and the next second, they drive the vassals to participate in this terrible battle in front of them!
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